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Argala Web-Conf: Queries

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|| Om Gurave

Namah ||

Namaste Guruvar Sanjay ji, Narsimha ji &


I am trying to assimilate this wonderful and

stimulating discussion of last few days.

In the process, I am faced with the following

doubts and request for learned guidance/ confirmation of my seniors:


We have learnt that the Argala of a Rasi, and

planets posited in it, operates during the Narayana Maha-dasa

of the planet concerned.

Since Rasis and

planets simultaneously cast Virodh-argala as well, do we presumes

that their Virodh-argala will also operate during only this Maha-dasa?


In the examples worked out, say effects of JUP

in 8H on 5H, during JUP Maha-dasa, if there is a

planet (say Mars) posited in 2H, will its Virodh argala obstruct the argala of

JUP, during JUP Maha dasa, or will this obstruction

operate only during Mars Maha-dasa?


In all the examples explained yesterday, the

Argala receiving houses were presumed to be un-occupied - or so I understand as

no consideration was given to planets posited in the argala-receiving house.

If there ARE any planets in that rasi, will it have any bearing on the results of the



We have discussed the 2nd, 4th

& 11th Argala as also the 3rd Argala.  What about the indirect 5th Argala?

Do the same rules apply to this also?


Yesterday, while discussing the operation of

Argala, Sanjay ji told us about that the effectiveness will depend on the

Natural Karakatwa of the Argala giving and Argala receiving house and their mutual Sambandha.

In this connection, do the following factors

also have any effect:



Significance of the Rasi's involved


Chara Karakatwa of

the planets concerned


Relationship between the planet and the Rasi

where it is posited ( of Argala giving as well as Argala receiving planets &


I look forward to any enlightenment on the above, either on this list, or

in the forthcoming chat sessions.


With Best Regards,



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|| Om Gurave Namah ||


Namaste Guruvar Sanjay ji, Narsimha ji & list,

I made a few silly mistakes while sending the following mail - please excuse me for the same.

Since we were discussing Argala with reference to Narayan Dasa, all references to varios Dasas should be to the dasa of the Rasi/ house where the Argala giving plante is situated.

I also woluld like to post another query - as under:

How do we interpret the results of the Dasa of a Rasi where no planets are posited?


With Best Regards,


- Shailesh


Thursday, July 25, 2002 3:23 PM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Argala Web-Conf: Queries



|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Namaste Guruvar Sanjay ji, Narsimha ji & list,

I am trying to assimilate this wonderful and stimulating discussion of last few days.

In the process, I am faced with the following doubts and request for learned guidance/ confirmation of my seniors:

1. We have learnt that the Argala of a Rasi, and planets posited in it, operates during the Narayana Maha-dasa of the planet concerned.

Since Rasis and planets simultaneously cast Virodh-argala as well, do we presumes that their Virodh-argala will also operate during only this Maha-dasa?

2. In the examples worked out, say effects of JUP in 8H on 5H, during JUP Maha-dasa, if there is a planet (say Mars) posited in 2H, will its Virodh argala obstruct the argala of JUP, during JUP Maha dasa, or will this obstruction operate only during Mars Maha-dasa?

3. In all the examples explained yesterday, the Argala receiving houses were presumed to be un-occupied - or so I understand as no consideration was given to planets posited in the argala-receiving house.

If there ARE any planets in that rasi, will it have any bearing on the results of the argala?

4. We have discussed the 2nd, 4th & 11th Argala as also the 3rd Argala. What about the indirect 5th Argala? Do the same rules apply to this also?

5. Yesterday, while discussing the operation of Argala, Sanjay ji told us about that the effectiveness will depend on the Natural Karakatwa of the Argala giving and Argala receiving house and their mutual Sambandha.

In this connection, do the following factors also have any effect:

a. Natural Significance of the Rasi's involved

b. Chara Karakatwa of the planets concerned

c. Relationship between the planet and the Rasi where it is posited ( of Argala giving as well as Argala receiving planets & Rasis)

I look forward to any enlightenment on the above, either on this list, or in the forthcoming chat sessions.


With Best Regards,


---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.360 / Virus Database: 199 - Release 5/7/2002

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Om Namo Bhagavate VaasudevayaDear Sailesh,comments belowWith best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com Namaste Guruvar Sanjay ji, Narsimha ji & list,I made a few silly mistakes while sending the following mail - please excuse me for the same.Since we were discussing Argala with reference to Narayan Dasa, all references to varios Dasas should be to the dasa of the Rasi/ house where the Argala giving plante is situated.[Rath:] What does this mean? Argala giving planet perhaps refers to those planets and signs who have an argala on the dasa rasi. The beneficial argala shall help while the malefic ones shall help in an evil way. The Argala, generally paapargala cannot really benefit Narayana in the long run. what is the reference? I think the reference is to a bhava or a karaka .. there seems to be some confusion out here.I also woluld like to post another query - as under:How do we interpret the results of the Dasa of a Rasi where no planets are posited?[Rath:] Definitely simpler than one in which a planet is situated. The sign gives the results of the houses it owns from Lagna AL and other Arudha as well as other planets and bodies. The results of the sign, aspects and ownership are felt in each one third part of the dasa depending on (a) sirso, pristo or ubhayodaya sign (b) natural nature etc. With Best Regards,Shailesh- Shailesh varahamihira Thursday, July 25, 2002 3:23 PM[Hare Rama Krishna] Argala Web-Conf: Queries|| Om Gurave Namah || Namaste Guruvar Sanjay ji, Narsimha ji & list,I am trying to assimilate this wonderful and stimulating discussion of last few days.In the process, I am faced with the following doubts and request for learned guidance/ confirmation of my seniors:1. We have learnt that the Argala of a Rasi, and planets posited in it, operates during the Narayana Maha-dasa of the planet concerned.Since Rasis and planets simultaneously cast Virodh-argala as well, do we presumes that their Virodh-argala will also operate during only this Maha-dasa?2. In the examples worked out, say effects of JUP in 8H on 5H, during JUP Maha-dasa, if there is a planet (say Mars) posited in 2H, will its Virodh argala obstruct the argala of JUP, during JUP Maha dasa, or will this obstruction operate only during Mars Maha-dasa?3. In all the examples explained yesterday, the Argala receiving houses were presumed to be un-occupied - or so I understand as no consideration was given to planets posited in the argala-receiving house.If there ARE any planets in that rasi, will it have any bearing on the results of the argala?4. We have discussed the 2nd, 4th & 11th Argala as also the 3rd Argala. What about the indirect 5th Argala? Do the same rules apply to this also?5. Yesterday, while discussing the operation of Argala, Sanjay ji told us about that the effectiveness will depend on the Natural Karakatwa of the Argala giving and Argala receiving house and their mutual Sambandha.In this connection, do the following factors also have any effect:a. Natural Significance of the Rasi's involvedb. Chara Karakatwa of the planets concernedc. Relationship between the planet and the Rasi where it is posited ( of Argala giving as well as Argala receiving planets & Rasis)I look forward to any enlightenment on the above, either on this list, or in the forthcoming chat sessions. With Best Regards,Shailesh---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.360 / Virus Database: 199 - Release 5/7/2002OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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