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Online Chat : Dasa Mahavidya - Maatangi

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aum hreem kleem huum maatangyai phat swaaha




Namaste Friends,


In addition to Argalas, we had a small discussion on Shri Maatangi

who is one of the Dasa Mahavidya's. You can read about her on VRA

Page 245/246. Special thanks to Dr. Dilip Bannerjee for providing us

the Mantraas and the source for Shri Maatangi.





******************** SHRI MAATANGI *********************************


sanjayrath (12:33:13 PM): Narayana may Sri kamala show you the path

to prosperity and Sri Matangi grant you the knowledge of the light

skanda_kumara (12:33:22 PM): thanks gurudeva

skanda_kumara (12:33:29 PM): <O-<

skanda_kumara (12:33:59 PM): I read a wonderful commentary oon why

Matangi i sknown as Ucchista Chandali

sanjayrath (12:34:29 PM): What did it say about Her?

skanda_kumara (12:34:50 PM): It said that

Messenger (12:35:09 PM): sanjayprabhakaran has joined the


skanda_kumara (12:35:10 PM): When God spoke the WORD ... it go

transfered to humans

skanda_kumara (12:35:27 PM): and by the time it came out of the

mouth ... it got adulterated

sanjayrath (12:35:42 PM): And hoiw did the word get transferred


skanda_kumara (12:35:49 PM): thru the head

sanjayprabhakaran (12:36:31 PM): Gurudeva ...belated guru pooranima

greetings...Om Gurave Namah...Om Dakshinamurtiye namah...

Messenger (12:36:31 PM): kskoler has joined the conference.

skanda_kumara (12:36:39 PM): and hence Matangi is MANTRINI for LALITA

skanda_kumara (12:36:56 PM): Mati is the thinking mind and mata is

thought. The unmanifest Word percieves itself for manifestation and

then reaches the thinking mind for expression (MAtanga). When the

word fashioned by the heart and formulated by the mind is expresed

it is Mâtangi. The Word of pristine purity becomes colored during

expression (varana). The speech descends from the Supreme Source,

bringing into expression only part of its Glory, hence the name

Uchhista¹ Chândâli.



skanda_kumara (12:37:34 PM): By catching the tail-end of the Word

(articulated speech), one can get to the source. The worship of

Mâtangi leads one to the realization of the residual above (Lalita).

She is the mantrini of Lalita. She represents the power of

attraction of Lalita. Her main purpose is to lead aspirants to

Lalita upâsana. Mâtangi is the Akarshna. Lalita uses Her mantra to

attract devotees to Her.



b_lakshmi_ramesh (12:38:26 PM):


sanjayrath (12:38:33 PM): Is Lalita alone using this or are others

also doing so?

skanda_kumara (12:38:47 PM): hmmm ... I guess others too


sanjayrath (12:41:17 PM): Namaste..we were talking about Matangi..go

on Narayana..then WHAT is the word?

skanda_kumara (12:41:31 PM): I think its OM

skanda_kumara (12:41:51 PM): which is the primordial sound

sanjayrath (12:41:53 PM): Is it OM or AUM...

b_lakshmi_ramesh (12:41:57 PM): Hrim?

skanda_kumara (12:41:57 PM): AUM

skanda_kumara (12:42:15 PM): ADYA SPANDA

sanjayrath (12:42:24 PM): Lakshmi it cannot be Hreem. Hrim or Hreem

is the manifestation of the self

b_lakshmi_ramesh (12:42:38 PM): ok.

sanjayrath (12:45:18 PM): Why, are the mantra large Gayatri mantra

or very large anusthup chhanda? What is Her Beejakshara?

skanda_kumara (12:46:08 PM): Matangi's beejakshara is KLEEM

kskoler (12:48:04 PM): isn't Sri Krisna's bija mantra also KLEEM?

skanda_kumara (12:48:12 PM): yes it is

skanda_kumara (12:48:33 PM): I think its the same for Maatangi as

she is the AKARSHANA for other Gods

skanda_kumara (12:48:48 PM): Krishna is derived from AKARSHANA

kskoler (12:49:53 PM): can you define " akarshana " for me pls ?

skanda_kumara (12:50:02 PM): AKARSHANA means one who attracts

kskoler (12:50:15 PM): ok, thanks

b_lakshmi_ramesh (12:50:22 PM): attraction

pvr108 (12:50:28 PM): is " kleem " the beeja for aakarshana or for

cleansing, Narayan?

sri999 (12:50:39 PM): Krishna has many meanings

skanda_kumara (12:51:03 PM): Narasimha .. I think its for Akarshana

b_lakshmi_ramesh (12:51:21 PM): it's the kaama beeja, i think

sanjayrath (12:51:45 PM): Kleem does many things..it really protects

the Chara Atmakaraka, and this can happen only by some amont of

cleansing also.

skanda_kumara (12:51:58 PM): ok

sanjayrath (12:52:40 PM): See the definitions for each of Hreem

Shreem & Kleem under Dattatreya in VRA

skanda_kumara (12:52:55 PM): ok

b_lakshmi_ramesh (12:53:06 PM): ok

b_lakshmi_ramesh (12:55:06 PM): Guruji, yesterday someone told me

that rudram/namakam/chamakam shd not be recited by women..is that so?

sanjayrath (12:56:16 PM): Absurd stuff..I have heard this so many

times. Why this bias against women folk? Without the mother there

can be no Gati, yhet they do not fsil to throw a stone

b_lakshmi_ramesh (12:57:56 PM): oh thanx, i was really sad, because

i love rudram..


sanjayrath (12:43:28 PM): What are her Mantras???Dilip

dilipastro (12:42:41 PM): Matangi has 6 aspects1.Matangi 2.

Uchchista Matangi 3.raj matangi 4.Sumukhi Matangi 5. Vasya Matangi

6.Karna Matangi. All have different dhyana and mantra


Here is the different mantras for Sri Matangi.

These Mantras were taken from different books on Tantra.

The sources of these Mantras are given below along with the Mantras.





Matangi Mantra:


om hreem kleem hum matangyai phat swaha.




Source: Vaamakeshwar Tantra.

Use: for attaining " Vak siddhi "



Ucchistaa- Matangi Mantra:


Namah uchhishtaachaandaali matangi sarvashankari swaha.




Source: Meru Tantra.




Sumukhaa-Matangi Mantra:


Ucchistaachandaalini sumukhee devi mahaapishaachini hreem thah thah





Source: Guhya Tantra.

Use: It destroys all sins, gives Moksha and all sorts of fortune.



Raaja-Matangi Mantra:


Om hreem namah brahmashreeraajite raajapujite jaye vijaye gauri ushe

gandhari tribhuvanashankari sarvastreepurushavashamkari susu dudu

gheghe baba swaha.



Source: Meru Tantra.




Vasya-Matangi Mantra:


om raajamukhi raajaadhimukhi vasyamukhi hreem sreem kleem devadevi

mahaadevi devaadhidevi sarvajanasya mukham mama vasham kuru kuru



********************* END *******************************************


Source: Meru Tantra:




Karna-Matangi Mantra:


Aim namah sreematangi amoghe satyavadini mama karne avatara avatara

satyam kathaya kathaya ehi ehi sreematangyai namah.



Source: Purashcharyaarnava.



NOTE: Purashcharyaarnava is an old book on tantra, written by the

King of Nepal, Pratap Singh Shah Bahadur and was published in 3

volumes in 1901(1st vol),1902(2nd vol) and 1904(3rd vol).


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