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RE:Jaimini not only way - Marriage matching

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Om Namo Bhagavate VaasudevayaDear Raghu, I beg to differ with you on one point here, while I agree with all others. The caoncept of Upapada was NOT that of Jaimini but instead of Parasara. We find the explicit mention of this in the Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra where the Maharishi has devoted many chapters to the Arudha and the pada. A Jyotish can ignore one or more chapters of BPHS only to fall prey to a half baed knowledge that leads to incorrect analysis. Needless to mention, Parasara hardly speaks about Kuta and other matching in charts for compatibility and marriage, so what is their importance, and on what basis can you say that this Kuta and other matching is more traditional than Upapada that is specifically mentioned by Parasara. In fact when Hari mentions somethng as infalliable, he is talking on the basis of the authority of BPHS. Whether one astrologer knows how to read it or makes mistakes even after knowing is another issue, but Parasara is undoubtedly the best we have.KUTA match is for compatibility and EACH FACTOR of compatibility is independant of other factors although some of them do overlap or are interdependant. The system of 'totalling points' as is done by most astrologers today is quite BOGUS as it cannot help in arriving at a decision. For example, in kshatriya charts, Rajju agreement is vital whereas this is not important for Brahmins where the gotra agreement is of greater relevance. This shows that the KUTA matching is qualitative and needs to be selectively applied based on the profession and background of the individuals. Another factor is Rna-Dhana check which is often ignored in this compatibility and the marriage can lead to financial distress that cause it to break. To my knowledge, there are many such issues including Yoni Kuta, sexual compatibility etc that need to be seen. For example, sexual compatibility needs to be specifically checked in charts having MANGALIK Dosha. Which astrologer is sincere enough to give each and every individual compatibility reading and spell out a final decision based on this? It takes time and none of the software have this completely and specifically mention. I think GJ is the best so far in this matter, but this has to be developed further based on the details given in Prasna Marga (Use this as the final reference and give options for what the astrologer wants to include for the final compatibility statement..if you can please consider).UPAPADA is another issue and is the Gauna Pada. Take the case of Lokesh.Given under). The Upapada is in Cancer, a watery sign. Among its trines, seventh, lord and planets, Pisces with Jupiter is the strongest showing that the Lagna of spouse shall be Pisces (true-check the chart of Monica). Thus, the first remedy for Lokesh should be to fast on all Mondays (Moon rules Cancer the Upapada) and to worship Shiva. If this is done, all blemish shall go and the marriage shall survive and bear fruit. Mangalik dosha has also not been checked properly for sexual compatibility and it is not proper to discuss these things now. I have spelt out the remedy and this is the wisest thing to Lokesh to do. Not going into a detailed reading, but Saturn in Upapada shows spouse as being cold towards him etc..M1-Lokesh Natal Chart December 15, 1975Time: 6:57:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 76 E 57' 00"Latitude: 30 N 53' 00"Altitude: 0.00 metersLunar Year: RakshasaLunar Month: MargasiraTithi: Sukla Dwadasi (45.32% left)Weekday: MondayNakshatra: Bharani (68.88% left)Yoga: SivaKarana: BalavaHora Lord: MoonSunrise: 7:11:58 (December 14)Sunset: 17:20:47 (December 14)Janma Ghatis: 59.3762Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarakLagna 24 Sc 39' 00.40" Jyeshtha 3 Sc Aq -Sun 28 Sc 55' 14.48" Jyeshtha 4 Sc Pi AmKMoon 17 Ar 28' 57.21" Bharani 2 Ar Vi MKMars ® 29 Ta 38' 49.81" Mrigasira 2 Ta Vi AKMercury 7 Sg 52' 55.02" Moola 3 Sg Ge GKJupiter 21 Pi 15' 29.16" Revathi 2 Pi Cp BKVenus 15 Li 47' 39.29" Swathi 3 Li Aq PiKSaturn ® 8 Cn 37' 02.45" Pushyami 2 Cn Vi PKRahu 26 Li 38' 22.42" Visakha 2 Li Ta DKKetu 26 Ar 38' 22.42" Bharani 4 Ar Sc -Bhava Lagna 24 Sc 10' 16.80" Jyeshtha 3 Sc Aq -Hora Lagna 20 Sc 25' 41.72" Jyeshtha 2 Sc Cp -Ghati Lagna 9 Sc 11' 56.47" Anuradha 2 Sc Vi -Vighati Lagna 13 Vi 03' 10.23" Hastha 1 Vi Ar -Pranapada Lagna 14 Ta 03' 32.83" Rohini 2 Ta Ta -Sree Lagna 16 Pi 40' 45.08" Revathi 1 Pi Sg -Indu Lagna 17 Ta 28' 57.21" Rohini 3 Ta Ge -Kunda 16 Cp 39' 32.18" Sravanam 2 Cp Ta -Dhooma 12 Ar 15' 14.48" Aswini 4 Ar Cn -Vyatipata 17 Pi 44' 45.52" Revathi 1 Pi Sg -Parivesha 17 Vi 44' 45.52" Hastha 3 Vi Ge -Indra Chapa 12 Li 15' 14.48" Swathi 2 Li Cp -Upaketu 28 Li 55' 14.48" Visakha 3 Li Ge -Kaala 17 Le 50' 19.71" Poo.Pha. 2 Le Vi -Mrityu 2 Li 46' 46.24" Chitra 3 Li Li -Artha Prahara 24 Li 49' 01.18" Visakha 2 Li Ta -Yama Ghantaka 16 Sc 47' 21.76" Jyeshtha 1 Sc Sg -Maandi 3 Cn 45' 28.99" Pushyami 1 Cn Le -Gulika 22 Ge 39' 50.07" Punarvasu 1 Ge Ar -Prana Sphuta 25 Vi 54' 52.06" Chitra 1 Vi Le -Deha Sphuta 12 Sc 31' 27.75" Anuradha 3 Sc Li -Mrityu Sphuta 7 Cn 34' 04.96" Pushyami 2 Cn Vi -Trisphuta 16 Le 00' 24.77" Poo.Pha. 1 Le Le -Varnada Lagna 15 Cn 04' 42.12" Pushyami 4 Cn Sc -V2 15 Vi 04' 42.12" Hastha 2 Vi Ta -V3 15 Sc 04' 42.12" Anuradha 4 Sc Sc -V4 15 Cp 04' 42.12" Sravanam 2 Cp Ta - Rasi +--------------+| \ / \ Rah / || \ Mer / \ Ven / || \ / \ / || \ / Sun \ / || \ / \ / || x GL Asc x AL || / \ / \ || / \ HL / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 8 / \ || / \ / \ || x || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Jup x MarR x Mnd SatR|| / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / Moo \ / Glk \ || / Ket \ / \ |+--------------+ Navamsa +--------------+| \ / \ HL / || \ Sun / \ Jup / || \ / \ / || \ / Ven \ / || \ / \ / ||Glk AL x Asc x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ 11 / \ || / \ / \ || Rah x Ket || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / || \ / \ / ||Mer x Mnd x || / \ / \ || / \ / \ || / \ / GL \ || / \ / Moo \ || / \ / MarR SatR \ |+--------------+ Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):Ven Ven 1969-09-25 Sun 1973-01-22 Moo 1974-01-22 Mar 1975-09-25 Rah 1976-11-24 Jup 1979-11-25 Sat 1982-07-25 Mer 1985-09-25 Ket 1988-07-24 Sun Sun 1989-09-25 Moo 1990-01-10 Mar 1990-07-12 Rah 1990-11-18 Jup 1991-10-14 Sat 1992-07-31 Mer 1993-07-12 Ket 1994-05-17 Ven 1994-09-25 Moo Moo 1995-09-25 Mar 1996-07-25 Rah 1997-02-20 Jup 1998-08-25 Sat 1999-12-24 Mer 2001-07-25 Ket 2002-12-24 Ven 2003-07-25 Sun 2005-03-23 Mar Mar 2005-09-25 Rah 2006-02-18 Jup 2007-03-08 Sat 2008-02-12 Mer 2009-03-23 Ket 2010-03-20 Ven 2010-08-19 Sun 2011-10-20 Moo 2012-02-21 Rah Rah 2012-09-25 Jup 2015-06-05 Sat 2017-10-31 Mer 2020-09-06 Ket 2023-03-23 Ven 2024-04-10 Sun 2027-04-10 Moo 2028-03-04 Mar 2029-09-07 Jup Jup 2030-09-25 Sat 2032-11-12 Mer 2035-05-24 Ket 2037-09-01 Ven 2038-08-07 Sun 2041-04-04 Moo 2042-01-22 Mar 2043-05-24 Rah 2044-04-28 Sat Sat 2046-09-25 Mer 2049-09-28 Ket 2052-06-05 Ven 2053-07-16 Sun 2056-09-16 Moo 2057-08-29 Mar 2059-03-26 Rah 2060-05-04 Jup 2063-03-11 Mer Mer 2065-09-25 Ket 2068-02-19 Ven 2069-02-15 Sun 2071-12-19 Moo 2072-10-26 Mar 2074-03-23 Rah 2075-03-20 Jup 2077-10-11 Sat 2080-01-14 Ket Ket 2082-09-26 Ven 2083-02-19 Sun 2084-04-19 Moo 2084-08-28 Mar 2085-03-26 Rah 2085-08-26 Jup 2086-09-13 Sat 2087-08-20 Mer 2088-09-28 With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com <http://sanjayrath.tripod.com>-----Original Message-----Das Goravani []Sunday, July 28, 2002 8:37 PMgjlist Subject: [GJ] Jaimini not only wayHari wrote:Kuta or points agreement is just a part of the whole solution. What isinfinitely more important is the karmic compatability. This is shownonly by Upapada matching.dg writes in response-----------------------The Kutas disect the Chandra relationship, but that isn't karmic?Infinitely more important?Karmic Compatibility? Is not it all karmic, the whole chart?Without Jaimini techniques, there is no match making?In Ireland they add myth to history, in India they add emphasis toeverything. This I've had to slowly understand. You cannot believe thewords like "always works","without fail", and "definitely must" etc.In the above parag. by Hari, the words 'infintely' and 'only' are notneeded and add undo emphasis, for example. Placing "karmiccompatibility" onto one technique is not a good choice of phrasing, andif you mean it, it's a bad idea, and if you really believe it, I can'tbelieve that. One technique, one simple counting game, and to you thatwill be RELIED ON for judging something as lofty as "karmiccompatibility"? I gently voice disagreement with the idea and emphasis.I know that there is a trend to put everything into Jaimini, place alltricks on the shoulders of his techniques, but I beg to differ. I get somany things correct without knowing anything about Jaimini techniques.Therefore I do a little resistance dance when I see it being promoted asa "must" for anything except itself, Jaimini techniques.I also want to remind the list that once I asked the list to read mychart for certain things and guess the date I got married. A cross-usingWestern/Eastern astrologer from South America got it within a monthusing Western techniques and nobody else got close.Another time I asked the list to guess what disease I had at that timeand someone got it right without Jaimini, and it wasn't obvious or easy.I've predicted numerous things that came true exactly without anyJaimini. The range of things in life is wide too, all kinds of events.To make it seem as though one must learn Jaimini or KP is not true.My reality anyway,dgOm Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist-http://www.goravani.com

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