Guest guest Posted August 1, 2002 Report Share Posted August 1, 2002 om krishna guru --------------- Namaste Friends, Please find today's transcripts attached. Regards Skanda *********************** START *************************************** sanjayrath: Narayana..did you know that this name is a favorite of Sri Krishna to help us get over the evil effects of the nodes? in_joy_i_scream: done skanda_kumara: u mean SKANDA ... wow sanjayrath: No, I mean Narayana skanda_kumara: oh ok ... in_joy_i_scream: skanda_kumara: thanks for that skanda_kumara: I did not know that .. whats the reason behind it??? skanda_kumara: I mean ... why NODES?? sanjayrath: The favorite 8 names are Achyuta (Sun), Keshava (mars), Vishnu (Jupiter),..I will quote the sloka later.. sanjayrath: Sailesh, what was it that you wanted to know about sanjayrath: namaste..sailesh get going shail_c: If a house is empty, will it get virodh argala shail_c: My understanding is that it will shail_c: Becouse Agrla is by SIGNS & GRAHAS' shail_c: Hence argala is never empty shail_c: so - there will be virodh also sanjayrath: Yes, Narayana as in the mantra....if a house is empty or not it does not is a body like the planets..The rooom maybe empty, yet it is there shail_c: Thanks for the confirmation sanjayrath: It is a pure democracy out there..each planet gets one the first chaturthamsa, the argala is I will leave this out for now.. skanda_kumara: so lets say the 10h from lagna has a planet , but 4H is empty ... will the virodha argala manifest??? sanjayrath: Yes, the virodhargala is total on the lagna as far as the tenth house is concerned..does not bother about name etc,,money is more important skanda_kumara: why no name ... as 10H shows name .. but not money??? in_joy_i_scream: Name is what you got from the family sanjayrath: Name & Fame comes from Lagna, See the charts of Sri Rama & Sri Krishna..both have Moon in Lagna..fame even after they leave this planet i.e. people remember fondly for their caring skanda_kumara: so where did u get the money part ...?? sanjayrath: How did that come,..I types something else sanjayrath: The tenth house is artha trikona skanda_kumara: great gurudeva .. thanks shail_c: Gurur ji, we also had some confusion about the question you put to Narayana the other day - Shani's dhanargala sanjayrath: That is why in any Avatar of Vishnu, the Moon is always in lagna..very compassionate and caring..even Lord chaitanya Mahaprabhu skanda_kumara: ok sanjayrath: Narayan..what is the opinion on that skanda_kumara: based on my understanding there are 3 important players here skanda_kumara: 1. House which receives the argala skanda_kumara: 2. Houses/planets casting the argala skanda_kumara: 3. Karaka of the source house in_joy_i_scream: I don't understand is this question regarding Dhana Argala on lagna? skanda_kumara: their relationship is very important in considering the effects of argala skanda_kumara: for example Saturn is in 3h and has dhana argala on 2H skanda_kumara: Here 3H is the source house as it casts the argala skanda_kumara: 2H is the destination house as it receives the argala sanjayrath: Go on..leave 3rd house for now.. skanda_kumara: Karaka of 3h is Mars skanda_kumara: and Saturn is in that house skanda_kumara: ok skanda_kumara: So we have to consider the significators of 2H skanda_kumara: Jupiter - is the chief karaka of 2H or the primary karaka skanda_kumara: but there are other secondary karakas too skanda_kumara: Moon for family, Mercury for speech etc skanda_kumara: So the relatiosnhip with Saturn with these karakas, and Mars with these karakas and finally relationship bertween Mars & Saturn will color the final manifestation skanda_kumara: Here as far as wealth is concerned skanda_kumara: Jupiter is neutral to Saturn skanda_kumara: hence Saturn will be indifferent towards Wealth and will not object to it sanjayrath: Excellent point made skanda_kumara: and moreover Jupiter is a freind of Mars and hence Mars has interest in helping Jupiter skanda_kumara: and hence Wealth is sustained sanjayrath: But what about Saturns relationship to the Karaka for Lagna? skanda_kumara: why Lagna gurudeva???? shail_c: Is it because 2h & 3H are in relation to Lagna?? sanjayrath: You have just proved that saturn is not bad for stored wealth..i.e. if wealth is stored, let it remain in the bank..will it help the native to buy food?..see its relationship with the other Karaka Moon. Can this wealth be of ay use? in_joy_i_scream: Saturn is enimical towards Sun(karaka for lagna) hence health will fall down due to poluted or no food(Saturn is enimical towards moon). skanda_kumara: Moon is inimical towards Saturn hence SAturn wont have any interest in helping Moon in_joy_i_scream: Moon has no enemies skanda_kumara: thats what I said sanjayrath: Its the other way Narayana skanda_kumara: Saturns; enemy is Moon skanda_kumara: But Moon is Mars friend skanda_kumara: hence Mars will force Saturn thru brute force (Martian) to help Moon(Food) sanjayrath: Leave Mars out.. skanda_kumara: ok in_joy_i_scream: brb skanda_kumara: so Saturn being inimical to Moon will not help in the food department in_joy_i_scream: slight slide in before i go; " Saturn will not further Moons activities, when giving its argala " is the right phrase in_joy_i_scream: now brb skanda_kumara: am I making sense Gurudeva skanda_kumara: ?? sanjayrath: The point is that the Karaka for wealth is Jupiter and Jupiter and Saturn are neutral to each other, but it should be birne in mind that their relationship is such that ultimately Jupiter gets debilitated in any yoga between the two. So, the wealth is as good as lost and would have been better if it was not a distant relative leaving a fortune for me and my life passes away without me getting to it skanda_kumara: ok sanjayrath: Thus, the relationship is really of no use and saturn in lagna will give shraddhaanabhukta..eating bad food etc sanjayrath: That is Saturns argala on lagna.. skanda_kumara: this argala is that of 3H argala ..right? sanjayrath: Thus Saturn may not do good for the dhanargala as it lowers the sustenance ability skanda_kumara: ok sanjayrath: 2H skanda_kumara: no I mean as Saturn is in 3H from Lagna ... it is affecting Lagna ... as you said Saturns argala on lagna... or am I missing something?? sanjayrath: But then argala is argala..something is better than nothing. In fact some food is better than no food..thats one way to look at it, but this dhanargala on Lagna also causes asubha yoga on lagna shail_c: Guruji - the original query was Shani in 3H giving argala to 2H sanjayrath: Ok..I thought it was dhanargala on lagna and was wondering what went wrong..the karaka were also for the 2 house skanda_kumara: I shd have clarifies it .. I aplogoize skanda_kumara apologizes shail_c: dhanargala from 3H on 2H - that is why Narayan was referring to Mars - karaka of 3rd sanjayrath: Now, the karaka for the 3 H is Mars and saturn out here will simply destroy the enemy's wealth and thus give the native good luck..if you can call it so skanda_kumara: how did u arrive at that Gurudeva... Enemys wealth is it because of Mars ... ??? shail_c: who will prevail between Mars & Saturn- the host or the guest?? sanjayrath: You m ust appreciate that money cannot come from heaven and this has to have a source. Here the source is the tenth house from the 6th house (rem.arthatrikona) i.e. the 3 house skanda_kumara: ok great skanda_kumara: A request Gurudeva sanjayrath: Thus the dhanargala that results on the second house is SHATRU MOOLA DHANA skanda_kumara: Can we just restrict this to the 2 houses namely 2H & 3H and their karakas ... once that is clarified we can focus on other issues ???? sanjayrath: It does not matter who prevails..Saturn has entered the house and it means Kantaka Sani for enemy..and dhana yoga for self skanda_kumara: ok shail_c: Gurudev - can you confirm a point? That is can we apply the same logic for DHANAARGALA from ALL Houses - on ALL houses? See from which house it is 10th?? sanjayrath: Of couse you can advise your enemy to recite the chamakam or rudram so that his wealth is not taken by you skanda_kumara: sanjayprabhakaran: sanjayrath: Yes..kantaka is kantaka shail_c: Thanks sanjayrath: have sani in Lagna..what is the impact on the 6th house? shail_c: Narayan - you want to put any other queries??? skanda_kumara: ok gurudeva ... now that u know that we are talking about 2H & 3H .. can you let us know if my statements mde earlier makes sense sanjayrath: Of course it makes sence..imagine Sani in 3 and Mars in 11.. skanda_kumara: ok skanda_kumara: 1 more point skanda_kumara: in case of food/family skanda_kumara: as Moon is Karaka sanjayrath: Here although the argala and virodha is the same, Mars will prevail in the long run skanda_kumara: Saturn is inimical to it and wont help it skanda_kumara: ok sanjayrath: So, you cannot eat food with enemy's money, but can build bank balance!! skanda_kumara: yes but skanda_kumara: Mars the karaka of 3H is friendly withMOon skanda_kumara: hence wont he force Saturn to help Moon???? sanjayrath: did not fall for the trap sanjayrath: You have understood argala well skanda_kumara: thanks gurudeva sanjayrath: In fact, after the armies of alexander and other plunderers finished battle, they feasted on the spoils sanjayrath: This is a hard fact of life.. skanda_kumara: thats an excellent example !!! sanjayrath: send the text to him and we continue with the 4th house now skanda_kumara: ok will do shail_c: One sec Gurudeva - Reg Lagna Sanis effect on 6H - it has indirect argala. Hence it will give trouble to enemies. shail_c: Or is this too simplistic?? sanjayrath: you are right..a lot of trouble to enemies. Now what kind of trouble? sanjayrath: Will this trouble to enemies not 'spoil' his reputation also? shail_c: 6H karaka is Mars & 8th karaka is Saturn itself. shail_c: But Karaka for Lagna is Sun =- who loves Saturn but Saturn hates it sanjayrath: Sailesh..lets not get emotional about the Sun & saturn..father & son hate each other shail_c: OK sanjayrath: Saturn is both Krittantaka as well as Mahakaal..Sun hates Mahakaal sanjayprabhakaran: what's Krittantaka gurdev? shail_c: What is Krittantaka?? sanjayrath: Krittantak sanjayrath: is Yama sanjayprabhakaran: and MahaKaal is time? shail_c: OK - now since the argala is indirect, how is it effected?? shail_c: Age too - Satunr is longevity sanjayrath: No..No. Kritantaka is the son of samgyna whereas Mahakaal is the illegitimate son of Chhaaya..remember sani mantra chaaya martanda sambhutam sanjayprabhakaran: yes sanjayrath: Leave that out for now..Sani aspects the 10th house of enemy from Lagna and causes havoc out there, his eyes are always on enemy's wealth! sanjayrath: But then sani is in Marana avastha and this is not good for a bhava sanjayrath: So, when sani is in Lagna, at least two planets should be in the 7th house sanjayrath: Any more questions? shail_c: Why two sanjayprabhakaran: why 7th? sanjayrath: To give adequate virodhargala..7th is the opposite to lagna,,Tertiary argala in_joy_i_scream: back sanjayprabhakaran: ok shail_c: And will Saturn exaltation (as in my case) have any bearing on Marana awastha? sanjayrath: No I dont read individual charts for students, else they stop learning in_joy_i_scream: sanjayrath: We have not discussed exaltation and debility etc for why this point now.. sanjayrath: Narayan, please proceed with the argala of the fourth house called sukhargala sanjayprabhakaran: Narayana will be back skanda_kumara: am here shail_c: OK Gurudev = that was only in relation to marana awastha- One more query please - Since Saturns argala is indirect - will any other planet be involved? skanda_kumara: So its sukha argala over from 4h to Lagna??? Any planets involved sanjayrath: The Sun as the Karaka for Lagna is involved and Venus as Karaka for 7th house.. sanjayrath: Lets say rahu in 4th.. skanda_kumara: ok in_joy_i_scream: eek skanda_kumara: Now I will list the 3 parameters for everybody in_joy_i_scream: again? skanda_kumara: 1. Destination house - Lagna, karaka - Sun(Vitality), Moon(Health) 2. Source House - 4H with Rahu 3. karaka for 4h - Moon & Mercury and then Venus for vehicles etc sanjayrath: Go on skanda_kumara: Rahu is inimical with Sun so it will have no interest in promoting health instead it will cause problems in_joy_i_scream: Without a mother to protect one its hard to survive, sanjayrath: But argala is supposed to benefit..somehow.. skanda_kumara: But Sun is friendly with Moon and hence Moon will force Rahu skanda_kumara: This benefit can be in the form of Medicines ,,, maybe as Sun/Rahu indicates this sanjayrath: So what does Moon do? It forces Rahu to give happiness? Any role for Jupiter?? skanda_kumara: Moon will help in matters of health skanda_kumara: and Jupiter in matters of Happiness in_joy_i_scream: step mothers? sanjayrath: Narayan be clear as you were before.. in_joy_i_scream: is anyone getting my messages? skanda_kumara: ok dilipastro: am getting shail_c: yes Visti skanda_kumara: as Rahu is inimical to Sun it will not help Health, but as Moon the Karaka of 4H is friendly with Sun(Karaka of Lagna), Moon will force his enemy(Rahu) in helping health matters by proper consumption of food(Moon) skanda_kumara: is this clear??? sanjayrath: When and in what positions will the Moon do this CONVINCING part? in_joy_i_scream: i don't think Sanjay is getting my messages sanjayrath: Visti I am ..lets finish mother first.. shail_c: in_joy_i_scream: oh ok skanda_kumara: hmmm when Moon is well placed and not eclipsed??? sanjayrath: Visti you have an answer for this last question.. sanjayrath: Narasimha..anyone else..please try in_joy_i_scream: just a sec skanda_kumara: or maybe moon is placed in 10H to give virodha- argala!!!! pvr108: i just finished reading the archive sent by Narayan and saw that there's a question to me here. one sec. in_joy_i_scream: In what positions? Well Rama had a step mother and his Moon was in lagna. Is the convincing factor the step mothers involvement pvr108: why do u ask " when " ? Isn't Moon's role in Rahu's argala on lagna supposed to work always? does it work only at some times?? i thought argala always works. sanjayrath: Brilliant Narayan..that is the Sarvartha Chintamani, another place os mentioned..12th house,,a person is fortunate w.r.t. those bhava whose karaka is in the 12th house dilipastro: This is also given in Bhavartha Ratnakara skanda_kumara: wonderful ... but what if Moon is not placed in these houses ... Moons karakatwa of 4H .. is permanent ... shdnt that help??? sanjayrath: True argala always works, but when would the Moon Convince Rahu to give peace of mind to the Lagna (read Sun)..normally it has a tendency to do this, but when in certain positions, it forces Rahu to work in favor in_joy_i_scream: 12th from Lagna or 12th from bhava? skanda_kumara: ok gotcha dilipastro: 12th from Lagna, I think skanda_kumara: the placement of the karaka is considered to see whether its efforts of karakatwaship is increased or not!! sanjayrath: There is argala and its impact is always there, but then the negative will not be able to dominate over the positive if the Karaka is also involved in Virodha skanda_kumara: ok in_joy_i_scream: ok sanjayrath: Right Narayan..thats another vital lesson for today..this is addition to what we discussed earlier pvr108: let us say moon is not in virodha to rahu. then what is the impact of rahu's sukhargala on lagna? pvr108: argala is supposed to be only beneficial. what is the beneficial aspect of rahu's sukhargala on lagna? sanjayrath: Rahu will give Sukha only from its sources residence in foreign lands and hating home.. skanda_kumara: awesome sanjayrath: But if Moon has virodha, then he will love home more..janani janma bhoomi types pvr108: if moon is in 10th and opposes rahu, will it negate rahu's influence and give sukha based on its nature only? which will dominate? pvr108: i asked because you talked about positives and negatives dominating. my point is that rahu in 4th is also a positive, as far as argala on lagna is concerned. sanjayrath: Look at the chart of Rama Saturn in 4 forced Him out of home..not that he hated the fact he loved Orissa (Danda aranyaka!!) very much, but then He loved Ayodhya more and did not stay in swarna lanka after victory even after Lakshman insisted and requested..Janani janma bhoomi pvr108: makes sense, but pvr108: i have a questio sanjayrath: I love Delhi very much..I loved America when I was there, I liked England so much and all those like Visti etc whom I met for the first time..but then I love Jagannath more.. pvr108: do argala and virodhargala both work for the benefit of the house finally? I know that argala works for the benefit of the house in the way shown by the planet(s). But I am confused about virodha. does it work for other kinds of benefits or does it negate the benefits of the argala? pvr108: but, in ur case, y? rahu's argala is not negated by moon's. only ketu negates it. sanjayrath: There is Sukha with any Graha in the fourth..In one class, to explain this point, I asked Goelji to mention the planet in his fourth house in navamsa,..he answered Ketu. I said that he loved the Dwadasakshari mantra very much..he must just adore that was true. He likes so many mantra, but he loves Dwadasakshari (Om Namo bhagavate Vaasudevaaya the most).. sanjayrath: In my case, Moon is in the 12th house pvr108: ok. pvr108: what's the link b/w ketu and 12-akshari in_joy_i_scream: moksha karaka nari sanjayrath: Virodha caused by the karaka shall benefit the Bhava, but other virodha may not be beneficial.. also the planet causing Virodha if a malefic will use its methods of opression whereas the Moon simply " CHANGES THE MIND " .. pvr108: i have saturn in 4th in navamsa. what mantra would i like? in_joy_i_scream: astakashari sanjayrath: Any mantra associated with Sri koorma incarnation..I think Lakshmi was born during that Samudra manthana in_joy_i_scream: did the dwadasakshari mantra come with matsya? pvr108: OK I indeed like Lakshmi's mantras. I also like Satya Narayana Vratam the most and do it every month. Perhaps Satyurn shows it skanda_kumara: Om Namo Narayana is 8-akshari sanjayrath: So also the Moon was, worship the deity whom lakshmi likes when the Moon is full.. pvr108: i'm still not very clear about 12-akshari and ketu link... sanjayrath: We are deviating.. pvr108: yes, let's go back. skanda_kumara: ok sanjayrath: Dwadasakshari..Pralaya Jala...Garhavaasam maha dukkhat tahi mam on you know all this in_joy_i_scream: help! pvr108: my confusion regarding virodha's operation is still not completely removed. You said " Virodha caused by the karaka shall benefit the Bhava " . Which karaka? Karaka of the house receiving argala? Karaka of the house where argala-giver is placed? Or karaka of the virodhargala house? y? sanjayrath: Karaka of the bhaga which is the SOURCE..the giver is important all else is but a medium pvr108: I am satisfied with the answer to Ketu. Now let us go to virodha pvr108: so moon is the karaka in the example of rahu in 4th. pvr108: what if Rahu had sukhargla on lagna and tried to give sukha from foreign sources etc, and jupiter was obstructing from 10th pvr108: what is the result then sanjayrath: Remember also that the REAL giver is the HOUSE and not planets in it..that is the definition of the term ADITYA pvr108: Agreed sanjayrath: The planets FILTER the giving and with Rahu, the seive can be so thin that Nothing comes through..anyway something will skanda_kumara: ok sanjayrath: Now with the Moon causing Virodha to rahu, the giving of Manasa shanti or love of mother and motherland as well as Gati is promised sanjayprabhakaran: ok pvr108: if jupiter was in 10th obstructing argala, would he obstruct the sukha by giving dharmik (Jupiter) activities in society (10th) and deprive the native of sukha?? sanjayrath: Here the Moon is worshipped as Manasa devi in Haridwar..this is the concept that no matter what the sorrow, She will ensure proper gati..thus, the Moon as matri karaka is the giver of the spiritual path..and this is the most imprtant karakatwa of the Moon for the 4th house skanda_kumara: ok pvr108: perfect.. in_joy_i_scream: sanjayprabhakaran: <o-< skanda_kumara: <O-< in_joy_i_scream: /\ sanjayrath: With Guru in 10, graha yuddha results with guru totally obstructing the path of Rahu. Your results are fine, but this will be through a painful process. The real Sukha can be obstructed as there is a clash between what he wants and what is given pvr108: got it pvr108: if sun was in 10th giving virodha, then? skanda_kumara: so the fight is between the 2 planets there in. sanjayrath: Absolute distress..the house will be burnt pvr108: which house and y sanjayrath: 4th the Bhoomi Karaka Mars gets into the picture pvr108: y sanjayrath: All Mars is inimical to rahu and will promote the Virodha of the Sun skanda_kumara: and the presence of fiery tatwa will burn the houses??? sanjayrath: Like Hanuman finally finding Sita..had hanuman not found sita..Ramayana would have had a sad ending pvr108: y burn the 4th house? sun's virodhargala is in lagna... skanda_kumara: and btw ... " burning of the house " ... did u mean it literally or figuratively or both? sanjayrath: Yes, the Lagna needs a house to live in..a shelter..the shelter is what is destroyed and the Lagna gets diseased living in the road.. sanjayrath: Narayan..both sanjayprabhakaran: but when mars apposes Rahu why should he burn the house for whom he karaka? sanjayrath: Mars has his way of doing things..the Moon has a different way shail_c: One more question please - If real giver of Argala is the house - will it be so it should be for Virodha. Then what will the role of 10H karaka Mercuryto cause some obstruction - what & how is that?? sanjayrath: Planets do as is their nature..ask a pundit what he will do if a thief is in the house..he will start planning how to get him caught, a martian will go for the kill, a lunar will think of the social conditions that caused his to become a thief and try to solve them..each has his way pvr108: if mars doesn't like the planet who is trying to help his significations in his own way, mars destroys the whole thing??? sanjayrath: Yes.. sanjayprabhakaran: it's like a burning a house for a rat? in_joy_i_scream: i can agree to that pvr108: what is saturn was in 10th causing virodha on rahu's sukhargala on lagna? pvr108: i meant " what if " skanda_kumara: Saturn will add fuel to the fire! skanda_kumara: sanivad Rahu in_joy_i_scream: Saturn doesn't burn. shail_c: nor does rahu in_joy_i_scream: But sun can sanjayrath: Rahu is really not helping Mars signification..Mars is Bhoomi Karaka, now which Bhoomi are we talking about..Is it my Bhoomi (Matri bhoomi) or Videsha Bhoomi..Rahu says forget that hut in your village and get that apartment at manhatten, NY..Mars is sure to oppose this as it is the Karaka for the Bhoomi (FIRST) that comes from birth.. pvr108: no, i wasn't asking about burning. i took a step back. after moon, jupiter and sun, i was asking about saturn. pvr108: sanjay, i accept it. now, what if saturn was in 10th causing virodha on rahu's sukhargala on lagna? what would be the result of his virodha? sanjayrath: Here the Offer of Rahu with saturn in the 19th will be PUBLIC Property,,like the Jail..Don't bother about home..Jail is comfortable.. in_joy_i_scream: lol shail_c: But that means Saturn is helping - not obstructing Rahu in_joy_i_scream: but Shailesh the real giver is the house, not the planets shail_c: That was my first question - here the issue is co-operation or obstruction? sanjayrath: That is right Saturn is Rahu's good friend and will help him get over Mars protection, Moon compassion and jup results is obvious sanjayrath: Sailesh that arises IF a planet is in that time there was NO VIRODHA.. shail_c: Got it now - Saturn is opposing HOMe, and thus helping Rahu!!! pvr108: i c. saturn does NOT obstruct Rahu in that example. He obstructs 4th house argala. Rahu himself had some designs on how to shape the 4th house's argala on lagna and saturn helps those designs, thereby obstructing the lunar influence on lagna vis-a-vis 4th house argala. is that right? sanjayrath: we all agree..Narasimha.. shail_c: 10H is Virodh to 4H agrala skanda_kumara: good point Shailesh ... the virodha argala is on the house and it may or may not help the planet posited there in skanda_kumara: excellent in_joy_i_scream: lovely sanjayprabhakaran: ok sanjayrath: Its too late..I need to end here..Good night sanjayprabhakaran: Entry Aditya Meaning 1 m. belonging to or coming from Aditi. m. = prec., esp. Su1rya or the sun; pl. the (highest) gods. sanjayprabhakaran: and aditi means sanjayprabhakaran: Entry aditi Meaning 2 a. boundless, unlimited, infinite; f. infinity, person, as the other of the gods. ************************** END ************************************ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 1, 2002 Report Share Posted August 1, 2002 || Om Gurave Namah || Namaste Sanjay Guruji and list, As usual, here I am with some more queries, primarily based on our latest round of Argala discussions. 1. It was explained that the Karaka of the source-rasi of Argala has a major influence on the success, and intensity, of Argala. Is it also true for Virodh-Argala? Let us take the example of 11H Argala, obstructed by 3H. Since the two karakas, JUP for 11H and MARS for the 3H are friends, how will MARS influence the Virodh of 3H – will it dilute it?? Or will it act as per its nature (as Gururji mentioned – set the house on fire??) 2. As per my understanding, Argala and Virodh-Argala operates through the planets present in the source-rasi. How does this operate when no planets are present? – through the natural karaka? – the planets aspecting the source-rasi? – the plantes in trine/ angle to it? 3. How does the indirect Argala of 5H & 8H operate? That is, in case of direct Argala, the planets present in the rasi carry out the argala duties; but how does it work in the case of indirect argala? I will be grateful for any explanations and enlightenment. With sincere regards, Shailesh Shailesh Chandra Chadhascchadha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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