Guest guest Posted August 4, 2002 Report Share Posted August 4, 2002 Vyam VedaVyasaaya Namah Dear Gurudeva, Namaste. Some attempts to answer your questions bellow. 1. That with the advent of Rahu, her life went for a six. A decision to change a job resulted in sorrow and Rahu would have used its age old TEMPTATION theory which never fails. Visti: You explained the reason being Rahu's Graha Dristi on the 10th house, causing a desire/temptation to earn more. The argala of Rahu on this house would change its activities. As Rahu isn't friendly to neither Sun nor Jupiter, the prime Karakas of the 10th, this will cause some disruption to those activities. As Rahu has unobstructed argala on the 10th noone will attempt to negate this desire.. If Sun had obstructed this, then she wouldn't have changed jobs? She had never changed jobs earlier and is one of the steady types of people, yet this happened and she had chainged jobs she is again NOT HAPPY - she confirmed Visti: Rahu's papa-Argala on the 10th lord and Karaka of 10th; Sun, caused the actual job change(?), and Ketu obstructed this, hence in Ketu PratyAntara she found her desires curbed and changed jobs again.. hence twice. 2. Then..I looked at Saptamsa and said..first pregnancy will not survive and then after mars dasa and some more lost pregnancies, she will have a brilliant daughter. Visti: First by looking at Rasi we see Jupiters 10th-obstruction to the 5th. This shows that Jupiter will not stop until she has a child. Now in saptamsa 5th lord Jupiter is in the 6th house, which is a maraka for children, hence killing the first child. Ketu in the 5th would normally end the sequence here, but due to the before mentioned argala of Jup in Rasi, she continues to have 2 more miscarriages(Saturn and Mars), until she gets a daughter indicated by 11th lord Mercury joined debilitated Venus in the 2nd house. Mars Dasa ran from her 20th - 27th year, and is placed in the 10th house indicating the obstruction to such activities. In Rasi Mars has graha dristi on the 5th house, hence she desired to have children, yet as Mars obstructs Jupiter the SanatanaKaraka and 5th lord, these efforts results in miscarriages. 3. Now, I said that her health was terrible during Rahu dasa and fear of death would have prevailed..true she confirmed that she had a tumor in her and doctor suspected Cancer all this ended when Jupiter came. Visti: You gave the reasoning: Rahu debilitated in the 2nd as a Maraka, giving Papargala on the lagna(karaka Sun) as well as Sun and Lagna lord, would be highly inauspicious for health. I would add that Rahu's unobstructed pap-Argala on the 8th lord; Mercury would have manifested this in a chronic disease, and Rahu doesn't waste time in helping Saturn(disease) cause problems. As Mercury is in Apoklimas in the D-3, this would be in the limbs bellow the waist. Now Mercury is in 3rd house in Shasthamsa, in an odd-footed sign, afflicted by Saturn, whilst Rahu and Ketu are in the 9th house, giving the same afflictions, hence confirming the ailment of the feet(3rd/9th). Mercury is AK indicating the worship of Istha to remove the ailment.. more bellow. Jupiters argala will act in the exact opposite nature of Rahu, and heal all these ailments, being that Jupiter gives the Subha Argalas to the same houses that Rahu gives Pap-argala to. 4. Then finally, she said she was a non believer and I said WRONG..She loved SHIVA and she was bowled over..You can imagine the remedy..panchakshari with Mritunjaya, also check Blood Pressure problems. Visti: You stated that Rahu Dasa had obstructed/shaken her Bhakti due to being placed in the 10th from the 5th house, yet as Jupiter is karaka of the 5th and is also in the 10th from 5th, Jupiter will force her to continue her bhakti. I add: Mantra Pada is in Gemini and the strongest Grahas influencing are Mercury, Jupiter and Sun. As Mercury is AK this will lead to the Istha, which is Sun, hence Shiva. Suns placement in the 8th in Navamsa shows that her worship of Shiva comes through some distress. Hence her strong Bhakti towards the Istha Devata. Hope to see your comments, and thanx. Best wishes, Visti. in_joy_i_scream (08:03:55 PM): Hare Rama Krishna in_joy_i_scream (08:04:04 PM): welcome sanjayrath (08:04:13 PM): The book should be done in a week the pulisher and press have put aside all work for this skanda_kumara (08:04:18 PM): bows gracefully skanda_kumara (08:04:26 PM): ok in_joy_i_scream (08:04:29 PM): Is this your upcoming Vimshottari Book? sanjayrath (08:05:00 PM): yes..did you see the mail I sent out for this..have I sent a mail yet, can't recall. in_joy_i_scream (08:05:28 PM): I knew because i saw the book-subjects you were working on in london sanjayrath (08:05:30 PM): Just visit and see the link to the book under whats new at the bottom skanda_kumara (08:05:47 PM): u shd bring copies here to US .. I am sure everybody will buy it in_joy_i_scream (08:06:09 PM): your brother and I were looking through the computer to find his chart, and we spotted that directory sanjayrath (08:06:15 PM): Will try to carry a dozen or two, at least for you skanda_kumara (08:06:24 PM): wow skanda_kumara (08:06:28 PM): ) in_joy_i_scream (08:06:39 PM): oh me me me me me.. lol sanjayrath (08:06:59 PM): You need to come to IRELAND for this in_joy_i_scream (08:07:14 PM): check ur email sanjay, i have the ticket right next to me skanda_kumara (08:07:41 PM): good visti .. that means u have cloned urself LOL sanjayrath (08:07:47 PM): try this link right now.. skanda_kumara (08:07:59 PM): i am doing it gurudeva it works sanjayrath (08:08:42 PM): does this also work? it is a chapter of the book..I had to keep it thin as it is the first edition and my publisher is not so rich these days in_joy_i_scream (08:08:44 PM): sure does skanda_kumara (08:08:57 PM): and Gurudeva .. I have also decided to attend the West Coast Conference ... So it will be 2 weeks of Jyotish & You in_joy_i_scream (08:10:06 PM): sanjayrath (08:10:10 PM): I am thinking of a special advanced session for the top students after the conference.. say till the 3rd Sept. This is going to be totally informal and a crash course types skanda_kumara (08:10:21 PM): oh wow in_joy_i_scream (08:11:47 PM): wow what an article skanda_kumara (08:12:09 PM): ok gurudeva .. I and SanjayP have our tickets booked till 2nd skanda_kumara (08:12:16 PM): so we will extend it till 4th skanda_kumara (08:12:24 PM): is this final??? skanda_kumara (08:12:38 PM): coz the conference ends on 28th skanda_kumara (08:13:12 PM): Hi Venkateshwara in_joy_i_scream (08:13:30 PM): Hi venkat sanjayrath (08:13:30 PM): What topics are you thinking about..and where can we stay? Talk to Lakshmi about this today and finalise this. I don't want to spend too many days with my brother and HIS DOG..I like him, not that dog venkateshwara_reddy (08:13:52 PM): Hi skanda, Visit, Guru Sanjay in_joy_i_scream (08:14:18 PM): lol gurudev, so you don't like dogs at all do you? in_joy_i_scream (08:14:37 PM): if i remember correctly you were bitten by one as a boy? sanjayrath (08:14:40 PM): i LOVE DOGS, WHEN THEY are friendly.. skanda_kumara (08:15:05 PM): ok one more question Gurudeva .. why wait till the 3rd skanda_kumara (08:15:19 PM): why not immediately after the the conference ??? skanda_kumara (08:15:37 PM): or is it u will be meeting ut brother??? sanjayrath (08:15:53 PM): No we don't wait till the 3rd, we start straight away and continue till the 3rd and then a day off and then I fly back skanda_kumara (08:16:09 PM): so u flight is on 5th??? sanjayrath (08:17:09 PM): Yes and that too from San Francisco. My brother is not clear whether he will be in Dallas or NJ or Europe..with his DOG skanda_kumara (08:17:18 PM): ) in_joy_i_scream (08:17:27 PM): venkateshwara_reddy (08:17:55 PM): I see skanda_kumara (08:18:14 PM): Venkat will u be joining us??? venkateshwara_reddy (08:18:33 PM): I d for SF meeting venkateshwara_reddy (08:19:02 PM): I am not yet sure of joining..This is due to some work related schedules in_joy_i_scream (08:19:09 PM): Gurudev, i have a (maybe short) question about parasaras ascribing of lokas in bphs, in_joy_i_scream (08:19:41 PM): may i? in_joy_i_scream (08:19:53 PM): or does the bed seem more attractive? sanjayrath (08:20:01 PM): In fact that letter on the list was because I didn't know how to handle this. When his wife wanted a bay, he got a huge alsatian PUP!! and then he says this is his SON!! and what's more he has an exclusive website for the dog and even celebrates his birthday in doubt his wife walked australia sanjayrath (08:20:34 PM): Why Venkat..what schedules? venkateshwara_reddy (08:21:05 PM): I cant take 3 days off continuosly sanjayrath (08:21:41 PM): That is tough..the US is a taskmaster venkateshwara_reddy (08:21:45 PM): brb sanjayrath (08:23:23 PM): Did you work further on Argala? in_joy_i_scream (08:23:52 PM): everybody left after you did but we did absorb the principles very well in_joy_i_scream (08:24:28 PM): i did atleast skanda_kumara (08:25:04 PM): I did too in_joy_i_scream (08:25:05 PM): You give the principle about karakas placed in the 12th in COVA sanjayrath (08:25:16 PM): Good, now tell me Visti, In a chart i saw today, the klagna is Scorpio with Rahu & Jup in second. What results will Rahu give? No planets in Lagna venkateshwara_reddy (08:25:50 PM): sorry, I had to disconnect sanjayrath (08:26:52 PM): Let me try to send the jhd file in_joy_i_scream (08:26:53 PM): Rahu will enable the person to be free of wealth.. or rather be without it. sanjayrath (08:27:25 PM): That is like a true diplomat..did you get the file visti? I need to send it to Narayan also in_joy_i_scream (08:27:30 PM): Rahu is 2nd is a povery yoga.. now, with Jup there as well, there is a war going on. let me see who is ahead in_joy_i_scream (08:27:37 PM): *poverty in_joy_i_scream (08:27:57 PM): yes i got it venkateshwara_reddy (08:28:04 PM): What is meant by poverty(A Person seeking for Bless look for food to survive) in_joy_i_scream (08:28:29 PM): in this case we mean poverty from wealth in the sense of economics skanda_kumara (08:28:34 PM): am waiting venkateshwara_reddy (08:28:49 PM): economics Minus Dharma venkateshwara_reddy (08:28:51 PM): Ah skanda_kumara (08:28:57 PM): got it in_joy_i_scream (08:29:24 PM): ok Rahu is ahead, hence there is someone stealing his money. skanda_kumara (08:29:34 PM): here Rahu will provide wealth thru exports/leather goods etc or foreign sources skanda_kumara (08:29:42 PM): hence he will be benefecial sanjayrath (08:29:47 PM): How can I send this to Venkat? How do i add him to friend? The computer did not ask in_joy_i_scream (08:30:20 PM): right-click his user id and choose; " Add friend " skanda_kumara (08:30:24 PM): yes venkateshwara_reddy (08:30:48 PM): I did in_joy_i_scream (08:31:29 PM): Gurudev i got the file skanda_kumara (08:31:45 PM): Rahu will provide wealth unscruplous ways venkateshwara_reddy (08:31:54 PM): like mafia venkateshwara_reddy (08:32:00 PM): illicit operatoipns venkateshwara_reddy (08:32:01 PM): eh skanda_kumara (08:32:01 PM): visti canu please invite shriram venkateshwara_reddy (08:32:04 PM): drug nexus in_joy_i_scream (08:32:18 PM): is that his id? skanda_kumara (08:32:22 PM): shris1 sanjayrath (08:32:22 PM): Look at the chart carefully and tell me as to what will happen..the Argala part please skanda_kumara (08:33:52 PM): Rahu will cause health problems, give him foreigh travel, destroy family & wealth thru foreign sources sanjayrath (08:34:03 PM): Rahu is debilitated and is afflicting the 2nd lord Jupiter, while having paapargala on the 2nd house sanjayrath (08:34:19 PM): Yes that is right about foreign..she works for an export company sanjayrath (08:34:50 PM): A few things I said that convinced her about the accuracy of Jyotish skanda_kumara (08:34:59 PM): ok skanda_kumara (08:35:10 PM): problem with kids in_joy_i_scream (08:35:22 PM): we are only looking at the dhana argala skanda sanjayrath (08:35:31 PM): 1. That with the advent of Rahu, her life went for a six. A decision to change a job resulted in sorrow and Rahu would have used its age old TEMPTATION theory which never fails skanda_kumara (08:36:03 PM): Visti .. Jupiter is karaka for kids .. and hence ...moreover 2H is also family venkateshwara_reddy (08:36:20 PM): What if Ketu in 2H in_joy_i_scream (08:36:21 PM): yes Skanda, planets in the 2nd obstruct the children. in_joy_i_scream (08:36:30 PM): pls go on gurudev sanjayrath (08:36:46 PM): She had never changed jobs earlier and is one of the steady types of people, yet this happened and she had chainged jobs she is again NOT HAPPY - she confirmed skanda_kumara (08:37:20 PM): so unhappiness with Job(2H) sanjayrath (08:38:08 PM): Then..I looked at Saptamsa and said..first pregnancy will not survive and then after mars dasa and some more lost pregnancies, she will have a brilliant daughter skanda_kumara (08:38:17 PM): ok sanjayrath (08:38:47 PM): That proves your point about the Kids Narayan, but then where did you go wrong shris1 (08:39:03 PM): Namsate Gurudeva shris1 (08:39:06 PM): Namastae all! skanda_kumara (08:39:17 PM): Jupiter will take care of his karakatwa sanjayrath (08:39:18 PM): Namaskar.. skanda_kumara (08:39:28 PM): as he is in 2H itself and his moola sign! sanjayrath (08:39:31 PM): Yes shris1 (08:39:59 PM): can i please know the topic in_joy_i_scream (08:40:04 PM): argala skanda_kumara (08:40:21 PM): so if we want to concentrate on how Rahus dhana argala is beneficial skanda_kumara (08:40:41 PM): can we say that it will give job related to exports/foreign sources sanjayrath (08:40:52 PM): Now, I said that her health was terrible during Rahu dasa and fear of death would have prevailed..true she confirmed that she had a tumor in her and doctor suspected Cancer all this ended when Jupiter came in_joy_i_scream (08:40:54 PM):,%2bJyoti.jhd?ms_____DB\ u_PSCol in_joy_i_scream (08:41:08 PM): ahh skanda_kumara (08:41:13 PM): hmmm in_joy_i_scream (08:41:36 PM): Sag is the natural 9th house i guess in_joy_i_scream (08:42:05 PM): hence legs sanjayrath (08:42:37 PM): Then finally, she said she was a non believer and I said WRONG..She loved SHIVA and she was bowled over..You can imagine the remedy..panchakshari with Mritunjaya, also check Blood Pressure problems sanjayrath (08:43:03 PM): Not that simple Visti..Rahu ois not the 8th lord in_joy_i_scream (08:43:43 PM): ic skanda_kumara (08:43:44 PM): co-incidentally in 1999 she ran shoola dasa of Leo with the dreaded combo of Moon/Venus shris1 (08:43:56 PM): Visti, i could not download the file, can you send the date/place /time and i will open a chart here in_joy_i_scream (08:44:28 PM): October 5th, 1972 10:50 IST 77e13, 28n39 shris1 (08:45:15 PM): thanks visti in_joy_i_scream (08:45:25 PM): how did you identify her strong bhakti? sanjayrath (08:45:52 PM): call karen also in_joy_i_scream (08:46:04 PM): done in_joy_i_scream (08:46:45 PM):,%2bJyoti.jhd?ms_____DB\ u_PSCol karenskoler (08:46:56 PM): greetings everyone.. skanda_kumara (08:47:05 PM): brb guys in_joy_i_scream (08:47:11 PM): greetings karen, we are discussing a chart with the above link karenskoler (08:47:25 PM): thank you it sanjayrath (08:48:01 PM): OK Visti..I need answers in_joy_i_scream (08:48:02 PM): the blood pressure problems is indicated by Mars in the 3rd from AL shris1 (08:48:33 PM): strong bakthi because , the depositor of Ista devata (Sun) is Mercury who is the AK and is vargottama and exalted shris1 (08:48:38 PM): ? in_joy_i_scream (08:49:23 PM): Mars being Lagna lord only makes this natural for such types i assume sanjayrath (08:49:34 PM): The Dasa is of Rahu and the Bhakti is shaken, not broken..look at 5th house and explain Rahu dasa in_joy_i_scream (08:50:11 PM): Rahu obstructs the 5th house, hence the shake in_joy_i_scream (08:50:31 PM): Jupiter however will remove all of these, as it will force the native into the correct worship sanjayrath (08:50:39 PM): No way Visti, then everybody with Scorpio lagna will have BP?? Now short tempered Mars is not so because of BP! shris1 (08:50:45 PM): Rahu is also in quadrant to the 5th house and is with its lord in_joy_i_scream (08:51:24 PM): no not everyone, yet they would be more susceptible just like taureans are more susceptible to becoming fat due to merc lording the 2nd sanjayrath (08:52:14 PM): Thats in Europe where plenty of food is available. In India whole villages may be skinny sanjayrath (08:52:40 PM): No, not satisfied. She did not have BP in Mars dasa, only in Rahu dasa sanjayrath (08:53:39 PM): Hint: Look for planets in the third kauluka i.e. 10-15 deg shris1 (08:54:29 PM): Sat is in 3 kaluka , giving blood related problems sanjayrath (08:54:36 PM): Karen & Venkat if you have missed, try these links in_joy_i_scream (08:54:38 PM): but there are none? and rahu is in the 1st kauluka? karenskoler (08:54:58 PM): thank you , guruji skanda_kumara (08:55:23 PM): back in_joy_i_scream (08:55:52 PM): i don't understand, none of the grahas are within that range of degrees. sanjayrath (08:55:54 PM): Good, now look for Rudra Yoga skanda_kumara (08:56:14 PM): moon & venus in leo in_joy_i_scream (08:56:19 PM): yes venkateshwara_reddy (08:56:23 PM): Thanks for the link, I saw it in egroup too skanda_kumara (08:56:24 PM): shoola das of Leo was running in 1999 sanjayrath (08:56:39 PM): Right..Does Rahu relate to them? in_joy_i_scream (08:56:51 PM): Gives graha dristi sanjayrath (08:57:05 PM): Shoola dasa is very one minute you know that she has serious BP problems sanjayrath (08:57:31 PM): Yes wrong desires of RAHU are the cause of the BP right now skanda_kumara (08:57:53 PM): rahu is in 3kauluka in Saggitarius - blood problems/pressure sanjayrath (08:58:19 PM): Rahu is in 1st Kauluka and will in_joy_i_scream (08:59:33 PM): hello? karenskoler (08:59:50 PM): hello, visti in_joy_i_scream (08:59:55 PM): oh ok in_joy_i_scream (09:00:29 PM): i didn't know that Rudra Yoga could cause high blood pressure sanjayrath (09:00:51 PM): Why do I get W32Nimda Virus alert? How did this get in..someone please check and download FixNimdae com skanda_kumara (09:01:09 PM): Rahu being in 1st kauluka will cause disease/injury to head! in_joy_i_scream (09:01:14 PM): thats very weird gurudev, do you have your email program open= in_joy_i_scream (09:01:14 PM): ? shris1 (09:01:25 PM): Kaluka is D-6 right , there is only saturn and mercury in it , am i wrong here ? sanjayrath (09:01:29 PM): I also have Venus in Cancer aspected by Moon from Aq..with Cancer shoola dasa, BP has come sanjayrath (09:02:03 PM): Kouluka is the one-sixth division, b ut is not the D-6 chart in_joy_i_scream (09:02:18 PM): ic, this i didn't know, was always looking for mars in 3rd/8th from AL skanda_kumara (09:02:20 PM): Shriram Pls refer Page 280 JS shris1 (09:03:11 PM): thanks for the clarification gurudeva shris1 (09:03:18 PM): skanda, iam shris1 (09:03:22 PM): looking at it , thanks sanjayrath (09:04:20 PM): Now, please take up one issue after another. Take the tenth house. this is Leo with the Moon & Venus in it. Rahu has argala on this house and will surely cause changes and temptations related to this. the desire to earn more will torment during its period. Jupiter is the stabiliser. in_joy_i_scream (09:04:52 PM): gotcha sanjayrath (09:05:04 PM): There are no planets in the sixth house to obstruct rahu from doing this. Rahu also has unobstructed argala on the tenth lord Sun in_joy_i_scream (09:05:49 PM): hence finding her professional fortune through activities dealing with foreign worlds in_joy_i_scream (09:06:13 PM): the above was specific for Rahus sukha argala on 10th lord skanda_kumara (09:06:17 PM): also she cd be in trouble with authorities sanjayrath (09:06:30 PM): Hence that reading. Rahu's argala is obstructed by Ketu, so after one temptation she will change job again sanjayrath (09:06:52 PM): Not really, Boss if the Moon as ninth lord is involved and it is in_joy_i_scream (09:07:09 PM): who's boss? skanda_kumara (09:07:39 PM): me a way of addressing ,,, like Pal! in_joy_i_scream (09:07:47 PM): ok gotcha sanjayrath (09:07:54 PM): In fact her husband was around and I kept shut about that JARA YOGA of Venus involving the ninth lord Moon in DARAPADA..this is the cause of the Blood Pressure in_joy_i_scream (09:08:45 PM): oh lol venkateshwara_reddy (09:09:09 PM): rofl skanda_kumara (09:09:11 PM): I was thinking as Rahu has argala on 10H .. one of its significator is Sun ...and hence clashes with authorities .. moreover Sun is the 10L too sanjayrath (09:09:38 PM): Maybe sun is also significator of Dharma skanda_kumara (09:09:46 PM): okie skanda_kumara (09:09:52 PM): so adharmi cacts eh? sanjayrath (09:10:24 PM): Now come to the next issue - health skanda_kumara (09:10:29 PM): ok sanjayrath (09:10:43 PM): You should try this shris1 (09:11:12 PM): Rahu has argala over ascendent Lord Mars shris1 (09:11:48 PM): Rahu also has argala over Sun - significator of health shris1 (09:12:25 PM): hence health problems .. ? in_joy_i_scream (09:12:59 PM): Rahu has argala over 8th lord Mercury. sanjayrath (09:13:39 PM): Shriram, where is Rahu in your chart? Please tell me if Rahu has caused health problems..with this reasoning, eveybody will have health probs during Rahu dasa venkateshwara_reddy (09:13:56 PM): hmm sanjayrath (09:14:04 PM): You star sanjayrath (09:14:13 PM): you started right just go on shris1 (09:14:15 PM): Gurudeva, Rahu is in 6th in My chart and scorpio , Lagna is gemini shris1 (09:14:45 PM): rahu is in scorpio skanda_kumara (09:14:47 PM): Does She have eye problems??? shris1 (09:15:26 PM): In this chart, Rahu also aspects 6th house by graha dristi sanjayrath (09:15:53 PM): You see, just like over the tenth house, Rahu has unobstructed argala over the Lagna, Lagnesh and Karaka. It is in debility in a maraka house so health can be damaged as it is highly inimical to the Karaka Sun venkateshwara_reddy (09:16:02 PM): What if Rahu itself in 8th house--causing accidents sanjayrath (09:16:28 PM): Oh my god it is too late..good night, you continue and mail me the final answers skanda_kumara (09:16:40 PM): Eye problems???? sanjayrath (09:16:45 PM): I will answer later skanda_kumara (09:16:47 PM): ok karenskoler (09:16:48 PM): thank you and goodnight,guruji sanjayrath (09:16:49 PM): Good night skanda_kumara (09:16:52 PM): Good Night in_joy_i_scream (09:16:53 PM): she had cancer in the legs, shris1 (09:16:53 PM): Good night Guruji in_joy_i_scream (09:16:57 PM): good night gurudev venkateshwara_reddy (09:16:58 PM): gnite! skanda_kumara (09:17:03 PM): I have sent a mail to Lakshmi skanda_kumara (09:17:06 PM): ok venkateshwara_reddy (09:17:41 PM): see you later friends, got to go shris1 (09:17:45 PM): Regarding blood pressure, Since Mars lords 6th house, BP is possible ? skanda_kumara (09:17:46 PM): bye in_joy_i_scream (09:17:47 PM): cya venkat shris1 (09:17:48 PM): bye shris1 (09:18:27 PM): and Rahu aspects 6th by Graha dristi in_joy_i_scream (09:18:58 PM): so Rahu caused the health problems due to being maraka, in debility and giving argala on lagna(karaka Sun) as well as lagna lord(karak Jupiter) and Sun itself skanda_kumara (09:19:12 PM): yes karenskoler (09:19:19 PM): who's chart is this? someone famous? shris1 (09:19:21 PM): Visti, what about aspect on 6th house ? in_joy_i_scream (09:19:33 PM): actually we could have said all this merely by looking at he placement of Rahu in the 2nd skanda_kumara (09:19:34 PM): gd's clients karenskoler (09:20:06 PM): oh, ok thanks in_joy_i_scream (09:20:20 PM): Say if this person has Rahu in the 8th instead of the 2nd, and lets not think about its debilitation in_joy_i_scream (09:20:53 PM): Then Rahu would obstruct the Lagna lord and Karaka, and give a papargala on the lagna as well. skanda_kumara (09:21:11 PM): yes ... that too skanda_kumara (09:21:33 PM): but it would not have been so fatal I wd guess in_joy_i_scream (09:21:45 PM): yes i was thinking the same skanda_kumara (09:21:47 PM): as Jupiter will have full control over its activities shris1 (09:22:06 PM): however , Rahu gets exalted in gemini in_joy_i_scream (09:22:45 PM): why the legs? skanda_kumara (09:22:55 PM): who said legs? in_joy_i_scream (09:23:17 PM): gurudev said this person was diagnosed with cancer in the legs skanda_kumara (09:23:22 PM): ahh yes karenskoler (09:23:23 PM): 11th house from lagna indicates calves in_joy_i_scream (09:24:36 PM): and 11th has 8th lord Mercury which he stressed skanda_kumara (09:25:07 PM): Virgo also has Mrityu Saham & Rudra in_joy_i_scream (09:25:35 PM): can we identify whether it was right or left leg? skanda_kumara (09:25:51 PM): A8 is also in Virgo karenskoler (09:25:52 PM): was it discuss why it is cancer before I joined? in_joy_i_scream (09:26:06 PM): no we never got that far karenskoler (09:26:08 PM): ok in_joy_i_scream (09:26:17 PM): she had a tumor in her leg skanda_kumara (09:26:29 PM): So do we have to identfy why it was a tumour or karenskoler (09:26:41 PM): probably a sarcoma then, a tumor in a muscle, Mars is muscles skanda_kumara (09:26:43 PM): what is wrong with her now??? in_joy_i_scream (09:27:09 PM): skanda as soon as jup antara started all the probs stopped skanda_kumara (09:27:16 PM): ok in_joy_i_scream (09:27:29 PM): after some surgery, etc in_joy_i_scream (09:28:17 PM): it was cancerous karen.. is a sarcoma cancerous? karenskoler (09:28:35 PM): yes... sarcoma is a kind of cancer in_joy_i_scream (09:28:54 PM): ok, definitely he said that the 8th lord had to be involved hence Mercury is important in_joy_i_scream (09:29:20 PM): Mercury is also in an apoklima from D-3 Lagna, hence would cause problems in areas bellow the waste, i.e. the legs. in_joy_i_scream (09:29:29 PM): 11th shows calfs specifically as Karen pointed out in_joy_i_scream (09:30:16 PM): i guess left lef, i will email gurudev about that. in_joy_i_scream (09:30:24 PM): *left leg skanda_kumara (09:30:26 PM): ok visti .. now what did gd say abt Ketu in UL(Giving away at physical level)> in_joy_i_scream (09:30:47 PM): did he say anything about that? in_joy_i_scream (09:30:52 PM): oh you mean in general? skanda_kumara (09:30:57 PM): yes abt various UL in_joy_i_scream (09:31:12 PM): i remember someone asking that, but did he answer? skanda_kumara (09:31:20 PM): Like Sun in UL .. causes blindness in_joy_i_scream (09:31:32 PM): Ketu isn't among the 5 senses skanda_kumara (09:31:58 PM): ketu will cause unpredictable/fuzz diseases skanda_kumara (09:32:08 PM): *fuzzy in_joy_i_scream (09:32:13 PM): did he say that about Ketu in UL? in_joy_i_scream (09:32:20 PM): i know thats the case with Ketu in lagna skanda_kumara (09:32:31 PM): I am thinking ... cd be incorrrect shris1 (09:32:42 PM): It was Rahu who cause it right, not ketu ? in_joy_i_scream (09:32:58 PM): we aren't talking about the chart now Shriram shris1 (09:33:38 PM): so which are u guys talking about now ? shris1 (09:33:44 PM): which chart ? in_joy_i_scream (09:33:49 PM): remember the yogas for Rahu/ketu in the 1st/7th from AL? her spouse may have jaundice or such liver disorders. in_joy_i_scream (09:34:00 PM): oh we are talking about various grahas in the UL in_joy_i_scream (09:34:09 PM): actually its not of relevance to the discussion shris1 (09:34:17 PM): yes but in her case, Ketu is in UL karenskoler (09:34:44 PM): the UP lord is exalted... from high family... maybe gov't with sun? skanda_kumara (09:35:11 PM): I think we need to ponder over it for some time in_joy_i_scream (09:35:17 PM): Jaimini says that Rahu or Ketu in the 7th from UL, gives problems in the stomach area. If Jup influences this maybe in the liver. in_joy_i_scream (09:35:33 PM): well what exactly did he want us to answer? shris1 (09:35:54 PM): In this chart, Rahu is also in 8th in D-30 skanda_kumara (09:36:19 PM): I am unsure too shris1 (09:36:26 PM): Serious problem is confirmed hence skanda_kumara (09:36:37 PM): yes Shriram in_joy_i_scream (09:36:43 PM): 2) Health issue.. especially tumor in leg. shris1 (09:36:44 PM): I think he wants us to say , how he got the problem in_joy_i_scream (09:36:50 PM): 3) Shiva bhakti in_joy_i_scream (09:36:55 PM): its a she in_joy_i_scream (09:38:22 PM): ok people what can we conclude on the tumor issue? skanda_kumara (09:38:25 PM): 5L is Jupiter shris1 (09:38:34 PM): The native was also Vi Narayana Dasa skanda_kumara (09:38:44 PM): hene Shiva bhakti esp when strong Jup aspects it with Sun joiing in skanda_kumara (09:39:05 PM): her ID is also Shiva shris1 (09:39:44 PM): But skanda, i thought it would manifest only if it is in trine, quadrant from Navamsa Lagna in_joy_i_scream (09:39:48 PM): well not everyone loves their istha shris1 (09:39:49 PM): But it is in 8th from NL skanda_kumara (09:39:59 PM): but the 5H sshows it skanda_kumara (09:40:22 PM): Shriram .. What r u talking abt??? shris1 (09:40:45 PM): the natives chart, why she is spiritual shris1 (09:40:49 PM): devoted to shiva skanda_kumara (09:41:41 PM): ok guys gotta go now ... bye all shris1 (09:41:47 PM): bye skanda in_joy_i_scream (09:41:49 PM): bye skanda karenskoler (09:42:12 PM): I have to go now too, bye Visti SriRam shris1 (09:42:19 PM): bye karen in_joy_i_scream (09:42:20 PM): ok cya shris1 (09:42:24 PM): Visti , shris1 (09:42:28 PM): i have a genric question in_joy_i_scream (09:42:32 PM): shoot shris1 (09:42:52 PM): Lets say Saturn is in 7th in Rasi with Rahu for Aq lagan in_joy_i_scream (09:43:01 PM): ok shris1 (09:43:12 PM): Navamsa Lagna is Pisces shris1 (09:43:29 PM): Sat is exalted in Libra in Navam shris1 (09:43:40 PM): and Rahu is debilitated in Saggi in Nvamsa shris1 (09:44:04 PM): what will be the influence of saturn wrt marriage ? shris1 (09:44:21 PM): since sat is in 7th , has good dikbala in_joy_i_scream (09:44:35 PM): leave dikbala out of this for now shris1 (09:44:39 PM): ok shris1 (09:45:00 PM): got my question ? in_joy_i_scream (09:45:44 PM): Well venus is Karaka for the 7th house, and Saturn enjoys that place very much, causing his exaltation, yet this degrades Venus. As Rahu is there as well, it relates to the asuras desire to enjoy lakshmi in_joy_i_scream (09:46:08 PM): Hence the person uses his head and not his heart when dealing with spouse shris1 (09:46:35 PM): head because of rahu shris1 (09:46:36 PM): ? in_joy_i_scream (09:46:42 PM): yes exactly shris1 (09:47:05 PM): but cannot strong saturn, remove the inf of rahu in_joy_i_scream (09:47:43 PM): No Saturn and Rahu are akin to friends, and they will only enhance each others results. shris1 (09:48:19 PM): but since Sat enjoys being in 7th, how come head comes in there ? in_joy_i_scream (09:49:00 PM): Saturn being in the 7th shows that the native really enjoys being with her spouse and gives alot to her, and rahu adds by doing this in a heartless way, like giving good advice, that comes without love in_joy_i_scream (09:49:37 PM): that can be harsh, like telling a child they have done wrong, yet internally the person really loves the spouse, yet doesn't show it shris1 (09:50:14 PM): previously u said without love ? in_joy_i_scream (09:50:34 PM): yes we are talking about the persons actions, not their inner nature shris1 (09:51:03 PM): if only saturn was there ? results would be same ? in_joy_i_scream (09:51:29 PM): no, then theres heart in the giving and the person is like a servant towards their spouse in_joy_i_scream (09:51:56 PM): this is sometimes understood as true love, yet no physical felicity in_joy_i_scream (09:52:10 PM): As the giving nature is completely emmersed in the spouse in_joy_i_scream (09:52:28 PM): rahu really messes things up in this case shris1 (09:52:50 PM): probably by bring in some suspision ? in_joy_i_scream (09:53:12 PM): Rahu is heartless hence acts that way shris1 (09:53:33 PM): now , how do the placements of Navamsa modify this shris1 (09:53:48 PM): Saturn exalted in Navamsa, Rahu debilitated in sagg shris1 (09:54:34 PM): Pisces Navamsa Lagna in_joy_i_scream (09:54:52 PM): well... in_joy_i_scream (09:55:38 PM): keep in mind that the placements in Navamsa, do not directly effect the 7th house in rasi as these grahas are lord of lagna, hence their placements could show the fortune/misfortune experienced personally by the activities in the 7th shris1 (09:56:43 PM): yes but will it hurt dharma / marriage should be seen from navamsa as well right in_joy_i_scream (09:57:56 PM): yes shris1 (09:58:36 PM): For Pisces Lagna, Saturn is a malefic shris1 (09:59:00 PM): so how will its exaltation affect it ? shris1 (09:59:16 PM): in navamsa in_joy_i_scream (09:59:23 PM): try checking the argala/obstruction of Saturn on Lagnaamsa and the 7th house shris1 (10:00:20 PM): ok. thanks shris1 (10:01:10 PM): i will checkout it out, thanks for clarification shris1 (10:01:19 PM): i goto go , bye Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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