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Argala Chat with Visti- clarifications

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Namaste Dear Visti,

I have some doubts about what we discussed the other day - reg. 4H Agrala and 10H Virodh, on Cancer Lagna, with KETU in 4H & RAHU in 10H.

You mentioned that KE will cause break in formal education through gang activity, etc.

Can you please explain your logic, through the concept of Argala?


Although the part about "gang activity" is also mentioned in COVA, how does it relate to "support" or "promotion" to be given by Ketu, when it has 4th argala over Lagna, since both - the sign (Libra) & planet (Keu) in 4H - will provide support (ARGALA) to the lagna (native), through each of the significance of 4th house.


I have also pasted the chart below.


Thanks & best wishes,




May 29, 1985Time: 10:51:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 78 E 33' 00"Latitude: 17 N 27' 00"

Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak

Lagna 24 Cn 22' 18.12" Aasresha 3 Cn Aq -Sun 14 Ta 08' 48.44" Rohini 2 Ta Ta MKMoon 6 Vi 09' 24.89" U.Pha. 3 Vi Aq PKMars 28 Ta 50' 14.50" Mrigasira 2 Ta Vi AmKMercury 3 Ta 04' 57.57" Krittika 2 Ta Cp GKJupiter 23 Cp 14' 37.96" Sravanam 4 Cp Cn BKVenus 29 Pi 17' 35.07" Revathi 4 Pi Pi AKSaturn ® 0 Sc 11' 02.61" Visakha 4 Sc Cn DKRahu 23 Ar 38' 58.03" Bharani 4 Ar Sc PiKKetu 23 Li 38' 58.03" Visakha 2 Li Ta -

+--------------+|Ven |Rah |Sun Mar |GL || | |Mer | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|| | |Asc Glk || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Rasi |-----------||Jup | |Mnd || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|| |SatR AL |Ket HL |Moo || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+

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vyam vedavyasaaya namah




Dear Shailesh,

The 4th house gives the argala, the planet shows how this argala will be 'lived out'. The person realises that street knowledge is better than the stuff they teach at schools.

Best wishes, Visti.





Tuesday, August 06, 2002 4:02 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Argala Chat with Visti- clarifications


|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Namaste Dear Visti,

I have some doubts about what we discussed the other day - reg. 4H Agrala and 10H Virodh, on Cancer Lagna, with KETU in 4H & RAHU in 10H.

You mentioned that KE will cause break in formal education through gang activity, etc.

Can you please explain your logic, through the concept of Argala?


Although the part about "gang activity" is also mentioned in COVA, how does it relate to "support" or "promotion" to be given by Ketu, when it has 4th argala over Lagna, since both - the sign (Libra) & planet (Keu) in 4H - will provide support (ARGALA) to the lagna (native), through each of the significance of 4th house.


I have also pasted the chart below.


Thanks & best wishes,




May 29, 1985Time: 10:51:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 78 E 33' 00"Latitude: 17 N 27' 00"

Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak

Lagna 24 Cn 22' 18.12" Aasresha 3 Cn Aq -Sun 14 Ta 08' 48.44" Rohini 2 Ta Ta MKMoon 6 Vi 09' 24.89" U.Pha. 3 Vi Aq PKMars 28 Ta 50' 14.50" Mrigasira 2 Ta Vi AmKMercury 3 Ta 04' 57.57" Krittika 2 Ta Cp GKJupiter 23 Cp 14' 37.96" Sravanam 4 Cp Cn BKVenus 29 Pi 17' 35.07" Revathi 4 Pi Pi AKSaturn ® 0 Sc 11' 02.61" Visakha 4 Sc Cn DKRahu 23 Ar 38' 58.03" Bharani 4 Ar Sc PiKKetu 23 Li 38' 58.03" Visakha 2 Li Ta -

+--------------+|Ven |Rah |Sun Mar |GL || | |Mer | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|| | |Asc Glk || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Rasi |-----------||Jup | |Mnd || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|| |SatR AL |Ket HL |Moo || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Dear Visti,


Thanks for the clarification - I was not too sure that Ketu indicates gangs/ strret smartness.


Best wishes





Visti Larsen


Tuesday, August 06, 2002 2:55 PM

Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Argala Chat with Visti- clarifications


vyam vedavyasaaya namah




Dear Shailesh,

The 4th house gives the argala, the planet shows how this argala will be 'lived out'. The person realises that street knowledge is better than the stuff they teach at schools.

Best wishes, Visti.





Tuesday, August 06, 2002 4:02 AM

[Hare Rama Krishna] Argala Chat with Visti- clarifications


|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Namaste Dear Visti,

I have some doubts about what we discussed the other day - reg. 4H Agrala and 10H Virodh, on Cancer Lagna, with KETU in 4H & RAHU in 10H.

You mentioned that KE will cause break in formal education through gang activity, etc.

Can you please explain your logic, through the concept of Argala?


Although the part about "gang activity" is also mentioned in COVA, how does it relate to "support" or "promotion" to be given by Ketu, when it has 4th argala over Lagna, since both - the sign (Libra) & planet (Keu) in 4H - will provide support (ARGALA) to the lagna (native), through each of the significance of 4th house.


I have also pasted the chart below.


Thanks & best wishes,




May 29, 1985Time: 10:51:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)Longitude: 78 E 33' 00"Latitude: 17 N 27' 00"

Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak

Lagna 24 Cn 22' 18.12" Aasresha 3 Cn Aq -Sun 14 Ta 08' 48.44" Rohini 2 Ta Ta MKMoon 6 Vi 09' 24.89" U.Pha. 3 Vi Aq PKMars 28 Ta 50' 14.50" Mrigasira 2 Ta Vi AmKMercury 3 Ta 04' 57.57" Krittika 2 Ta Cp GKJupiter 23 Cp 14' 37.96" Sravanam 4 Cp Cn BKVenus 29 Pi 17' 35.07" Revathi 4 Pi Pi AKSaturn ® 0 Sc 11' 02.61" Visakha 4 Sc Cn DKRahu 23 Ar 38' 58.03" Bharani 4 Ar Sc PiKKetu 23 Li 38' 58.03" Visakha 2 Li Ta -

+--------------+|Ven |Rah |Sun Mar |GL || | |Mer | || | | | || | | | || | | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|| | |Asc Glk || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------| Rasi |-----------||Jup | |Mnd || | | || | | || | | || | | ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|| |SatR AL |Ket HL |Moo || | | | || | | | || | | | || | | | |+--------------+

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