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Mahabharata date

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Dear Ramapriya,


Hare Rama Krsna!


>vI read somewhere that the Mahabharata war commenced on 22 Nov 3067 BC.

>I've a 30-page document authored by an Indian scholar justifying this

>date, together with DsOB of Krsna, the Pandavas, Bhishma, Kauravas and



There are so many Indian scholars with so many different ideas. Ranging

from 6-7000 BC till even 900 BC for the Mahabharata war. I was interested

some time ago, but gave up out of sheer despair. Probably we'll never

know... the age of Kali is already too far advanced, and that even after

only a couple of thousands of years.


Anyway, why don't you post the charts of Krishna and the main Pandavas on

the list? I'd like to have a look.


Your sishya,

Dhira Krsna dasa

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Om Namo Bhagavate VaasudevayaDear RamapriyaCan we see the document and also the charts? perhaps if you give the details, Jagannath Hora can construct the charts acurately.With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.comRamapriya D [hubli]Monday, September 23, 2002 7:12 PMVarahamihira Post[Hare Rama Krishna] Mahabharata dateHi, I read somewhere that the Mahabharata war commenced on 22 Nov 3067 BC. I've a 30-page document authored by an Indian scholar justifying this date, together with DsOB of Krsna, the Pandavas, Bhishma, Kauravas and others!! Does anyone have any authentic info about the date of the war? Ramapriyahubli OM TAT SATArchive: varahamihiraFiles: varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Recently, Prof B N Achar, U Memphis, TN presented a paper on the

same at WAVES conference held at UMass @ Dartmouth. Probably you can

write to Prof Achar for the same paper. His fixation of MB War seems

to be closer to 3067 BC, iirc. Some people are planning to arrange a

conference on " Dating mahabhaarata " in Bangalore around December

2002. I am not sure about this. I will let you know the details in

future, if they do so.





PS: appended is the abstract of the above refered paper.




" A Critical Examination of the Astronomical References in Mahabharata

and Their Simulation by Planetarium Software.


Dr. B. N. Narahari Achar

Professor of Physics

University of Memphis

Memphis, TN 38152.


Email: nachar



The importance of determining the date of the Mahabharata War for

ancient Indian chronology is too well understood to be mentioned. A

number of authors have concentrated on the references to astronomical

events such as eclipses found in the epic as a basis for determining

the date of the war. However, it has not been possible to arrive at a

definite date on the basis of astronomical references to eclipses

only. The author has recently applied anew tool in the form of

Planetarium Software to determine the date by simulating the

astronomical events. It is the purpose of the paper to critically

examine the astronomical references in the epic that have been

considered in the simulations using this tool for the purpose of

determining the date of the Mahabharata War. "



varahamihira, " Ramapriya D " <hubli@v...> wrote:

> Hi,


> I read somewhere that the Mahabharata war commenced on 22 Nov 3067

BC. I've a 30-page document authored by an Indian scholar justifying

this date, together with DsOB of Krsna, the Pandavas, Bhishma,

Kauravas and others!!


> Does anyone have any authentic info about the date of the war?


> Ramapriya

> hubli@v...

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  • 2 months later...

varahamihira, " venkateshwara_reddy "

> Recently, Prof B N Achar, U Memphis, TN presented a paper on the

> same at WAVES conference held at UMass @ Dartmouth. Probably you


> write to Prof Achar for the same paper. His fixation of MB War


> to be closer to 3067 BC, iirc. Some people are planning to arrange


> conference on " Dating mahabhaarata " in Bangalore around December

> 2002. I am not sure about this. I will let you know the details in

> future, if they do so.


fyi, I received a note thus:

There is a workshop in Bangalore on " Dating Mahaabhaarata " during

January 5 & 6.

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