Guest guest Posted October 3, 2002 Report Share Posted October 3, 2002 Om Gurave Namah Dinanath! This proves how much you have learnt from me. Everyone is well aware that those good yogas will also fructify in their time just like the curse in fructifying in its time. This is my Last & final mail on this matter. I have read the requests of Nicholas and others and henceforth will NOT respond to any such mail. Nicholas, Raghu and other Jyotish friends, please bear with me this one last time. Namaste Sanjay Rath > > > It was but natural that when the formation of this was taking an > > inordinately long time, we decided to request Sri Brendan Feeley to > > organise this. > > Organization was registered within few months from the time when > you requested us and than Kusa was selling your books and tapes > in the name of SJVC. Your organization in the USA now is not > doing much more than what Kusa was doing, except 2 conferences > that you had, and the idea for the conference came from me, and > when I visited USA 1 year ago I spoke to Brendan about it and > they organized it. If I've lived in USA I could've also organized > big conference but you never gave me a chance. Before I left > Delhi at the end of April you told me that I am in charge for > SJVC International affairs and that I should finalize SJVC-USA > registration and when I came to USA you offered me a big surprise. Rath: What was the surprise. You were to set it up. Yu did this, now let go, let the others who are better handle it. > Sanjay you were not a lawmaker in India. You have an engineering > degree and not law degree. Please don't contradict yourself. You > started with clerical post in Food ministry. As you said you were > instrumental in liberalizing sugar trade. If you call this major > structural economical reforms than fine. Rath: This is a major reform..thats what the papers called it. IAS-allied is not a clerical post for your kind information, washing dishes in London is and in any case, this does not matter, there is dignity in labor. I did make those laws with the other senior officers whether you like it or not. Rath: Lady refers to Lakshmi Devi (lynn Kary). Please do not say such things about her - it does not become of you. > Wow, I cannot believe that it took you more than 5 years to see > that curse in my chart. From the time when I came to see you for > astrological consultation till now it's been more than 5 years > and on a countless number of occasions when you were looking at > my chart you never told me that I have a curse in my chart. Now > all of a sudden when you have to defame me a curse has arisen in > my chart. Oh my God what will I do now? I've been cursed by my > maternal uncle!!! Rath: The good days will also come just like the curse. It is only a question of dasa, In Rahu dasa Mercury antar the curse worked and when Guru dasa comes the good days will also come. Time is the best teacher. You will see how Jyotish will work. > I think that all your initial students from Delhi are cursed > because we all have similar opinion about you and all of them > have left you, like: Ashok, Neeraj, Raju, Manpreet and myself. > There is only one person left who is trying to tell you what you > are doing is wrong, but I don't think he'll stay much longer with you. Rath: Who has left me?? This is a strange aspersion you cast on Ashok. Ashok is going to the Rishikesh to learn the Upanishad. He should do so and I have encouraged him to do so. Unlike you he never cared for organisational posts and power. He is always of pure heart and has hence wanted to learn the Upanishad. Neeraj helped in starting of Jyotish Digest and is also not interested in SJVC organisational post. He is also teaching and seeing charts. manpreet had always been too busy with software to teach Jyotish. Raju never learnt jyotsh and like you was too busy doing so many other things. At least you did read many books, and should see more charts for practise, but then I am no longer your Jyotish Guru to guide you. > For example in Raju's chart there is a curse and he lost a lot of > money because of it. He was cursed to enter into a business deal > with a his Jyotish guru who lives in Delhi (you may also know > him, he was born in Orissa and has mustaches and wears glasses, > recently published few books on astrology and his first one was > called " Jaimini Upadesa Sutras " ). Raju's Jyotish Guru started a > financing company and left a government job. His financing > company was supposed to get loans from one Australian company at > lower interest rates and than offer the loans on Indian market at > higher interest rate and make profit from the difference in > interest rates. > In the meantime, almost 2 years ago Raju's Guruji was informed > from Finance Ministry that Australian company from which he > wanted to take a loan is US$1 company with no financial > credibility and Guruji was told that he'll never get a permission > from Indian government to take loans from this company because > companies like that can only get illegally acquired money like > from drugs and weapons sales. From this you can see that Guruji > was very well aware that he'll never get any loans and will have > nothing to offer for the loan deposits he collected. Rath: If I give this letter to my father, you will have a serious case against you. We have the approval of the High level committee of the Government of India (meeting of May 22, 2001). Don't go by hearsay. Just because nobody gets approval easily does not mean that we have not got it. If you have a doubt, write to the GOI - ECB Division at North Block, Delhi. These are serious financial matters and you should realise that the Government does not approve every tom-dick and harry. Whya re you asking for trouble writing like this? You think I am such a fool that I get into a business without Government or RBI approval? You think my partner who is a big exporter of garments is also a fool and all those people. If raju's compnay could not get a Guarantee, is it my fault? It is very difficult in India? And let me tell you another thing. Raju is not at fault, no matter how much you may provoke me. He has even attended some classes till late last year when we were taking them regularly. Some things have been done by his partner, and this is a company and he had to do it. It is only a question of time when everything will be set right..wait and watch. That Australian Company has just lent USD 300 Million to Malaysia Govt undertaking. I cannot disclose more due to Australian laws. In a way raju is also a Guru for me because he explained the intricacies of this business to me. > > What shall we say about the curses in Ashok's chart? He also > happens to have same Jyotish Guru as Raju. Ashok met his Guruji > around the beginning of 1997 and Guruji advised astrologically > Ashok about his garment export business and as an result Ashok's > business collapsed he made losses and ended up in debts. Ashok > went over that and was very faithful to his Guruji and was > spending most of his free time with his Guruji helping him in > every possible way and learning from him. RATH: Ashok has a simple condition about that business -That he will never run it or handle it and left it to another blindly. The result was obvious. Why did I want Ashok to start a business? Well have you asked him why? No defintely not, and I don't think he will ever tell you. There was something related to his personal life and I was hurt when someone had made a comment about him and profession..thats how it all started. But if he will not go to the business or not work, what will happen. Why are you telling such things without veryfying or trying to understand the reasons behind it? Indeed Ashok was the > most advanced student of Guruji having learned so much from him. > But when Guruji got involved in the business and started to > change his ways Ashok became suspicious. Because he was very > close to Guruji and he was driving Guruji to meetings etc., he > also started guessing what is Guruji up to. When Ashok saw what > Guruji did with Raju and Vijaydeep and that Guruji has no remorse > over what he did to them he could see his true colours and than > Ashok told his Guruji that he is going to Rishikesh to study > Upanishads. He said this just to excuse himself from association > with his Guru. Later Guruji proclaimed that Ashok left him > because of his wife who doesn't want Ashok to be with his Jyotish > Guru, which obviously is not true. Rath: Why are you telling lies about Ashok? I have met him as recently as two weeks back and there is nothing wrong with his desire to learn the Upanishad. Proclaimed tht he left me because of wife! What nonsence is this? Why should he leave me because of his wife. What do youthink I have done or said to his wife? Ashok is passing through some changing period in his life, last leg of sade-sati and is handling it very well like a gentleman. stop spreading such nonsence about him. We (Ashok & I) have discussed in detail about Spirituality vs Astrology and this debate has been there very recently. I fully agree and support his decision to learn the Upanishad and take to the highest path. Be sure that once he takes that path, he will be the best. He has learnt well, and although you think that he has left Jyotish, believe me none of my students can..I put it into their blood. Everytime they meet they will end up talking about the chart etc..and Arudha and all that. > Now Sanjay doesn't want to be involved with any of his old Delhi > students because they know the truth about him and he is trying > to penetrate " international market " where he can find his new > victims among his innocent students. Rath: Nonsence. Sarat was here yesterday as i typed the mail to the list. I will call a meeting of all old students and ask them to speak their minds to me honestly. Why are you keen about helping me till yesterday in " penetrating the international market " ? What is your intention? If you knew all this what was the need to go along till I looked the other way? People are not fools that they will bite anything you give to chew. I will again repeat that the Curse will operate during the relevant dasa and so will the Rajyoga. When your Mercury antardasa finishes you will realise. There is no change in reading. If I could predict rajyoga and other things which were bulls eye accurate during Rahu-Sat and the problems during Rahu-Mercury, other predictions will also come true. You will do well during the Guru dasa. Where have I changed my statement? You have aglrious path, please do not stray and gt more involved with achieving what you joined ISKCON originally for. > Hare Krishna, > Dinanatha Das > Rath: Hare Krishna is the Yuga mantra and it should help to forget the past and get along with life. Let bygones be bygones and let us not look back and get along with whatever we are doing or wanted to do. So, just get along with your chanting and stop fighting. Both things cannot happen, and you know that. Best Wishes Sanjay Rath Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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