Guest guest Posted October 9, 2002 Report Share Posted October 9, 2002 Gee Shailesh, I think Sanjay was talking of a 2.5-month period. Saturn transits an amsa in D-9 for only about 2.5 months or so, doesn't it? Or did he mean transit of Saturn in D-1 on the D-9 Moon? Ramapriya hubli - Shailesh varahamihira Tuesday, October 08, 2002 11:25 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Sade-sati effects from Navamsa Moon - [GJ] Re: Nodal aspects - corrrection || Om Gurave Namah || Namaste Sanjay Guruji, In this case, does it mean that my sade-sati continues for another 2.5 years (moon in AR in D1 and in TA in D9). This is a new - and a little troubling thought. Looking out for your response. Shailesh Shailesh Chandra Chadhascchadha - Sanjay Rath gjlist Monday, October 07, 2002 9:31 AM RE: [GJ] Re: Nodal aspects - corrrection Sri Ganeshaya NamahDear Maddelena,Simply brilliant point..very brilliant indeed as this is the basic root ofbrighu's transit. I would love to hear more on this. Jaimini also talks ofSun transiting Ketvamsa in fructifying some events related to pregnancy. Besides natal positions, the navamsa transitory positions are very valid.For example people invariably miss out the transits related to natal Moon innavamsa. I have found sade-sati effects to be more profound from navamsamoon.Best regards & greetings,Om Tat SatSanjay Rathweb: & http://.org> > Maddalena Cecchinato [mcecc88]> Sunday, October 06, 2002 11:47 PM> gjlist > Re: [GJ] Re: Nodal aspects - corrrection>>> Dear List,> whenever a transiting planet is at 120 degrees from a natal one,> this means> that it is transiting the same navamsha of the natal one. So> whether Ketu's> trinal aspects in Rasi should be considered or not, the effect would be> there in any case I think.> As has been observed by someone recently (sorry, with all these mails I> can't remember who it was :-) ), the conflicts going on in the> last days saw> Tr> Mars and Jupiter conjoined in Navamsha. Tr true Ketu was there as well on> 2nd/3rd Oct.> Looking forward to comments.>> regards> Maddalena>Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 9, 2002 Report Share Posted October 9, 2002 Aum Namah Sivaya Dear Rama, Saturn in D-1 on the D-9 Moon. Regards Sarajit " Ramapriya D " <hubli <varahamihira > om> cc: Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Sade-sati effects from Navamsa 09/10/2002 Moon 09:01 AM Please respond to varahamihira Gee Shailesh, I think Sanjay was talking of a 2.5-month period. Saturn transits an amsa in D-9 for only about 2.5 months or so, doesn't it? Or did he mean transit of Saturn in D-1 on the D-9 Moon? Ramapriya hubli - Shailesh varahamihira Tuesday, October 08, 2002 11:25 PM [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Sade-sati effects from Navamsa Moon - [GJ] Re: Nodal aspects - corrrection || Om Gurave Namah || Namaste Sanjay Guruji, In this case, does it mean that my sade-sati continues for another 2.5 years (moon in AR in D1 and in TA in D9). This is a new - and a little troubling thought. Looking out for your response. Shailesh Shailesh Chandra Chadha scchadha - Sanjay Rath gjlist Monday, October 07, 2002 9:31 AM RE: [GJ] Re: Nodal aspects - corrrection Sri Ganeshaya Namah Dear Maddelena, Simply brilliant point..very brilliant indeed as this is the basic root of brighu's transit. I would love to hear more on this. Jaimini also talks of Sun transiting Ketvamsa in fructifying some events related to pregnancy. Besides natal positions, the navamsa transitory positions are very valid. For example people invariably miss out the transits related to natal Moon in navamsa. I have found sade-sati effects to be more profound from navamsa moon. Best regards & greetings, Om Tat Sat Sanjay Rath web: & http://.org > > Maddalena Cecchinato [mcecc88] > Sunday, October 06, 2002 11:47 PM > gjlist > Re: [GJ] Re: Nodal aspects - corrrection > > > Dear List, > whenever a transiting planet is at 120 degrees from a natal one, > this means > that it is transiting the same navamsha of the natal one. So > whether Ketu's > trinal aspects in Rasi should be considered or not, the effect would be > there in any case I think. > As has been observed by someone recently (sorry, with all these mails I > can't remember who it was :-) ), the conflicts going on in the > last days saw > Tr > Mars and Jupiter conjoined in Navamsha. Tr true Ketu was there as well on > 2nd/3rd Oct. > Looking forward to comments. > > regards > Maddalena > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat : gjlist- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 9, 2002 Report Share Posted October 9, 2002 Dear Sarajit, Thank you. And does this work the same way with Saturn's lagna transit too? Warm regards, Ramapriya hubli - sarajit_podar varahamihira Wednesday, October 09, 2002 1:04 PM Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Sade-sati effects from Navamsa Moon Aum Namah SivayaDear Rama,Saturn in D-1 on the D-9 Moon.RegardsSarajit "Ramapriya D" <hubli <varahamihira > om> cc: Re: [Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Sade-sati effects from Navamsa 09/10/2002 Moon 09:01 AM Please respond to varahamihira Gee Shailesh,I think Sanjay was talking of a 2.5-month period. Saturn transits an amsain D-9 for only about 2.5 months or so, doesn't it? Or did he mean transitof Saturn in D-1 on the D-9 Moon?Ramapriyahubli-Shaileshvarahamihira Tuesday, October 08, 2002 11:25 PM[Hare Rama Krishna] Re: Sade-sati effects from Navamsa Moon -[GJ] Re: Nodal aspects - corrrection || Om Gurave Namah ||Namaste Sanjay Guruji,In this case, does it mean that my sade-sati continues for another 2.5years (moon in AR in D1 and in TA in D9).This is a new - and a little troubling thought.Looking out for your response.ShaileshShailesh Chandra Chadhascchadha-Sanjay Rathgjlist Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 9:31 AMRE: [GJ] Re: Nodal aspects - corrrectionSri Ganeshaya NamahDear Maddelena,Simply brilliant point..very brilliant indeed as this is the basic root ofbrighu's transit. I would love to hear more on this. Jaimini also talks ofSun transiting Ketvamsa in fructifying some events related to pregnancy.Besides natal positions, the navamsa transitory positions are very valid.For example people invariably miss out the transits related to natal Mooninnavamsa. I have found sade-sati effects to be more profound from navamsamoon.Best regards & greetings,Om Tat SatSanjay Rathweb: & http://.org> > Maddalena Cecchinato [mcecc88]> Sunday, October 06, 2002 11:47 PM> gjlist > Re: [GJ] Re: Nodal aspects - corrrection>>> Dear List,> whenever a transiting planet is at 120 degrees from a natal one,> this means> that it is transiting the same navamsha of the natal one. So> whether Ketu's> trinal aspects in Rasi should be considered or not, the effect would be> there in any case I think.> As has been observed by someone recently (sorry, with all these mails I> can't remember who it was :-) ), the conflicts going on in the> last days saw> Tr> Mars and Jupiter conjoined in Navamsha. Tr true Ketu was there as wellon> 2nd/3rd Oct.> Looking forward to comments.>> regards> Maddalena>Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat Sat: gjlist- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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