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Adhana Mehods

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Om Namo Bgavate Vasudewaya


Dear Shri Sanjayji Shashtang Pranam,


With reference to your earlier email i am giving in short about the

Adhan mehtods. There many methods of determining the time and date

of the exact conception. Our ancient texts give a lot of information

on the subject. In fact Baileys prenatal epoch is also based on the

Indian ancient method. This method is gien in Bhatoptala teeka on

Brihat Jatak, Saravali,Sankenidhi and other works. The mehod of

Dwadashamsha is not well understood by me. I think it requires

certain explainations. The Baileys method is not all together humbug.

The problem lies with the irregular epochs. The use of PNE is very

tricky with the irregular epochs. The Vedic adhan based on tithi and

yoga works perfectly and one can get the gestations of 248 to 298

days while the PNE can give only 258 to 288 days. The prenatal lunar

returns or tobe very precise prenatal tithi returns shows the way

development has take place both physically and spiritually also. I am

working on one method which gives very accurate results gien by one

researcher in Maharashtra. The basic of the theory lies to find out

the conceptions taking place globaly. There is one method given in

tajaka i am not well versed with it. The Balieys theory of sex

determination is humbug. He has mentioned it in hislater writings

that he has failed in his theoryof sex completely. The D7 works

excellently in this case. The Jaiminis Nisheka Adhyaya is a new door

to me. Very few books write on these adhyaya. The Books by shriKar,

P.S.Shastri and You are the only books which I have seen.

Ifyou allow me to write about this method of adhan I can give the

complete methodstep by step and its application to the tithi returns

(Prenatal) and its higher aspects relatd to the prenatal development.

Sir, regarding the exercise given by you on my chart I am working

onit and shortly will be in touch with you. The lot of guidance will

require from you to make a progress in my learning.




Dewavrat Buit

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