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Financial New Year Chart and Stock Market

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Can we use this chart for individuals too? If yes, should we make

the chart for the location of residence or location of individual's



My hunch is that we can make predictions for individuals using this

method and the location of residence should be used.





varahamihira, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr@c...> wrote:

> [This material is copyrighted by Narasimha P.V.R. Rao. You may not

reproduce it in any form without the author's written permission.]


> Om Sreem Hreem Mahalakshmyai Namah

> Namaste friends,


> Denis and other members asked me a few times about stock market

analysis. I always maintained that I did not know any technique that

worked reasonably well. I had tried various kinds of mundane charts -

two kinds of solar new year charts and two kinds of lunar new year

charts - and tried various compressed dasas with them, but had never

found statistically significant correlations to the stock market.


> However, all that has changed now. Pt. Sanjay Rath mentioned a

chart at the Ukiah conference and I have recently experimented with

it. It seems like the right chart for these matters. I think things

are falling in place now.


> * * *


> Diwali or Deepavali is the Indian festival of lights. It comes on

Aswayuja Amavasya night every year. This is a big festival in India.

The New Moon that starts the Kartika month following this festival is

celebrated in some parts of India as the new year day.


> Different calendars are in vogue in different parts of India. It

will be hasty to dismiss the calendars that one does not use. It is

not necessary that only one calendar be right. All calendars can have

a utility of their own. Reckoning of the new year from Kartika

Pratipat (Sun-Moon conjunction in Libra) also has its own use.


> Libra is the sign of business in the natural zodiac. The

conjunction of Moon and Sun in Libra is important for business and

financial matters. The new year chart cast for this conjunction at a

nation's capital should be used for predicting the financial matters

in that nation during the coming one year.


> Interestingly, this calendar (of reckoning a new year from Diwali)

is popular in some business classes and some areas of India where

these business classes are strong. One is supposed to pray to Lakshmi

(goddess of wealth) on this day.


> Bottomline: Cast a chart for the conjunction of Moon and Sun in

Libra at the capital of the nation you are interested in. Financial

new year starts at that time and continues till the next year's Moon-

Sun conjunction in Libra. Use this chart for making predictions

related to financial matters during the year. Use standard rules of

chart interpretation. Compress Vimsottari dasa to the length of the

year to time events.



> * * *


> Try casting the charts for 2000-01 and 2001-02 at Washington DC. In

both the charts, Leo rises with lagna lord Sun debilitated. Here is

the data for the 2001-02 chart:


> November 15, 2001

> Time: 1:40:36

> Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)

> Longitude: 77 W 02' 12 "

> Latitude: 38 N 53' 42 "


> The rasi chart is shown below:


> +--------------+

> | | |SaR HL |JuR Ra |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------| Rasi |-----------|

> |Ma | |As |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |Ke AL | |Su Mo |Md Gk |

> | | |Me Ve | |

> | | |GL | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +--------------+


> Rasi

> +--------------+

> | \ Gk / \ / |

> | \ Md / \ / |

> | \ / \ / |

> | GL \ / \ / |

> |Me \ / \ / |

> |Su Mo x As x Ra JuR |

> |Ve / \ / \ |

> | / \ / \ |

> | / \ / \ |

> | / \ 5 / HL \ |

> | / \ / \ |

> | x SaR |

> | \ / \ / |

> | \ / \ / |

> | \ / \ / |

> | \ / \ / |

> | \ / \ / |

> |Ke AL x x |

> | / \ / \ |

> | / \ / \ |

> | / \ / \ |

> | / Ma \ / \ |

> | / \ / \ |

> +--------------+


> +--------------+

> | \ | | / |

> | \ HL | | / |

> | \ | | / |

> | JuR \ SaR | | / |

> | \ | | / |

> | Ra \ | | / |

> | \ | | / |

> |---------------+---------------+---------------|

> | | | |

> | | | Ma |

> | | | |

> | | Rasi | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |---------------+---------------+---------------|

> | / | | \ |

> | / | Su Mo | \ AL |

> | / | Me Ve | \ |

> | As / Md | GL | \ Ke |

> | / | | \ |

> | / Gk | | \ |

> | / | | \ |

> +---------------+---------------+---------------+


> Overall, you can see that the lagna lord is weak and afflicted by

the 12th lord. Does not show a great year. Now, look at the

compressed dasas for fine timing:


> Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):


> Maha Dasas:


> Jup: 2001-10-14 (06:34:44) - 2001-11-29 (17:48:32)

> Sat: 2001-11-29 (17:48:32) - 2002-01-23 (02:47:36)

> Mer: 2002-01-23 (02:47:36) - 2002-03-13 (04:52:09)

> Ket: 2002-03-13 (04:52:09) - 2002-04-02 (18:16:02)

> Ven: 2002-04-02 (18:16:02) - 2002-06-01 (18:29:36)

> Sun: 2002-06-01 (18:29:36) - 2002-06-20 (01:03:32)

> Moo: 2002-06-20 (01:03:32) - 2002-07-20 (13:54:57)

> Mar: 2002-07-20 (13:54:57) - 2002-08-10 (21:23:18)

> Rah: 2002-08-10 (21:23:18) - 2002-10-03 (21:20:22)

> Jup: 2002-10-03 (21:20:22) - 2002-11-19 (14:31:42)


> Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is considered to be the

barometer of US stock markets. Its graph for the last one year is

shown below:




> As you can see, Jupiter dasa during November was fantastic. Jupiter

is the most important functional benefic for Leo lagna and he is in

the 11th house here. He lords AL too. He has close aspects on lagna,

2nd and 11th lords. Retrograde Saturn's dasa had ups and downs.

Saturn is a mixed planet in the chart. Mercury dasa was good. Though

Mercury is a functional malefic, he lords over the two houses that

are important for finances - 2nd and 11th. He is placed in an

upachaya (growth). His dasa was good.


> Venus dasa brought mild losses. Venus, though well-placed in

moolatrikona, is a functional malefic and afflicts lagna lord. His

dasa was bad. However, Jupiter antardasa during May 3-11 brought

temporary gains.


> Sun dasa during June was bad. Though Sun is lagna lord, he is weak.

He is debilitated and afflicted by 12th lord Moon (Moon happens to be

the 8th lord from AL too). Moreover, Sun is the weakest planet in

Vimsopaka bala with only 38% strength (always use the Sapta varga

based Vimsopaka bala in mundane charts). His dasa brought losses.


> However, the worst of the year was reserved for Moon. Moon is the

12th lord from lagna and the 8th lord from AL and afflicts weak lagna

lord Sun. He too is weak in Vimsopaka bala and has a much higher

Kashta Phala than Ishta Phala like Sun. Though the 12th house is a

neutral house, it is a very malefic house for financial matters.


> While Moon dasa was terrible, Mars dasa from July 20 was terrific.

Stock markets started recovering from the free fall of Sun and Moon

dasas. Mars is yogakaraka for Leo lagna and he is exalted here. No

wonder Dow had the biggest gains of the year during July 20-Aug 10.


> Then came Rahu dasa. Rahu afflicts the only well-placed functional

benefic in the chart - Jupiter. Rahu dasa was bad and the markets

fared badly during Aug 20-Oct 5. Then came the Jupiter dasa. Jupiter

is a functional (and natural) benefic placed in the 11th house with

aspects on lagna, 2n and 11th lord and with good Vimsopaka bala and a

higher Ishta Phala than Kashta Phala. In fact, Jupiter antardasa in

most dasas resulted in gains earlier in the year. So far, Jupiter

dasa has been good. In the last 3 weeks, Dow climbed up by 1,000



> With no other mundane annual chart system-dasa system combination

could I ever come this close to cleanly explaining the ups and downs

in the Dow graph. This is amazingly coherent. I finally think this

Libra Sun-Moon conjunction chart is the chart for stock market



> * * *


> You can cast the chart for the upcoming financial new year using

the following data:


> November 4, 2002

> Time: 15:35:00

> Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)

> Longitude: 77 W 02' 12 "

> Latitude: 38 N 53' 42 "


> In this chart, there are 4 planets in the 8th house. However, lagna

lord Jupiter is exalted in a trine and this year has to be much

better than 2001-02. Luckily, Jupiter dasa starts from Nov 11 and

runs till Dec 27. In all likelihood, this period will be very good

for the US markets.


> Anyway, it is too late and I have to sleep now. In case I don't

write again until Diwali, happy Diwali to all of you!


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> PVR (aka Narasimha)

> http://www.VedicAstrologer.org


> PS: Don't worry too much about calculations. JHora is very close to

shipping. If you get it, it can compute the financial new year chart

and the compressed dasas for you. The above calculations are from


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BTW, there is an article on this technique in the latest Express Star

Tellar magazine.




varahamihira, " sgupta2269 " <sgupta2269> wrote:

> Can we use this chart for individuals too? If yes, should we make

> the chart for the location of residence or location of individual's

> birth.


> My hunch is that we can make predictions for individuals using this

> method and the location of residence should be used.


> Shashank



> varahamihira, " Narasimha P.V.R. Rao " <pvr@c...> wrote:

> > [This material is copyrighted by Narasimha P.V.R. Rao. You may


> reproduce it in any form without the author's written permission.]

> >

> > Om Sreem Hreem Mahalakshmyai Namah

> > Namaste friends,

> >

> > Denis and other members asked me a few times about stock market

> analysis. I always maintained that I did not know any technique


> worked reasonably well. I had tried various kinds of mundane

charts -

> two kinds of solar new year charts and two kinds of lunar new year

> charts - and tried various compressed dasas with them, but had


> found statistically significant correlations to the stock market.

> >

> > However, all that has changed now. Pt. Sanjay Rath mentioned a

> chart at the Ukiah conference and I have recently experimented with

> it. It seems like the right chart for these matters. I think things

> are falling in place now.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > Diwali or Deepavali is the Indian festival of lights. It comes on

> Aswayuja Amavasya night every year. This is a big festival in


> The New Moon that starts the Kartika month following this festival


> celebrated in some parts of India as the new year day.

> >

> > Different calendars are in vogue in different parts of India. It

> will be hasty to dismiss the calendars that one does not use. It is

> not necessary that only one calendar be right. All calendars can


> a utility of their own. Reckoning of the new year from Kartika

> Pratipat (Sun-Moon conjunction in Libra) also has its own use.

> >

> > Libra is the sign of business in the natural zodiac. The

> conjunction of Moon and Sun in Libra is important for business and

> financial matters. The new year chart cast for this conjunction at


> nation's capital should be used for predicting the financial


> in that nation during the coming one year.

> >

> > Interestingly, this calendar (of reckoning a new year from


> is popular in some business classes and some areas of India where

> these business classes are strong. One is supposed to pray to


> (goddess of wealth) on this day.

> >

> > Bottomline: Cast a chart for the conjunction of Moon and Sun in

> Libra at the capital of the nation you are interested in. Financial

> new year starts at that time and continues till the next year's


> Sun conjunction in Libra. Use this chart for making predictions

> related to financial matters during the year. Use standard rules of

> chart interpretation. Compress Vimsottari dasa to the length of the

> year to time events.

> >

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > Try casting the charts for 2000-01 and 2001-02 at Washington DC.


> both the charts, Leo rises with lagna lord Sun debilitated. Here is

> the data for the 2001-02 chart:

> >

> > November 15, 2001

> > Time: 1:40:36

> > Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)

> > Longitude: 77 W 02' 12 "

> > Latitude: 38 N 53' 42 "

> >

> > The rasi chart is shown below:

> >

> > +--------------+

> > | | |SaR HL |JuR Ra |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-----------| Rasi |-----------|

> > |Ma | |As |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> > |Ke AL | |Su Mo |Md Gk |

> > | | |Me Ve | |

> > | | |GL | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +--------------+

> >

> > Rasi

> > +--------------+

> > | \ Gk / \ / |

> > | \ Md / \ / |

> > | \ / \ / |

> > | GL \ / \ / |

> > |Me \ / \ / |

> > |Su Mo x As x Ra JuR |

> > |Ve / \ / \ |

> > | / \ / \ |

> > | / \ / \ |

> > | / \ 5 / HL \ |

> > | / \ / \ |

> > | x SaR |

> > | \ / \ / |

> > | \ / \ / |

> > | \ / \ / |

> > | \ / \ / |

> > | \ / \ / |

> > |Ke AL x x |

> > | / \ / \ |

> > | / \ / \ |

> > | / \ / \ |

> > | / Ma \ / \ |

> > | / \ / \ |

> > +--------------+

> >

> > +--------------+

> > | \ | | / |

> > | \ HL | | / |

> > | \ | | / |

> > | JuR \ SaR | | / |

> > | \ | | / |

> > | Ra \ | | / |

> > | \ | | / |

> > |---------------+---------------+---------------|

> > | | | |

> > | | | Ma |

> > | | | |

> > | | Rasi | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |---------------+---------------+---------------|

> > | / | | \ |

> > | / | Su Mo | \ AL |

> > | / | Me Ve | \ |

> > | As / Md | GL | \ Ke |

> > | / | | \ |

> > | / Gk | | \ |

> > | / | | \ |

> > +---------------+---------------+---------------+

> >

> > Overall, you can see that the lagna lord is weak and afflicted by

> the 12th lord. Does not show a great year. Now, look at the

> compressed dasas for fine timing:

> >

> > Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):

> >

> > Maha Dasas:

> >

> > Jup: 2001-10-14 (06:34:44) - 2001-11-29 (17:48:32)

> > Sat: 2001-11-29 (17:48:32) - 2002-01-23 (02:47:36)

> > Mer: 2002-01-23 (02:47:36) - 2002-03-13 (04:52:09)

> > Ket: 2002-03-13 (04:52:09) - 2002-04-02 (18:16:02)

> > Ven: 2002-04-02 (18:16:02) - 2002-06-01 (18:29:36)

> > Sun: 2002-06-01 (18:29:36) - 2002-06-20 (01:03:32)

> > Moo: 2002-06-20 (01:03:32) - 2002-07-20 (13:54:57)

> > Mar: 2002-07-20 (13:54:57) - 2002-08-10 (21:23:18)

> > Rah: 2002-08-10 (21:23:18) - 2002-10-03 (21:20:22)

> > Jup: 2002-10-03 (21:20:22) - 2002-11-19 (14:31:42)

> >

> > Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is considered to be the

> barometer of US stock markets. Its graph for the last one year is

> shown below:

> >

> >

> >

> > As you can see, Jupiter dasa during November was fantastic.


> is the most important functional benefic for Leo lagna and he is in

> the 11th house here. He lords AL too. He has close aspects on


> 2nd and 11th lords. Retrograde Saturn's dasa had ups and downs.

> Saturn is a mixed planet in the chart. Mercury dasa was good.


> Mercury is a functional malefic, he lords over the two houses that

> are important for finances - 2nd and 11th. He is placed in an

> upachaya (growth). His dasa was good.

> >

> > Venus dasa brought mild losses. Venus, though well-placed in

> moolatrikona, is a functional malefic and afflicts lagna lord. His

> dasa was bad. However, Jupiter antardasa during May 3-11 brought

> temporary gains.

> >

> > Sun dasa during June was bad. Though Sun is lagna lord, he is


> He is debilitated and afflicted by 12th lord Moon (Moon happens to


> the 8th lord from AL too). Moreover, Sun is the weakest planet in

> Vimsopaka bala with only 38% strength (always use the Sapta varga

> based Vimsopaka bala in mundane charts). His dasa brought losses.

> >

> > However, the worst of the year was reserved for Moon. Moon is the

> 12th lord from lagna and the 8th lord from AL and afflicts weak


> lord Sun. He too is weak in Vimsopaka bala and has a much higher

> Kashta Phala than Ishta Phala like Sun. Though the 12th house is a

> neutral house, it is a very malefic house for financial matters.

> >

> > While Moon dasa was terrible, Mars dasa from July 20 was


> Stock markets started recovering from the free fall of Sun and Moon

> dasas. Mars is yogakaraka for Leo lagna and he is exalted here. No

> wonder Dow had the biggest gains of the year during July 20-Aug 10.

> >

> > Then came Rahu dasa. Rahu afflicts the only well-placed


> benefic in the chart - Jupiter. Rahu dasa was bad and the markets

> fared badly during Aug 20-Oct 5. Then came the Jupiter dasa.


> is a functional (and natural) benefic placed in the 11th house with

> aspects on lagna, 2n and 11th lord and with good Vimsopaka bala and


> higher Ishta Phala than Kashta Phala. In fact, Jupiter antardasa in

> most dasas resulted in gains earlier in the year. So far, Jupiter

> dasa has been good. In the last 3 weeks, Dow climbed up by 1,000

> points.

> >

> > With no other mundane annual chart system-dasa system combination

> could I ever come this close to cleanly explaining the ups and


> in the Dow graph. This is amazingly coherent. I finally think this

> Libra Sun-Moon conjunction chart is the chart for stock market

> analysis.

> >

> > * * *

> >

> > You can cast the chart for the upcoming financial new year using

> the following data:

> >

> > November 4, 2002

> > Time: 15:35:00

> > Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)

> > Longitude: 77 W 02' 12 "

> > Latitude: 38 N 53' 42 "

> >

> > In this chart, there are 4 planets in the 8th house. However,


> lord Jupiter is exalted in a trine and this year has to be much

> better than 2001-02. Luckily, Jupiter dasa starts from Nov 11 and

> runs till Dec 27. In all likelihood, this period will be very good

> for the US markets.

> >

> > Anyway, it is too late and I have to sleep now. In case I don't

> write again until Diwali, happy Diwali to all of you!

> >

> > May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> > PVR (aka Narasimha)

> > http://www.VedicAstrologer.org

> >

> > PS: Don't worry too much about calculations. JHora is very close


> shipping. If you get it, it can compute the financial new year


> and the compressed dasas for you. The above calculations are from

> JHora.

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Dear Shashank,


Nope. This is a mundane chart and it is for collective fortune. In

addition to nations, you could probably make charts for states or

cities, but not for individuals.


I don't know if there are any variations in Tithi Pravesh system to

make an annual chart for financial purposes for the birth tithi

return in a different month. I suspect not.


You said there was an article on this technique in the latest EST.

Who was the author?


Believe me, if you did research on markets before and gave up, do it

again with this chart. You'll get somewhere with this Libra New Moon



> Can we use this chart for individuals too? If yes, should we make

> the chart for the location of residence or location of individual's

> birth.


> My hunch is that we can make predictions for individuals using this

> method and the location of residence should be used.


> Shashank


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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The author's name is mentioned as Bandhu. He / She did not mention

any technique, however, the person used this annual chart to make

finance related predictions.





varahamihira, " pvr108 " <pvr@c...> wrote:

> Dear Shashank,


> Nope. This is a mundane chart and it is for collective fortune. In

> addition to nations, you could probably make charts for states or

> cities, but not for individuals.


> I don't know if there are any variations in Tithi Pravesh system to

> make an annual chart for financial purposes for the birth tithi

> return in a different month. I suspect not.


> You said there was an article on this technique in the latest EST.

> Who was the author?


> Believe me, if you did research on markets before and gave up, do


> again with this chart. You'll get somewhere with this Libra New


> chart.


> > Can we use this chart for individuals too? If yes, should we


> > the chart for the location of residence or location of


> > birth.

> >

> > My hunch is that we can make predictions for individuals using


> > method and the location of residence should be used.

> >

> > Shashank


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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