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RE: [SJC: Varahamihira] FW: Change ofname.

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~om sri gurave namah~Dear Chandrasekhar,No I am not offended and do welcome new thoughts and views. But do think calmly about the practise of giving a new name after initiation into a spiritual order - what is the impact of such a practise. What was the impact of M.K.Gandhi being addressed as Mahatma or great soul? What was the impact of the change of name of Sushant Rath to Sanjay Rath? Would this affect the balarishta yogas in the chart or the Ista devata? What will be the impact on the future of the native.Why does the change of name sometimes bring such changes in the fortunes of towns like Bombay to Mumbai or Calcutta to Kolkatta or Madras to Chennai? Is there any chart or pre-destiny involved with this?There are so many things to think about. Other comments are given below:Best regards,Sanjay Rath----------------------Sri Jagannath Center, 71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, New Delhi 110091, Tel: 91-11-2713201, Web: http://.org http://srath.com Chandrasekhar wrote: Dear Sanjayji,As you know I am only a student in the science of astrology.I would still to my original view that change of name would not change Bhagya.The reasons are as below. Correct me if I am wrong.10 In case of the lady you mentioned, she obviously changed her name after the operation, so the major event occured before name change.[Rath:] The change of name occured after the event as perhaps she did not meet any great Jyotishi who could have advised her before hand. We often do things after an incident. We start taking morning walks after having a blood pressure problem, we stop eating junk food after a heart attack, and so on. We remember to recite the names of Bhagvan only when we are old and nearing death..what to do, we are human beings. We should start the remedy right from birth by showing the chart to competent astrologers like Nanda Maharaj had shown the chart to Garga Muni to get the right name for Sri Krishna. Muni's and such great astrologers are missing. Even my name was kept arbitrarily and later on parents listened to Grand father..perhaps I was to be the 'tool' that Jagannath would use to teach a small lesson on the value of Jyotish to my parents. Further if I may take recourse to Bhagwad Gita, during His discourse to Arjuna, the Lord addresses him as Partha, Parantapa,Kaunteya,Gudakesh etc.does his identity or Bhagya change due to this? I think you will agree it does not, as the Lord showed him the preordained destiny at the time of Vishwaroop Darshana.[Rath:] The use of different names connotes abilities of Arjuna. By doing so, Bhagavan was reminding him of his abilities and prowess and also as his duty to his brother. Bhagya changes and did change..Arjuna "had decided not to fight the battle" and by addressing him as "PARTHA" Bhagavan Sri Krishna changed his mind and subsequent fortune. Had Arjuna listened to his own mind and walked out of the battle field, then the story would have been totally different. Bhima would have fought and killed the Kauravas but Bhishma etc would not have fallen. As Krishna said, these sons of Dhritarashtra are already dead as Bhima (RUDRA-SHIVA) had decided to end their lives, so nobody can save them, but what about others? The tone use by Bhagavan is an important lesson on positive thinking. Yes, the use of the names did change the BHAGYA of Arjuna. That is the benefit of Bhakti as when we are weak, He does come to lift us and the names we get or are called by actually all His names with different potencies. By attaching our minds to these names, our mind gets strength to rise and shine. I have got your horoscope from the SJVC astro charts zip files.I think that the incident you mention happened during Jup- Venus antar(Probably).The chart indicates Pisces ascendant with Jupiter aspecting your lords of 6th and 8th house by 5t house drishty.With this protection and Saturn aspecting 8th,was death at young age indicated? I think not.[Rath:] Death comes every 11 years at the time of the Rudra. Apamrityu comes every 11 months at the time of the antara or aprani Rudra..leave this for now. Longevity is too tought to explain here. One of the Sutra in my chart indicates balarishta i.e. combination of lagna and 8th lords shows short life. I survived due to a strong Jupiter in Lagna - EKO GURU..(Parasara antidotes for Balarishta). The incident occured in Jupiter dasa Jupiter antardasa (!) if you use Vimsottari dasa FROM THE MOON. Jupiter dasa Venus antardasa was a fantastic period..always stood first, got all prizes, double promotions etc..that is JAYA YOGA of JAYA JAGANNATH mantra in action. You see that you have to use the Vimsottari dasa from Lagna for accurate results in my chart. I would rather think, that at your birth time the financial position of your family would have been much below what you have achieved today(Please do not take this in a wrong sense this is an academic speculation),and with the strong Rajyoga in your horoscope some danger to your life around age of 7 or so was indicated.I remember very clearly that if the posibility of the Strong yoga being achieved in a Jataka's chart is remote because of family finances the child either dies around that age and if he survives he gets the entire fruits of the Rajayoga.I have also experienced this in case of one of my close friends.[Rath:] No. My family was among the most powerful during the period prior to my birth and during my childhood days. My maternal grandfather and great grandfather had a FEW DOZEN servants, huge estates and properties all over. Even as recent as the early 1980's, my father was among the 'BIG INDUSTRIALISTS and businessmen in town. Then the fifth house SUN started to function from after my 21 years of age (1984 August onwards) and our fortunes dwindled. I am definitely "POVERTY STRIKEN" compared to almost all members of my family. In fact I am the poorest in the material sense, but am among the richest in the spiritual sense. Yes the Rajyoga will fuction, and your estimate about later life is correct. I think this should be from my 43rd year when my father shall be in Parliament or some such high position again as my GL & HL are both in the ninth house. In my persoanl case, this should function after 43, rising after 45 and reaching a high personal level after 50 years (planets are in the 1st /7th house axis and will give the yoga in the third or last part of life). Again , here you will note that your name was changed after the mishap,so change of name affecting Bhagya does not arise.[Rath:] Thank God for that. Sushanta is 756 or 657 in the reverse indicating the sign Sagittarius which has a PISACHA BADHAK in it. The ninth house from Lagna is Scorpio which is the 12th from AL and quite a terrible sign for me to dwell in. See the write up I did on the holy name of 'RAAMA' and the impact it has on His persoanal life as well as for other people who address Him with the name. If we look at this in another way should change name be capable of changing Bhagya, every learned astrologer and affluent persons having access to such astrologers would change name of their off springs to achieve change of Bhagya as, at least in Hindu's, a child is named 12 days after birth and there is ample time to do this.[Rath:] Are you SURE? Please name at least ONE such learned astrologer who is like GARGA MUNI capable of knowing from the chart that it is that of Bhagavan Sri Krishna and also choosing the right name. let us not fool ourselves, and instead realise that 700 years of 'dasatva' in the destiny of Bharata (India) has destroyed many such brilliant systems that created such brilliant astrologers. Let us take an oath to dedicate this life to re-establish an institution that will create at least ONE such muni within the next 50-100 years. I am posting this to your personel e-mail and if you think that it should be posted to the list you may do so.[Rath:] Chandrasekhara Prabhu, please feel free to discuss my chart in the list. I DO NOT ascribe to the views of so many others who recently have chided me for discussing personal charts in the lists. Please discuss my chart and write whatever you wish to. feel TOTALLY free to do so, and do so with conviction that what you are really doing is the work of Bhagavan, like a servant serving his Master..don't worry about western ethics and clients. So long as you remember that you are working for Him, by starting your letter with a mantra, you will do fine. I am doing this as I have atempted to analyse your chart here.About change of name of ladies after marriage, this practice is limited to Hindu's and if I rmember my mythology right Lord Krishna's wives' name were not changed though they might have been addressed differently as was the practice then.Kindly let me know your views.If i have offended you by my observations I seek your pardon in advance. [Rath:] Many practises are limited to those who know about them. When a lady marries, she is expected to treat her husband as the GURU, hence the change of name is advised. The spouse to lead her into a new spiritual life where they shall learn to love, to share and to 'give and give without seeking return'..that way they understand the meaning of BHAKTI (5th house) and she is blessed with children who she gets named after the deity she has Bhak ti for and loves them and gives with pure Bhakti..Thus, the change of name is a BLESSING for the lady and not otherwise. Point is who knows and who is competent to advise. Best WishesSanjay Rath - Sanjay Rath vedic astrology Tuesday, December 17, 2002 7:54 PMRE: [vedic astrology] Change ofname. Om Gurave NamahDear Chandrasekhar, Visti, Kanupriya & Narasimha,Let us examine the effect of the change of name:1. Change of name results in a change of identity. I have requested the chart of an ex-lady i.e. she has changed her sex from a female to a male and accordingly her name opps, his name is now changed. Does this result in a change in the chart, or its effect, or does it result in a major change in life etc needs to be examined.2. When my namakaran ceremony was done, I was 'originally' called Sushant. Thereafter there was a stroke of balarishta and I survived (episode of falling into the Hirakud dam and being rescued by a gand aunt who dived in in the nick of time). Then my name was changed to Sanjay. The balarishta were, perhaps reduced and I am still alive and kicking.3. "Change of name" is a well known phenomena, and it has a natural significator "MERCURY".4. Change of name is also done for ladies after marriage to pacify Mercury. Mercury gets exalted in a sign of debility of Venus and Vice-Versa. Thus marriage (Venus) implies the end of childhood and the freedoms that go with it. Mercury is averse to marriage and emerald is never given to newly married couples. For example, my mothers maiden name was 'Suprabha' which was changed to 'Manju' after marriage.Best Regards,Sanjay Rath71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Ph-1, New Delhi 110091, IndiaTel: +91-11-2713201 Web: http://srath.com http://.org Chandrashekhar [boxdel]Monday, October 28, 2002 11:44 PMvedic astrology Subject: Re: [vedic astrology] Change ofname.Dear Visti,Thank you for the guidance.Please alsosee the reply of PVR in this regards where he appears to be agree with me and suggest that the name could change when the necessary yogas occur.He alsoopines that name change is not likely to affect a Horoscope. I think we should await sanjay Guruji,s response to clarify this in our minds.Regards,Chandrashekhar- Visti Larsen vedic astrology Monday, October 28, 2002 2:49 AMRe: [vedic astrology] Change ofname.Vyam Vyaasadevaaya NamahDear Chandrashekhar,The Name is VERY important, because everybody is saying your name when calling you. Its like a mantra, and this mantra can also make your mind unhappy, and if it does so, then it will show on your body, and so on. Hence changing the name is like changing the mantra, to suit the person. Did you know that Sanjay Raths grandfather changed Sanjays name, to suit him, using some calculations? There are some discussions on the lists on the use of Katayapadi Varga, in the past, where you will be able to learn the effects of the names we are called. Preferably we are given the name of our Istha Devata :). Best wishesVisti---Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgBrihat Parasara Hora Shastra: vedic astrologybphs.zipiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org/Sanskrit/Itranslt.html----- Original Message ----- Chandrashekhar Sharma vedic astrology Sunday, October 27, 2002 8:41 PMRe: [vedic astrology] Change ofname.Dear Kanupriya,I personaly feel that change of name is not at all indicated in astrology.If you believe,and you should; that time of birth decides your future life and that we study astrology precesely for this reason;then it follows mere change of name is not going to affecrt your future.We shoould remember that whereas fate plays 70% part in the events of life and the proper Karma plays the balance 30%.Karmayoga was therefore explained to Arjuna by Lord Krishna.Had therebeen any effect of change of name let us remember that Our Lord Vishnu has 1000 names. Does it mean the Lords fate got changed by change of name?Think about this.Chandrashekhar- kanu priya vedic astrology Sunday, October 27, 2002 9:05 AM[vedic astrology] Change ofname.Dear Group Memembers, Could some one please tell me more about the effects of changing a name.A lot of times a change of name is recommended by alot of astrologers,I would like more opinions on this.Does it really work,on what principles is it based.Please do give me more informatrion on this.Best Wishes,Kanupriya.Unlimited Internet access for only $21.95/month. Try MSN! Click Here Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

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It is with great interest that i have been following this thread of discussion.

Till now i have always been of the view that the 'janam naam' as mentioned by astrologers is really only for the convenience of identifying a person's rashi at birth , in the absence of a horoscope.

But following the discussions on this subject , i am wondering if there is really something more to the naming than just this.

Both my grandsons have been named considering the convenience of pronunciation of the name than any astrological reasons. And now i am wondering if that is alright.

Can you please let me know what is the basis of naming according to astrology and how should one go about it?

Will ne greatful for the reply.

By the way this is my first post on this discussion group.

With regards

Neena Kochhar.

Sanjay Rath <srath wrote:




~om sri gurave namah~

Dear Chandrasekhar,

No I am not offended and do welcome new thoughts and views.

But do think calmly about the practise of giving a new name after initiation into a spiritual order - what is the impact of such a practise.

What was the impact of M.K.Gandhi being addressed as Mahatma or great soul?

What was the impact of the change of name of Sushant Rath to Sanjay Rath? Would this affect the balarishta yogas in the chart or the Ista devata? What will be the impact on the future of the native.

Why does the change of name sometimes bring such changes in the fortunes of towns like Bombay to Mumbai or Calcutta to Kolkatta or Madras to Chennai? Is there any chart or pre-destiny involved with this?

There are so many things to think about.


Other comments are given below:

Best regards,

Sanjay Rath


Sri Jagannath Center, 71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, New Delhi 110091, Tel: 91-11-2713201, Web: http://.org http://srath.com


Chandrasekhar wrote:


Dear Sanjayji,

As you know I am only a student in the science of astrology.I would still to my original view that change of name would not change Bhagya.The reasons are as below. Correct me if I am wrong.

10 In case of the lady you mentioned, she obviously changed her name after the operation, so the major event occured before name change.[Rath:] The change of name occured after the event as perhaps she did not meet any great Jyotishi who could have advised her before hand. We often do things after an incident. We start taking morning walks after having a blood pressure problem, we stop eating junk food after a heart attack, and so on. We remember to recite the names of Bhagvan only when we are old and nearing death..what to do, we are human beings. We should start the remedy right from birth by showing the chart to competent astrologers like Nanda Maharaj had shown the chart to Garga Muni to get the right name for Sri Krishna. Muni's and such great astrologers are missing. Even my name was kept arbitrarily and later on parents listened to Grand father..perhaps I was to be the 'tool' that Jagannath would use to teach a small lesson on the value of Jyotish to my parents.


Further if I may take recourse to Bhagwad Gita, during His discourse to Arjuna, the Lord addresses him as Partha, Parantapa,Kaunteya,Gudakesh etc.does his identity or Bhagya change due to this? I think you will agree it does not, as the Lord showed him the preordained destiny at the time of Vishwaroop Darshana.[Rath:] The use of different names connotes abilities of Arjuna. By doing so, Bhagavan was reminding him of his abilities and prowess and also as his duty to his brother. Bhagya changes and did change..Arjuna "had decided not to fight the battle" and by addressing him as "PARTHA" Bhagavan Sri Krishna changed his mind and subsequent fortune. Had Arjuna listened to his own mind and walked out of the battle field, then the story would have been totally different. Bhima would have fought and killed the Kauravas but Bhishma etc would not have fallen. As Krishna said, these sons of Dhritarashtra are already dead as Bhima (RUDRA-SHIVA) had decided to end their lives, so nobody can save them, but what about others? The tone use by Bhagavan is an important lesson on positive thinking. Yes, the use of the names did change the BHAGYA of Arjuna. That is the benefit of Bhakti as when we are weak, He does come to lift us and the names we get or are called by actually all His names with different potencies. By attaching our minds to these names, our mind gets strength to rise and shine.


I have got your horoscope from the SJVC astro charts zip files.I think that the incident you mention happened during Jup- Venus antar(Probably).The chart indicates Pisces ascendant with Jupiter aspecting your lords of 6th and 8th house by 5t house drishty.With this protection and Saturn aspecting 8th,was death at young age indicated? I think not.[Rath:] Death comes every 11 years at the time of the Rudra. Apamrityu comes every 11 months at the time of the antara or aprani Rudra..leave this for now. Longevity is too tought to explain here. One of the Sutra in my chart indicates balarishta i.e. combination of lagna and 8th lords shows short life. I survived due to a strong Jupiter in Lagna - EKO GURU..(Parasara antidotes for Balarishta). The incident occured in Jupiter dasa Jupiter antardasa (!) if you use Vimsottari dasa FROM THE MOON. Jupiter dasa Venus antardasa was a fantastic period..always stood first, got all prizes, double promotions etc..that is JAYA YOGA of JAYA JAGANNATH mantra in action. You see that you have to use the Vimsottari dasa from Lagna for accurate results in my chart.


I would rather think, that at your birth time the financial position of your family would have been much below what you have achieved today(Please do not take this in a wrong sense this is an academic speculation),and with the strong Rajyoga in your horoscope some danger to your life around age of 7 or so was indicated.I remember very clearly that if the posibility of the Strong yoga being achieved in a Jataka's chart is remote because of family finances the child either dies around that age and if he survives he gets the entire fruits of the Rajayoga.I have also experienced this in case of one of my close friends.[Rath:] No. My family was among the most powerful during the period prior to my birth and during my childhood days. My maternal grandfather and great grandfather had a FEW DOZEN servants, huge estates and properties all over. Even as recent as the early 1980's, my father was among the 'BIG INDUSTRIALISTS and businessmen in town. Then the fifth house SUN started to function from after my 21 years of age (1984 August onwards) and our fortunes dwindled. I am definitely "POVERTY STRIKEN" compared to almost all members of my family. In fact I am the poorest in the material sense, but am among the richest in the spiritual sense.

Yes the Rajyoga will fuction, and your estimate about later life is correct. I think this should be from my 43rd year when my father shall be in Parliament or some such high position again as my GL & HL are both in the ninth house. In my persoanl case, this should function after 43, rising after 45 and reaching a high personal level after 50 years (planets are in the 1st /7th house axis and will give the yoga in the third or last part of life).


Again , here you will note that your name was changed after the mishap,so change of name affecting Bhagya does not arise.[Rath:] Thank God for that. Sushanta is 756 or 657 in the reverse indicating the sign Sagittarius which has a PISACHA BADHAK in it. The ninth house from Lagna is Scorpio which is the 12th from AL and quite a terrible sign for me to dwell in. See the write up I did on the holy name of 'RAAMA' and the impact it has on His persoanal life as well as for other people who address Him with the name.


If we look at this in another way should change name be capable of changing Bhagya, every learned astrologer and affluent persons having access to such astrologers would change name of their off springs to achieve change of Bhagya as, at least in Hindu's, a child is named 12 days after birth and there is ample time to do this.[Rath:] Are you SURE? Please name at least ONE such learned astrologer who is like GARGA MUNI capable of knowing from the chart that it is that of Bhagavan Sri Krishna and also choosing the right name. let us not fool ourselves, and instead realise that 700 years of 'dasatva' in the destiny of Bharata (India) has destroyed many such brilliant systems that created such brilliant astrologers. Let us take an oath to dedicate this life to re-establish an institution that will create at least ONE such muni within the next 50-100 years.


I am posting this to your personel e-mail and if you think that it should be posted to the list you may do so.[Rath:] Chandrasekhara Prabhu, please feel free to discuss my chart in the list. I DO NOT ascribe to the views of so many others who recently have chided me for discussing personal charts in the lists. Please discuss my chart and write whatever you wish to. feel TOTALLY free to do so, and do so with conviction that what you are really doing is the work of Bhagavan, like a servant serving his Master..don't worry about western ethics and clients. So long as you remember that you are working for Him, by starting your letter with a mantra, you will do fine.


I am doing this as I have atempted to analyse your chart here.

About change of name of ladies after marriage, this practice is limited to Hindu's and if I rmember my mythology right Lord Krishna's wives' name were not changed though they might have been addressed differently as was the practice then.

Kindly let me know your views.If i have offended you by my observations I seek your pardon in advance. [Rath:] Many practises are limited to those who know about them. When a lady marries, she is expected to treat her husband as the GURU, hence the change of name is advised. The spouse to lead her into a new spiritual life where they shall learn to love, to share and to 'give and give without seeking return'..that way they understand the meaning of BHAKTI (5th house) and she is blessed with children who she gets named after the deity she has Bhak ti for and loves them and gives with pure Bhakti..Thus, the change of name is a BLESSING for the lady and not otherwise. Point is who knows and who is competent to advise.


Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath



Sanjay Rath

vedic astrology

Tuesday, December 17, 2002 7:54 PM

RE: [vedic astrology] Change ofname.






Om Gurave Namah

Dear Chandrasekhar, Visti, Kanupriya & Narasimha,

Let us examine the effect of the change of name:

1. Change of name results in a change of identity. I have requested the chart of an ex-lady i.e. she has changed her sex from a female to a male and accordingly her name opps, his name is now changed. Does this result in a change in the chart, or its effect, or does it result in a major change in life etc needs to be examined.

2. When my namakaran ceremony was done, I was 'originally' called Sushant. Thereafter there was a stroke of balarishta and I survived (episode of falling into the Hirakud dam and being rescued by a gand aunt who dived in in the nick of time). Then my name was changed to Sanjay. The balarishta were, perhaps reduced and I am still alive and kicking.

3. "Change of name" is a well known phenomena, and it has a natural significator "MERCURY".

4. Change of name is also done for ladies after marriage to pacify Mercury. Mercury gets exalted in a sign of debility of Venus and Vice-Versa. Thus marriage (Venus) implies the end of childhood and the freedoms that go with it. Mercury is averse to marriage and emerald is never given to newly married couples. For example, my mothers maiden name was 'Suprabha' which was changed to 'Manju' after marriage.

Best Regards,

Sanjay Rath


71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Ph-1, New Delhi 110091, India

Tel: +91-11-2713201 Web: http://srath.com http://.org



Chandrashekhar [boxdel]Monday, October 28, 2002 11:44 PMvedic astrology Subject: Re: [vedic astrology] Change ofname.

Dear Visti,

Thank you for the guidance.Please alsosee the reply of PVR in this regards where he appears to be agree with me and suggest that the name could change when the necessary yogas occur.He alsoopines that name change is not likely to affect a Horoscope. I think we should await sanjay Guruji,s response to clarify this in our minds.





Visti Larsen

vedic astrology

Monday, October 28, 2002 2:49 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Change ofname.


Vyam Vyaasadevaaya Namah




Dear Chandrashekhar,

The Name is VERY important, because everybody is saying your name when calling you. Its like a mantra, and this mantra can also make your mind unhappy, and if it does so, then it will show on your body, and so on.


Hence changing the name is like changing the mantra, to suit the person. Did you know that Sanjay Raths grandfather changed Sanjays name, to suit him, using some calculations?


There are some discussions on the lists on the use of Katayapadi Varga, in the past, where you will be able to learn the effects of the names we are called.


Preferably we are given the name of our Istha Devata :).


Best wishesVisti---Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgBrihat Parasara Hora Shastra: vedic astrologybphs.zipiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org/Sanskrit/Itranslt.html



Chandrashekhar Sharma

vedic astrology

Sunday, October 27, 2002 8:41 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Change ofname.


Dear Kanupriya,

I personaly feel that change of name is not at all indicated in astrology.If you believe,and you should; that time of birth decides your future life and that we study astrology precesely for this reason;then it follows mere change of name is not going to affecrt your future.We shoould remember that whereas fate plays 70% part in the events of life and the proper Karma plays the balance 30%.Karmayoga was therefore explained to Arjuna by Lord Krishna.

Had therebeen any effect of change of name let us remember that Our Lord Vishnu has 1000 names. Does it mean the Lords fate got changed by change of name?

Think about this.




kanu priya

vedic astrology

Sunday, October 27, 2002 9:05 AM

[vedic astrology] Change ofname.



Dear Group Memembers,

Could some one please tell me more about the effects of changing a name.A lot of times a change of name is recommended by alot of astrologers,I would like more opinions on this.Does it really work,on what principles is it based.Please do give me more informatrion on this.

Best Wishes,



Unlimited Internet access for only $21.95/month. Try MSN! Click Here Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

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