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RE: [SJC-SFO] Tomorrow's gathering

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Om Gurave NamahDear Phyllis,A picture of the 8 petal lotus is enclosed. Relevant extracts of VRA are as follows: ASTADALA PADMA (Eight Petal Lotus)The Astadala Padma (Eight petal lotus) is the foundation of Hindu philosophy. It is based on the Kalachakra or the wheel of time, which is composed of eight spokes and has the 28 constellations distributed in these spokes. Each of these spokes is in one of the cardinal or intermediate directions and is reckoned starting from the east and moving in the clockwise direction. Based on this we have the Chatusdalapadma (Four petal lotus) and the Astamangalam Kriya which is the ritual of worshipping the deities and the Graha’s inside the horoscope before conducting a Prasna (Horary chart) or studying a horoscope. Fig 3.1 gives a schematic representation of the principle of the eight-petal Lotus. Figure 3-1Schematic representation of KalachakraThe Eight Petal Lotus with the eight planets holds the eight Chara Karaka (Temporal Significators). The Sun is worshipped in the eastern direction and rules the Pratipada and Navami Tithi in both the bright and dark halves of the lunar month. Thus, an idol or picture or any symbol of the Ista Devata should be placed in the eastern direction. The best time to worship any deity is on the day (weekday) ruled by the lord of the sign wherein the planet representing the deity is placed in the natal chart. For example, if a person has Rahu in the fourth house in Gemini, then Durga Devi, the deity of Rahu is to be worshipped on a Wednesday during Rahu Kalam[1]. This is the best time of propitiation as given in the Agastya Nadi. If the Tithi is also ruled by Rahu like Astami(8) or Amavasya (K-15), then the results are sure to accrue at an early date. The deities are also seen from the Kalachakra. The evils of the natural malefic planets are removed and the blessings of natural benefic planets are obtained by worshipping the deities associated with the Tithi ruled by the planets. The Sun rules Pratipada (1) and Navami (9) and Vishnu/Sri Rama respectively are worshipped on these Vedic days to get the blessings of the Sun like good health and intelligence (Pratipada) and increase in good fortune and Dharma (Navami). The Moon (Divine Mother) rules Dwiteeya (2) in the form of Bhuvaneshwari and Dasami (10) in the form of Vijaya or Chamundi. Mars rules the Truteeya (3) representing lust and Ekadasi ruling anger. Hence Ananga (alias Kaama Devata), the God of love is worshipped on Truteeya with his wife Rati to protect oneself from his arrows of passion while Hindu’s keep Ekadasi fasts to destroy anger and associated evils. Ganesha is worshipped by students on Chaturthi (4) to increase their desire for learning (Mercury). Saraswati is worshipped on Panchami (5thTithi also called Sri Panchami) to increase knowledge and understanding (Jupiter) as Brihaspati is worshipped on Dhana Trayodasi (13) to augment wealth. Venus rules “Ihaloka Sukha” or all the happiness that comes from the fulfillment of desires in this birth. These desires are unlimited and being the Asura Guru, he gives knowledge of the things and acts of pleasure. To overcome this evil a person should lead a simple life and curtail desire. When this desire is denied or delayed, it gives rise to passion and envy and takes the form of a poisonous snake in the Kundalini (i.e. the Kundalini Shakti that is represented by a snake is misused for achieving mundane goals like sexual satisfaction etc.). Thus, Shiva the overlord of all snakes is worshipped in the form of a renunciate (Sadhu/Sanyasi) with Nagaraja (King of snakes) around His neck on Shasti (6) to overcome the evils of desire by either removing or fulfilling them. Worship of Shiva in this form leads to great prosperity and fulfillment of all desires. Shiva is worshipped in the form of a Linga (Golden embryo called Hiranyagarbha) on Narka Chaturdasi(14) to remove all the sins caused by desires of the past or present along with the Bull (Nandi). Saturn keeps track of all our sins and punishes us during his Dasa, Sade-sati[2] or Kantaka Sani[3] periods. The effect of Saturn can be very disastrous and suitable remedial measures as indicated by the Kalachakra are always advised. The two great evils that are born from the Shadripu (six weaknesses) are called ADHARMA (Anti-Dharma or anti natural principles) and ASAT (Untruth) respectively. The solution lies in increasing Dharma which causes prosperity and a good life by worshipping the SUN GOD on Rath-Saptami[4] (7). To remove the evils of having told lies or behaved in an unrighteous manner in the past or having caused sorrow to one’s teacher (Guru), Sri Krishna is worshipped in the form of Satya-Narayana on Poornima (Full Moon) with the mantra “OM TAT SAT”. A combination of both of these remedies is to worship Krishna in the form of Sri Jagannath[5] with the mantra “HARI OM TAT SAT” and to attend and pull His chariot during the Ratha-Yatra festival (Fig 3.2). Rahu is the cause of re-birth as it is always opposed to Ketu the cause of Moksha or emancipation. Rahu represents all kinds of curses and bondages including re-birth. Thus, to overcome the evils of ones Karma that cause rebirth, Krishna is worshipped in the form of Bal-Gopal (Baby Krishna) on Janmastami (8th Tithi) and the Divine Mother is worshipped in the form of Kali (Satwik worship is advised) on Amavasya (Dark fortnight-New Moon). Please note the specific association of the planets and the Tithi (Vedic days) in the Kalachakra.[1] The eight Yama of the day are reckoned in the clockwise direction starting from the planet ruling the day. Similarly, the eight Yama of the night are reckoned from the fifth from the planet ruling the day. For example, Rahu Kalam in the daytime or the Yama of Rahu (NE) on a Wednesday will be the fifth as the same is computed from Mercury (SW) in the Kalachakra. Starting from 6.00AM (or Sunrise), this time is from 12:00 Noon to 1:30’ PM.[2] Sade-Sati is the seven and half transit period of Saturn as it passes through the signs in the twelfth, first and second as reckoned from the Natal Moon.[3] Kantaka Sani means Saturn behaving like a thorn in the leg and the person has to limp in all activities of life. Profession/Career is hampered and finances dwindle. The transit of Saturn in the 1st, 8th and 10th signs from either Lagna, Arudha Lagna or the Moon sign causes Kantaka Sani to operate.[4] Rath-Saptami is the seventh day of the bright half of the lunar month when the Sun God is worshipped sitting on His chariot (Rath means Chariot). Vrishabha (translated as ‘Strong and righteous men’ by Dayananda Saraswati in the Rig Veda) pull the Rath (Chariot) of Sri Jagannath (form of Sri Krishna) in a festival dedicated to protecting and increasing Dharma in Puri, Orissa.[5] This particular form of Sri Krishna as the Teacher of this entire Universe is known as Sri Jagannath. Since in this form, He is giving enlightenment, the planets Sun & Jupiter combine to represent Him. We see the mention of this Vishwaroopa form (Jagat-Natha or Lord of Universe) in the Bhagavat Gita and it si for this reason that Maharishi Jaimini gives the Dictum that the Sun in trines to Karakamsa/Swamsa gives the knowledge of the Gita, which is the Vedanta (leads to emancipation). The Rig Veda (III.62.7) states “ VRISHABHAM CHARSHANINAAM VISHWAROOPAM-ADABHYAM BRIHASPATIM VARENYAM”. Best Regards,Sanjay Rath--------------------------71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Ph-1, New Delhi 110091, IndiaTel: +91-11-2713201 Web: http://srath.com http://.org ---------------------------Phyl Chubb MA [aboutyou]Sunday, October 20, 2002 2:03 AMSJC-SFO Subject: [sJC-SFO] Tomorrow's gatheringDear Vikram and others, So far I have had no luck finding the story I wanted for you to have for tomorrow's gathering. Basically I can tell you the story but not with the flair, nor the diagram, that will be found at some future date. First of all, my reason for wanting to have this information for you is that is would support the information you have received from Sanjay entitled: Chara Atma Karaka. In some of the reading each of you either have done, or will be doing, you will find reference to only 7 charakarakas. It was my hope to be able to give you the fundamental explanation for the 8 charakarakas. So, at this point, please just accept the 8 charakarakas. Soon you will be told about the symbol for time which I believe has 8 petals and is in the form of a lotus. Each petal is represented by one planet including Rahu to make the 8. If we accept only 7 planets as charakarakas we will in effect be denying the existence of Time. Know this is a very crude explanation. However, I know I was very confused by the two different approaches and wanted to spare you of the challenge. I hope someone else comes to our aid, both explaining the story and maybe even providing the diagram. I will be at my computer tomorrow morning between 8:30 and 9 am. Do enjoy your learning tomorrow. Phyllis

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