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RE: [SJC: Varahamihira] Seasons and Planets

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Dear Sanjay,


You must keep in mind that seasons are ecology specific. Parasara's classification would pertain to the South Asian sub-continent and the seasons that occur therein. These seasons may not occur in other parts of the world, that is in other bio-geographical zones. So English equivalents of terminologies as used by Parasara may not exist. The concept of Autumn in the United States for instance is , totally different from what we mean by Sharat or Hemanta in India. Just because they occur at similar time frames, i.e. pre-winter/post-monsoon, do not imply that they are the same. Delhi, for example, does not have the season Sharat, but there is a Hemanta and a Shishira. In Bengal, there is a long Sharat and a short Hemanta but no Shishira.


So September-October has Autumn in the States, Sharat in Bengal and Hemanta in Delhi. But Sharat and Autumn are not the same , so it would be unfair to translate Sharat as Autumn. Perforce these are different geographical phenomena. So maybe you should stick to Spring, Summer, Monsoon, Sharat, Hemanta, Winter. Seasons are also culture-specific. In the West, Spring is considered as the beginning of new life after the long spell of deadly winter, whereas in India it is the monsoons after the scorching heat of summer.


Do the following planets and seasons match? An attempt:


Vasanta: Sun (beginning of the natural solar year, when sun enters Aries)

Greeshma: Mars (Agni, Rudra?)

Varsha: Jupiter and Moon (Jupiter denotes blessings and water/rains is the biggest blessing/Life)

Sharat: Venus (Harvest)

Hemanta: Mercury (Festivities)

Shishira: Saturn and Rahu (Curses/Death)


With best regards,





Sanjay Prabhakaran [sprabhakaran]Sunday, October 20, 2002 12:49 AMvarahamihira ; Subject: [sJC: Varahamihira] Seasons and Planets

Om Sri Gurave Namah,

Dear Jyotishas,

Can somebody please give me the english names for the six seasons and corresponding months(the months are given in Santanam trans BPHS if right I will take that).


-Warm Regards




bhR^igorR^iturvasantashcha kujabhAnvoshcha grIshhmakaH |chandrasya varshhA viGYeyA sharachchaiva tathA vidaH || 3.45||


hemanto.api gurorGYeyaH shanestu shishiro dvija |ashhTau mAsAshcha svarbhAnoH ketormAsatrayaM dvija || 3.46||

From Santanam's Translation











meanings of "zizira" [2] (shishira) m.{a-stem} 1. dew; 2. the cold season; 3. coldness











m. n. the cool or dewy season, i.g. hoar, frost, dew; as adj. cool, chilly.

--- meanings of "hemanta" [4] n.{a-stem} 1. one of the six seasons











m. winter


meanings of "zarad" [1] (Sharad) f.{c-stem} 1. the autumn; 2. a year











f. autumn, pl. also = year.

---Hare Rama KrishnaArchive:varahamihiraFiles:varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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Vyam Vyaasadevaaya Namah




Dear Sarbani,

Varahamihira gives the following:


Vasanta: Venus (Spring, the most beutiful time of year, and fruitful)

Greeshma: Sun/Mars (Agni the summer heat)

Varsha: Moon (Clouds Rohini begin their reign/rain)

Sarat: Mercury (Time of festivities)

Hermanta: Jupiter (Time of worship and giving, Gurus time)

Shisira: Saturn (coolest time of year)


For Prasna purposes he mentions that if the seasons do not match, exchange Venus with the Moon, Mars with Mercury, and Jupiter with Saturn, to get the right Ayana and Rtu.


Best wishesVisti---Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgBrihat Parasara Hora Shastra: vedic astrologybphs.zipiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org/Sanskrit/Itranslt.html



Sarabani Sarkar


Saturday, October 19, 2002 10:07 PM

RE: [sJC: Varahamihira] Seasons and Planets


Dear Sanjay,


You must keep in mind that seasons are ecology specific. Parasara's classification would pertain to the South Asian sub-continent and the seasons that occur therein. These seasons may not occur in other parts of the world, that is in other bio-geographical zones. So English equivalents of terminologies as used by Parasara may not exist. The concept of Autumn in the United States for instance is , totally different from what we mean by Sharat or Hemanta in India. Just because they occur at similar time frames, i.e. pre-winter/post-monsoon, do not imply that they are the same. Delhi, for example, does not have the season Sharat, but there is a Hemanta and a Shishira. In Bengal, there is a long Sharat and a short Hemanta but no Shishira.


So September-October has Autumn in the States, Sharat in Bengal and Hemanta in Delhi. But Sharat and Autumn are not the same , so it would be unfair to translate Sharat as Autumn. Perforce these are different geographical phenomena. So maybe you should stick to Spring, Summer, Monsoon, Sharat, Hemanta, Winter. Seasons are also culture-specific. In the West, Spring is considered as the beginning of new life after the long spell of deadly winter, whereas in India it is the monsoons after the scorching heat of summer.


Do the following planets and seasons match? An attempt:


Vasanta: Sun (beginning of the natural solar year, when sun enters Aries)

Greeshma: Mars (Agni, Rudra?)

Varsha: Jupiter and Moon (Jupiter denotes blessings and water/rains is the biggest blessing/Life)

Sharat: Venus (Harvest)

Hemanta: Mercury (Festivities)

Shishira: Saturn and Rahu (Curses/Death)


With best regards,





Sanjay Prabhakaran [sprabhakaran]Sunday, October 20, 2002 12:49 AMvarahamihira ; Subject: [sJC: Varahamihira] Seasons and Planets

Om Sri Gurave Namah,

Dear Jyotishas,

Can somebody please give me the english names for the six seasons and corresponding months(the months are given in Santanam trans BPHS if right I will take that).


-Warm Regards




bhR^igorR^iturvasantashcha kujabhAnvoshcha grIshhmakaH |chandrasya varshhA viGYeyA sharachchaiva tathA vidaH || 3.45||


hemanto.api gurorGYeyaH shanestu shishiro dvija |ashhTau mAsAshcha svarbhAnoH ketormAsatrayaM dvija || 3.46||

From Santanam's Translation











meanings of "zizira" [2] (shishira) m.{a-stem} 1. dew; 2. the cold season; 3. coldness











m. n. the cool or dewy season, i.g. hoar, frost, dew; as adj. cool, chilly.

--- meanings of "hemanta" [4] n.{a-stem} 1. one of the six seasons











m. winter


meanings of "zarad" [1] (Sharad) f.{c-stem} 1. the autumn; 2. a year











f. autumn, pl. also = year.

---Hare Rama KrishnaArchive:varahamihiraFiles:varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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