Guest guest Posted December 24, 2002 Report Share Posted December 24, 2002 Jaya Jagannatha, Dear Lakshmi/ Karen/ Sanjay Prabhakaran, I shall admit that, on these higher knowledge, I cannot correct, however, I can only say what I understand and why I do so! Lakshmi, First of all, why did you take 6 chakras, aren't there 7, namely 1. Mooladhara 2. Swadhisthana 3. Manipura 4. Anahata 5. Visuddha 6. Lagna 7. Sahasrara This is infact interesting to note, that you have started the counting of the chakras from Virgo and as appropriate given the rulership of the Mooladhara chakra to Mercury. However, this doesnot fall in the natural scheme of the zodiac. We know, where the chakras fall in the body from the head to the base of the spine. Hence, the sequence of the chakras shall follow that order. Now I said that it follows the natural order or the anga division of the kalapurusha as this is something which shows that we are similarly built in the frame of the kalapurusha and we share similar traits and potential. In fact as you have aptly said, when we become ONE or NONE, there is no difference between I and THEE as there is no differentiation. Now Karen has righly pointed out that Sagittarius to Pisces rules the lower limb namely the Thighs, Knees, and so on. So Scorpio shall be the last sign which shall rule the lowestmost chakra, namely Mooladhara. Now this is well known that Scorpio is the house of all hidden energies which is shown by the shakti of the Kundalini. Now as you have said Kundalini, rises in a reverse direction. If we take scorpio, even our reverse calculation is Justified as one of the co-ruler of Scorpio is Ketu, and is the serpent representing the kundalini. Ketu can always show reverse counting of the zodiac as the kundalini moves from the base of the spine to Sahasrara. If you say that Manipura Chakra is the seat of Mantra Vidya and hence Scorpio is more suited then I shall counter that Mantra shastra is better signified by Mercury as he lords the speech and Mantra shastra is all about speech, whether or not expressed! Moreover, saying Scorpio as Brahma Nabhi is not appropriate. The sandhis between the Water and the Fire signs are the Brahma nabhis and not any sign. Infact, I liked the way you have used the term nabhi to show independent existence and severence from the main body (may it be mother). Infact Water shows end of creation (Pralaya), however again is a main component from the creation occurs, after Fire gives the necessary energy. So the nabhis can also indicate the end of one life and start of another. Infact there is a strong link between the length of human life and that of the arc of the nabhis. We know that the arc of the nabhis are 120deg. If we take the principle of progression as mentioned in Manu Smrti, that each day of Deva (Sun) equals 1 year for human, then Sun's transit from one nabhi to another one, charts out the maximum longevity of humans. Again the nabhi region is governed by the sign Virgo, so don't you think that Manipura is better signified by Virgo, where Mercury gets exalted. Coming to Anahata or the seat of the Bagavan, how can Bhagavan be seated where it gets debilitated. Even if you maintain that " Capricorn- Cancer axis is the axis of rebirth…the seat of our desires and the root of our karmas... that continue to seed countless incarnations " , Cancer is more aptly sweated more, for two reasons, one this sign rules the heart (Hrdaya Padma), where the lord seats and secondly, this is the sign where Jup (Bhagavan- Mahavishnu) gets exalted. Abhijit is infact important because, this falls in the 10th house and this the place where we are guided towards the right action by Vishnu and not fall below. Hence here the action is more important than the love for the Bhagavan, which emerges out from the heart (Cancer). If Rahu can do so much of damage being the lord of Aquarius, what he can do where he gets exalted, in the 3rd house of natural zodiac and the most un-clean house. Gemini is more suited as its lord rules the speech and the sign rules the neck and arm region (Below the face). Now it is important to note that when the shakti is moving from Agna to Sahasrara, one is moving from Maya to Satya. Now this I think can be shown by movement of shakti from Taurus, where Moon gets exalted to Aries, where Sun gets exalted. After the Shakti reaches Sahasrara, the consciousness ceases to exist shown by the brahma nabhi (between end of Aries and start of Pisces in reverse) which shows the severence of bodily consciousness. Here the starting point of Aries shows the, ending of the cosciousness of Independent existence, shown by the zodiac. Is there a significance of Sun being so close of the Brahma Nabhi, in Lord Sri Rama's chart? Is there some significance of placement of different planets in one of these chakras? I have read Karen and Sanjay Prabhakaran's mail which talks of the mapping of the lokas in the horoscope. That is a indepentent topic in itself and all the lokas (Whether above or below us) can be mapped with the zodiac. Probably some other time we shall take up this topic and wait for Gurudev's kind guidence. Karen, how this knowledge be used in Yoga. I am asking this as you are trained in that discipline. Probably Freedom Cole can also join in this discussion. For sure, I know that wherever the 8th lord in the horoscope, that part of the body can be affected, or there can be weaknesses from birth. In my own chart where my eighth lord Moon is placed in Scorpio, Gurudev, once hinted that I have weaknesses in my Mooladhara Chakra and shall meditate on Lam as described in Vedic Remedies. This is infact correct. Now I have to study what nerves are connected to the various parts of the chakras and what do they control. Long back I studied that in Biology, the cranial and the spinal nerves..... Its time I shall put some more pressure on my brain. Others please contribute. Regards Sarajit > " b_lakshmi_ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh " ><b_lakshmi_ramesh >varahamihira >varahamihira >[sJC: Varahamihira] Re: Varahamihira] Chakras and Jyotish >Mon, 23 Dec 2002 22:44:44 -0000 > >Om Gurave Namah > >Namaste Sarajit, > >Thanks for the interesting explanation. My two pennies follow and I >wait for your corrections. > >While going through your mail it just occurred to me that there seems >to be a natural organization in the zodiac. I feel that the zodiac >can be divided into three natural parts, the gandanta points arking >the separation. This concept is akin to the philosophy of the tripod >of life, the lagna, Chandra and Surya, indicating 3 levels of >identifications, the body, the mind and finally Soul/soullessness, >where there is no difference between the Paramatma and Jeevatma. >Both become One and None. The Dwaita continues only till aagya >chakra. After that it is only " adwaita " or dissolution of Self. > >From Aries to Cancer…the seed of a jeeva is implanted and nourished, >but it is only from Leo that the individual really starts standing >out on his own. Hitherto, he was a part of his mother, a part of a >family etc. As you have very rightly pointed out, Leo is all about >swatantra or independence. The gandanta between Cancer and Leo kind >of indicates the severing of the umbilicus between the mother and the >child. The first Brahma Nabhi. > >Leo or the Sun symbolizes the Soul/Prana/Kundalini or the ENERGY in >the individual. And, the Shat-chakras (Note: not 7 chakras) indeed >start from Virgo, which indicates the Mooladhara Chakra, ruled by >Mercury. It shows the jeeva which is controlled by the shadripus.Then >comes Libra, the natural 7th house, indicative of Swadhisthana >chakra, ruled by Venus. This is followed by Scorpio, the 8th house of >Zodiac ruling occult.. Remember the words of Purusha sooktam, which >say that the " Nabhi " (navel) of the Viratpurusha is the Anthariksham >(Cosmos). It is this Cosmic energy of Manipura Chakra lorded by fiery >Mars, which makes it the seat of Mantra vidya. This chakra also marks >the end of " physical " chakras and points to kindling of higher >emotions/energies of the Universe. The second Brahma Nabhi…severance >from mere " bodily " concerns and birth into a higher awareness. > >The void that separates Manipura chakra from Anahata chakra is >Sagittarius, lorded by Jupiter, who rules Akasa tattwa…the >imperceptible ether. Perhaps, the " asteroid belt " that physically >lies between the planets Mars and Jupiter and separates the inner >planets from the outer planets has some connection to this void. > >The Anahata chakra is of course Capricorn, which contains the unseen >constellation " Abhijit " or Vishnu. I always maintained that Capricorn- >Cancer axis is the axis of rebirth…the seat of our desires and the >root of our karmas... that continue to seed countless incarnations. > >Aquarius is the Visuddhi chakra ruled by Saturn and ofcourse co- >lorded by Rahu…hence the mauna vrata. The poisonous Rahu >or " haalahala " can only be controlled thus. > >Then comes Aagya chakra ruled by Jupiter…Pisces. The ocean of deep >wisdom and great tranquility. Have you seen how the higher >consciousness of Anahata-Visuddhi-Aagyna chakras is sort of cocooned >by Jupiter? Don't you think that this point is very significant? Then >comes the third gandanta point and then again there is a severance >from the consciousness of self and a rebirth… option is between >reincarnation or emancipation. If it is the former, one moves on to >Taurus for yet another " earthly " image…if it is the latter, one stops >at Aries, the Sahasrara. The Abode of eternal, brilliant Light. the >exaltation point of Sun/soul. The third Brahma Nabhi, indicating the >birth of supra consciousness or a point of total control over cosmic >energy. > >I think awakening Kundalini is all about losing awareness of self and >gaining a cosmic personality that is virtually boundless. It is >about yoking Rahu and Ketu who are the causes of rebirth and >naturally retrograde (remember, Kundalini is resides in Mooladhara >upside down) by sheer soul force and forcing them upwards and >upwards, against natural laws of gravity, towards Oneness and >dissolution. And the establishment/practice of dharma is a great yoga >in itself, as unequivocally stated by Lord Krishna in Bhagavadgita. >Please note how the Sun, the epitome of Dharma, starts from Leo and >reaches exaltation in the 9th house from thence..Aries, the Sahasrara. > > Hoping for your comments and corrections. > >Regards, >Lakshmi > > > > > >Hare Rama Krishna >Archive:varahamihira >Files:varahamihira >varahamihira/database > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 25, 2002 Report Share Posted December 25, 2002 Om Gurave Namah Namaste Sarajit, Thanks for your response and I agree with you that on these matters of higher/divine knowledge, no one is an authority and each one of us is trying to decode the encrypted know-how and with Gurudeva’s blessings we might have atleast 1% success and anyway in the process we would have learnt a great deal!So, cheers! Sarajit: Lakshmi, First of all, why did you take 6 chakras, aren't there 7, namely1. Mooladhara2. Swadhisthana3. Manipura4. Anahata5. Visuddha6. Lagna7. Sahasrara Lakshmi: Yes, Sarajit…there are “physically” 7 chakras in the body, but the treatment of Sahasraara is slightly different. I would like to quote “Lalithaa Sahasranaamam” , the Srividya, in this context The shat chakras are the lower charkas, which have to do with “I”. Even at the level of aagyna chakra the consciousness of self does persist…on a relational basis to the is still a delimited consciousness out there. Only at the level of Sahasraara, there is no sense of “I” , it is One Unlimited Expanse. In Lalitha Sahasrnaamam it is stated that the Mooladhara & Swadhisthana chakra are followed by “Brahma Grandhi” (literally, the knot of Brahma). Only after unraveling of this knot can the kundalini proceed to Manipura Chakra. When the knot of Brahma is broken, the awareness of “shoola sareera” or gross body is lost. The Manipura Chakra and Anaahata Chakra are followed by “Vishnu Grandhi”, destruction of which knot or barrier signifies the destruction of the awareness of the “sookshma sareera” or subtle body. The Visudhhi chakra and aagyna chakra are followed by “Rudra Grandhi” …the final knot. The overcoming of this final knot indicates loss of awareness/consciousness of Kaarana sareera or Causal body. So, the awareness of self at all levels of consciousness is totally wiped out by this time. The Lalithaa Sahasranaamam goes on to decribe Mother at this juncture as Sahasraara-ambuja-arooDha sudhaa saaraabhi varshiNee Tatillathaa Samaruchi Shat chakra-upari samsthithaa MahaShaktih Kundalinee Bisathanthuthaneeyasee” So, for all purposes, Sahsraara is a part of the Eternal Cosmos, the Amritha. The SELF is defined only by the shatchakras, Sahasraara is the Great Beyond. Sarajit: This is infact interesting to note, that you have started the counting of the chakras from Virgo and as appropriate given the rulership of the Mooladhara chakra to Mercury. However, this doesnot fall in the natural scheme of the zodiac. We know, where the chakras fall in the body from the head to the base of the spine. Hence, the sequence of the chakras shall follow that order.Now I said that it follows the natural order or the anga division of the kalapurusha as this is something which shows that we are similarly built in the frame of the kalapurusha and we share similar traits and potential. In fact as you have aptly said, when we become ONE or NONE, there is no difference between I and THEE as there is no differentiation. Now Karen has righly pointed out that Sagittarius to Pisces rules the lower limb namely the Thighs, Knees, and so on. So Scorpio shall be the last sign which shall rule the lowestmost chakra, namely Mooladhara. Now this is well known that Scorpio is the house of all hidden energies which is shown by the shakti of the Kundalini. Now as you have said Kundalini, rises in a reverse direction. If we take scorpio, even our reverse calculation is Justified as one of the co-ruler of Scorpio is Ketu, and is the serpent representing the kundalini. Ketu can always show reverse counting of the zodiac as the kundalini moves from the base of the spine to Sahasrara. Lakshmi: Sarajit, there is no dispute about Virgo being an earth sign ruling Mooladhara. If you take into account the lordships assigned to each Chakra, you see that the order given below me makes more sense. Mercury-Mooladhara Venus-Swadhisthaana Mars-Manipura Jupiter-Void Moon/Saturn-Anahata Saturn-Visudhhi Jupiter-Aagyna Sun-Sahasraara The Kalpurusha vibhajana is obviously based on the child-birth process. What emerges first is the head, then comes the face etc and the body of the child is revealed in the zodiacal order. Interestingly, a child is born head first or upside down…like Kundalini. That is the natural inclination. Kundalini or yoga talk about inner processes more than about physical manifestations, like head or shoulders etc. Kundalini resides at the “base” of Mooladhara and Yoga is like Yaaga in which yogic fire is kindled to turn and press Kundalini continuously upwards and onwards. Upward thrust is the nature of fire and not of water, so the beginning of Kundalini yoga more aptly starts from Leo than from Scorpio.The first star of Leo is Magha, ruled by Ketu and Leo is the fire sign, ruled by Sun, who is never retrograde, indicating that the jeevatma has to continually rectify its retro-action and follow the direction of the soul through the narrow & straight path of Sushumna nadi till it reaches Sahasraara. You find this combination of Ketu and fire a recurrent theme in all gandantas. Now can you tell me what that signifies? Sarajit: If you say that Manipura Chakra is the seat of Mantra Vidya and hence Scorpio is more suited then I shall counter that Mantra shastra is better signified by Mercury as he lords the speech and Mantra shastra is all about speech, whether or not expressed! Moreover, saying Scorpio as Brahma Nabhi is not appropriate. The sandhis between the Water and the Fire signs are the Brahma nabhis and not any sign. Infact, I liked the way you have used the term nabhi to show independent existence and severence from the main body (may it be mother). Infact Water shows end of creation (Pralaya), however again is a main component from the creation occurs, after Fire gives the necessary energy. So the nabhis can also indicate the end of one life and start of another. Infact there is a strong link between the length of human life and that of the arc of the nabhis. We know that the arc of the nabhis are 120deg. If we take the principle of progression as mentioned in Manu Smrti, that each day of Deva (Sun) equals 1 year for human, then Sun's transit from one nabhi to another one, charts out the maximum longevity of humans.Again the nabhi region is governed by the sign Virgo, so don't you think that Manipura is better signified by Virgo, where Mercury gets exalted. Lakshmi: Manipura chakra is the seat of mantra vidya and you know that all sound originates first at Nabhi (Manipura-Scorpio)and only after it passes through Akaasa tattwa (Jupiter-Sagittarius-Void) it becomes audible. So says Vishnu Purana. Each sound has in it the primal power of Pranava the First Sound and is a beejakshara. The power of Mantra is oordhwamukha like the agni…it has the power to take one upwards. Mars is Agni, whereas Mercury is Prithvi. Manipura Chakra is also the seat of creation of Brahma and Brahma vidya as Brahma sprung from the navel of Vishnu. Manipura chakra is ruled by Mars and Gurudeva in his Vedic Remedies in Astrology has clearly stated so. Even the colour of Manipura chakra is stated as Blood Red (Rakta VarNa), clearly pointing to Mars. Sarajit, I referred to the gandanta points as Brahma Nabhi and not to Scorpio. These points do indicate an break and a new beginning. Sarajit: Coming to Anahata or the seat of the Bagavan, how can Bhagavan be seated where it gets debilitated. Even if you maintain that "Capricorn-Cancer axis is the axis of rebirth…the seat of our desires and the root of our karmas... that continue to seed countless incarnations", Cancer is more aptly sweated more, for two reasons, one this sign rules the heart (Hrdaya Padma), where the lord seats and secondly, this is the sign where Jup (Bhagavan- Mahavishnu) gets exalted. Abhijit is infact important because, this falls in the 10th house and this the place where we are guided towards the right action by Vishnu and not fall below. Hence here the action is more important than the love for the Bhagavan, which emerges out from the heart (Cancer). Lakshmi: Have you forgotten that when Sun enters Makara, Uttarayana the most auspicious period starts? And, just before Makara Sankranti, in Dhanurmaasa (when Sun transits Sagittarius), Vaikunta Ekadasi comes, when the doors of Vaikunta open. While the Haridwar is in Sagittarius, the actual Hari sits in Capricorn. Abhijit is ruled by Hari…I quote Guruji again from his book on Vimsottari Dasa. And, Hari is always Action, Sarajit. He’s the One who comes countless times to perform karma that would reinstate dharma. By the way, why does the Bhagavan(Jupiter) get exalted in the nakshatra owned by Saturn? Sarajit: If Rahu can do so much of damage being the lord of Aquarius, what he can do where he gets exalted, in the 3rd house of natural zodiac and the most un-clean house. Gemini is more suited as its lord rules the speech and the sign rules the neck and arm region (Below the face).Now it is important to note that when the shakti is moving from Agna to Sahasrara, one is moving from Maya to Satya. Now this I think can be shown by movement of shakti from Taurus, where Moon gets exalted to Aries, where Sun gets exalted. After the Shakti reaches Sahasrara, the consciousness ceases to exist shown by the brahma nabhi (between end of Aries and start of Pisces in reverse) which shows the severence of bodily consciousness. Here the starting point of Aries shows the, ending of the cosciousness of Independent existence, shown by the zodiac. Is there a significance of Sun being so close of the Brahma Nabhi, in Lord Sri Rama's chart? Is there some significance of placement of different planets in one of these chakras?Lakshmi: The movement from Maya to Satya starts at the base of Mooladhara and not just from aagyna to Sahasraara. And, as I have already stated, birth is retro…always going back to past lives to justify present one. Kundalini is meant to straighten it and forward it to Light, so the counting for the kundalini needs to be direct and not in the reverse. While Pralaya is the end for the world and the body, it is not the end for Dharma. The cycle continues unceasingly… Thanks for a lovely discussion. That’s an interesting point about sri Rama’s chart.Let me study it and then I can come up again with my two pennies! Regards, Lakshmi Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 7, 2003 Report Share Posted January 7, 2003 Om Namah Shivaya Om Sri Gurave Namah, Dear Laxmi, Sarajit, Karen and others, Thank you all for such great posts. My point is given at the end marked SP: > Sarajit: This is infact interesting to note, that you have started the counting of the chakras from Virgo and as appropriate given the rulership of the Mooladhara chakra to Mercury. However, this doesnot fall in the natural scheme of the zodiac. We know, where the chakras fall in the body from the head to the base of the spine. Hence, the sequence of the chakras shall follow that order. > > Now I said that it follows the natural order or the anga division of the kalapurusha as this is something which shows that we are similarly built in the frame of the kalapurusha and we share similar traits and potential. In fact as you have aptly said, when we become ONE or NONE, there is no difference between I and THEE as there is no differentiation. > > > > Now Karen has righly pointed out that Sagittarius to Pisces rules the lower limb namely the Thighs, Knees, and so on. So Scorpio shall be the last sign which shall rule the lowestmost chakra, namely Mooladhara. Now this is well known that Scorpio is the house of all hidden energies which is shown by the shakti of the Kundalini. Now as you have said Kundalini, rises in a reverse direction. If we take scorpio, even our reverse calculation is Justified as one of the co- ruler of Scorpio is Ketu, and is the serpent representing the kundalini. Ketu can always show reverse counting of the zodiac as the kundalini moves from the base of the spine to Sahasrara. > > > > Lakshmi: Sarajit, there is no dispute about Virgo being an earth sign ruling Mooladhara. If you take into account the lordships assigned to each Chakra, you see that the order given below me makes more sense. > > > > Mercury-Mooladhara > > Venus-Swadhisthaana > > Mars-Manipura > > Jupiter-Void > > Moon/Saturn-Anahata > > Saturn-Visudhhi > > Jupiter-Aagyna > > Sun-Sahasraara > > > > The Kalpurusha vibhajana is obviously based on the child-birth process. What emerges first is the head, then comes the face etc and the body of the child is revealed in the zodiacal order. Interestingly, a child is born head first or upside down…like Kundalini. That is the natural inclination. > > > > Kundalini or yoga talk about inner processes more than about physical manifestations, like head or shoulders etc. Kundalini resides at the " base " of Mooladhara and Yoga is like Yaaga in which yogic fire is kindled to turn and press Kundalini continuously upwards and onwards. Upward thrust is the nature of fire and not of water, so the beginning of Kundalini yoga more aptly starts from Leo than from Scorpio.The first star of Leo is Magha, ruled by Ketu and Leo is the fire sign, ruled by Sun, who is never retrograde, indicating that the jeevatma has to continually rectify its retro- action and follow the direction of the soul through the narrow & straight path of Sushumna nadi till it reaches Sahasraara. You find this combination of Ketu and fire a recurrent theme in all gandantas. Now can you tell me what that signifies? > > > > Sarajit: If you say that Manipura Chakra is the seat of Mantra Vidya and hence Scorpio is more suited then I shall counter that Mantra shastra is better signified by Mercury as he lords the speech and Mantra shastra is all about speech, whether or not expressed! Moreover, saying Scorpio as Brahma Nabhi is not appropriate. The sandhis between the Water and the Fire signs are the Brahma nabhis and not any sign. Infact, I liked the way you have used the term nabhi to show independent existence and severence from the main body (may it be mother). Infact Water shows end of creation (Pralaya), however again is a main component from the creation occurs, after Fire gives the necessary energy. So the nabhis can also indicate the end of one life and > start of another. Infact there is a strong link between the length of human life and that of the arc of the nabhis. We know that the arc of the nabhis are 120deg. If we take the principle of progression as mentioned in Manu Smrti, that each day of Deva (Sun) equals 1 year for human, then Sun's > transit from one nabhi to another one, charts out the maximum longevity of humans. > > Again the nabhi region is governed by the sign Virgo, so don't you think that Manipura is better signified by Virgo, where Mercury gets exalted. > > > > Lakshmi: Manipura chakra is the seat of mantra vidya and you know that all sound originates first at Nabhi (Manipura-Scorpio)and only after it passes through Akaasa tattwa (Jupiter-Sagittarius-Void) it becomes audible. So says Vishnu Purana. Each sound has in it the primal power of Pranava the First Sound and is a beejakshara. The power of Mantra is oordhwamukha like the agni…it has the power to take one upwards. Mars is Agni, whereas Mercury is Prithvi. > > > > Manipura Chakra is also the seat of creation of Brahma and Brahma vidya as Brahma sprung from the navel of Vishnu. Manipura chakra is ruled by Mars and Gurudeva in his Vedic Remedies in Astrology has clearly stated so. Even the colour of Manipura chakra is stated as Blood Red (Rakta VarNa), clearly pointing to Mars. > > > > Sarajit, I referred to the gandanta points as Brahma Nabhi and not to Scorpio. These points do indicate an break and a new beginning. > > > > Sarajit: Coming to Anahata or the seat of the Bagavan, how can Bhagavan be seated > where it gets debilitated. Even if you maintain that " Capricorn- Cancer axis is the axis of rebirth…the seat of our desires and the root of our karmas... that continue to seed countless incarnations " , Cancer is more aptly sweated more, for two reasons, one this sign rules the heart > (Hrdaya Padma), where the lord seats and secondly, this is the sign where Jup (Bhagavan- Mahavishnu) gets exalted. Abhijit is infact important because, this falls in the 10th house and this the place where we are guided towards the right action by Vishnu and not fall below. Hence here the action is more important than the love for the Bhagavan, which emerges out from the > heart (Cancer). > > > > > > Lakshmi: Have you forgotten that when Sun enters Makara, Uttarayana the most auspicious period starts? And, just before Makara Sankranti, in Dhanurmaasa (when Sun transits Sagittarius), Vaikunta Ekadasi comes, when the doors of Vaikunta open. While the Haridwar is in Sagittarius, the actual Hari sits in Capricorn. Abhijit is ruled by Hari…I quote Guruji again from his book on Vimsottari Dasa. And, Hari is always Action, Sarajit. He's the One who comes countless times to perform karma that would reinstate dharma. By the way, why does the Bhagavan(Jupiter) get exalted in the nakshatra owned by Saturn? > > > Sarajit: If Rahu can do so much of damage being the lord of Aquarius, what he can do > where he gets exalted, in the 3rd house of natural zodiac and the most > un-clean house. Gemini is more suited as its lord rules the speech and the > sign rules the neck and arm region (Below the face). > > Now it is important to note that when the shakti is moving from Agna to > Sahasrara, one is moving from Maya to Satya. Now this I think can be shown > by movement of shakti from Taurus, where Moon gets exalted to Aries, where > Sun gets exalted. After the Shakti reaches Sahasrara, the consciousness > ceases to exist shown by the brahma nabhi (between end of Aries and start > of Pisces in reverse) which shows the severence of bodily consciousness. > Here the starting point of Aries shows the, ending of the cosciousness of > Independent existence, shown by the zodiac. Is there a significance of Sun > being so close of the Brahma Nabhi, in Lord Sri Rama's chart? Is there some > significance of placement of different planets in one of these chakras? > > Lakshmi: The movement from Maya to Satya starts at the base of Mooladhara and not just from aagyna to Sahasraara. And, as I have already stated, birth is retro…always going back to past lives to justify present one. Kundalini is meant to straighten it and forward it to Light, so the counting for the kundalini needs to be direct and not in the reverse. > SP: I was thinking about both the scheme. i.e taking the 7(or6) chakras from A) Scorpio to Aries B) Virgo to Aries I tend to agree to both. I saw Gurudev telling in Ukiah conference for mapping the zodiac to loka's he reflected the zodiac across the Aries-Libra axis. Then gave the various 7 UPPER(+this) lokas Bhur,Bhuva,Swaha,Maha,Jana,Tapa,Satya to Libra,Scorpio,Saggittarius,Capricorn and Aries. The actual traversal kundalini on physical self would be from Scorpio to Aries. This reversal in physical self could be because of Reversing nature of Ketu. Who rules kundalini. Maybe when a yogi overcomes each chakra he could enter different loka. This each chakra could be each of the shadripu? Since Sc to Aries entirely falls in the 2 nabhi of Manushya and rakshasa. Does it indicate that only these two categories need to develop the kundalini?. Warm Regards. S.Prabhakaran Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 7, 2003 Report Share Posted January 7, 2003 Dear Sanjay, Thanks for mentioning this. I have been following this thread with considerable interest as we too in Delhi have been taught to map the bhavas,lokas, planets and the chakras from the 7th to the 1st house. The 7th house being the Bhu loka, or Mrityuloka, and hence cause of the rebirth. This representation is different from what Karen and Sarajit talked about, implying that there must be multiple modes of representation. Best regards, Sarbani varahamihira , " sanjayprabhakaran <sprabhakaran@s...> " <sprabhakaran@s...> wrote: > Om Namah Shivaya > Om Sri Gurave Namah, > > Dear Laxmi, Sarajit, Karen and others, > Thank you all for such great posts. > My point is given at the end marked SP: > > > Sarajit: This is infact interesting to note, that you have started > the counting of the chakras from Virgo and as appropriate given the > rulership of the Mooladhara chakra to Mercury. However, this doesnot > fall in the natural scheme of the zodiac. We know, where the chakras > fall in the body from the head to the base of the spine. Hence, the > sequence of the chakras shall follow that order. > > > > Now I said that it follows the natural order or the anga division > of the kalapurusha as this is something which shows that we are > similarly built in the frame of the kalapurusha and we share similar > traits and potential. In fact as you have aptly said, when we become > ONE or NONE, there is no difference between I and THEE as there is no > differentiation. > > > > > > > > Now Karen has righly pointed out that Sagittarius to Pisces rules > the lower limb namely the Thighs, Knees, and so on. So Scorpio shall > be the last sign which shall rule the lowestmost chakra, namely > Mooladhara. Now this is well known that Scorpio is the house of all > hidden energies which is shown by the shakti of the Kundalini. Now as > you have said Kundalini, rises in a reverse direction. If we take > scorpio, even our reverse calculation is Justified as one of the co- > ruler of Scorpio is Ketu, and is the serpent representing the > kundalini. Ketu can always show reverse counting of the zodiac as the > kundalini moves from the base of the spine to Sahasrara. > > > > > > > > Lakshmi: Sarajit, there is no dispute about Virgo being an earth > sign ruling Mooladhara. If you take into account the lordships > assigned to each Chakra, you see that the order given below me makes > more sense. > > > > > > > > Mercury-Mooladhara > > > > Venus-Swadhisthaana > > > > Mars-Manipura > > > > Jupiter-Void > > > > Moon/Saturn-Anahata > > > > Saturn-Visudhhi > > > > Jupiter-Aagyna > > > > Sun-Sahasraara > > > > > > > > The Kalpurusha vibhajana is obviously based on the child-birth > process. What emerges first is the head, then comes the face etc and > the body of the child is revealed in the zodiacal order. > Interestingly, a child is born head first or upside down…like > Kundalini. That is the natural inclination. > > > > > > > > Kundalini or yoga talk about inner processes more than about > physical manifestations, like head or shoulders etc. Kundalini > resides at the " base " of Mooladhara and Yoga is like Yaaga in which > yogic fire is kindled to turn and press Kundalini continuously > upwards and onwards. Upward thrust is the nature of fire and not of > water, so the beginning of Kundalini yoga more aptly starts from Leo > than from Scorpio.The first star of Leo is Magha, ruled by Ketu and > Leo is the fire sign, ruled by Sun, who is never retrograde, > indicating that the jeevatma has to continually rectify its retro- > action and follow the direction of the soul through the narrow & > straight path of Sushumna nadi till it reaches Sahasraara. You find > this combination of Ketu and fire a recurrent theme in all gandantas. > Now can you tell me what that signifies? > > > > > > > > Sarajit: If you say that Manipura Chakra is the seat of Mantra > Vidya and hence Scorpio is more suited then I shall counter that > Mantra shastra is better signified by Mercury as he lords the speech > and Mantra shastra is all about speech, whether or not expressed! > Moreover, saying Scorpio as Brahma Nabhi is not appropriate. The > sandhis between the Water and the Fire signs are the Brahma nabhis > and not any sign. Infact, I liked the way you have used the term > nabhi to show independent existence and severence from the main body > (may it be mother). Infact Water shows end of creation (Pralaya), > however again is a main component from the creation occurs, after > Fire gives the necessary energy. So the nabhis can also indicate the > end of one life and > > start of another. Infact there is a strong link between the length > of human life and that of the arc of the nabhis. We know that the arc > of the nabhis are 120deg. If we take the principle of progression as > mentioned in Manu Smrti, that each day of Deva (Sun) equals 1 year > for human, then Sun's > > transit from one nabhi to another one, charts out the maximum > longevity of humans. > > > > Again the nabhi region is governed by the sign Virgo, so don't you > think that Manipura is better signified by Virgo, where Mercury gets > exalted. > > > > > > > > Lakshmi: Manipura chakra is the seat of mantra vidya and you know > that all sound originates first at Nabhi (Manipura-Scorpio)and only > after it passes through Akaasa tattwa (Jupiter-Sagittarius-Void) it > becomes audible. So says Vishnu Purana. Each sound has in it the > primal power of Pranava the First Sound and is a beejakshara. The > power of Mantra is oordhwamukha like the agni…it has the power to > take one upwards. Mars is Agni, whereas Mercury is Prithvi. > > > > > > > > Manipura Chakra is also the seat of creation of Brahma and Brahma > vidya as Brahma sprung from the navel of Vishnu. Manipura chakra is > ruled by Mars and Gurudeva in his Vedic Remedies in Astrology has > clearly stated so. Even the colour of Manipura chakra is stated as > Blood Red (Rakta VarNa), clearly pointing to Mars. > > > > > > > > Sarajit, I referred to the gandanta points as Brahma Nabhi and not > to Scorpio. These points do indicate an break and a new beginning. > > > > > > > > Sarajit: Coming to Anahata or the seat of the Bagavan, how can > Bhagavan be seated > > where it gets debilitated. Even if you maintain that " Capricorn- > Cancer axis is the axis of rebirth…the seat of our desires and the > root of our karmas... that continue to seed countless incarnations " , > Cancer is more aptly sweated more, for two reasons, one this sign > rules the heart > > (Hrdaya Padma), where the lord seats and secondly, this is the sign > where Jup (Bhagavan- Mahavishnu) gets exalted. Abhijit is infact > important because, this falls in the 10th house and this the place > where we are guided towards the right action by Vishnu and not fall > below. Hence here the action is more important than the love for the > Bhagavan, which emerges out from the > > heart (Cancer). > > > > > > > > > > > > Lakshmi: Have you forgotten that when Sun enters Makara, Uttarayana > the most auspicious period starts? And, just before Makara > Sankranti, in Dhanurmaasa (when Sun transits Sagittarius), Vaikunta > Ekadasi comes, when the doors of Vaikunta open. While the Haridwar is > in Sagittarius, the actual Hari sits in Capricorn. Abhijit is ruled > by Hari…I quote Guruji again from his book on Vimsottari Dasa. And, > Hari is always Action, Sarajit. He's the One who comes countless > times to perform karma that would reinstate dharma. By the way, why > does the Bhagavan(Jupiter) get exalted in the nakshatra owned by > Saturn? > > > > > > Sarajit: If Rahu can do so much of damage being the lord of > Aquarius, what he can do > > where he gets exalted, in the 3rd house of natural zodiac and the > most > > un-clean house. Gemini is more suited as its lord rules the speech > and the > > sign rules the neck and arm region (Below the face). > > > > Now it is important to note that when the shakti is moving from > Agna to > > Sahasrara, one is moving from Maya to Satya. Now this I think can > be shown > > by movement of shakti from Taurus, where Moon gets exalted to > Aries, where > > Sun gets exalted. After the Shakti reaches Sahasrara, the > consciousness > > ceases to exist shown by the brahma nabhi (between end of Aries and > start > > of Pisces in reverse) which shows the severence of bodily > consciousness. > > Here the starting point of Aries shows the, ending of the > cosciousness of > > Independent existence, shown by the zodiac. Is there a significance > of Sun > > being so close of the Brahma Nabhi, in Lord Sri Rama's chart? Is > there some > > significance of placement of different planets in one of these > chakras? > > > > Lakshmi: The movement from Maya to Satya starts at the base of > Mooladhara and not just from aagyna to Sahasraara. And, as I have > already stated, birth is retro…always going back to past lives to > justify present one. Kundalini is meant to straighten it and forward > it to Light, so the counting for the kundalini needs to be direct and > not in the reverse. > > > > > SP: I was thinking about both the scheme. i.e taking the 7(or6) > chakras from > A) Scorpio to Aries > B) Virgo to Aries > > I tend to agree to both. I saw Gurudev telling in Ukiah conference > for mapping the zodiac to loka's he reflected the zodiac across the > Aries-Libra axis. > > Then gave the various 7 UPPER(+this) lokas > Bhur,Bhuva,Swaha,Maha,Jana,Tapa,Satya to > Libra,Scorpio,Saggittarius,Capricorn and Aries. > > The actual traversal kundalini on physical self would be from Scorpio > to Aries. > > This reversal in physical self could be because of Reversing nature > of Ketu. Who rules kundalini. > > Maybe when a yogi overcomes each chakra he could enter different loka. > This each chakra could be each of the shadripu? > Since Sc to Aries entirely falls in the 2 nabhi of Manushya and > rakshasa. Does it indicate that only these two categories need to > develop the kundalini?. > > > Warm Regards. > S.Prabhakaran Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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