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Lesson on Vipareetam Ketoh

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Om Gurave NamahDear Suresh & Nisha,This doubt and subsequent thoughts come because of a lack of a clear concept of the dictum.Vipareetam KetohJaimini has clearly advised 'Vipareetam ketoh'This has many uses and meanings depending on the context. In the case of Narayana dasa where the ninth sign from the arambha rasi shall determine the direction os subsequent dasa, the presence of Ketu or Saturn can alter the direction as 'Forced reverse or forced direct' respectively. The ability of the Graha to do so is because of the relationship between the graha and the Satya peetha. The Grahas at their purest form are the incarnations of Vishnu and hence, their relationship with the signs and 'satya' gives them the ability to bring about this alteration - it is their power as the representation of the Vishnu avatar. To understand this, we must realise that every man is created in the mould of Visnhu and every woman is created in the mould of Lakshmi and hence in stri Jataka great emphasis is laid on examining the charts and planetary results from the 7th house. It is this satya that gives the graha the ability to alter the direction as it alters the nature of the mould by its presence in the houses of satya & dharma. Arudha is nothing but a creation of Maya and is illusionary. The Graha has an influence on the argala due its own presence but how is this going to alter the world-view of the native? In the world view, all human beings travel as per the luminaries and their matters are seen from the houses reckoned from the Arudha Lagna. The wealth, co-born, income, expenses etc, are all from the Arudha and this is what they and the people believe to be true or the visible truth. We see the Sun rise everyday in the east, rise to the midheaven and then gradually move towards and set in the west. We have become so used to the rotation of the earth that we do not realise that we are made to spin at a very high speed on the surface of the earth thereby losing our higher mental balance. Have you tried a merry-go-round, the one that kids jump onto and then the same spins at high speed. How dizzy that makes the mind. In a similar manner, the earth spin makes us dizzy, but we have got used to it as w do not know what it means to be without the spin. This apparant movement of the Sun in the sky makes us believe that the Sun is moving from the east to the west in the reverse or 'anti-zodiacal' fashion. Whereas, in reality, the Sun is static and the Lagna is moving zodiacally from the first house (East) to the seventh house (west) from the Sun. This apparant movement of the Sun caused due to a headless situation resulting from the spins effect on our intellect is called 'Vipareetam Gati' and is used in the Surya-Chandra-Rahu chakra. We tend to forget that the Sun is not the one that is rising and setting but it is the Lagna. Since Ketu is the headless planet, this apparant motion is attributed to it and is referred to as 'Vipareetam ketoh' by Jaimini Maharishi.Ketu as a graha is headless and does not accept this truth. It is only through the process of education (Guru kripa) that Ketu realises that the truth is something else. This is the knowledge that Vishnu blessed Ganapati with when He gave Ganesha the head of the elephant. This is the knowledge of astronomy and the movement of the stars. Thus, realising the difference between the apparant truth and the real truth, Ketu became Ganesha (Gaja Mukha or with the head of an elephant and body of a human being) the patron deity of Jyotish as Vishnu became Ganesha's blessing or the Guru who teaches Jyotish. Similarly realising the other truths, Ketu becomes the four Veda Murti (Go Mukha or Kamadhenu - Rig Veda, Haya mukha or Hayagreeva -Yaur Veda, Aja mukha or Ajaikapada -sama veda and Markata mukha or Hanuman - Atharva veda). Thus Ketu has a dual role in any chart causing marriages for the sake of increase and growth of family 'kulasya unnatim' as well as the 'mokshakaraka'. The difference again is between the apparant truth of good karma in the form of marriage and children which shall cause happiness to the elders and Pitris or the real truth of good karma in the form of renunciation of desires and bhakti which will cause happiness to the Guru and Bhagavan. Point is both are the truths - one apparant and the other real. Ask yourself: are you headless or have the head of at least one of the veda murti or Ganesha? If you want a head, then prostrate at the feet of Lord Shiva, for He alone as the real Guru can cut off your head (ahamkar) and worship Bhagavan Vishnu for He alone as the real giver can give you a head. Now, coming to Arudha, this is the Maya Peetha ot the Lagna representing the apparant truth. Naturally Ketu cannot have any impact out here. The reversal of the apparant truth cannot occur as this will lead to the very negation of all that is meant or implied by the Arudha. That is why the reversal of house reckoning from Arudha Lagna is meaningless if Ketu is there. What is to be seen, and for the limited purpose of spirituality is the reversal of house reckoning from Ketu for determining Argala or those planets who shall help the native in losing his apparant head and getting a head full of knowledge or those planets who shall obstruct this process. Best Regards,Sanjay Rath--------------------------71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Ph-1, New Delhi 110091, IndiaTel: +91-11-2713201 Web: http://srath.com http://.org ---------------------------Nisha [nishu_indiia]Friday, October 18, 2002 5:12 PM Subject: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Vipareetam KetohOm Namo Bhagawate VaasudevaayaHello Sureshji,[MY RESPONSE IN CAPS] "Vipareetam Ketu", as discussed by us at east coast study circle is not approved or accepted by our GuruDeva. we all are eagerly waiting for Sanjay Guruji's, Narasimha ji's and/or other Guru's opinion and guidance on the same. It may be totally wrong and misleading to do this.I DO UNDERSTAND THAT. I WAS JUST TRYING TO EXTEND IT TO SOME MORE CHARTS.Suresh: If you take VK, you would reverse reckoning houses from ASC *only*. From AL reckoning should be in regular order.THIS MEANS SINCE ONLY LAGNA HAS KETU IN IT SO IT IS RECKONED IN REVERSE ORDER AND NOT AL. CAN WE EXTEND THIS TO ARUDHAS LIKE IF ONLY AL HAS KETU BUT NOT IN LAGNA? IN THAT CASE CAN WE REVERSE THE ORDER OF HOUSES WHILE JUDGING FROM FOCAL POINT OF AL? Suresh: Again, my understanding is, by VK Libra becomes 12th house (what would have been 2nd house, had VK not been there). Just look where A2 is, which would become UL. In this case UL will be in Aquarious.THATS WHAT I ASSUMED. SO UL IN AQUA WILL BE 8H FROM LAGNA AS PER VK. AM I RIGHT?Suresh: When you look for Lordships, you would reckon houses in reverse. In your example, Venus may be considered as 5th and 12th lord posited in 10th. And LEO may be considered as 2nd house from Lagna.OK. Suresh: Also, Jupiter's presense in the ASC is assumed to negate VK. So in the example you have given VK may not apply, after all :-).OOPS. I TRIED TO PILE UP THE WORDS WITHOUT CARING FOR THE FUNDAMENTALS. :-) DOES THAT MEAN KETU SHOULD BE ALONE IN LAGNA DEVOID OF ANY NATURAL BENEFIC? WHAT IF IT IS JOINED WITH MALEFIC?> Regards,> > Nisha> Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos, & morefaith. [Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]Send a blank mailTo : - To : -

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