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[SJC: Varahamihira] Saptamsa and 7 states and a response

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Om Rum Rameshvarya Namaha,



You bring clarity as usual to the conversation...thank you.

Yes, I have forgotten Buddha ( My Atmakaraka!) in this converation

noted below... as you have mentioned, Ketu plays a key role in

Kaivalya, yet the question (for me) is does Ketu get the Sadhu

there, or does he remain detached awaiting the native's arrival

(w/o desire).

If the Graha's can indicate the Atmakaraka and very subtle

energy , it would seem they would have the power to indicate

Consciousness , which is produced via mind-body experience..

I say this, and as you have experienced from your Guruji

their state of consciousness is not one of a " mood " or

selected behavior, but an infusion of Being that hs changed

them forever. IF we can better under this, we can

do better service to ourselves and the family of man...

I look to Sanjayji's compassion to enlighten us on this subject...

I will continute to dig till I find the answer. What can be more

important then finding the essence of DharmaMegha and Kaivalya?





varahamihira , " Robert A. Koch " <rk@r...>


> Om Gurave Namah

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> Dear Frank,


> At 06:43 PM 1/12/03 +0000, you wrote:


> >That said, have seven states of Consciousness that can be

> >identified. Can the Saptamsa be used for this and which planets

> >lord over them? We know that Mind ( Manas) is ruled by Chandra and

> >ultimately by Somaya. We know that Ketu is the Mokshakaraka and

> >will deal with final emancipation.

> >

> >Conscious State Vedic Name My Analysis on Ownership

> >________________

> >Waking Jagrat Chetanaa Mars - active;engaged

> >Dreaming Swapn Chetanaa Moon; Active mind;yet

> > restfully alert with


> > activity ( at times,


> > and some premonitions.

> >Sleep Sushupiti Chetanna Saturn; inert

> >Transcendental Turiya Chetanna Venus;

> >God Bhagavat Chetanna Surya; Centered in SELF

> >Unity Brahmi Chetanna Brihaspaiti; fully Satvic


> The 7 rasas, or tastes/dispositions, have been brilliantly mapped

to the 7

> grahas, 7 colors of the rainbow, and sounds of the musical scale


> Sanjay. By extension, one would think to include states of


> etc. as you are proposing as above. What then would be the 7th,

as you've

> listed 6 above, or in other words, which state of consciousness

would you

> assign to Mercury?


> A side thought is this: Kaivalya, or full liberation, is possible


> through Ketu, at least according to the hints given by Maharshi

> Jaimini. Transcendence, therefore, would not fit in to a state of

> consciousness as suggested for Venus. The Saptamsa and 7 rasas

applied to

> it, in essence, are for the constitution of material existence, or


> constituents, and thus it is used for understanding the processes

of birth

> of a child principally. The tastes, inclinations, etc., of the

child, as

> well as of the child's mother, can be learned from it. The

existence of

> the soul, as to whether in transcendence or not, is principally a


> of the Navamsa, and 12th from Lagnamsa and Karakamsa, not the



> Best regards,

> Robert


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer

> Faculty Member, SJC and ACVA

> visit <http://www.robertkoch.com> and,

> http://www.jyotishdiscovery.com or

> Ph: 541.318.0248

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