Guest guest Posted January 17, 2003 Report Share Posted January 17, 2003 Dear Visti, Phyllis, and Group, I really appreciate you sharing your chart overview preferences, Visti. Thanks very much for taking the time to respond. You are so young and so smart…actually you are really WAAAY too smart for your chronological age…(I think I may have told you that before…If not, I have certainly thought it a number of times.) Also, I noticed in the database that you have your birthtime rectified down to seconds…Have you analysed, yet, the role your previous life may have played in determining your current life’s advancement and initiation in your jyotish studies, and the reasons for being blessed with the depth of knowledge that you so clearly are gifted with at such an early age in this life? (OK…you may now go out and buy a bigger hat…J) And Phyllis, I look forward to hearing about your preferred order of approach in tackling the basics of a chart also…So I’ll definitely hold you to it! J Anyone else care to share their individual approach to tackling a chart analysis in an orderly and systematic dictum of technique? I continue to work on a better format for myself – but I have yet to perfect one for classical principles and techniques…The ocean is just too vast. I think that the trouble is in knowing where (and what) the cut-off point is for an initial preliminary chart evaluation, so that the analysis doesn’t arrive in book form. Each chart I tackle, I approach differently, and I’m getting to old to rely indefinitely on my consistent scattered approach, figuring there really must be a better way. And I’ll find it eventually…When it comes to analyses, I am very consistent in my inconsistencies of approach. ~Namaste~ Sandy Crowther Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 17, 2003 Report Share Posted January 17, 2003 Jaya Jagannatha Dear Visti, In my notes (up on the roof at Raj Classic, Hyderabad with Sanjayji), the second method goes along side a horary chart, indicating what is on the querent’s mind, the Hora lord indicates the results. Please correct me if I am wrong, as I can adjust my notes accordingly. Thanks, Swee Approach 2 (Easy): d) Ask the querist for a number between 1-108. Divide this by 9 and pick up the remainder. From the remainder pick the corresponding Graha in this order: Sun Moon Jup Rahu Merc Venus Saturn Ketu Mars 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 This resultant Graha will show which area of life is on the querists mind at present. e) Pick up the relevant houses under query and see the Arudha Lagna, the arudha of the relevant house, its karakas, Varnadas if necessary. d) See the results of the Future Dasa's. Best wishes Visti Swee swee Visti Larsen [vishnu] Thursday, January 16, 2003 7:41 PM varahamihira [sJC: Varahamihira] Re: Varahamihira] Delineation Format Hare Rama Krishna Dear Sandy, Interesting question. No it has not been dealt with in any books of Sanjays. I have 2-3 approaches. The 3rd is a lazy variation of the 2nd, so i won't give it. Standard Approach: a) Compare AK and AmK degrees. Extract significance of AK using both Rasi and Navamsa. b) Find Istha, Dharma, Guru and Palana Devata.. note them down. See the yogas they create in Rasi. c) See Lagna, Paka Lagna and Pakesh. See their Karakas. Approach 1 (Hardcore): d) See circumstances at birth (premature, fathers presence, etc), fix the Kunda, Pranapada and Vighati Lagna. e) Fix the average longevity. f) See the Yogas in the chart and compare them to the Arudha Lagnas position. g) Pick up the Yogadas, and note them down. h) Start the Narayana Dasa and from the first Dasa, begin intepretating the effects with reference to Dwara, Bhaya, Paka, Bhoga Lagnas, until the present period. Approach 2 (Easy): d) Ask the querrist for a number between 1-108. Divide this by 9 and pick up the remainder. From the remainder pick the corresponding Graha in this order: Sun, Moon, Jup, Rahu, Merc, Venus, Saturn, Ketu, Mars. This resultant Graha will show which area of life is on the querrists mind at present. e) Pick up the relevant houses under querry and see the Arudha Lagna, the arudha of the relevant house, its karakas, Varnadas if necessary. d) See the results of the Future Dasa's. Best wishes Visti --- Bhagavad Purana: Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra: vedic iTRANS 99 Font: - Sandy Crowther Varahamihira (AT) (DOT) Com Thursday, January 16, 2003 4:58 PM [sJC: Varahamihira] Delineation Format Hare Rama Krishna _____________________ Dear Sanjay, Guru’s, and Learned Members, I have a request (that hopefully will benefit others on this list besides myself J), for addressing a specified order of the basic techniques that you prefer to use when beginning your analysis, with respect to delineating charts for your clients who request an initial basic preliminary reading. So I’m looking to tap your talented brains for a request - for you to share with the group, a systematic order that you prefer to use for yourselves, when beginning the full basic analysis of any chart, and a profile that will address the basic preliminaries for the analysis (using all the mandatory techniques that should be initially addressed), while at the same time providing an orderly reading for the client that will flow naturally and with a general confluence of principles… In other words, a structured format that you, as a jyotishi, normally follow when beginning analysis, so that you aren’t jumping all over the place in the chart. J I have a bad habit of jumping around when doing an analysis using classical principles…as the ocean is so vast. I often feel like I’m on a paper trail with my mind quickly jumping from one point to the next…so I really need a more disciplined format to follow in order to stay on track, conserve my time, and keep the reading within certain parameters and length. Given the volume and myriad of SJC teachings and techniques available for the general overall assessment and analysis of a chart, I was just wondering if anyone on the list would like to share their particular preferred order of addressing what basic technique’s that they (you) initially address, and then perhaps share a profiled numerical format that you find helpful in your work (of mandatory principles that should initially be addressed for chart analysis). In my view, the initial analysis and assessment always forms the solid foundation for future follow-up work, so this initial venture needs to be structured and organized…areas I am just NOT naturally self-proficient in. L I need HELP! So I’m not looking for depth of any particular technique used in analysis, as that is dependent on addressing a clients specific areas of concerns and using the techniques that best address those areas…Basically I’m looking for an “order” overview that YOU find useful, and that keeps you on track for covering the basics in analysis… without going postal. Perhaps this has been covered (and overlooked by me) in one of Sanjay’s books, or Narasimha’s book…if so – please forgive me and kindly direct me to the appropriate source. As you can see by my post, I am not a woman of a few words, and need all the help I can get to be a bit less verbose! J) Thanks. ~ Namaste ~ Sandy Crowther Hare Rama Krishna Archive:varahamihira Files:varahamihira varahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 17, 2003 Report Share Posted January 17, 2003 Hare Rama Krishna Dear Swee, No the method i gave is purely for the Natal Chart. There are different methods for the Prasna which i summarize below: a) Lordship of Hora Lord shows the area of life of the querry. b) Arudha Lagna shows the Root of the querry. c) Lord of Arudha Lagna, shows which questions will follow the querry. Ask for a number between 1-108. d) Divide the number by 9, and round the qoutient upto the nearest integer. This will give us the Prasna Rasi, which will show where the querrists mind is. The remainder will tell us the Prasna Navamsa. (count from Aries) Steps to find Prasna Arudha (advanced). e) Divide the number by 12, and take the remainder. This will give us the Number Rasi. (count from Aries) f) Divide the number by 12, and round the qoutient up to the nearest integer. This will give the Number-Graha. (Use the Table you gave). g) Divide the number by 9 again, and take the remainder. Add 1 to the remainder. The result will give us the Sign Placement of the Number Graha. (count from Aries) h) Place the Number Graha(f) in the resultant sign(g), and count the number of signs between (g) and Number Rasi(e). Note down this distance. i) Prepare the Prasna Chart, and find the equivelant Number Graha in the chart. Count the noted distance from it. This sign will be the Prasna Arudha. This will show the hidden answer to the querry. Best wishesVisti---Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgBrihat Parasara Hora Shastra: vedic astrologybphs.zipiTRANS 99 Font: - Swee Chan varahamihira Friday, January 17, 2003 10:43 AM RE: [sJC: Varahamihira] Re: Varahamihira] Delineation Format Jaya Jagannatha Dear Visti, In my notes (up on the roof at Raj Classic, Hyderabad with Sanjayji), the second method goes along side a horary chart, indicating what is on the querent’s mind, the Hora lord indicates the results. Please correct me if I am wrong, as I can adjust my notes accordingly. Thanks, Swee Approach 2 (Easy): d) Ask the querist for a number between 1-108. Divide this by 9 and pick up the remainder. From the remainder pick the corresponding Graha in this order: Sun Moon Jup Rahu Merc Venus Saturn Ketu Mars 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 This resultant Graha will show which area of life is on the querists mind at present. e) Pick up the relevant houses under query and see the Arudha Lagna, the arudha of the relevant house, its karakas, Varnadas if necessary. d) See the results of the Future Dasa's. Best wishesVisti Swee swee Visti Larsen [vishnu]Thursday, January 16, 2003 7:41 PMvarahamihira Subject: [sJC: Varahamihira] Re: Varahamihira] Delineation Format Hare Rama Krishna Dear Sandy, Interesting question. No it has not been dealt with in any books of Sanjays. I have 2-3 approaches. The 3rd is a lazy variation of the 2nd, so i won't give it. Standard Approach: a) Compare AK and AmK degrees. Extract significance of AK using both Rasi and Navamsa. b) Find Istha, Dharma, Guru and Palana Devata.. note them down. See the yogas they create in Rasi. c) See Lagna, Paka Lagna and Pakesh. See their Karakas. Approach 1 (Hardcore): d) See circumstances at birth (premature, fathers presence, etc), fix the Kunda, Pranapada and Vighati Lagna. e) Fix the average longevity. f) See the Yogas in the chart and compare them to the Arudha Lagnas position. g) Pick up the Yogadas, and note them down. h) Start the Narayana Dasa and from the first Dasa, begin intepretating the effects with reference to Dwara, Bhaya, Paka, Bhoga Lagnas, until the present period. Approach 2 (Easy): d) Ask the querrist for a number between 1-108. Divide this by 9 and pick up the remainder. From the remainder pick the corresponding Graha in this order: Sun, Moon, Jup, Rahu, Merc, Venus, Saturn, Ketu, Mars. This resultant Graha will show which area of life is on the querrists mind at present. e) Pick up the relevant houses under querry and see the Arudha Lagna, the arudha of the relevant house, its karakas, Varnadas if necessary. d) See the results of the Future Dasa's. Best wishesVisti---Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgBrihat Parasara Hora Shastra: vedic astrologybphs.zipiTRANS 99 Font: - Sandy Crowther Varahamihira (AT) (DOT) Com Thursday, January 16, 2003 4:58 PM [sJC: Varahamihira] Delineation Format Hare Rama Krishna _____________________ Dear Sanjay, Guru’s, and Learned Members, I have a request (that hopefully will benefit others on this list besides myself J), for addressing a specified order of the basic techniques that you prefer to use when beginning your analysis, with respect to delineating charts for your clients who request an initial basic preliminary reading. So I’m looking to tap your talented brains for a request - for you to share with the group, a systematic order that you prefer to use for yourselves, when beginning the full basic analysis of any chart, and a profile that will address the basic preliminaries for the analysis (using all the mandatory techniques that should be initially addressed), while at the same time providing an orderly reading for the client that will flow naturally and with a general confluence of principles… In other words, a structured format that you, as a jyotishi, normally follow when beginning analysis, so that you aren’t jumping all over the place in the chart. J I have a bad habit of jumping around when doing an analysis using classical principles…as the ocean is so vast. I often feel like I’m on a paper trail with my mind quickly jumping from one point to the next…so I really need a more disciplined format to follow in order to stay on track, conserve my time, and keep the reading within certain parameters and length. Given the volume and myriad of SJC teachings and techniques available for the general overall assessment and analysis of a chart, I was just wondering if anyone on the list would like to share their particular preferred order of addressing what basic technique’s that they (you) initially address, and then perhaps share a profiled numerical format that you find helpful in your work (of mandatory principles that should initially be addressed for chart analysis). In my view, the initial analysis and assessment always forms the solid foundation for future follow-up work, so this initial venture needs to be structured and organized…areas I am just NOT naturally self-proficient in. L I need HELP! So I’m not looking for depth of any particular technique used in analysis, as that is dependent on addressing a clients specific areas of concerns and using the techniques that best address those areas…Basically I’m looking for an “order” overview that YOU find useful, and that keeps you on track for covering the basics in analysis… without going postal. Perhaps this has been covered (and overlooked by me) in one of Sanjay’s books, or Narasimha’s book…if so – please forgive me and kindly direct me to the appropriate source. As you can see by my post, I am not a woman of a few words, and need all the help I can get to be a bit less verbose! J) Thanks. ~ Namaste ~ Sandy Crowther Hare Rama KrishnaArchive:varahamihiraFiles:varahamihiravarahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 17, 2003 Report Share Posted January 17, 2003 Dear Visti, Brill! I simply caught the gist (viz Prsna Marga) Thanks a million. Warm wishes, Swee swee -----Original Message----- Visti Larsen [vishnu] Friday, January 17, 2003 2:27 PM varahamihira Re: [sJC: Varahamihira] Re: Varahamihira] Delineation Format Hare Rama Krishna Dear Swee, No the method i gave is purely for the Natal Chart. There are different methods for the Prasna which i summarize below: a) Lordship of Hora Lord shows the area of life of the querry. b) Arudha Lagna shows the Root of the querry. c) Lord of Arudha Lagna, shows which questions will follow the querry. Ask for a number between 1-108. d) Divide the number by 9, and round the qoutient upto the nearest integer. This will give us the Prasna Rasi, which will show where the querrists mind is. The remainder will tell us the Prasna Navamsa. (count from Aries) Steps to find Prasna Arudha (advanced). e) Divide the number by 12, and take the remainder. This will give us the Number Rasi. (count from Aries) f) Divide the number by 12, and round the qoutient up to the nearest integer. This will give the Number-Graha. (Use the Table you gave). g) Divide the number by 9 again, and take the remainder. Add 1 to the remainder. The result will give us the Sign Placement of the Number Graha. (count from Aries) h) Place the Number Graha(f) in the resultant sign(g), and count the number of signs between (g) and Number Rasi(e). Note down this distance. i) Prepare the Prasna Chart, and find the equivelant Number Graha in the chart. Count the noted distance from it. This sign will be the Prasna Arudha. This will show the hidden answer to the querry. Best wishes Visti --- Bhagavad Purana: Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra: vedic iTRANS 99 Font: - Swee Chan varahamihira Friday, January 17, 2003 10:43 AM RE: [sJC: Varahamihira] Re: Varahamihira] Delineation Format Jaya Jagannatha Dear Visti, In my notes (up on the roof at Raj Classic, Hyderabad with Sanjayji), the second method goes along side a horary chart, indicating what is on the querent’s mind, the Hora lord indicates the results. Please correct me if I am wrong, as I can adjust my notes accordingly. Thanks, Swee Approach 2 (Easy): d) Ask the querist for a number between 1-108. Divide this by 9 and pick up the remainder. From the remainder pick the corresponding Graha in this order: Sun Moon Jup Rahu Merc Venus Saturn Ketu Mars 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 This resultant Graha will show which area of life is on the querists mind at present. e) Pick up the relevant houses under query and see the Arudha Lagna, the arudha of the relevant house, its karakas, Varnadas if necessary. d) See the results of the Future Dasa's. Best wishes Visti Swee swee -----Original Message----- Visti Larsen [vishnu] Thursday, January 16, 2003 7:41 PM varahamihira [sJC: Varahamihira] Re: Varahamihira] Delineation Format Hare Rama Krishna Dear Sandy, Interesting question. No it has not been dealt with in any books of Sanjays. I have 2-3 approaches. The 3rd is a lazy variation of the 2nd, so i won't give it. Standard Approach: a) Compare AK and AmK degrees. Extract significance of AK using both Rasi and Navamsa. b) Find Istha, Dharma, Guru and Palana Devata.. note them down. See the yogas they create in Rasi. c) See Lagna, Paka Lagna and Pakesh. See their Karakas. Approach 1 (Hardcore): d) See circumstances at birth (premature, fathers presence, etc), fix the Kunda, Pranapada and Vighati Lagna. e) Fix the average longevity. f) See the Yogas in the chart and compare them to the Arudha Lagnas position. g) Pick up the Yogadas, and note them down. h) Start the Narayana Dasa and from the first Dasa, begin intepretating the effects with reference to Dwara, Bhaya, Paka, Bhoga Lagnas, until the present period. Approach 2 (Easy): d) Ask the querrist for a number between 1-108. Divide this by 9 and pick up the remainder. From the remainder pick the corresponding Graha in this order: Sun, Moon, Jup, Rahu, Merc, Venus, Saturn, Ketu, Mars. This resultant Graha will show which area of life is on the querrists mind at present. e) Pick up the relevant houses under querry and see the Arudha Lagna, the arudha of the relevant house, its karakas, Varnadas if necessary. d) See the results of the Future Dasa's. Best wishes Visti --- Bhagavad Purana: Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra: vedic iTRANS 99 Font: - Sandy Crowther Varahamihira (AT) (DOT) Com Thursday, January 16, 2003 4:58 PM [sJC: Varahamihira] Delineation Format Hare Rama Krishna _____________________ Dear Sanjay, Guru’s, and Learned Members, I have a request (that hopefully will benefit others on this list besides myself J), for addressing a specified order of the basic techniques that you prefer to use when beginning your analysis, with respect to delineating charts for your clients who request an initial basic preliminary reading. So I’m looking to tap your talented brains for a request - for you to share with the group, a systematic order that you prefer to use for yourselves, when beginning the full basic analysis of any chart, and a profile that will address the basic preliminaries for the analysis (using all the mandatory techniques that should be initially addressed), while at the same time providing an orderly reading for the client that will flow naturally and with a general confluence of principles… In other words, a structured format that you, as a jyotishi, normally follow when beginning analysis, so that you aren’t jumping all over the place in the chart. J I have a bad habit of jumping around when doing an analysis using classical principles…as the ocean is so vast. I often feel like I’m on a paper trail with my mind quickly jumping from one point to the next…so I really need a more disciplined format to follow in order to stay on track, conserve my time, and keep the reading within certain parameters and length. Given the volume and myriad of SJC teachings and techniques available for the general overall assessment and analysis of a chart, I was just wondering if anyone on the list would like to share their particular preferred order of addressing what basic technique’s that they (you) initially address, and then perhaps share a profiled numerical format that you find helpful in your work (of mandatory principles that should initially be addressed for chart analysis). In my view, the initial analysis and assessment always forms the solid foundation for future follow-up work, so this initial venture needs to be structured and organized…areas I am just NOT naturally self-proficient in. L I need HELP! So I’m not looking for depth of any particular technique used in analysis, as that is dependent on addressing a clients specific areas of concerns and using the techniques that best address those areas…Basically I’m looking for an “order” overview that YOU find useful, and that keeps you on track for covering the basics in analysis… without going postal. Perhaps this has been covered (and overlooked by me) in one of Sanjay’s books, or Narasimha’s book…if so – please forgive me and kindly direct me to the appropriate source. As you can see by my post, I am not a woman of a few words, and need all the help I can get to be a bit less verbose! J) Thanks. ~ Namaste ~ Sandy Crowther Hare Rama Krishna Archive:varahamihira Files:varahamihira varahamihira/database Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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