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Varahamihira] Varahamihira] Delineation Format

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Jaya Jagannath




Dear Sandy,

Your recent message made me compelled to elaborate on the steps i have explained below. Comments to my own mail below.

Best wishesVisti---Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgBrihat Parasara Hora Shastra: vedic astrologybphs.zipiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org/Sanskrit/Itranslt.html



Visti Larsen


Thursday, January 16, 2003 6:41 PM

[sJC: Varahamihira] Re: Varahamihira] Delineation Format


Hare Rama Krishna




Dear Sandy,

Interesting question. No it has not been dealt with in any books of Sanjays.


I have 2-3 approaches. The 3rd is a lazy variation of the 2nd, so i won't give it.


Standard Approach:

a) Compare AK and AmK degrees. Extract significance of AK using both Rasi and Navamsa.


Visti: Here the steps are to find the King.. If AK shares the same degree (not minutes or seconds) with the AmK, in the age of maturity of the AK, there will be a change. This will be reflected very clearly in the persons life, as new priorities will come. A celibate marries, an materialist learns tarot, etc. This is very important. Also one may add to look for Yogas like Kala Amrita/Sarpa Yoga, or Graha Malika Yogas.

This step A) is too important to be missed. Sometimes entire readings of the chart can be satisfied using this approach.


b) Find Istha, Dharma, Guru and Palana Devata.. note them down. See the yogas they create in Rasi.


Visti: This is important in seeing which life events will lead the native to; Liberation(Istha), Manifestation of Jeevatmas-desires(Dharma Devata does this), Divine knowledge(Guru Devata) and Sustenance in this world(Palana).


My Istha and Guru devata is Mercury, who lords my 11th house(astrology) Its joined Dharma Devata - Guru, in the 12th(Meditation, sleep), and Jup lords the 5th. So again astrology is confirmed perfectly, and this will satisfy my souls goals. Infact shortly after i joined SJC i had a wonderful spiritual experience... more later.


c) See Lagna, Paka Lagna and Pakesh. See their Karakas.


Visti: The Lagna shows the ideals of the native, and the Paka Lagna(sign of Lagna lord) will show where i focus my intelligence in life. If the Focus doens't match the ideals, this could result in disease or hardships, like a skinny man taking up weight lifting. Lastly the Pakesh (lord of the Lagna lords Rasi) will show whether i actually get these ideals realised.


Example: In Sanjay's chart, Lagna, Paka Lagna, and Pakesh are all in Lagna. So there is a PERFECT match between his ideals, his focus and the end result will definitely come.

In the chart of Charles Manson (attached), there is Sarpa Yoga caused by 3 malefics in Kendra to Lagna. Now Lagna Lord is Mars placed in the 5th house, showing that he focusses his ideals on leading/teaching his followers, getting approval of his followers, and excercising authority.


Now lord of the 5th is in 7th house, i.e. in Kendra to the Sarpa Yoga and in a Pravrayja Yoga. So the results of his actions, made him lead (some would call) spiritual life, and furthermore caused the criminal acts.


So here its important to see what he's doing and what it results in.


Approach 1 (Hardcore):

d) See circumstances at birth (premature, fathers presence, etc), fix the Kunda, Pranapada and Vighati Lagna.


Visti: The Kunda shows the time of creation.. more later, i wrote an article about this in the coming Jyotish Digest. The Pranapada shows which being has been given lifeforce, whilst the Vighati Lagna shows circumstances at birth(coil, born upside down, or deformaties) as well as ones family heritage. All 3 need to be dealt with in seperate discussions.

The circumstances at birth will also reflect in the natives whole life. A person born prematurely has the blessings of the Mrityunjaya Mantra, and hence Venus will be very strong for such a person. Hence during Venus Dasa, the native will prosper tremendously.


e) Fix the average longevity.


Visti: No need to stress this point. Also stress is put on the 6th and 8th houses/lords to determine health problems in life.


f) See the Yogas in the chart and compare them to the Arudha Lagnas position.


Visti: Thou we may have nice Raja Yogas, we may not get the material benefits unless the Arudha supports it.


g) Pick up the Yogadas, and note them down.


Visti: The Yogadas will help us fix times of upliftment in life.


h) Start the Narayana Dasa and from the first Dasa, begin intepretating the effects with reference to Dwara, Bhaya, Paka, Bhoga Lagnas, until the present period.


Visti: Needs no explanation.


Approach 2 (Easy):

d) Ask the querrist for a number between 1-108. Divide this by 9 and pick up the remainder. From the remainder pick the corresponding Graha in this order:

Sun, Moon, Jup, Rahu, Merc, Venus, Saturn, Ketu, Mars.


This resultant Graha will show which area of life is on the querrists mind at present.


Visti: Usually when a querrist comes to us for help, they usually only have a few areas of life in mind, and all this will be reflected in 1 planet. This one planet is picked from the above numbers, and we check its Yogas, lordship, etc. All this will be on the natives mind, and events of that kind will come to pass. It works perfectly.


e) Pick up the relevant houses under querry and see the Arudha Lagna, the arudha of the relevant house, its karakas, Varnadas if necessary.


d) See the results of the Future Dasa's.


Visti: The last two explain themselves..


Best wishesVisti---Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgBrihat Parasara Hora Shastra: vedic astrologybphs.zipiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org/Sanskrit/Itranslt.html



Sandy Crowther

Varahamihira (AT) (DOT) Com

Thursday, January 16, 2003 4:58 PM

[sJC: Varahamihira] Delineation Format



Hare Rama Krishna




Dear Sanjay, Guru’s, and Learned Members,


I have a request (that hopefully will benefit others on this list besides myself J), for addressing a specified order of the basic techniques that you prefer to use when beginning your analysis, with respect to delineating charts for your clients who request an initial basic preliminary reading. So I’m looking to tap your talented brains for a request - for you to share with the group, a systematic order that you prefer to use for yourselves, when beginning the full basic analysis of any chart, and a profile that will address the basic preliminaries for the analysis (using all the mandatory techniques that should be initially addressed), while at the same time providing an orderly reading for the client that will flow naturally and with a general confluence of principles… In other words, a structured format that you, as a jyotishi, normally follow when beginning analysis, so that you aren’t jumping all over the place in the chart. J I have a bad habit of jumping around when doing an analysis using classical principles…as the ocean is so vast. I often feel like I’m on a paper trail with my mind quickly jumping from one point to the next…so I really need a more disciplined format to follow in order to stay on track, conserve my time, and keep the reading within certain parameters and length.


Given the volume and myriad of SJC teachings and techniques available for the general overall assessment and analysis of a chart, I was just wondering if anyone on the list would like to share their particular preferred order of addressing what basic technique’s that they (you) initially address, and then perhaps share a profiled numerical format that you find helpful in your work (of mandatory principles that should initially be addressed for chart analysis). In my view, the initial analysis and assessment always forms the solid foundation for future follow-up work, so this initial venture needs to be structured and organized…areas I am just NOT naturally self-proficient in. L I need HELP!


So I’m not looking for depth of any particular technique used in analysis, as that is dependent on addressing a clients specific areas of concerns and using the techniques that best address those areas…Basically I’m looking for an “order” overview that YOU find useful, and that keeps you on track for covering the basics in analysis… without going postal.


Perhaps this has been covered (and overlooked by me) in one of Sanjay’s books, or Narasimha’s book…if so – please forgive me and kindly direct me to the appropriate source. As you can see by my post, I am not a woman of a few words, and need all the help I can get to be a bit less verbose! J) Thanks.



~ Namaste ~

Sandy Crowther


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