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Naisargika Dasa

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OM Sri Ramesvaram Namaha



regarding Naisargika Dasa periods, Can Someone help

me calculate the order of the sub periods and their Duration.

We know the following:

Dasa Period Duration

Chandra 0 to 1 yr old 1 yr.

Mangala 1 to 3 years old 2 years

Buddha 3 to 12 years 9 years

Sukra 12 to 32 years 20 years

Guru 32 to 50 years 18 years

Surya 50 to 70 years 20 years

Sani 70 to 120 years 50 years


I will assume the cycle for sub periods goes from

Moon to Saturn? and the duration if sub-period

is evenly divided?


Sanjayji instructs us to have this memorized..we can quickly

asertain what influences/experiences a native is going though

by just looking at his/her age...this has helped me immensely.

I wish I started here with this Dasa system first vs. Vimshottari...


I am in Surya dasa... I have noticed a change... Surya is

the owner of my 10th rasi..the significator of Atman and

a host of other items..this informs me of what is coming

to the forefront over the next 20 years...Surya as the

significator for Temples will be most rewarding for me

as time unfolds. Sri Rama has become stonger in my life.

As has the desire to be in the Sun's rays. Selection

of colors towards Surya's colors have taken place.

Leadership at work is prelevent..

See where you are in your dasa and see of this works for you.




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