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RE: On True-Mean Nodes

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Dear Gurudev,


We have always been taught to take the mean node otherwise the nodes will be

direct sometime and retrograde at others. However,







> " Sanjay Rath " <srath

>vedic astrology

><vedic astrology >

>RE: [vedic astrology] On True-Mean Nodes

>Wed, 6 Nov 2002 19:07:04 +0530




>om namo bhagavate paraahaasa paramagurave


>Dear Dhira Krishna,

>Not getting into details, the first thing that becomes visible is the

>conjunction of Rahu and the Sun in Aquarius using True nodes. Such a

>combination is said to posess deadly destruction powers and in the chart of

>Sri Gauranga (Chaitanya Mahaprabhu) we see how it destroyed the seventh

>house - spouse, brought about two marriages and then renunciation. This is

>poisonous combination and in the chart of the native will kill the father

>early. No respite what-so-ever.

>Using Mean nodes, Rahu goes to the tenth house promising pilgrimages and

>the ninth house with the Sun is a blessing for spirituality and time spent

>in temples, reading Gita etc.

>Best Regards,

>Sanjay Rath


>71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Ph-1, New Delhi 110091, India

>Tel: 11-2713201 Web: http://srath.com http://.org



> Dhira Krsna BCS [Dhira.Krsna.BCS]

> Wednesday, November 06, 2002 12:09 AM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] On True-Mean Nodes



> Hare Rama Krsna!


> I have a chart where Rahu-Ketu are exactly on the edge, and Mean nodes

> place them in the next sign from the True Nodes. If Ketu were to be in


> house, then it conjoins the maraka Moon with the aspect of the other

> maraka Jupiter, which wouldn't look nice, especially since the child was

> born in Ketu mahadasha. Can someone advise what other basic differences

> this chart would show either using true or mean Nodes?


> Chart details are: 2 March 1988, 11:32 am, Brussels, Belgium, GMT +1.


> Your sishya,

> Dhira Krsna dasa







> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......





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Aum Namah Sivaya

Dear Gurudev,


We have always been taught to take the mean node otherwise the nodes will be

direct sometime and retrograde at others. However, here you have used the

true node and described the result. Can you please tell us, under what

conditions can we use the true nodes in analysis.










> " Sanjay Rath " <srath

>vedic astrology

><vedic astrology >

>RE: [vedic astrology] On True-Mean Nodes

>Wed, 6 Nov 2002 19:07:04 +0530




>om namo bhagavate paraahaasa paramagurave


>Dear Dhira Krishna,

>Not getting into details, the first thing that becomes visible is the

>conjunction of Rahu and the Sun in Aquarius using True nodes. Such a

>combination is said to posess deadly destruction powers and in the chart of

>Sri Gauranga (Chaitanya Mahaprabhu) we see how it destroyed the seventh

>house - spouse, brought about two marriages and then renunciation. This is

>poisonous combination and in the chart of the native will kill the father

>early. No respite what-so-ever.

>Using Mean nodes, Rahu goes to the tenth house promising pilgrimages and

>the ninth house with the Sun is a blessing for spirituality and time spent

>in temples, reading Gita etc.

>Best Regards,

>Sanjay Rath


>71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Ph-1, New Delhi 110091, India

>Tel: 11-2713201 Web: http://srath.com http://.org



> Dhira Krsna BCS [Dhira.Krsna.BCS]

> Wednesday, November 06, 2002 12:09 AM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] On True-Mean Nodes



> Hare Rama Krsna!


> I have a chart where Rahu-Ketu are exactly on the edge, and Mean nodes

> place them in the next sign from the True Nodes. If Ketu were to be in


> house, then it conjoins the maraka Moon with the aspect of the other

> maraka Jupiter, which wouldn't look nice, especially since the child was

> born in Ketu mahadasha. Can someone advise what other basic differences

> this chart would show either using true or mean Nodes?


> Chart details are: 2 March 1988, 11:32 am, Brussels, Belgium, GMT +1.


> Your sishya,

> Dhira Krsna dasa







> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......





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