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[SJC: Varahamihira] Nisheka

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Dear Dewavrat,


Hare Rama Krsna!


Today I will explain the calculation for finding out the time of birth

from the nisheka lagna as given to me by this couple.


1) Sun sign: the sun sign is obtained by deducting the longitude of 6th or

12th lord, whichever house is stronger, from the Hora Lagna. In the

example, Mars is the lord of the strongest 6th house. Deduct it from Hora

Lagna and you get the Sodhya Rasi in Aquarius. Sun will be in trines to

Aquarius, or the trines to the 7th, or in the exaltation/debilitation

signs of Saturn or Rahu, whichever lord is stronger. Thus we see Pisces

or Capricorn is excluded, hence the Sun sign at birth was Aquarius.


2) from the malefic influence on the 8th house, we conclude birth will be

delayed. Indeed, birth came quite late and had to be induced by medical

help, though not by caesarean section. The birth was quite heavy and

lasted for 22 hours. Thus we will see that Sun will be at the end of the



3) Moon sign: count the dwadasamsas which Moon has obtained in nisheka

lagna chart, note the position of Moon in dwadasamsa, and add the number

of dwadasamsas to that sign. Thus we see the Moon is in the 3rd dwadasamsa

and counting from Capricorn that gives Pisces. The Moon sign will be in

trines to it, or 7th or 12th. Finally it became Aquarius.


4) The lagna at birth is determined from the portion of lagna transited.

The lagna was Scorpio, 26°29'. The lagna was a diurnal sign, thus birth

will be in the daytime. Count the duration of day from sunrise to sunset,

and equal that to 30°. The birth lagna will be determined by the portion

of nisheka lagna, thus at the end of day, which gave a Leo lagna.


The longitudinal distance between birth lagna (or its 7th) and Moon

will be more or less same as in nisheka lagna. This is also confirmed



Now from the birth chart calculating backwards, you get the number of days

of pregnancy by calculating the longitudinal distance from lagna to the

cusp of 9th house added by the angular distance between Saturn and Gulik,

+ in case lagna lord is in the invisual half (including 7th house as in

this case) the degree of the Moon in the sign it occupies. In this case

this doesn't give sufficient days, thus I think also the degree of the

lagna had to be added.



Dhira Krsna dasa

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