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Varahamihira] Chakras and Jyotish

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Jaya Jagganatha,

Dear Karen,


Visti asked you to read the archive, before you write, probably to make sure

that you read all of them. I shall still request you to give ur thoughts on

the subject. Hope Visti woudn't mind.


I am giving my thoughts on the subject. Here it is...



In the article Principles of creation-I, gurudev says that the Mooladhara is

ruled by Mercury and he goes on saying that the Indriya of smell is

associated with this chakra. Here we might find a relationship between the

predominating tattvas of the chakra and the indriyas ruled by it.


Here I would like to mention the relationship between the various tattvas,

the indriyas ruled by them and the grahas ruled by those tattvas.


Indriya Tattva Graha

Sight Agni Sun

Smell Prithvi Mercury

Touch (Feel) Vayu Saturn

Taste Jala Venus

Hear Akash Jupiter


Shall we include Mars for Sight and Moon for taste too they rule the same

tattva as that of Sun and Venus respectively?


We know that there are 7 chakras Mooladhara, swadhisthan, Nabhi, Anahata,

Visuddha, Agna, Sahasrara, ruled by the 7 planets namely Mercury, Venus,

Mars, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Sun in the same order. However there are

only 5 tattvas. How to reconcile between the.


For this we can refer to Vedic remedies, where we find that Gurudev has

shown the tattavas as the links between the chakras, which I think can

denote something which will moves the energy from one chakra to another one.

However, here the issue is that, for Seven chakras, there should be 6 links.

Then how shall we map it with the 5 tattvas. We get the answer in VRA only.

The links Anahata- Visuddha and Visuddha-Agna are both ruled by the Vayu



If we see the links carefully, Prithvi tattva carries shakti from Mooladhara

(Prithvi) to Swadhistana (Jala); Jala tattva carries it from the

Swadhistana(Jala) to Nabhi(Agni), Agni tattva carries it from Nabhi(Agni) to

Anahata (Jala). However for the next 3 chakras, Vayu forms pulling force to

carry the shakti from Jala Tattva of Anahata to Akash tattva of Agna chakra.


Here we find that, at all the places the tattvas push the shakti, as the

tattva of the bottom chakra rules the tattva of the link, whereas in case of

the Anahata, the Vayu tattva is pulling the shakti. I guess this is the

reason why the Kundalini shakti rises and then resides temporarily at

Anahata from where it is pulled to Agna and then Sahasrara with the force of

Vayu (Pranayama) and Agni (Intense meditation).



Here I am just trying to understand the linkages between the chakras and

tattvas. I may be wrong in my understanding. Learned member shall clarify.



In my understanding the Mooladhara chakra lies in the 8th house, the anahata

lies in the forth house and the Sahasrara lies in the Lagna. From this I can

always say that Swadhistana lies in the 7th house, Manipura or Nabhi chakra

lies in the 6th house, the void as discussed by Gurudev in the article

Principles of creation shall lie in the 5th house. The 3rd house shall

contain the Visuddha chakra, 2nd shall contain the Agna chakra. Here I am

talking of the houses as per the Kalapurusha or the natural zodiac.


Now I shall show why I believe that the these chakras are govenred by these

houses. Here I am pasting what Gurudev says about the chakras and what I

have to say below that.




The first or lowest Chakra is situated at a level below the sacrum bone and

is called the Mooladhara. This is the repository of the entire Kundalini

Shakti. Ruled by Mercury, this is the child-like disposition in every person

and its main aspect is innocence. It gives purity in thoughts and

relationships. Rules by Prithvi Tatwa, it controls the feet and movement

thereby giving clear directions. Smell is associated with this Chakra. It is

also the root cause of speech as Mercury rules it.


This is ruled by the 8th house of natural zodiac, i.e., Scorpio. This sign

is often called the sign of occult and the store house of hidden energies.

In the classification of the bodyparts we shall see that this sign comprises

of the anal region. The position of the lowest vertibra, coccyx is near this

point only. One of the ruler of this house is Ketu who rules the serpentine




Swadishthan Chakra


The second Chakra ruled by Venus gives creativity, attentiveness (i.e. a

keen eye for details) and Apara Vidya (practical knowledge as Venus is the

Asura Guru). We learn to differentiate and admire beauty. It indicates the

power to concentrate and is also the source of renewed life and vigor. This

region of the Chakra contains the private parts and the procreative

abilities of Venus manifest. The worship of the Shiva Linga for the

fulfillment of all desires as well as the Mritunjaya mantra for renewed life

and vigor are, consequently indicated by Venus. Jala Tatwa extends from this

Chakra to the next and rules ‘taste’.



This is ruled by the 7th house of natural zodiac Libra, ruled by Venus. This

is a wellknown fact that this sign produces very good astrologers. This is

born out of the fact that the lord Venus rules the apara vidya. The symbol

representing this sign is a balance, which gives us the power to

differentiate between good and bad. This is similar to what Gurudev says the

power to differentiate and admire beauty. Ayushkaraka Saturn (ruler of

prana) gets exalted here and hence gives new vigour. The seat of shiva

lingam is also the 7th house which acts as a door from which the soul comes

to the earth. Worship of shiva lingam, that is why can extend aayu (as in

case of Markendeya Rishi).



Nabhi Chakra/ Manipura Chakra:


The third Chakra ruled by Mars is the one that gives us physical strength.

Before birth this feeds the body through the umbilical chord attached to the

navel and hence, Mars the co-significator (Sthira karaka) for Mother.


A strong Nabhi Chakra gives generosity and contentment besides relieving

stress and tensions. Liver related diseases (Liver is in this region) can be

cured by practising Mantra related to Mars.


It gives energies for spiritual quest unless these energies have been

drained out by excessive sexuality in the previous Chakra. A sense of

righteousness and fair play, morality and control over anger are indicated

by this Chakra in its positive aspect. Agni Tatwa gives the power of sight.

Thus, cleaning the navel with oils could cure sight related diseases.



In the natural zodiac this is the sign of Virgo or the clean Mercury. 6th

house is the house of service and cleanliness. However at fall, this can

show the shadripu or the 6 weaknesses. This is indicated by Fall of Venus in

this sign. We all know that the quality of Mercury is a clean heart, good

humour and Mercury gets exalted here. Thus this shows why a strong Manipura

chakra can keep one away from Stress. This is the place where Mercury learns

higher aspects of Spirituality under the direct guidence from the Maharishis

in Pisces. If the energies are not wasted in the shadripus, this sign can

give hige spiritual learning.


The Void


Surrounding the second and the third Chakra is the Void, which is Maya or

the " ocean of illusions " that can be traversed with the blessings of one’s

Diksha[8] Guru. Agni Tatwa that permeates into this void from the Nabhi

Chakra helps us to overcome Shadripu[9] and become Swatantra[10].



Leo rules this place being the 5th house of the natural zodiac. The sign is

characterised by tremendous independence (Swatantra).This is ruled by Sun,

the source of all knowledge and ruler of the sattvik fire which can burn all

evils which arise out of darkness. This is gain the house of disciple, who

is ever eager to recieve the para vidya from a able guru, which can help him

traverse the ocean of illusion to reach the seat of Bhagvan at heart in the

4th house.



Anahata Chakra


The fourth Chakra in the region of the heart, is the place where the Atma

resides with the Paramatma (like two parrots – the teacher and the pupil).

This is the true Self that is a mute witness to all that is happening and

learns from every episode or experience. It is unattached and beyond

happiness and sorrow. Self Realization refers to the conscious knowledge of

the existence of this Atma and its gradual dominance over the Mana and Body.

The Moon ruling over the self-consciousness lords over this Chakra and, in

the physical level, this covers the heart and lungs.


It causes compassion and love and is the seat of Bhakti Marga or the path of

devotional love for God. It provides security and confidence and destroys

worries, doubts and fears.



4th is the house where the Bhagvan seats in the HrdayaPadma (4th from the

karakamsa shows the devata one loves). This is also the house of Mother,

signifying compassion and love. This is the place where Bhagvan, Jup gets

exalted and ruled by the natural sustainer Moon. This falls on the Moksha

trikona showing the experiences the mind gains which can help it get over

the bondage.



Vishuddhi Chakra


The fifth Chakra ruled by Saturn is in the region of the throat. This region

of speech causes great loss of energy. Mauna Vrata[11] is practiced by

saints to end enmity and recoup their energies.



3rd of the natural zodiac Gemini rules this chakra. 3rd house is the house

of communication and so is the lord of the 3rd house Mercury. No doubt this

chakra rules the speech. This is the place where Rahu gets exalted and can

show the kind of wastage of energy it can do with speech. Thats why

Maunavrata is practiced by the Saints to recuperate the energies.


Agya Chakra


The sixth Chakra ruled by Jupiter is in the region between the eyebrows and

is popularly called the third eye. It gives compassion for all beings and

saintly qualities and wisdom besides sixth sense. To forgive and forget

leads to overcoming anger, hatred and resentment. This makes the person

noble, humble and destroys the individual ego, eccentricities, bad habits,

mean thoughts about people, places and customs and makes a person fair and

equality minded.



Taurus, the 2nd sign of the natural zodiac rules this sign. This is the

place where Moon gets exalted showing the motherly compassion for all




Sahasrara Chakra


The thousand petals Lotus or Sahasrara Chakra is best understood from the

following stanza of Hora Makarandh.



Aries, the first house (seat of intelligence or Dhi) of the natural zodiac

rules this chakra. Sun gets exalted at this place indicating the source of

all knowledge.


Others please join in. I shall request Gurudev to correct me, wherever my

understanding is not correct.


Warm Regards








>Karen Skoler <nykaren

>Sarajit Poddar <sarajit_poddar

>Re: Varahamihira] Chakras and Astrology

>Sat, 21 Dec 2002 13:38:59 -0500


>Jaya Jagannatha


>Dear Sarajit,


>Thank you for the graphic. It is the same graphic that is in VRA.


>I have been listening to some of the lectures from Ukiah on CD where


>presents a chart of a man afflicted with a particular disease and ask the

>members to determine the disease. In the chart analysis he mentions that a

>certain house is afflicted and it is the man's mooladhara chakra so

>afflicts the legs. Gurudev has also hinted at in COVA about kundalini

>awakening and the rasi chart in Osho's chart. I know that there must be a

>method that links astrology and yoga. I have asked Gurudev directly to

>teach me but so far he has not. I am very interested in learning this

>because I do have some knowledge of the chakras and how they can be

>influenced by asana, mantra ,pranayam etc and I have some knowledge of

>jyotish and I am searching for the key to bring the two together. Guruji

>has asked me to write an article about yoga and chakras and I am in the

>process of writing it. I am hoping that other members who attended the

>Ukiah conference can shed some light on this for us. When Visti admitted


>into the Varahamihira list he gave me instructions that I was not allow to

>post until I have read the entire SJC archives but if a Guru specifically

>asks me to post I shall.


>Best Wishes,




> " Sarajit Poddar " <sarajit_poddar


>Saturday, December 21, 2002 1:12 PM

>Re: Varahamihira] Chakras and Astrology



> > Jaya Jagannatha,

> > Dear Karen,

> >

> > I am attaching the graphics. what do you mean by reading the chakras


> > the rasi chart. The chakras are goverened by different tattvas and


> > The knowledge is important for remedies. I guess it can also be seen,


> > chakras have been activated for somebody at a particular time from

> " some "

> > charts. Probably gurudev is the only one who can shed light on that.

> >

> > Anyway any discussion on this subject shall be a good learning


> > Please reveal your understanding on this subject. Lets make the


> > group active. It has been under deep slumber for quite a long time.

> >

> > Warm Regards

> > Sarajit

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > >Karen Skoler <nykaren

> > >sarajit_poddar

> > >Re: Varahamihira] Re: [vedic astrology] Chakras and Astrology

> > >Sat, 21 Dec 2002 10:02:06 -0500

> > >

> > >Namaste Sarajit,

> > >

> > >Thank you very much for the article. Unfortunately the graphics didn't

> > >come in. Any suggestion on how to get them to appear? The article is

> > >very similiar to an article that I am in the process of writing for


> > >Guruji so I will change mine a little not to duplicate it.

> > >

> > >What I am interested in learning is how the chakras can be read from a


> > >chart. Perhaps it was in the chart.

> > >

> > >Thanks so much for your help.

> > >

> > >Best Wishes,

> > >Karen

> > > -

> > > Sarajit Poddar

> > > varahamihira

> > > Saturday, December 21, 2002 5:24 AM

> > > [sJC: Varahamihira] Re: [vedic astrology] Chakras and


> > >

> > >

> > > Jaya Jagannatha

> > > Dear Karen,

> > >

> > > I am sending you an aricle written by Gurudev which I collected from


> > > Srijagannatha.org site. You will find this useful. We can have some

> > > discussions after you have gone through this.

> > >

> > > Warm Regards

> > > Sarajit

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > _______________

> > MSN 8 limited-time offer: Join now and get 3 months FREE*.

> >

>http://join.msn.com/?page=dept/dialup & xAPID=42 & PS=47575 & PI=7324 & DI=7474 & SU=

> >

>http://www.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/getmsg & HL=1216hotmailtaglines_newmsn8ishe


> >




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Hare Rama Krishna

Om Shreem Vachaspataye Namah


Dear Sarajit,

Many thanks for this wonderfull article.


I would like to express some of my thoughts for everybody's comment.


> We know that there are 7 chakras Mooladhara, swadhisthan, Nabhi,


> Visuddha, Agna, Sahasrara, ruled by the 7 planets namely Mercury,


> Mars, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter and Sun in the same order. However

there are

> only 5 tattvas. How to reconcile between the.



SP: The tatwa's(excluding Akash?) rule only the physical aspects of

creation. But the body is composed of 2 more elements namely Mind and

Soul. So it may not be necessary to map all 5 tatwas to each chakra?



> In my understanding the Mooladhara chakra lies in the 8th house,

the anahata

> lies in the forth house and the Sahasrara lies in the Lagna. From

this I can

> always say that Swadhistana lies in the 7th house, Manipura or

Nabhi chakra

> lies in the 6th house, the void as discussed by Gurudev in the


> Principles of creation shall lie in the 5th house. The 3rd house


> contain the Visuddha chakra, 2nd shall contain the Agna chakra.

Here I am

> talking of the houses as per the Kalapurusha or the natural zodiac.


> Now I shall show why I believe that the these chakras are govenred

by these

> houses.


SP: Also Guruji told that the three loka ( worlds, dimensions?) Bhu,

Bhuva, Swaha lokas out of the all seven are ruled by 5 tatwas and not

the rest. Each of the three lokas represent three creations of brahma

Manushya(more Rajasic), Rakshasa(more Tamasic) and Deva (more satvic)

are represent by the 3 Zodiac nabhi from Aries-Cancer[bhu], Cancer-

Scorpio[bhuva], Saggittarius-Pisces[swaha].

The 8 signs mapped are falling only in Bhu and Bhuva namely Manushya

and Rakshasa part only. So can I say that Kundalini growth is more

relevent only to the these to class of Brahma's children?.


Warm Regards


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Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Sarajit,


Thanks for the interesting explanation. My two pennies follow and I

wait for your corrections.


While going through your mail it just occurred to me that there seems

to be a natural organization in the zodiac. I feel that the zodiac

can be divided into three natural parts, the gandanta points arking

the separation. This concept is akin to the philosophy of the tripod

of life, the lagna, Chandra and Surya, indicating 3 levels of

identifications, the body, the mind and finally Soul/soullessness,

where there is no difference between the Paramatma and Jeevatma.

Both become One and None. The Dwaita continues only till aagya

chakra. After that it is only " adwaita " or dissolution of Self.


From Aries to Cancer…the seed of a jeeva is implanted and nourished,

but it is only from Leo that the individual really starts standing

out on his own. Hitherto, he was a part of his mother, a part of a

family etc. As you have very rightly pointed out, Leo is all about

swatantra or independence. The gandanta between Cancer and Leo kind

of indicates the severing of the umbilicus between the mother and the

child. The first Brahma Nabhi.


Leo or the Sun symbolizes the Soul/Prana/Kundalini or the ENERGY in

the individual. And, the Shat-chakras (Note: not 7 chakras) indeed

start from Virgo, which indicates the Mooladhara Chakra, ruled by

Mercury. It shows the jeeva which is controlled by the shadripus.Then

comes Libra, the natural 7th house, indicative of Swadhisthana

chakra, ruled by Venus. This is followed by Scorpio, the 8th house of

Zodiac ruling occult.. Remember the words of Purusha sooktam, which

say that the " Nabhi " (navel) of the Viratpurusha is the Anthariksham

(Cosmos). It is this Cosmic energy of Manipura Chakra lorded by fiery

Mars, which makes it the seat of Mantra vidya. This chakra also marks

the end of " physical " chakras and points to kindling of higher

emotions/energies of the Universe. The second Brahma Nabhi…severance

from mere " bodily " concerns and birth into a higher awareness.


The void that separates Manipura chakra from Anahata chakra is

Sagittarius, lorded by Jupiter, who rules Akasa tattwa…the

imperceptible ether. Perhaps, the " asteroid belt " that physically

lies between the planets Mars and Jupiter and separates the inner

planets from the outer planets has some connection to this void.


The Anahata chakra is of course Capricorn, which contains the unseen

constellation " Abhijit " or Vishnu. I always maintained that Capricorn-

Cancer axis is the axis of rebirth…the seat of our desires and the

root of our karmas... that continue to seed countless incarnations.


Aquarius is the Visuddhi chakra ruled by Saturn and ofcourse co-

lorded by Rahu…hence the mauna vrata. The poisonous Rahu

or " haalahala " can only be controlled thus.


Then comes Aagya chakra ruled by Jupiter…Pisces. The ocean of deep

wisdom and great tranquility. Have you seen how the higher

consciousness of Anahata-Visuddhi-Aagyna chakras is sort of cocooned

by Jupiter? Don't you think that this point is very significant? Then

comes the third gandanta point and then again there is a severance

from the consciousness of self and a rebirth… option is between

reincarnation or emancipation. If it is the former, one moves on to

Taurus for yet another " earthly " image…if it is the latter, one stops

at Aries, the Sahasrara. The Abode of eternal, brilliant Light. the

exaltation point of Sun/soul. The third Brahma Nabhi, indicating the

birth of supra consciousness or a point of total control over cosmic



I think awakening Kundalini is all about losing awareness of self and

gaining a cosmic personality that is virtually boundless. It is

about yoking Rahu and Ketu who are the causes of rebirth and

naturally retrograde (remember, Kundalini is resides in Mooladhara

upside down) by sheer soul force and forcing them upwards and

upwards, against natural laws of gravity, towards Oneness and

dissolution. And the establishment/practice of dharma is a great yoga

in itself, as unequivocally stated by Lord Krishna in Bhagavadgita.

Please note how the Sun, the epitome of Dharma, starts from Leo and

reaches exaltation in the 9th house from thence..Aries, the Sahasrara.


Hoping for your comments and corrections.




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