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RE: [SJC: Varahamihira] Swee's Chara Paryaya Dasa

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Dear Gauranga Das,


Hare Krishna


Thank you for doing this so promptly. Please

check your software, all Vargas have changed on the temp files, though the D-30

you’ve attached seems okay.


I haven’t the time tonight to look through your analysis to learn further.

However, one comment, for Pitta conditions

Mars is also involved, so I must not take bitter herbs, but cool soothing herbs

can accelerate healing.


Best regards, Swee




Gauranga Das


Thursday, November 07, 2002

5:40 PM

Swee Chan;

vedic astrology ; varahamihira

[sJC: Varahamihira] Re:

Swee's Chara Paryaya Dasa









forwarding this to the lists also for discussion.



birth chart is attached in .jhd format.



can't really interfere with Swee's indications here for herself because I don't

know so much about the Chinese system of five elements. I know a bit of

Ayurveda and I will give indications accordingly. Also antardasa etc.

calculations seem to be different from what Narasimha's software gives.



comments are below. I would like to akso other learned astrologers on the lis

to please give comments.



Original Message -----


Swee Chan





November 06, 2002 7:51 PM

Swee's Chara

Paryaya Dasa








I am

doing my Paryaya Dasa here. Please have a look through it. I have no knowledge

of Ayurvedic treatments, but have knowledge on acupuncture, homeopathy etc., so

I have indicated treatments so far, that I have done for myself. Now to get my

concentration back. I am more interested in the concept of breaking down the


If you

think so fit, you may send to the lists for further discussions.



wishes, Swee





main started during April 2001 and ends 2012.


has Saturn and Jupiter


operate for 12 months.

Vi/Vi April 2001 – April 2002

Vi/Li April 2002 – April 2003



fell down and concussed the left part of my head on 19th Oct 2002


of Vi/Li each to last 1 month

April 2002 Vi/Li/Li


2002 Vi/Li/Sc


2002 Vi/Li/Sg


2002 Vi/Li/Cp


2002 Vi/Li/Aq


2002 Vi/L/Pi

Oct 2002 Vi/Li/Ar


2002 Vi/Li/Ta


2002 Vi/Li/Ge


2002 Vi/Li/Cn


2002 Vi/Li/Le


2002 Vi/Li/Vi


Oct 2002 Vi/Li/Ar

Breaking this down further to the

date of event:


Aries deha lasts for 2.58 days. The 19th October indicated that I

had just entered into the 7th part which is: Vi/Li/Ar/Li


is 8th from AL with a Libra ascendant. The functional malefics for Libra

are Sun, Mars and Jupiter and Jupiter is in Virgo, which is 12th

from lagna. The 8th (longevity) from AL is Virgo with Saturn and

Jupiter in it. Saturn would indicate chronic conditions. It also rules bones

and Jupiter rules the liver. 2nd from AL is Moon in Jupiter. (Heart

conditions due to weakened kidneys). 7th from it is Leo, and its

lord Sun, is 12th from AL in Saturn.


Jupiter is a functional malefic here, more attention has to be given to

Jupiter. Deha is Libra with Mars and Mercury in it. Mars’ house has Gulika in

it, and therefore injury is likely to the head. Deha’s lord is Venus which

rules the kidneys.


Oct 2002, my body “does not shut down” 1-3am LMT. In the biorhythm cycle in

acupuncture, this indicates liver (Jupiter), so the earlier cycle presided by

the gall bladder is weak. (Saturn).


(wood) on the meridian circuit, succeeding the kidneys (wood) requires

additional energy due to a dysfunction. Wood (Jupiter; Liver) draws water

(kidneys; Venus) from it, and thereby debilitating it. Treating the wood

(Liver) would effect the cure in the kidneys (water), which in turn supports

the heart (fire). [My doctor told me yesterday, I am not to drive with a blood

pressure of 90/55 and suffering from vertigo].



Avoid foods for functional malefics during the entire period of Virgo (12


Sun and Mars: Hot and spicy foods, bitter foods.

Jupiter: Sugar ( will cause hypoglycemic conditions to the

heart, as kidneys will draw the energy from it; Weakness of liver gives eye

strains and general weakness to the eyes).

Moon is in Pisces: Avoid salty foods.

Rahu and Ketu in 8th (ayur

matters). Further checks as a suspect: Bilharzias.

Venus rules the earthy sign, Taurus. Ensure vegetables from soil are thoroughly

washed. Venus is Moon’s child, so apply heated sea salt to area of navel to

strengthen the intestines.




the system with lots of liquids (kidneys) and pungent (metal element for large

intestines) foods (lightly sautéed fresh coriander, daikon, rocket, fresh mint

or mint or cinnamon tea etc.)


more rice (85%) than grains (10%) vegetables (5%).


Homeopathic treatment: Arnica

Montana 200 (4 twice a day for the concussion)

Aconite 30 ( 2

half an hour after Arnica 3 times a day; for Vertigo conditions when lying



Tea for cleaning out polluted kidneys (due to after shocks from the accident).


Poultice: A generous bunch of fresh mint with tofu. Mash and mix

with flour. Apply locally to the afflicted area to draw out the coagulated




, being a rather energetic person, I did not start treatment until on 30th

October after I fainted. I started Arnica yesterday and will carry on for

another week.


to see you all soon.


Chara Paryaya dasa of D-6 chart:






1955-04-03 (09:37:00) - 1961-04-02 (22:32:45)

Sc: 1961-04-02 (22:32:45) - 1972-04-02 (18:13:49)

Cn: 1972-04-02 (18:13:49) - 1976-04-02 (18:53:43)

Aq: 1976-04-02 (18:53:43) - 1985-04-03 (02:12:06)

Li: 1985-04-03 (02:12:06) - 1993-04-03 (03:31:34)

Ge: 1993-04-03 (03:31:34) - 1997-04-03 (04:06:58)

Cp: 1997-04-03 (04:06:58) - 2001-04-03 (04:48:51)

Vi: 2001-04-03 (04:48:51)

- 2012-04-03 (00:27:53)

Ta: 2012-04-03 (00:27:53) - 2013-04-03 (06:44:37)

Sg: 2013-04-03 (06:44:37) - 2022-04-03 (13:56:05)

Le: 2022-04-03 (13:56:05) - 2029-04-03 (09:08:14)

Ar: 2029-04-03 (09:08:14) - 2035-04-03 (21:58:16)

Pi: 2035-04-03 (21:58:16) - 2041-04-03 (10:56:17)

Sc: 2041-04-03 (10:56:17) - 2042-04-03 (17:05:17)

Cn: 2042-04-03 (17:05:17) - 2050-04-03 (18:20:09)

Aq: 2050-04-03 (18:20:09) - 2053-04-03 (12:46:22)

Li: 2053-04-03 (12:46:22) - 2057-04-03 (13:21:07)

Ge: 2057-04-03 (13:21:07) - 2065-04-03 (14:38:24)

Cp: 2065-04-03 (14:38:24) - 2073-04-03 (15:57:27)

Vi: 2073-04-03 (15:57:27) - 2074-04-03 (22:01:47)

Ta: 2074-04-03 (22:01:47) - 2085-04-03 (17:41:50)

Sg: 2085-04-03 (17:41:50) - 2088-04-03 (12:04:48)

Le: 2088-04-03 (12:04:48) - 2093-04-03 (18:50:24)

Ar: 2093-04-03 (18:50:24) - 2099-04-04 (07:43:06)



are given as follows:



Paryaya dasa of D-6 chart (illnesses, litigations & & worries):


MD: 2001-04-03 (04:48:51) - 2012-04-03 (00:27:53)

Sc AD: 2002-03-04 (06:54:53) -

2003-02-02 (19:24:49)

Pratyantardasas in this AD:

Ge: 2002-03-04 (06:54:53) - 2002-03-31 (22:13:47)

Ta: 2002-03-31 (22:13:47)

- 2002-04-29 (00:01:38)

Ar: 2002-04-29 (00:01:38)

- 2002-05-27 (11:30:53)

Pi: 2002-05-27 (11:30:53)

- 2002-06-25 (05:35:47)

Aq: 2002-06-25 (05:35:47)

- 2002-07-24 (01:32:37)

Cp: 2002-07-24 (01:32:37)

- 2002-08-21 (18:09:09)

Sg: 2002-08-21 (18:09:09)

- 2002-09-19 (03:03:44)

Sc: 2002-09-19 (03:03:44)

- 2002-10-17 (01:48:20)

Li: 2002-10-17 (01:48:20)

- 2002-11-13 (14:17:17)

Vi: 2002-11-13 (14:17:17)

- 2002-12-10 (18:40:10)

Le: 2002-12-10 (18:40:10)

- 2003-01-06 (18:48:26)

Cn: 2003-01-06 (18:48:26)

- 2003-02-02 (19:24:49)



19 is Vi/Sc/Li dasa-antar. Virgo is 12th house (Dusthana) having Jupiter and

retrograde Saturn. Although it's 12th house, the presence of Jupiter may

indicate injury to the head, Saturn may indicate an accident. This is mainly a

Karakatwa of the sign Sagittarius but he plays a role here through aspect and

dispositor (Jupiter). So the nature of the problem is deeper, beauce of the

karmie effect of the retrograde Saturn. I mena in other cases just hitting the

head would not give so long lasting effects. The event is indicated by

unobstructed argala by Mars and Mercury from 1st house (head), as you may see

the pratyantardasa is that of Libra. The combination of Jupiter and Saturn obstructs

Moon in 7th , indicating a malefic influence on the heart and blood pressure,

which may be mediately long lasting because f Saturn's influence and dual signs

involved. Low blood pressure may lead to further dangerous situations during

the antardasa of Scorpio aggravates it till Feb 2003, as it is a maraka

house. Venus is also involved in the combination and she is also lord of

8th house (main house for disease) so I may agree with the conclusion that

kidney disorders are also involved in the blood pressure problems, however it

may be a separate factor from the head injury. However the presence of benefics

Jupiter and Venus indicates the possibility of getting better.





thing to check is Kalacakra dasa and D-30.



Dasa (Savya group):


MD: 1993-06-24 (20:12:51) - 2013-11-08 (03:20:55)

Ta AD: 2001-10-09 (14:23:35) -

2005-07-24 (08:48:47)

Pratyantardasas in this AD:

Ta: 2001-10-09 (14:23:35) - 2002-07-03 (05:55:41)

Ar: 2002-07-03 (05:55:41)

- 2002-10-28 (08:57:03)

Pi: 2002-10-28 (08:57:03)

- 2003-04-13 (11:17:08)

Aq: 2003-04-13 (11:17:08)

- 2003-06-17 (23:24:17)

Cp: 2003-06-17 (23:24:17)

- 2003-08-24 (11:28:35)

Sg: 2003-08-24 (11:28:35)

- 2004-02-07 (11:40:07)

Ar: 2004-02-07 (11:40:07)

- 2004-06-03 (00:15:46)

Ta: 2004-06-03 (00:15:46)

- 2005-02-25 (02:38:04)

Ge: 2005-02-25 (02:38:04)

- 2005-07-24 (08:48:47)



event happened in Cn/Ta/Ar dasa.



has AL, Ta has Lagna with Mercury and Mars, and Aries is 12th house. The

picture is pretty similar to D-6. Mars/Mercury conjunction indicates an

accident while traversing some forest path (Taurus). 12th house having Gulika

may indicate malefic changes in the body, including spreading of some poisonous

substances in the head. As far as I can see, there is some influence of Pitta

and Vaata dosha. I would recommend calming herbs and bitter substances. This is

good for purifying the blood. Also some warming substances are good for raising

the blood pressure.



is what I could figure out. Maybe any other learned members can give some

judgement on the outcome and timing of the disease. This would need either a

Prashna chart or an exact pravesha chart of the event.








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