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Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga

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Aum Namah Sivaya Namsate All of you, As Mu rightly pointed out, the occurances of pure Pancha Mahapurusha yoga is infact rare. However, I do not agree with Mu's statement that we need to consider the Pancha Mahapurusha yoga from Sun, Moon and AK also. The classics strictly mention here that the yoga is formed in the kendra. As the name suggest, mahapurusha are those who reach the highest domain of the human potential. To reach such high domain of human potential is not possible for most of us and remain dormant, until the proper time come in the cycle of life and death, where we realise the same. The yoga will confer the qualities associated with the tattvas of the planets. These all requires the blessings of the Narayana, which is shown by the placement of these planets in the Kendra to the Lagna. Because, with the wish of Narayana only these yoga manifest, the presence in the Kendra is required. If such strong planet is there in the kendra, the nature of the person shall be highly influenced by the tattva of that planet, however for the results to manifest, the planet need to be placed in the Kendra. Now, like other yogas, the strength of Sun and Moon are equally important to initiate and sustain the yoga. In case of Pancha Mahapurusha yoga, the placement of Jupiter is also highly important. This is because the blessings for the Mahapurusha yoga comes through Jupiter and Jupiter's akasha tattva can only ensure that all other planets and rasis support the yoga to flourish. The other important point to note here and in other yogas too, how the dispositor is placed both in the rasi and the navamsa. If badly placed in the navamsa, the yoga can be simply nullified, however in the rasi chart, if badly placed, some of the effect is lessened. Do remember that a pure Mahapurusha yoga, should not have any conjunction otherwise the effect is diluted and given by the conjoining planet instead. Last of all one need to check, which kendra (Dharma 1st, artha 10th, kama 7th, moksha 4th) this yoga is happening, and can show the results related to that. The placement of the Mahapurusha yoga conferring planet from the AL also shall show, what it is conferring in this life. These all show, why in the horoscopes of Avatars, the planets are in great strength (Brhat Jataka). The great strength of the Planets in the kendra does take us near to that of our divine potentials. Constructive thoughts highly appreciated. I hope sometime in future Gurudev Sanjayji writes on this topic. Rgds Sarajit - shamiyana Saturday, November 23, 2002 7:41 AM vedic astrology [vedic astrology] Re: PMPY & MGR Dear all,What if the PMY planet is in upachaya from Sun/moon and not in a trine (or angle) ? Is it considered PMY still? The reason I am asking this question is because a planet in upachaya is more powerful then the one in trine correct?Please enlighten me.Thanks.Rageshwari.vedic astrology, "Visti Larsen" <vishnu@l...> wrote:> Om Jum Sah. Vyam Vyaasadevaaya Namah. Sah Jum Om> > --> > Dear Sarasalai,> MG Ramachandiran, has Hamsa MahaPurusha Yoga, emanating from Lagna, so why should we check Sun? The Moon in the 7th with Jupiter, is a yoga for longlasting fame, especially when the Navamsa and Arudha Lagna supports it.> > If you wanto contradict Mine or Mu's statements, go find the slokas describing the Pancha(5) MahaPurusha(great personality) Yogas(combinations).> > Best wishes> Visti> ---> Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org> Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra: vedic astrologybphs.zip> iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org/Sanskrit/Itranslt.html> - > sarasalai_siva > vedic astrology > Friday, November 22, 2002 7:00 PM> [vedic astrology] PMPY & MGR> > > Jaya Jagannatha!> > Dear Visti,> > What Mu says about PMPY is correct. Look the chart of > M.G.Ramachandiran. His D.O.B. January, 11th, 1916. Time 11:32 PM.> Long: 80E41.. Lat: 7N18.> > M.G.Ramachandiran ( M.G.R ) was a very famous Tamil film actor and > turned politician. He was the founder of the present rulling party of > Tamil nadu Government. In a single wave he/his party captured the > second largest populace's Tamil nadu government. His fame was > unprecedented.> > His asc is Virgo ( actor ). In the 7th Jupiter and moon.The sun is in > the 4th , sagit: Mer, venu, rahu in the 5th: Sat in the 10th:> kethu in the 11th Cn: mars in the 12th in leo.> > Lets see his hamsa Yoga Jupiter, from the sun, it is in the 4th,> Pisces. Moon and Jupiter together in the pisces. His AL taurus > ( again actor ) From the AL Jupiter is in the 11th. ( not in dustana)> > In D-9, Exalted Jupiter aspects the moon.> > sarasalai_siva> > > Archives: vedic astrology> > Group info: vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-@e...> > > > > >

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If you look through message 1 to message 8000+++, there are many

discussions on this, there is also a pdf file by name mahapurusha

yoga in the archives and there were many messages by guruji.

I am enclsing a text from gurujis message


**** SANJAYJI's message start*****

Dear Narasimha & Al,




1. The point is that the Mahapurusha Yoga as it is defined in BPHS

must show up in the Rasi Chart. The quality and extent to which this

will manifest will depend on the Divisional charts.


Example1: Say Mercury is exalted in the tenth house for a person born

in Sagittarius Lagna, then the potential or SEED for a Mahapurusha

Yoga is seen. Now if Mercury is in debilitated Navamsa, this results

in Raja-Bhanga Neecha Yoga and the Yoga exists only as a potentiality

as its activation is very difficult unless Jupiter is very strong. In

real life this is seen in the example of Sanjaya the charioteer of

King Dritarashtra. He never had any gyana and was a charioteer like

we have taxi or staff car drivers, yet when the time came, a STrong

Jupiter in the form of Maharishi Veda Vyasa blessed him and the

Bhagavat Gita flowed like nectar from his lips. Another example

in history is Kalidasa who was an ILLITERATE person!!! Who will

believe this now? Look at his genius and the blessings of the Divine

Jupiter leading him to Kali mata.


2. If a planet is strong in a divisional chart in a kendra, the

results are to be understood as " AKIN TO MAHAPURUSHA YOGA " . This does

not constitute a Mahapurusha Yoga by itself, but is quite similar and

the results will be limited to the aspects ruled by the division. For

example, Smt. Jayalalitha has got Jupiter in Sagittarius in Dasamsa

with debilitated Rahu. We can say that she has " Hamsa Yoga in Karma "

which will manifest in the form of making temples and other good

karma during its periods. Thus in Rahu dasa Jupiter antardasa, she

supported the BJP, but as soon as Saturn was to come, she joined

hands with the Congress. Thus, in her dasamsa, Jupiter the Lagnesh of

D-10 is BJP and Saturn is the Congress. Is there any doubt that she

has made the political blunder of her life as the Dasamsa Lagna is

Sagittarius? But where is the " Hamsa Mahapurusha Yoga which should

create a Paramhamsa like Yogananda " . You can use the term HAMSA YOGA

to indicate the similarity with the main yoga, but be very careful

while classifying any person as MAHAPURUSHA.


3. The term Mahapurusha has been defined on the basis of PURUSHOTTAMA

Bhagawan Sri Ramachandra. This becomes all the more clear when we read

Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira. Understanding PARASARA Muni is very

difficult. Everyday I get a deeper understanding the Brihat Parasara

Hora Shastra and depend very much on the mercy of Sri Jagannatha



BHAGAVAN SRI RAMACHANDRA. The Mahapurusha Yoga should not be treated

like the other Yoga and they are very special. That is why Parasara

has devoted a separate chapter to them and thereafter he explains the

Panchatatwa that give rise to the Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga. For a

better understanding, treat the Pancha Pandava as the Pancha

Mahapurusha and see their Yoga with Bhagawan and their Karma as

the servants of Bhagawan Sri Krishna. These five Mahapurusha Yoga are

based on the Panchatatwa, the fundamental principle of Sankhya

Shastra. Thus a person born in any Mahapurusha Yoga, and if that Yoga

is to manifest, should be actually working for God.

Example: Adolf Hitler. Hitler had Mars in the seventh in Aries and

had the potential for a Ruchaka Mahapurusha Yoga. But, what Karma did

he do?

Slaughtering Jews or any other innocent people of the world is anti-

God and we cannot say that that he was working as a Mahapurusha.

Thus, please be careful while using this terminology as we can

distort Jyotish Vidya.


4. A question that naturally arises is that if the potentiality of

Mahapurusha Yoga is there in a Chart, how and when will it manifest?

The reply to this is seen in Saravali of Kalyana Verma. Mahapurusha

Yoga will manifest on the basis of the strength of Savitur and Soma.

While the Sun (Savitur) should be strong for the starting of the

yoga, the Moon (Soma) should be strong for the sustenance of the

Mahapurusha yoga. If neither is strong, only some effects will be

seen during the Dasa of the planet causing the Mahapurusha Yoga.


5. Another Question that follows this is " What can we do to ensure

that we remain in the right path and am working as a servant of

Bhagawan instead of going the way of Adolf Hitler types? "

The answer lies in the Rig Veda. The sloka will be in my new book.

Suffice is to say that all Lagna's are worshipped with the

mantra " HARI " ; the Sun is best worshipped with the mantra " RAMA " and

the MOON is best worshipped with the Mantra " KRISHNA " . Thus, regular

chanting of these three names will ensure that you work as His

servant and do not stray.

You can do this with either of the Mantra:

Meditation: HARE-RAMA-KRISHNA (Called the Janaka Shadakshara)



If you have not yet started this, start it today before it becomes too

late and Rahu takes over. Other details from Standard texts. I submit

my little understanding of the Hora Shastra to the learned Jyotisha

of the world.

Best Wishes,

Sanjay Rath

****message ends of course the thread continues *****






PS :- I can pass the info I have dugup from the archives, It's huge

and needs a lot of time to organize


varahamihira, " Sarajit Poddar " <sarajit_poddar

@h...> wrote:

> Aum Namah Sivaya

> Namsate All of you,


> As Mu rightly pointed out, the occurances of pure Pancha

Mahapurusha yoga is infact rare. However, I do not agree with Mu's

statement that we need to consider the Pancha Mahapurusha yoga from

Sun, Moon and AK also. The classics strictly mention here that the

yoga is formed in the kendra.


> As the name suggest, mahapurusha are those who reach the highest

domain of the human potential. To reach such high domain of human

potential is not possible for most of us and remain dormant, until

the proper time come in the cycle of life and death, where we realise

the same. The yoga will confer the qualities associated with the

tattvas of the planets. These all requires the blessings of the

Narayana, which is shown by the placement of these planets in the

Kendra to the Lagna. Because, with the wish of Narayana only these

yoga manifest, the presence in the Kendra is required.


> If such strong planet is there in the kendra, the nature of the

person shall be highly influenced by the tattva of that planet,

however for the results to manifest, the planet need to be placed in

the Kendra. Now, like other yogas, the strength of Sun and Moon are

equally important to initiate and sustain the yoga. In case of Pancha

Mahapurusha yoga, the placement of Jupiter is also highly important.

This is because the blessings for the Mahapurusha yoga comes through

Jupiter and Jupiter's akasha tattva can only ensure that all other

planets and rasis support the yoga to flourish.


> The other important point to note here and in other yogas too, how

the dispositor is placed both in the rasi and the navamsa. If badly

placed in the navamsa, the yoga can be simply nullified, however in

the rasi chart, if badly placed, some of the effect is lessened.


> Do remember that a pure Mahapurusha yoga, should not have any

conjunction otherwise the effect is diluted and given by the

conjoining planet instead.


> Last of all one need to check, which kendra (Dharma 1st, artha

10th, kama 7th, moksha 4th) this yoga is happening, and can show the

results related to that. The placement of the Mahapurusha yoga

conferring planet from the AL also shall show, what it is conferring

in this life.


> These all show, why in the horoscopes of Avatars, the planets are

in great strength (Brhat Jataka). The great strength of the Planets

in the kendra does take us near to that of our divine potentials.


> Constructive thoughts highly appreciated. I hope sometime in future

Gurudev Sanjayji writes on this topic.



> Rgds

> Sarajit



> -

> shamiyana

> Saturday, November 23, 2002 7:41 AM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: PMPY & MGR


> Dear all,


> What if the PMY planet is in upachaya from Sun/moon and not in a

> trine (or angle) ? Is it considered PMY still? The reason I am


> this question is because a planet in upachaya is more powerful


> the one in trine correct?


> Please enlighten me.


> Thanks.


> Rageshwari.


> vedic astrology, " Visti Larsen " <vishnu@l...> wrote:

> > Om Jum Sah. Vyam Vyaasadevaaya Namah. Sah Jum Om

> >

> >


> ------------

> >

> > Dear Sarasalai,

> > MG Ramachandiran, has Hamsa MahaPurusha Yoga, emanating from


> so why should we check Sun? The Moon in the 7th with Jupiter, is a

> yoga for longlasting fame, especially when the Navamsa and Arudha

> Lagna supports it.

> >

> > If you wanto contradict Mine or Mu's statements, go find the


> describing the Pancha(5) MahaPurusha(great personality) Yogas

> (combinations).

> >

> > Best wishes

> > Visti

> > ---

> > Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org

> > Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra: vedic-

> astrologybphs.zip

> > iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-

> ashram.org/Sanskrit/Itranslt.html

> > -

> > sarasalai_siva

> > vedic astrology

> > Friday, November 22, 2002 7:00 PM

> > [vedic astrology] PMPY & MGR

> >

> >

> > Jaya Jagannatha!

> >

> > Dear Visti,

> >

> > What Mu says about PMPY is correct. Look the chart of

> > M.G.Ramachandiran. His D.O.B. January, 11th, 1916. Time 11:32


> > Long: 80E41.. Lat: 7N18.

> >

> > M.G.Ramachandiran ( M.G.R ) was a very famous Tamil film actor

> and

> > turned politician. He was the founder of the present rulling

> party of

> > Tamil nadu Government. In a single wave he/his party captured


> > second largest populace's Tamil nadu government. His fame was

> > unprecedented.

> >

> > His asc is Virgo ( actor ). In the 7th Jupiter and moon.The


> is in

> > the 4th , sagit: Mer, venu, rahu in the 5th: Sat in the 10th:

> > kethu in the 11th Cn: mars in the 12th in leo.

> >

> > Lets see his hamsa Yoga Jupiter, from the sun, it is in the 4th,

> > Pisces. Moon and Jupiter together in the pisces. His AL

> taurus

> > ( again actor ) From the AL Jupiter is in the 11th. ( not in

> dustana)

> >

> > In D-9, Exalted Jupiter aspects the moon.

> >

> > sarasalai_siva

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Group info: vedic-


> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-@e...

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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