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Varahamihira] Varahamihira] Chakras and Jyotish

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Dear Sarajit, Sanjay P and all,


Thanks Sarajit and Sanjay for your comments. So, from combining both of your posts with the information we learned from Gurudev I think we have come up with the model for assigning chakras to the rasi chart. Maybe Sanjay could verify since you were at Ukiah.


Lagna: swadisthana

2H: ajna

3H: vishuddha

4H anahata

5H: the void

6H manipura/nabhi

7H swadisthana

8H mooladhara


I think this might be the correct model because all the information that has been given fits. It corresponds to the Kalapurusha model Aries being head and Scorpio being internal genital. Sagittarius to Pisces is below the spine and correspond to swaha loka. scorpio to cancer= bhuvah loka= rajasic and correspond to the 3 lower chakras (kanda)which as associated with rajasic things like power=manipura, desires=swadistana and reproduction=moola then aries to cancer would correspond to bhu loka=sattvic anahata=the heart, seat of the soul vishuddha= speech

ajna=intuition and sahaswara=higher consciousness.


It is also interesting that the in this model the key points..swadishthana, anahata and moola are all gandhanta, junction of water and fires signs where creation can occur.


I am also thinking about how this might fit with mantra shastra. In the description of the Janaka Shadakshari mantra, "hare rama krishna", Gurudev explains how 3 syllables and 6 akshara means we are bringing sexual energy (3H) to 6H ( service) but since we know that mantra is a way to activate and move kundalini I'm wondering if it works in reverse bringing 6H (manipura shakti) to 3H (ajna )... RAm is the beeja mantra of manipura and Ha(re) and Ksh (Krshna) are the sounds of the 2 petal of the Ajna chakra. I am just trying to make connections. I don't know if it is correct. Please feel free to add your thoughts.


I am also new to the concept of "the void" can someone write a little about this for our benefit.





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