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Fees, Guru Dakshina etc. (Was: Announcement to my Shishyas (Present and Future))

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Dear Jyotisha,


As all of you are aware that SJC is re-organising itself institutionally. Consequently, several changes are in the offing. One of them is the introduction of annual fees for the organization members. SJC has decided to introduce annual membership fees for the students and the gurus as one of the means to sustain itself. For students the annual fee is Rs. 500 or $25. For gurus, the annual fee is Rs. 2000 or $50. All membership fees should be send in the name of Sri Jagannath Center at the address given below. For Gauranga's shishyas: As Sanjayji is going to be in Orissa for a while, please send all dakshinas to him at the SJC account in the address given below, which is the official address of SJC, Delhi. Please clearly indicate which contribution is for SJC and which is for Sanjayji. The money shall be transferred to him from the SJC account. Please note:

DO NOT send him any dakshina at the Mayur Vihar, Delhi address given below by Gauranga.


All cheques/MO/DD etc to be send in the name of Sri Jagannath Center and posted at the address below:


Sarbani Sarkar

15B Gangaram Hospital Road,

New Delhi - 110060



Best regards,


Sarbani Sarkar


Phone: (11) 25717162

Mobile: 9810449850

Email: sarbani, sarbani


Gauranga Das [gauranga]Wednesday, December 18, 2002 4:30 PMvedic astrology ; ; varahamihira Subject: [sJC: Varahamihira] Annonuncement to my Shishyas (Present and Future)

Dear Jyotisha,




I have been acting as a Jyotish guru of SJVC (nonw SJC) since Sanjayji asked me to do so in the year 2000. During that time more than twenty aspiring Jyotishas approached me with the request to guide them in their studies, which duty I accepted in most of the cases. Since that time most of these astrologers unfortunately disappeared from my sight, i.e. no substantial communication is going on between us, although I guess some of them are still members of these lists. So my following statement refers to those who still consider them to be my shishyas or anyone who is considering to approach me in this capacity in the future. If anyone ha ssome personal thoughts that he would like to share with me in this connection, please write me in private. The guidelines below are not official guidelines of SJC, hence they will refer to my shishyas only. As a Jyotish Guru I feel I have the right to do this.


From now on all my Jyotish shishyas are requested to follow the following instructions in their daily life:


1. Refrain from eating meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, garlic and onion.

2. Refrain from smoking, drinking tea, coffee, chewing betel etc. including al kinds of drugs and narcotics.

3. Refrain from any form of gambling and speculation.

4. Refrain from illicit sex, i.e. sex outside marriage and not for procreation fo children.

5. Every shishya should chant at least four malas (4x108) of the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra (Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare) on a tulasi mala.

6. Eevryone should offer yearly a minimum amount of $25 dakshina directly to Sri Sanjay Rath, Pradhan Guru of SJC. Donations should be sent to the following address: Sanjay Rath, SJC, 71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, New Delhi 110091. I think that we should be very thankful for all knowledge revealed to us by Sanjayji, of which I have understood only a spark. Therefore the amount of donations is not limited in quantity. Also any other list members, who are not my shishyas are welcome to send donations, if we want to see Sanjay's brilliant commentary on BPHS manifest. He is ready to write, but soem funding would be appreciated.


Although my time to answer emails or participate in the email lists is highly limited, I will answer any emails directed to my personal email address, even if it takes some time. I will also try ot participate in the discussions especially on the VA list. I also have a plan to publish more Jyotish lessons on my website, in additions to those published in Jyotish Digest os far. This will be absloutely freely available to everyone. I intend to cover all of Jataka, Prashna and other angas of Jyotisha in due course of time, for which any help or collection of material especially from classics is highly appreciated.


I also have plans for writing books, the entire income from which will go to Sanjay and SJC. If any one of my shishyas have some difficulty with this, please contact me in a personal email and we will try to sort thighs out.


Your servant, Gauranga Das


Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga Jyotish Remedies: WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839





Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga Jyotish Remedies: WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839Hare Rama KrishnaArchive:varahamihiraFiles:varahamihiravarahamihira/database

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