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Progeny Delineation

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Hare Rama Krishna


Dear Sanjay, Guru’s, and Esteemed

List Members,


Firstly, I apologize if

this has all been addressed before with clarity, and please feel free not to answer. J


I am in the process of studying

and evaluating the techniques of delineating both

the number of children and their sex, using the techniques from resources in Sanjay’s

Upadesa Sutras and COVA, along with Varga Chakra, and have seemed to reach a dead end on all counts so to speak, so

perhaps I am missing or misunderstanding something important.


My chart is attached. I

have had 4 pregnancies in my life, all by my first and current (wonderful)

husband of 34 years. My first pregnancy resulted in losing the child through an

early miscarriage, while the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th

pregnancies brought children in the order of male, female, and female respectively.

Intuitively, I have always felt that the first pregnancy (which was lost

through miscarriage) was a male, but I cannot be certain. Anyway…


With respect to D-7th

– Saptamsa - If my understanding is correct, the Sa/Ra association clearly

shows the miscarriage, which was a result of the first pregnancy (5th

lord in 4th on nodal axis – d-7th Libra lagna), the second

pregnancy shows a male, again correct, but the third pregnancy is where all

appears to go haywire... My 9th lord, Mercury, conjoins exalted Sun

in Aries, suggesting a son rather than a daughter. Then again…the 4th

pregnancy, another daughter, was a C-section, and Mars disposits the d-7th 11th

lord Sun, suggesting possibility of surgery, but sex is again strongly suggestive

of male, when the birth was female.


Irrespective of the lost child’s sex, my

attempts at possibly rectifying my chart using attempted rectified alternates for the d-7 lagna’s on either

side of Libra, (Scorpio and Virgo) still

do not bring in any confluence to

signify the actual number or

resulting sex of the birth order of my three

children and four pregnancies. Am

I overlooking something? Any suggestions at my oversights would be very much



For the record, my final pregnancy (youngest daughter, who is

now 22) is a young lady who was always agitated and disturbed at comments by

others with respect to being called a “pretty

little girl”, and would verbally approach anyone who made any sort of comment to her

gender, in a very adamant fashion (just as early

as she was able to speak), stating that she was not a girl or a boy…she was neither. This went on until her entrance into

school. Although highly amusing and most delightful in her youth, she now has

many more male personality traits,

she is a Cancer lagna, and has suffered through many emotional difficulties –

being medically diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder, ADHD, and Borderline

Personality Disorder. My third pregnancy, however, (my other daughter) is

extremely feminine in all respects.


Thanks for any





Sincerely ~

Sandy Crowther



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