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[SJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Ayanamsa

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Dear Visti,


Hare Rama Krsna!


Sorry for the late reply. I got absorbed by other things lately, but now I

have got new info regarding this native we were discussing having AK

Saturn or rather Jupiter.


> Visti: Yes Rahu would have brought Raja Yoga either way, but i was

>interested in his name. Criminals get bad name, and plenty of power/fame,

>just like people such as Charles Manson who has been idolized as a

>prophet by some and then theres peoples facination with Ted Bundy the

>first Serial Killer ever.


He has always had a bad name, especially due to the fact that he has had

several affairs outside wedlock and with girls who were much younger in

age than him. While he is treating his wife badly and goes around telling

everybody that she doesn't inspire him. When you know how strict devotees

in Iskcon deal with these matters of social behaviour, then you can

understand what his name and fame will be. Nevertheless, he runs his

business quite well, because there is always a certain kind of people who

are attracted to this behaviour, and especially he can explain everything

in such a way that you would believe he's right. I wouldn't expect such an

irresponsible behaviour from a person with Saturn AK, who would be much

more serious and responsible. His wife is born just 5 days after him, and

with Saturn retrograde she does have a Saturn AK, and she is indeed a

complete different person. Her lagna is Leo, just opposite to his.


The following is her comment on her (ex-)husband's behaviour, after my


" > Has .... had any adversities with his business there in England? He is

> just out of his Rahu-period now, which brought him good wealth, but


> have brought a lot of fights in the career.


Yes he did. First it was not easy to start something like that not being a

Prabhupada disciple in England. Then BBL was a strong competitor. Other

adversities might have been there also with America. .... is not an

easy personn to deal with when it comes to money and you don't have the

same opinion (or interest) than him. "


E.g. now at this moment he separated from his wife and immediately jumped

into another affair with a young girl, which has certainly not improved

his name and fame.


You wrote:

>The native will not associate with the planets in the 12th from Arudha.


If Arudha lagna is in Libra, then it has Jupiter in the 12th. Thus that

will mean he will not associate with Guru? Indeed, he has lost his guru in

1986 when his guru left the society due to a falldown. He has since then

never considered to take re-inititation. His Rahu dasha started end of

1984. Since Jupiter would be his AK, he wouldn't like to associate with

himself? That's also true, he can go on doing mischief, and explain it

very nicely, but he is blind to seeing the fault in himself. While he

always looks happy and very advanced in knowledge, yet he doesn't behave

according to what he preaches. This looks more like a Jupiter AK in 8th

house to me than a Saturn AK, whom I would expect to look more sad, serene

and serious. But anyway, that's my opinion.


I'll post another Quiz chart to show a difference in results of ayanamsa,

if everybody is interested. On my last message with the answer to my

previous Saptamsa Quiz, I haven't had any replies. Does that mean my

analysis was correct? Then it would also be in favor of this ayanamsa.



Your sishya,

Dhira Krsna dasa

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