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[SJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Ayanamsa

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Dear Visti,


Hare Rama Krsna!


>Rahu is conjoined the Ghati Lagna and lords the Lagna, hence power came,

>but we must be analytical and understand through which efforts this came.

>A criminal gets fame through bad publicity, whilst a saint must get good

>publicity. So Rahu cannot be in Arudha Lagna for a native of the name you

>mention, and especially not if Rahu Dasa has been running for the last 18



Indeed, but you may have overlooked that Rahu becomes a Raja Yogakaraka.

It's co-lord of the lagna, situated in the 9th house (trikona) and

aspected by Sun in rasi dristi (Sun is kendra lord). AL in the 9th house

also indicates one who dedicates himself to devotion. Thus Rahu dasha will

give him fame and success. And indeed, it has not been a path on roses.

During this period, the native has entered into several disputes with

colleagues. One of his colleagues has left him, starting his own business,

he continuously has been changing his co-workers and subordinates. Some

book publishers have been spreading bad publicity about him, but because

his clients are mainly devotees, spreading such bad words about him has

only favored his business, as far as I can see.


>Jup being AK, would mean that its dispositor Mercury is joined 11th lord

>from Jup - sun.


I think you meant 11th lord from AL? Jupiter is in Virgo.


>This causes Srimantah Yoga and the soul is interested in acumulating

>wealth. Sun and Mercury indicate through communications, logic and

>research, as well as other intelligent purposes.


That's exactly what he is doing.


> As you can see the drive would be different, in that the native is

> insterested in wealth, not the purpose of the wealth.


Well, that's difficult to determine, don't you think? Will he admit that,

that he is only interested in the money, and not in the purpose of it?

By the way, is that the difference between Srimantah and Dhimantah yoga?

From your description it is not clear what is the difference. Under Saturn

as AK you mention the same Yoga, and I think Ketu as dispositor must be

stronger as it is conjoined Venus while Mars is alone. Isn't that what we

were thought, or you have to bend the rules to prove your statement?


>Now Saturn as AK shows a person who will drink the sorrows and weaknesses

>of others, whilst Jupiter will teach people hapiness.


Sorry, prabhuji, you know that I also have Saturn as AK and drinking

sorrows and weaknesses of others is not at all how I feel. And teaching

about happiness is indeed this native's attitude. I think you too quickly

jump to conclusions.


>I hope this is enough info to make the right decission. I feel the Lahiri

>Ayanamsa is acurate in this case, otherwise he couldn't have established

>his business. Do you have some cases closer to bordering degrees?


I think we're not done yet with this one. And I would like to ask you to

have a look at my Saptamsa Quiz, it certainly is a worthy example and your

contribution would be very interesting. Please tell me about sex of the

child and timing of birth?


Your sishya,

Dhira Krsna dasa

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