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Sanjay coming to USA, along with Shiv Pujan(India),Visti Larsen(Denmark),Dr.Brendan Feeley,Narasimha Rao,Narayan Iyer- gurus from East coast, Phyl Chubb(Canada) and others!

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Hare Krishna

Dear Jyotisha,

This post is to remind you of several things.If you have already inquired about the conferences please send in your checks soon.Remember, there is limited seating for the weekend sessions.

If you havent yet, please consider attending one of the SJC-USA conferences or weekend workshops this summer/fall in either Sunnyvale,Calif or in MA,N.Y,N.J on the East Coast.etc.It is an excellent opportunity to get individual "hands on" help as you practice with your and others charts,and you will meet many nice people.


Even beginners will come away making great advancement.You will come away with valuable handouts also.

And each day the speakers will give out practice sheets/homework for study.


You can view the classes and details of the sessions at Sanjays web site(and also the many articles there)


or at Sri Jagannath Center www..org SJC's main web site which is (undergoing some construction)


There are discounts for attending several sessions.

On the West Coast,in Calif. we have reserved Motel rooms(group accamadations) in close proximity to the conference site, it will also include airport pickup from the San Jose airport.There are numerous motels int he area , so write for details.(see classes below)


ALso remember that at the SJC web site we offer SJC books plus the books of B.V. Raman and others for decent prices,you can pay though check,pay pal,etc.The prices for last years 2002 conference CDs have been

adjusted recently on the web site also.

Thank-you, hope to see you there , lst year was very nice and this year will be even better!

With Best Wishes,

Lakshmi devi laksmi_k please write with any questions

SJC secretary


Here are classes for West Coast:






Session I

Session II

Session III

Session IV

Session V







0900 - 1030













Invocation & Prayers


Ātmakāraka definition


Ātmakāraka in Rāśi/amśa


Karaka Kendrādi daśā


Class work




Narasimha Rao


Sanjay Rath


Sanjay Rath


Visti Larsen


SJC Gurus







Karma & Self realization



Drig daśā


Case studies


Class work




Freedom Cole


Robert Koch


Robert Koch


Robert Koch


Robert Koch


SJC Gurus







Shadripu, Trimśamśa and obstacles to spirituality






Class work




Freedom Cole


P.V.R.Narasimha Rao


Sanjay Rath


Narayan Iyer


SJC Gurus







Tatva, Dośa- Ayur

Jyotiśa foundation


Disease: Cause &



Sapta Loka & Tala


The Kundalinī


Class work




Freedom Cole


Brendan Feeley


Brendan Feeley


Sanjay Rath


Robert Koch


SJC Gurus







Counseling & Spiritual



Past Birth: Śaśtyāmśa






Future Agenda




Robert Koch


Phyllis Chubb


Narasimha Rao


Robert Koch


Shiv Pujan


23 Aug 2003: Relationships

Forenoon: Visti Larsen (8.00 – 10.00 AM) and Sanjay Rath (10.30 AM - 1.00 PM) speak on the meaning and definition of relationship(s) in personal life including opposite sex, spouse, parents & elders, children, servants & pets, In-laws, co-born and the entire social structure.

Afternoon: Sanjay Rath speaks on Understanding relationships with subordinates and seniors, teachers etc. Change in relationships due to time and events, and timing heartbreaks etc.

24 Aug 2004: Extra-marital relationship

Forenoon: Visti Larsen (8.00 – 10.00 AM) explains the paradigm for judging extramarital relationships using the Darapada & Upapada in Rasi and Navamsa. Sanjay Rath (10.30 AM - 1.00 PM) explains principles involving relationships outside ‘marriage’, Bigamy and adultery – social norms, various options.

Afternoon: Shiv Pujan (2.00 – 4.00 PM) explains the intricacies involved and the subtle differences in various case studies to bring out the above principles. Trimsamsa effects and diseases caused by libidinous behavior. Sanjay Rath (4.00 – 5.00 PM) offers some challenging tests.


SJC (America) East Coast Conference, 2003


Shiva Vishnu Temple, Greenbelt, MD

Cipriano Road, Greenbelt, Maryland, (301)-552-3335

For further information about the conference, please contact Brendan Feeley, bpfeeley .

Conference fee: $250.00


Mode of Payment: Electronic transfer and Credit card payments can be made through Pay Pal and is payable to Narayan Iyer at the e-mail address: treasurer https://www.paypal.com/ Click here to pay

Thursday: August 28, 2003


9:00 – 12:00 pm Introductory Topics, A Review

Drishti, Arudhas, Karakas, Special Lagnas, Varga Charts and Rasi Dasas


1:00 – 3:30 pm Circumstances at Birth – Visti Larsen

How can we tell the circumstances at birth? How do we interpret the chart in terms of the environment, health, physique, and appearance? How do we read the psychological happiness in early life – the relationship and comforts from mother, father, and siblings? All of these shape the future life of any native.


3:30 – 5:00 pm Argala & its Role in Financial Astrology – Shiv Pujan

The use of Argala or ‘intervention of planets’ can indicate the people and circumstances that influence our affairs in different periods of our lives. It can also indicate the source of wealth or good fortune as well the source of obstacles to our success in financial matters.

Friday: August 29, 2003


9:00 – 12:30 pm Ayurveda & Jyotish – Brendan Feeley

This talk shall focus on the esoteric methods that can be used to understand your constitution in terms of Prakruti and Vikruti; the role of the tattwas, doshas, dhatus, srotas in the manifestation of disease; the six stage model of pathogenesis or samprapti. Paraaya dasa will be used to describe dosha and dhatu dusthi and the manifestation of disease.


1:30 – 3:30 pm Ayurveda & Jyotish – Sanjay Rath

Sanjay Rath shall continue the discussion exploring the concepts of creation and the views of Sri Achyuta Das. Parama Purusha, Purusha and Prakriti, tatva, tanmatra and bhuta relationships and the cycle of the tatva as well as its use in rectification. Creation of the 50 akshara, the nara cakra based on nakshatra and its use in timing disease and cure etc.

3:30 – 5:00 pm Mantra & Mental Health – Sarbani Sarkar

The fifth house or mantra bhava is the seat of the mana (mind) and buddhi (intelligence). Mantra is that which protects the mind and the strong co-relation of mantra, mana and buddhi with the 5th house, the co-relation of mantra and mana, indicates how wrong mantras can have an adversarial impact on the mana and thus effect mental health, destroying both the dhi and the mind.

Saturday: August 30, 2003

9:00 – 10:30 am Yoga & the Subtle Bodies – Karen Skoler

The subtle bodies and the human energy field will be presented in terms of the five koshas and the seven chakras. The awakening of Kundalini Shakti, through the physical practice of Raja Yoga and mantra, and its relevance to Jyotish, in terms of grahas, tattwas and remedial measures will also be discussed.

10:30 – 12:30 pm Sree Lagna & Sudasa – Narayan Iyer

Sudasa has special applications for predicting periods of financial prosperity, power and authority.

1:30 – 3:30 pm Money in the Horoscope – Ronnie Gale Dreyer

Understand how specific yogas influence our capacity to earn and spend money. Examples of Dhana Yogas (accumulation and wealth), Daridra Yogas (poverty and spending), and Pravrajva Yogas (renunciation) and their fructification will be presented in the charts of private and public figures.

3:30 – 5:00 pm Kemadruma Yoga & Poverty – Sanjay Prabhakaran

Jaimini Maharishi has given specific combinations for Kemadruma yoga in the Navamsa. It is a yoga that promises a lack of fortune and prosperity.

Sunday: August 31, 2003

9:00 – 12:30 pm Financial New Year Chart & Stock Market Predictions – Narasimha Rao

For the financial investors, periods of financial prosperity are always related to the performance of the stock market. In this lecture you will learn about techniques that can be used to evaluate the stock market in the year ahead.

1:30 – 5:00 pm National Finances – Sanjay Rath

The theoretical principles governing national finances and fortune, the formation chart, sources of income and expenditure, the budget balance, concept of wealth, rich and poor nations, cause and cure. Hora, types of Hora (D-2 charts) and the use of some hora charts in financial astrology; Hora lagna and its use in some divisional charts related to money matters. Case studies and illustrations will be presented.

About SJC

Please visit http://.org


Thanking you,

Yours truly,

For Śrī Jagannath Center













Sanjay Rath


Robert Koch


Brendan Feeley



Guru SJC


Guru SJC-America


President & Jyotiśa Guru



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