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|Sri Varaha| Tripod of life

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Dear Narayan

Extremely brilliant. The nodes are the tough nuts to crack in Jyotish. I have explained this earlier and that this is also applicable to Vimsottari and Udu dasa.

With best wishes,

Sanjay Rath


H-5 B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India


Webpages:http://srath.com http://.org






Tuesday, April 22, 2003 05:43:24 AM


|Sri Varaha| Re: Tripod of life

NamasShivaaya ||Dear VistiIt must be due to the presence of Nodes in which case Dasas gets divided into 2 halves ... Moksha & Bhoga Marga(s).RegardsNarayanvarahamihira, "Visti Larsen" <vishnu@l...> wrote:> Hare Rama Krishna> --------------------> Dear Guruji, Namaste.> Please refer to what you wrote: > Cancer was from 1990-2000. This is the 12th hosue and has the Sun in Marana Karaka sthana in it.> Moon lord of Cancer is in 2nd house eclipsed by Ketu. Exactly one half of the dasa will be good/ok and the other half horrible> > Why was the Dasa divided into 2 halves in this case, instead of the 3 parts we've been taught in the past? Is it because Moon only lords 1 sign?> > Best wishes> Visti> ---> Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org> Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org> iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org> - > Sanjay Rath > vedic astrology > Thursday, April 17, 2003 6:37 PM> Re: [vedic astrology] Fw: Tripod of life> > > > > ~OM~> Dear Ramesh> Sun is subject to Papakartari Yoga by Mars and Saturn. > Venus is in the 12th house from the Moon - among the worst placements for it. Sun is in 11th house from Moon (trika- bad placement).> From Lagna & Venus, Sun is in 12, Rahu is in 8th, Jupiter is debilitated in 6th and Saturn is in Marana Karaka sthana afflicting Venus in lagna.> Results as you indicated are bad in> Sat-Ven-Ven> Sat-Ven-Sun> Sat-Ven-Rahu> Sat-Ven-Jup> Sat-Ven-Sat> Sat-Sun-Jup> .....this is a very rudimentary analysis.> Try Narayana dasa. Cancer was from 1990-2000. This is the 12th hosue and has the Sun in Marana Karaka sthana in it.> Moon lord of Cancer is in 2nd house eclipsed by Ketu. Exactly one half of the dasa will be good/ok and the other half horrible. The second half from 1995-2000 covers this story of your life.> You are out of your worst phase of life. 2000-2011 is good and 2011-21 is the best. Read my book on Narayana dasa.> Also remember that yogas predominate in a chart and the conjunction of a dire malefic like Saturn for leo lagna with Venus can be a terrible thing as it damages the 3rd and 10th house affairs.> With best wishes,> Sanjay Rath> ------------------------> H-5 B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India> +91-674-2436871;> Webpages:http://srath.com http://.org> ------------------ > ----> > vedic astrology > Thursday, April 17, 2003 12:19:54 PM> vedic astrology > [vedic astrology] Fw: Tripod of life> > Dear learned members,> > I am attaching my chart, which I had not done earlier.> > Kind regards> Ramesh> > - > Ramesh F. Gangaramani > vedic astrology > Wednesday, April 16, 2003 9:59 PM> Tripod of life> > > Dear Learned members, > While reading some of the books, like many, I also tend to check my own chart. > > This time I was reading Sanjay Gurujis Tripod principle from Narasimha Rao ji's book. As I understood in case of Vimsottari dasa system, for impact during Mahadasa planet's position should be seen w.r..t. Sun, for Antardasa position w.r.t Moon and Pratayantar dasa w.r.t. Lagna. > > I tried to examine my dasas during the period in which my career went for a six. Between 96 to 99 I resigned/lost 5 jobs. The dates and dasas are given in attached sheet. If I look at the dasa from lagna rashi, dasas of Saturn and antardas of Venus (L3 and L10) would explain the upheveal. I am unable to exalin the events with tripoid principle. > > As I see, Venus becomes functional benefic when seen from Moon, so with tripod principle its antardasas should not be bad. Also if pratayntar dasas are to be linked with placements w.r.t. Lagna, I don't know how pratyantars of Sun, Jupiter and Moon would affect my career adversely. I shall appreciate if any of the learned members could explain the application to me.> > Many thanks and regards> > Ramesh> > > > > > Archives: vedic astrology> > Group info: vedic astrology/info.html> > > > .> > > >

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