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|Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi Meeting 20/4-Vivekananda

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Hare Rama Krishna


Dear Sarvani,

A special note on Vivekenanda's chart.


The AK-Sun in lagna lording the 9th, shows how Vivekenanda was completely at the feet of his father. See any Sun in lagna and see the sign the Sun lords, and you will find that the native listens to that person the most, and considers him king.. As this is the atmakaraka this is of utmost importance!


Infact this Sun took Vivekenanda as far as agreeing to marry, but with the death of his father only shortly before the marriage, the whole thing was called off.. So who is next in line after the father? GURU!

The Shastyhayani will hence reveal these events which focus strongly around the father and then later the Guru.


AK-Sun in Lagna is a yoga for Vipareet Ayus, due to the early demise of father (sun). Now can you explain why it happened shortly before marriage?


Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Sarbani Sarkar

SJC: Achyuta Gurukulam ; Varahamihira

Cc: Krithi Hayagriva ; Shiv Pujan

Wednesday, April 23, 2003 5:57 PM

|Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi Meeting 20/4-Vivekananda



Dear Jyotishis,


For last Sunday’s class, Sanjayji had given us an exercise. We were to examine Swami Vivekananda’s chart, examine his AK, determine his ishta, time his renunciation and the establishment of the Ramakrishna Mission. We were to also look into Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sri Sharada Devi’s charts but we did not have time to do so, as we started the class pretty late. There were only three of us present: Prashant, Suneet and myself. We chose not to look into the books until later as it would have influenced our results.



The Atmakaraka is 9th lord Sun, gloriously situated in lagna, which is Sagittarius. Sun is also the lord of Arudha Lagna. It is situated in the 2nd house in the Navamsa, indicating a high level of spirituality. Mars is the 5th lord placed in the 5th in its own house Aries. The trinal houses thus indicate a very high agni component, making his chart vibrant, which was depicted in his glowing personality. There is Tapasvi yoga, with Saturn, Venus and Ketu placed in trines from each other. The presence of benefics in the 3rd and 6th from the AL and that of malefics in the 2nd from UL, also shows Parivrajya Yoga.

AK Sun is a mahayogada, placed in lagna, which is also the Hora Lagna and the Ghati Lagna. This conforms the fact that he attained fame internationally by establishing the order of the Ramakrishna Math, which is spread all over the globe, became renowned as one of the foremost preachers of Hinduism in the West and wrote innumerable books on religion. He became famous for his dictum, which is primarily his guru’s message, that the Vedas must be rescued from the forests and brought back into the household and that Hinduism should be released from the clutches of the “touch not” mantra, which has pervaded the kitchens of India. Sun thus gave him unending fame, made him build temples and made him heed the call of his atma, and follow its spiritual path. The planet in the 12th house from Karakamsa is Jupiter, placed in the Navamsa lagna. Jupiter in Navamsa lagna as ishta can mean both Maha Vishnu and Sada Shiva. I kind of cheated, as I knew beforehand that he was an ardent devotee of Shiva as also his innumerable childhood stories related to the great lord. However we could not conform it in the chart. Saravali says Jupiter in lagna means Shiva, but if we follow our regular ishta calculation method it can also mean Vishnu. How do we determine this? Aspects did not help, as Saturn and Mercury points more towards Vishnu. Prashant’s opinion was that since Mars is the dispositor of ishta, it might imply Rudra and hence Shiva. I instinctively went towards the fact that Sun was such a strong AK in his chart that it surely pointed towards Shiva, although I cannot explain it logically. We looked up VRA later and there the explanation is given according to Sun in the lagna. (As I write this, I notice, Jupiter is aspecting an exalted Venus in the 5th in Navamsa. Venus in 5th is Mrityunjaya, so this clinches the case for Shiva). There is a Kalika yoga with Saturn and Moon in Virgo in the 10th. Saturn is BK, and the Kalika yoga clearly conforms that his guru was the priest of Goddess Kali of Dakshineswar, and a devout worshipper of the Divine Mother, having the privilege of Her sakshat darshan. Sanjayji has explained this in his books many times too, that this shows Vivekananda’s guru came from the tradition of Kali. There is a very interesting exchange between the 2nd and 10th lords, Saturn and Mercury. The 2nd house, Capricorn is also his Mantrapada, lorded by BK Saturn. Saturn goes to Virgo forming Kalika yoga with Moon in the 10th, and its lord Mecury is in the 2nd. Maybe other gurus on the List can elaborate on the true meaning of such an exchange.

We looked at Drig Dasha for timing his renunciation. I feel Capricorn-Virgo dasha was extremely important, for the reasons given above. Capricorn dasha, containing his Mantrapada, lasted from 1883-1887. Cap-Vir was for 5 months in the beginning of 1883. This was followed by Cap-Leo, Leo being his AL. This too is a probable period. Cap-Tau was for 4 months in mid-1884. During Cap-Vir he must have met Sri Ramakrishna, perhaps even renunciated, but as far as my memory serves me, he renunciated later. Probably in 1884 during Cap-Tau? The Math was established perhaps in the first half of 1886 when Cap-Sag was operating. We verified later that Sri Ramakrishna left his earthly body in 1886, and I know for a fact that the Math was established after he left for the heavenly abode; so 1886 seems like a probable date. Sagittarius is his lagna with AK Sun forming the mahayogada there. We must remember that Sun is also AL lord. So Lagna plays an important role in the establishment of the Ramakrishna Math. In vimshottari, he was undergoing Rahu mahadasha. From 1882 to 1888 he went through the antardashas of Mercury, Ketu and Venus, all planets associated with his guru, mantrapada and Parivrajya yoga. This also coincides with Cap-Vir and Cap-Tau Drig dashas. The period 1883-1887 is the probable time when he renunciated and established the order. If this time frame is confirmed then we can attempt to narrow it down. I have not tried to conform these dates yet. Before he met Sri Ramakrishna, Vivekananda used to frequent the Brahmo Samaj, like most of his Western educated contemporaries. In that sense Vivekananda was very much a product of renaissance Bengal. After he met Thakur, he left the Samaj. We wondered whether this could be determined from his chart.


This maybe very simplistic. Awaiting response form gurus.



Best regards,



|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Om namo bhagavate vāsudevāyaDear Visti, sarbani,1. some comments on Visti's writings are given under his letter. 2. Comments for Sarbani/Delhi circle of SJC is given under her mail. Warm regards & have a nice day,Sanjay RathMail: H-5 BJB Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, IndiaEditor: The Jyotish Digest; http://srath.comGuru, Sri Jagannāth Center, http://.org-----Original Message-----Visti Larsen [vishnu]Sunday, April 27, 2003 2:47 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi Meeting 20/4-VivekanandaHare Rama Krishna------------------------Dear Sarvani,A special note on Vivekenanda's chart. The AK-Sun in lagna lording the 9th, shows how Vivekenanda was completely at the feet of his father. See any Sun in lagna and see the sign the Sun lords, and you will find that the native listens to that person the most, and considers him king.. As this is the atmakaraka this is of utmost importance![Rath:] Sun as AK will not make him to be at his fathers feet. In fact as AK Sun shows rise to a very high position due to spirituality related matters. Sun in Lagna indicates the theme of the shastihayani dasa because of which father, and later Guru (both indicated by the ninth house) became the forces guiding his destiny. As the AK, the Sun has given him many shocks, especially the one related to his marriage and fathers death. This shock treatment was necessary else Vivekananda would never have renounced and worn the color of the Sun - saffron orange. Infact this Sun took Vivekenanda as far as agreeing to marry, but with the death of his father only shortly before the marriage, the whole thing was called off.. So who is next in line after the father? GURU!The Shastyhayani will hence reveal these events which focus strongly around the father and then later the Guru.[Rath:] Yes that is the point. AK-Sun in Lagna is a yoga for Vipareet Ayus, due to the early demise of father (sun). Now can you explain why it happened shortly before marriage?[Rath:] Nice question. Its there in the book Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org----- Original Message ----- Sarbani Sarkar SJC: Achyuta Gurukulam ; Varahamihira Cc: Krithi Hayagriva ; Shiv Pujan Wednesday, April 23, 2003 5:57 PM|Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi Meeting 20/4-VivekanandaDear Jyotishis, For last Sunday’s class, Sanjayji had given us an exercise. We were to examine Swami Vivekananda’s chart, examine his AK, determine his ishta, time his renunciation and the establishment of the Ramakrishna Mission. We were to also look into Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sri Sharada Devi’s charts but we did not have time to do so, as we started the class pretty late. There were only three of us present: Prashant, Suneet and myself. We chose not to look into the books until later as it would have influenced our results.[Rath:] First the dasa: Drig dasa of Swami Vivekananda is given underDrigdasa (religious and spiritual activities): Cp MD: 1883-01-12 (9:37:02 am) - 1887-01-12 (10:14:33 am) Antardasas in this MD: Vi: 1883-01-12 (9:37:02 am) - 1883-05-13 (12:30:54 am) Le: 1883-05-13 (12:30:54 am) - 1883-09-15 (2:33:25 am) Cn: 1883-09-15 (2:33:25 am) - 1884-01-12 (3:50:04 pm) Ge: 1884-01-12 (3:50:04 pm) - 1884-05-12 (6:45:25 am) Ta: 1884-05-12 (6:45:25 am) - 1884-09-14 (8:49:24 am) Ar: 1884-09-14 (8:49:24 am) - 1885-01-11 (9:56:13 pm) Pi: 1885-01-11 (9:56:13 pm) - 1885-05-12 (12:57:37 pm) Aq: 1885-05-12 (12:57:37 pm) - 1885-09-14 (2:57:24 pm) Cp: 1885-09-14 (2:57:24 pm) - 1886-01-12 (4:02:05 am) Sg: 1886-01-12 (4:02:05 am) - 1886-05-12 (7:01:55 pm) Sc: 1886-05-12 (7:01:55 pm) - 1886-09-14 (9:03:40 pm) Li: 1886-09-14 (9:03:40 pm) - 1887-01-12 (10:14:33 am) The Atmakaraka is 9th lord Sun, gloriously situated in lagna, which is Sagittarius. Sun is also the lord of Arudha Lagna. It is situated in the 2nd house in the Navamsa, indicating a high level of spirituality. Mars is the 5th lord placed in the 5th in its own house Aries. The trinal houses thus indicate a very high agni component, making his chart vibrant, which was depicted in his glowing personality. There is Tapasvi yoga, with Saturn, Venus and Ketu placed in trines from each other. The presence of benefics in the 3rd and 6th from the AL and that of malefics in the 2nd from UL, also shows Parivrajya Yoga. [Rath:] Good analysisAK Sun is a mahayogada, placed in lagna, which is also the Hora Lagna and the Ghati Lagna. This conforms the fact that he attained fame internationally by establishing the order of the Ramakrishna Math, which is spread all over the globe, became renowned as one of the foremost preachers of Hinduism in the West and wrote innumerable books on religion. He became famous for his dictum, which is primarily his guru’s message, that the Vedas must be rescued from the forests and brought back into the household and that Hinduism should be released from the clutches of the “touch not” mantra, which has pervaded the kitchens of India. Sun thus gave him unending fame, made him build temples and made him heed the call of his atma, and follow its spiritual path. [Rath:] Why will Sun give the fame? Building temples etc is ok. Why will Sun show writing books? Instead, Sun shows reading books, not writing them. It is Jupiter in Navamsa lagna that made him such a great writer. What does the teaching of Ramakrishna have to do with the 'touch not mantra'? I think this was his carry over of the reforms he was attempting at the Brahmo Samaj. Anyway, I fail to see how the Sun made him do this. In fact Queen Victoria also has the Sun in Lagna with the GL & HL and Her Royal Highness did precisely nothing about all these things. In fact she symbolises the heights of Royal glory and power. I think the "touch not" mantra removal came from the Saturn+Moon yoga in the tenth house.The planet in the 12th house from Karakamsa is Jupiter, placed in the Navamsa lagna. Jupiter in Navamsa lagna as ishta can mean both Maha Vishnu and Sada Shiva. I kind of cheated, as I knew beforehand that he was an ardent devotee of Shiva as also his innumerable childhood stories related to the great lord. However we could not conform it in the chart. Saravali says Jupiter in lagna means Shiva, but if we follow our regular ishta calculation method it can also mean Vishnu. How do we determine this? Aspects did not help, as Saturn and Mercury points more towards Vishnu. Prashant’s opinion was that since Mars is the dispositor of ishta, it might imply Rudra and hence Shiva. I instinctively went towards the fact that Sun was such a strong AK in his chart that it surely pointed towards Shiva, although I cannot explain it logically. We looked up VRA later and there the explanation is given according to Sun in the lagna. (As I write this, I notice, Jupiter is aspecting an exalted Venus in the 5th in Navamsa. Venus in 5th is Mrityunjaya, so this clinches the case for Shiva). [Rath:] Here Jupiter is involved in a Guru-mangala yoga and is NOT in own sign or exaltation. Hence Jupiter will indicate deep devotion for Shiva. In own sign it will indicate Mahavishnu or even higher Narayana/Jagannath . Parasara indicates Shiva for Jupiter and Saravali indicates "Chakradhara" (Vishnu). Please check again as this is from my memory (which could be failing these days as I get old!!) There is a Kalika yoga with Saturn and Moon in Virgo in the 10th. Saturn is BK, and the Kalika yoga clearly conforms that his guru was the priest of Goddess Kali of Dakshineswar, and a devout worshipper of the Divine Mother, having the privilege of Her sakshat darshan. Sanjayji has explained this in his books many times too, that this shows Vivekananda’s guru came from the tradition of Kali. There is a very interesting exchange between the 2nd and 10th lords, Saturn and Mercury. The 2nd house, Capricorn is also his Mantrapada, lorded by BK Saturn. Saturn goes to Virgo forming Kalika yoga with Moon in the 10th, and its lord Mecury is in the 2nd. Maybe other gurus on the List can elaborate on the true meaning of such an exchange. [Rath:] Perfect. We looked at Drig Dasha for timing his renunciation. I feel Capricorn-Virgo dasha was extremely important, for the reasons given above. Capricorn dasha, containing his Mantrapada, lasted from 1883-1887. Cap-Vir was for 5 months in the beginning of 1883. This was followed by Cap-Leo, Leo being his AL. This too is a probable period. Cap-Tau was for 4 months in mid-1884. During Cap-Vir he must have met Sri Ramakrishna, perhaps even renunciated, but as far as my memory serves me, he renunciated later. Probably in 1884 during Cap-Tau? The Math was established perhaps in the first half of 1886 when Cap-Sag was operating. We verified later that Sri Ramakrishna left his earthly body in 1886, and I know for a fact that the Math was established after he left for the heavenly abode; so 1886 seems like a probable date. Sagittarius is his lagna with AK Sun forming the mahayogada there. We must remember that Sun is also AL lord. So Lagna plays an important role in the establishment of the Ramakrishna Math. In vimshottari, he was undergoing Rahu mahadasha. From 1882 to 1888 he went through the antardashas of Mercury, Ketu and Venus, all planets associated with his guru, mantrapada and Parivrajya yoga. This also coincides with Cap-Vir and Cap-Tau Drig dashas. The period 1883-1887 is the probable time when he renunciated and established the order. If this time frame is confirmed then we can attempt to narrow it down. I have not tried to conform these dates yet. [Rath:] Why CAPRICORN needs to be explained first. Results of antardasa are based on the planets in them.Before he met Sri Ramakrishna, Vivekananda used to frequent the Brahmo Samaj, like most of his Western educated contemporaries. In that sense Vivekananda was very much a product of renaissance Bengal. After he met Thakur, he left the Samaj. We wondered whether this could be determined from his chart. [Rath:] Mars shows the direction of Bhakti as the fifth lord of the Rasi chart. It is subject to a Guru-mangala yoga showing that his real bhakti will be for Lord Shiva. Now, his initial association was with the Brahmo samaj (Mars) and later he went to Ramakrishna Paramhamsa, not because of Thakur's love for Kali but because of his tapasya for Sri Dakshinamurty (Jupiter). Thakur also did a great penance for understanding the Radha-Krishna prema where he revealed that there is no food in the whole world better than the Mahaprasad of Jagannath. So, there will also be many devotees of Krishna going to Thakur. Like that, if the penance is strong, devotees of the lord will come. Brahmo Samaj was a society organised to spread the social reforms through explaining everything "logically" and scientifically. Any man i his senses knows that quadratic equations cannot reveal Bhagavan, so also Vivekananda was internally looking for the path to Shiva, and the closest was Thakur. That is why Viekananda went to Thakur. This maybe very simplistic. Awaiting response form gurus. Best regards, Sarbani |Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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