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|| Om Gurave Namah ||

|| Om Namo Narayanaya ||




Dear Sanjay Guru and learned members


I was reading about saham in your CoVA and also in PVR's Integ

Approach. I have understood the point that a particular saham is only

one of the events related to that bhava. Fine till then!


Undesirable sahams such as paradara saham, apamrityu saham etc can

cause irrepairable damage in a native's life and family. For example,

let us take Paradara saham. If it were to occur in Cn in a native's

chart where lagna is in Cn and 7th lord happens to be Saturn. Venus

occupies the 7th.


Here we can say the event may occur when lord of 7th or Venus transit

Cn. The possibility that heinous act may occur would depend on the

age of the native when he/she is prone to such an act and Saturn

transiting Cn at that tme.


But Venus, at its speed, transits much faster than Saturn. Or, take a

case, when Mars is the 7th lord.


Is this to be interpreted as, whenever a faster 7th lord planet

transits the said bhava, the event is likely to occur?? Which means,

does the undesirable act or do such tendencies occur for every

transit of the faster 7th lord or Venus??


Is this argument valid for other sahams as well, of course depending

on the corresponding significators/houses?


How should this be interpreted?



R. Kasthuri Rangan

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