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RE: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses

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Dear Sarbaniji and other Gurus,

I had gone through the chart of Christopher Reeve and the conjunction of Mercury and Saturn with Sun has caused this paralysis.The reason may be he might have fell down from horse.Budha is karaka for nerves and Shani for muscles and Surya for strength,bones etc.In Makara ,Rahu is posited and this indicates the problem due to fall from a animal.Please note that all these 4 planets are in earthy signs.In the Navamsha also Budha is debilitated with Surya and is in trine with Shani and Shukra.All of these planets are in watery signs.Any disease will increase if the concerned planets are in Jala Tattwa Rasis.If we check the Drekkana Kundali also the same result follows.Here in Kanya Rasi Budha is with Surya and Rahu who are in trine with Shani in Vrishabha Rasi.But Guru ® is also there in Dhanu in his Moolatrikona Stana giving his Rasi Drishti to Kanya,.Mandi with Guru indicates some troubles in the proptiation methods.

Now what shastras tell about this disease ? It says in the previous Janma the person who has beaten lavishly a horse and had a ride on it and when the horse became old he did not looked after that horse and left it out of his house will get what is called Parshva Vayu or Paralysis.It also tells the remedy.It says perform Shani Japa for 23000 counts followed by Shani Shanti Homam,peform Chandrayana Homam,then offer Pooja to Vishnu followed by Maha Narayana Homam.Also it tells make a idol of silver horse and perform Pooja with Ashwa Shanti Mantras followed by Surya Namakara under the Ashwattha Tree and finally give that silver horse as a donation.

I am sure above remedies will work.All the above rituals have to be performed by a competent Purohit.

I hope this helps a lot .

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.

Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani wrote:


Dear Sanjayji and other Gurus,


(For those of you who may wonder why we don't put up our discussions on the list: we have class every Sunday as Shiv Pujan takes our classes. Prior to that Sanjayji used to take them. So our doubts get cleared in class itself. Once in a while when our teachers are absent, we are send notes and assignments by Sanjayji, in lieu of his absence. We then put up our questions on the list.)


In last Sundays class we were given an assignment on curses and how to read evil yogas in a chart. The two examples that we had to work on was Christopher Reeve's and Sri Rama's charts. Those present were Rohini Purang, Uma Purang, Saroj Tomar, Gaurav Varma, Deepika Sanghi, Suneet Kumar, Prashant Narang, Eric and myself.


We had a doubt regarding Rama's chart. Our class notes clearly stated that the graha drishti of at least two malefics were essential for a curse. Secondly, benefics which were being cursed, represented the person cursing. In Rama's chart Jupiter and Moon are being affected. Jupiter represents the curse of a Brahmin, in this case Maharshi Narada. Since Moon is conjoined Jupiter, it shows that the curse will be actualised through mother, that is Kaikeyai. But will Moon by itself also represent a second curse, a matri shaap, or Moon is only acting as a medium? Ideally Moon should also show a second curse, apart from executing Jupiter's curse. If so, then whose?


Will there be a pitri shaap as well? Sun is aspected by Saturn, Rahu and Mars. If not, why?


(For those who do not have Rama's chart: Lagna: Cancer with Jupiter and Moon, Saturn in 4th in Libra, Rahu in 6th in Sagittarius, Mars in 7th in Capricorn, Venus in 9th in Pisces, Sun in 10th in Aries, Mercury in 11th in Taurus and Ketu in 12th in Gemini. AL and UL are in Sagittarius.)


Christopher Reeve's chart has two curses. Since Saturn is linked to both of them, his fall of the horse and subsequent paralysis occurred in Saturn dasha. We were assigned to seek remedies for him. We were unanimous in feeling that a ugra rupa of Devi, like Kali, was the only remedy for him. His ishta is Venus, placed in Scorpio, and aspected only by Saturn (rashi drishti) from Cancer. Venus would imply Lakshmi. This is strengthened by the fact that Venus is in Libra in the 4th in Rashi. But some students felt that since Venus was in Scorpio it should be Chamunda. We need a clarification on that. His palana karta is Saturn in Cancer. Palana devata is usually Devi, so we opted for Kali. His BK is also Saturn. Saturn is thus linked to his ishta, palana devata and his BK. Saturn is the planet causing the fructification of both the curses in its dasha, while it was transiting his 8th house, forming kantaka from lagna and ardha-kantaka from Moon. (The Navamsa lagna is also in nidhanamsa with a pishacha badhak). Given all these indications everyone opted for Kali as the remedy.


The question also arises, will propitiation of Mercury, in the form of worship of Vishnu, help? The second curse is the worst, with Mercury being the lord of dusthanas, and the cause of his paralysis.


With best regards,




Best regards,



|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Chandrashekharji,


Reeve became paralysed from a spinal cord injury following a fall from a horse. Paralysis implies the nervous system, hence the choice for Mercury. If you see his chart, there are two curses, one in the 3rd and the other in the 5th house. In the 5th house, Mars and Saturn are afflicting Moon. In the third, Saturn and Rahu are afflicting Mercury, who is also lord of two dusthanas. The 3rd house curse is stronger. Saturn being the common factor in both curses, the fall occurred in Saturn dasha as I mentioned in the earlier post. Mercury caused the nervous system problem. Apparently he is now better. Here's what I found on the web:


Since his injury six years ago, Reeve has regained the ability to move his right wrist, the fingers of his left hand, and his feet. He can now feel a pin prick on the majority of his body and can move some of his joints voluntarily.


Best regards,





Chandrashekhar [boxdel]Saturday, May 24, 2003 12:29 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses

Dear Sarbani,

Would not Mars be appropriate? Saturn lord of the 8th is in 6/8 from 8th which is aspected by Mars the yogakaraka. Mars rules morrow(Majja) and if I am not mistaken Christopher has become paraplegic.





Sarbani Sarkar

SJC: Achyuta Gurukulam ; Varahamihira

Friday, May 23, 2003 2:37 PM

|Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses


Dear Sanjayji and other Gurus,


(For those of you who may wonder why we don't put up our discussions on the list: we have class every Sunday as Shiv Pujan takes our classes. Prior to that Sanjayji used to take them. So our doubts get cleared in class itself. Once in a while when our teachers are absent, we are send notes and assignments by Sanjayji, in lieu of his absence. We then put up our questions on the list.)


In last Sundays class we were given an assignment on curses and how to read evil yogas in a chart. The two examples that we had to work on was Christopher Reeve's and Sri Rama's charts. Those present were Rohini Purang, Uma Purang, Saroj Tomar, Gaurav Varma, Deepika Sanghi, Suneet Kumar, Prashant Narang, Eric and myself.


We had a doubt regarding Rama's chart. Our class notes clearly stated that the graha drishti of at least two malefics were essential for a curse. Secondly, benefics which were being cursed, represented the person cursing. In Rama's chart Jupiter and Moon are being affected. Jupiter represents the curse of a Brahmin, in this case Maharshi Narada. Since Moon is conjoined Jupiter, it shows that the curse will be actualised through mother, that is Kaikeyai. But will Moon by itself also represent a second curse, a matri shaap, or Moon is only acting as a medium? Ideally Moon should also show a second curse, apart from executing Jupiter's curse. If so, then whose?


Will there be a pitri shaap as well? Sun is aspected by Saturn, Rahu and Mars. If not, why?


(For those who do not have Rama's chart: Lagna: Cancer with Jupiter and Moon, Saturn in 4th in Libra, Rahu in 6th in Sagittarius, Mars in 7th in Capricorn, Venus in 9th in Pisces, Sun in 10th in Aries, Mercury in 11th in Taurus and Ketu in 12th in Gemini. AL and UL are in Sagittarius.)


Christopher Reeve's chart has two curses. Since Saturn is linked to both of them, his fall of the horse and subsequent paralysis occurred in Saturn dasha. We were assigned to seek remedies for him. We were unanimous in feeling that a ugra rupa of Devi, like Kali, was the only remedy for him. His ishta is Venus, placed in Scorpio, and aspected only by Saturn (rashi drishti) from Cancer. Venus would imply Lakshmi. This is strengthened by the fact that Venus is in Libra in the 4th in Rashi. But some students felt that since Venus was in Scorpio it should be Chamunda. We need a clarification on that. His palana karta is Saturn in Cancer. Palana devata is usually Devi, so we opted for Kali. His BK is also Saturn. Saturn is thus linked to his ishta, palana devata and his BK. Saturn is the planet causing the fructification of both the curses in its dasha, while it was transiting his 8th house, forming kantaka from lagna and ardha-kantaka from Moon. (The Navamsa lagna is also in nidhanamsa with a pishacha badhak). Given all these indications everyone opted for Kali as the remedy.


The question also arises, will propitiation of Mercury, in the form of worship of Vishnu, help? The second curse is the worst, with Mercury being the lord of dusthanas, and the cause of his paralysis.


With best regards,




Best regards,




|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Sarbani,

So Mars is still connected. Since the injuries would obviously lead to loss of profession and Mars afflicting Moon plus owning the 5tn and the 10th, I thought that Mars would be appropriate. Again Lord of the 6th Jupiter is placed in 10th indicating the connection of his decease with 10th house.Another reason was that in navamsha too Moon make a Gajakesari Yoga. Moon is also Lord of the Ascendant,whereas Mercury is in debilitation in Navamsha. In Natal Chart he is lord of the 12th in 3rd causing a VRY of sorts. I did not know exact nature of his injuries. I do not know, but in the chart attached by you, the Saturn Mahadasha starts in 2050. So I suppose you mean Saturn Mahadasha, what was the Mahadasha at the time of occurence of the accident and the Transit position of Mercury, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter then please?




Sarbani Sarkar


Saturday, May 24, 2003 7:57 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses


Dear Chandrashekharji,


Reeve became paralysed from a spinal cord injury following a fall from a horse. Paralysis implies the nervous system, hence the choice for Mercury. If you see his chart, there are two curses, one in the 3rd and the other in the 5th house. In the 5th house, Mars and Saturn are afflicting Moon. In the third, Saturn and Rahu are afflicting Mercury, who is also lord of two dusthanas. The 3rd house curse is stronger. Saturn being the common factor in both curses, the fall occurred in Saturn dasha as I mentioned in the earlier post. Mercury caused the nervous system problem. Apparently he is now better. Here's what I found on the web:


Since his injury six years ago, Reeve has regained the ability to move his right wrist, the fingers of his left hand, and his feet. He can now feel a pin prick on the majority of his body and can move some of his joints voluntarily.


Best regards,





Chandrashekhar [boxdel]Saturday, May 24, 2003 12:29 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses

Dear Sarbani,

Would not Mars be appropriate? Saturn lord of the 8th is in 6/8 from 8th which is aspected by Mars the yogakaraka. Mars rules morrow(Majja) and if I am not mistaken Christopher has become paraplegic.





Sarbani Sarkar

SJC: Achyuta Gurukulam ; Varahamihira

Friday, May 23, 2003 2:37 PM

|Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses


Dear Sanjayji and other Gurus,


(For those of you who may wonder why we don't put up our discussions on the list: we have class every Sunday as Shiv Pujan takes our classes. Prior to that Sanjayji used to take them. So our doubts get cleared in class itself. Once in a while when our teachers are absent, we are send notes and assignments by Sanjayji, in lieu of his absence. We then put up our questions on the list.)


In last Sundays class we were given an assignment on curses and how to read evil yogas in a chart. The two examples that we had to work on was Christopher Reeve's and Sri Rama's charts. Those present were Rohini Purang, Uma Purang, Saroj Tomar, Gaurav Varma, Deepika Sanghi, Suneet Kumar, Prashant Narang, Eric and myself.


We had a doubt regarding Rama's chart. Our class notes clearly stated that the graha drishti of at least two malefics were essential for a curse. Secondly, benefics which were being cursed, represented the person cursing. In Rama's chart Jupiter and Moon are being affected. Jupiter represents the curse of a Brahmin, in this case Maharshi Narada. Since Moon is conjoined Jupiter, it shows that the curse will be actualised through mother, that is Kaikeyai. But will Moon by itself also represent a second curse, a matri shaap, or Moon is only acting as a medium? Ideally Moon should also show a second curse, apart from executing Jupiter's curse. If so, then whose?


Will there be a pitri shaap as well? Sun is aspected by Saturn, Rahu and Mars. If not, why?


(For those who do not have Rama's chart: Lagna: Cancer with Jupiter and Moon, Saturn in 4th in Libra, Rahu in 6th in Sagittarius, Mars in 7th in Capricorn, Venus in 9th in Pisces, Sun in 10th in Aries, Mercury in 11th in Taurus and Ketu in 12th in Gemini. AL and UL are in Sagittarius.)


Christopher Reeve's chart has two curses. Since Saturn is linked to both of them, his fall of the horse and subsequent paralysis occurred in Saturn dasha. We were assigned to seek remedies for him. We were unanimous in feeling that a ugra rupa of Devi, like Kali, was the only remedy for him. His ishta is Venus, placed in Scorpio, and aspected only by Saturn (rashi drishti) from Cancer. Venus would imply Lakshmi. This is strengthened by the fact that Venus is in Libra in the 4th in Rashi. But some students felt that since Venus was in Scorpio it should be Chamunda. We need a clarification on that. His palana karta is Saturn in Cancer. Palana devata is usually Devi, so we opted for Kali. His BK is also Saturn. Saturn is thus linked to his ishta, palana devata and his BK. Saturn is the planet causing the fructification of both the curses in its dasha, while it was transiting his 8th house, forming kantaka from lagna and ardha-kantaka from Moon. (The Navamsa lagna is also in nidhanamsa with a pishacha badhak). Given all these indications everyone opted for Kali as the remedy.


The question also arises, will propitiation of Mercury, in the form of worship of Vishnu, help? The second curse is the worst, with Mercury being the lord of dusthanas, and the cause of his paralysis.


With best regards,




Best regards,




|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Sarbaniji,

Can you explain me about how to analyse Moola Dasa taking Christopher's case?

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani wrote:


Dear Ramdasji and Chandrashekharji,


Thank you very much for your inputs. We are talking of Moola Dasa here. Sanjayji had given us class notes on how to study curses and to study Moola Dasa along with it. It was a very specific exercise. We were following the steps as outlined by him. He had also given us pointers as to what else to look into charts when seeing curses, like the devatas, for example. So we were merely following the guideline, and hence did not look into vimshottari and Narayana dasas.


Christopher Reeve, was paralysed from his neck downwards. So apart from his head, his whole body was in paralysis. Our notes explained, that Rahu cut off the head and Mercury signified nervous systems which resulted in paralysis from neck downwards. The event occurred in Saturn Moola Dasha, while Saturn was transiting the 8th house, Aquarius, causing Kantaka from Lagna and Ardha Kantaka from tha Moon. The Navamsa lagna is also in nidhanamsa. Saturn was the triggering planet as it was involved in both curses, but here we took the 2nd curse, that is involving Mercury, (as one primary curse operates) as that was the stronger curse.


Best regards,





Chandrashekhar [boxdel]Sunday, May 25, 2003 2:14 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses

Dear Sarbani,

So Mars is still connected. Since the injuries would obviously lead to loss of profession and Mars afflicting Moon plus owning the 5tn and the 10th, I thought that Mars would be appropriate. Again Lord of the 6th Jupiter is placed in 10th indicating the connection of his decease with 10th house.Another reason was that in navamsha too Moon make a Gajakesari Yoga. Moon is also Lord of the Ascendant,whereas Mercury is in debilitation in Navamsha. In Natal Chart he is lord of the 12th in 3rd causing a VRY of sorts. I did not know exact nature of his injuries. I do not know, but in the chart attached by you, the Saturn Mahadasha starts in 2050. So I suppose you mean Saturn Mahadasha, what was the Mahadasha at the time of occurence of the accident and the Transit position of Mercury, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter then please?




Sarbani Sarkar


Saturday, May 24, 2003 7:57 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses


Dear Chandrashekharji,


Reeve became paralysed from a spinal cord injury following a fall from a horse. Paralysis implies the nervous system, hence the choice for Mercury. If you see his chart, there are two curses, one in the 3rd and the other in the 5th house. In the 5th house, Mars and Saturn are afflicting Moon. In the third, Saturn and Rahu are afflicting Mercury, who is also lord of two dusthanas. The 3rd house curse is stronger. Saturn being the common factor in both curses, the fall occurred in Saturn dasha as I mentioned in the earlier post. Mercury caused the nervous system problem. Apparently he is now better. Here's what I found on the web:


Since his injury six years ago, Reeve has regained the ability to move his right wrist, the fingers of his left hand, and his feet. He can now feel a pin prick on the majority of his body and can move some of his joints voluntarily.


Best regards,





Chandrashekhar [boxdel]Saturday, May 24, 2003 12:29 AMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses

Dear Sarbani,

Would not Mars be appropriate? Saturn lord of the 8th is in 6/8 from 8th which is aspected by Mars the yogakaraka. Mars rules morrow(Majja) and if I am not mistaken Christopher has become paraplegic.





Sarbani Sarkar

SJC: Achyuta Gurukulam ; Varahamihira

Friday, May 23, 2003 2:37 PM

|Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses


Dear Sanjayji and other Gurus,


(For those of you who may wonder why we don't put up our discussions on the list: we have class every Sunday as Shiv Pujan takes our classes. Prior to that Sanjayji used to take them. So our doubts get cleared in class itself. Once in a while when our teachers are absent, we are send notes and assignments by Sanjayji, in lieu of his absence. We then put up our questions on the list.)


In last Sundays class we were given an assignment on curses and how to read evil yogas in a chart. The two examples that we had to work on was Christopher Reeve's and Sri Rama's charts. Those present were Rohini Purang, Uma Purang, Saroj Tomar, Gaurav Varma, Deepika Sanghi, Suneet Kumar, Prashant Narang, Eric and myself.


We had a doubt regarding Rama's chart. Our class notes clearly stated that the graha drishti of at least two malefics were essential for a curse. Secondly, benefics which were being cursed, represented the person cursing. In Rama's chart Jupiter and Moon are being affected. Jupiter represents the curse of a Brahmin, in this case Maharshi Narada. Since Moon is conjoined Jupiter, it shows that the curse will be actualised through mother, that is Kaikeyai. But will Moon by itself also represent a second curse, a matri shaap, or Moon is only acting as a medium? Ideally Moon should also show a second curse, apart from executing Jupiter's curse. If so, then whose?


Will there be a pitri shaap as well? Sun is aspected by Saturn, Rahu and Mars. If not, why?


(For those who do not have Rama's chart: Lagna: Cancer with Jupiter and Moon, Saturn in 4th in Libra, Rahu in 6th in Sagittarius, Mars in 7th in Capricorn, Venus in 9th in Pisces, Sun in 10th in Aries, Mercury in 11th in Taurus and Ketu in 12th in Gemini. AL and UL are in Sagittarius.)


Christopher Reeve's chart has two curses. Since Saturn is linked to both of them, his fall of the horse and subsequent paralysis occurred in Saturn dasha. We were assigned to seek remedies for him. We were unanimous in feeling that a ugra rupa of Devi, like Kali, was the only remedy for him. His ishta is Venus, placed in Scorpio, and aspected only by Saturn (rashi drishti) from Cancer. Venus would imply Lakshmi. This is strengthened by the fact that Venus is in Libra in the 4th in Rashi. But some students felt that since Venus was in Scorpio it should be Chamunda. We need a clarification on that. His palana karta is Saturn in Cancer. Palana devata is usually Devi, so we opted for Kali. His BK is also Saturn. Saturn is thus linked to his ishta, palana devata and his BK. Saturn is the planet causing the fructification of both the curses in its dasha, while it was transiting his 8th house, forming kantaka from lagna and ardha-kantaka from Moon. (The Navamsa lagna is also in nidhanamsa with a pishacha badhak). Given all these indications everyone opted for Kali as the remedy.


The question also arises, will propitiation of Mercury, in the form of worship of Vishnu, help? The second curse is the worst, with Mercury being the lord of dusthanas, and the cause of his paralysis.


With best regards,




Best regards,




|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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In a message dated 5/28/2003 9:59:34 AM Eastern Daylight Time, ramadasrao writes:


Jaya Jagannatha

Dear Sarbani, Ramdas Rao, etc


Where do we get that Mercury is the karaka for nerves? Mercury rules the skin as he is the karaka for rasa dhatu and Mars is the karaka for nerves as he karaka for majja dhatu. Yes, there is some confusion in the texts about Mars and Saturn. Parasara is clear on the grahas and the corresponding dhatus and I am using the significations given to us by Parasara. Other sources, such as Sarvartha Chintamani, say Mars rules muscles and Saturn rules nerves and practically every writer in Jyotish uses these rulerships. It does not agree with Parasara. There is no doubt that a strong and fearless person has to have strong muscles and nerves and in astrology we know that Mars and Saturn have a lot to do with strength of nerves and muscles.


Disease should be seen in the tissue/dhatu related to the corresponding graha and affliction to the graha assures the disease. Planets in say the 8th house may well cause death or chronic disease due to problems in that dhatu.


In this chart, Mars rules majja dhatu and thus the nerves. The event happened in Sun/Rahu/Mars. In D-30, the Sun rules the 8th house, the karya bhava, and Mars disposits Gulika and rules the 8th from the Sun and it is conjoined Rahu & Ketu in the 11th from the lagna and 3rd from the Sun. It is very afflicted.


The Paraaya dasa of Sagittarius was running in D-30 and is aspected by 8th lord Sun. Sagittarius indicates danger from accidents and injuries and aspect of the 8th lord assures this. Scorpio antara is the 12th house to the dasa rasi and has Mars and the nodes in there, thus majja dathu suffers severe affliction.


What animal does Sag rule?






Dear Sarbaniji and other Gurus,

I had gone through the chart of Christopher Reeve and the conjunction of Mercury and Saturn with Sun has caused this paralysis.The reason may be he might have fell down from horse.Budha is karaka for nerves and Shani for muscles and Surya for strength,bones etc.In Makara ,Rahu is posited and this indicates the problem due to fall from a animal.Please note that all these 4 planets are in earthy signs.In the Navamsha also Budha is debilitated with Surya and is in trine with Shani and Shukra.All of these planets are in watery signs.Any disease will increase if the concerned planets are in Jala Tattwa Rasis.If we check the Drekkana Kundali also the same result follows.Here in Kanya Rasi Budha is with Surya and Rahu who are in trine with Shani in Vrishabha Rasi.But Guru ® is also there in Dhanu in his Moolatrikona Stana giving his Rasi Drishti to Kanya,.Mandi with Guru indicates some troubles in the proptiation methods.

Now what shastras tell about this disease ? It says in the previous Janma the person who has beaten lavishly a horse and had a ride on it and when the horse became old he did not looked after that horse and left it out of his house will get what is called Parshva Vayu or Paralysis.It also tells the remedy.It says perform Shani Japa for 23000 counts followed by Shani Shanti Homam,peform Chandrayana Homam,then offer Pooja to Vishnu followed by Maha Narayana Homam.Also it tells make a idol of silver horse and perform Pooja with Ashwa Shanti Mantras followed by Surya Namakara under the Ashwattha Tree and finally give that silver horse as a donation.

I am sure above remedies will work.All the above rituals have to be performed by a competent Purohit.

I hope this helps a lot .

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao

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Om Namah Shivaya


Dear Brandan


Saturn rules nerves and is amply demonstrated by many cases of

paralytic patients. The biggest Business man of india the late

Dhirubhai ambani had paralysis, and it was in his saturn dasa when he

got his first attack. It is not a sheer coincidence that he expired

in mercury-saturn.


Saturn and mercury are killers for dhanur lagna, here in his chart

(given below), we have saturn in 2nd and mercury in 12th.



om tat sat


There is a slight confusion regarding his tob, but all the sources

agree that he is dhanur lagna.


dirubhai ambani


Natal Chart


December 28, 1932

Time: 6:57:00

Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)

Longitude: 70 E 26' 00 "

Latitude: 20 N 53' 00 "

Altitude: 0.00 meters


Lunar Year: Angirasa

Lunar Month: Pushya

Tithi: Sukla Pratipat (32.40% left)

Weekday: Tuesday

Nakshatra: Poo.Shaa. (40.10% left)

Yoga: Dhruva

Karana: Bava

Hora Lord: Mars


Sunrise: 7:23:35

Sunset: 18:15:19

Janma Ghatis: 58.8927


Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak


Lagna 6 Sg 07' 50.67 " Moola 2 Sg Ta -

Sun 13 Sg 12' 27.72 " Moola 4 Sg Cn PiK

Moon 21 Sg 19' 12.07 " Poo.Shaa. 3 Sg Li BK

Mars 24 Le 09' 15.22 " Poo.Pha. 4 Le Sc AK

Mercury 21 Sc 45' 18.41 " Jyeshtha 2 Sc Cp AmK

Jupiter 0 Vi 09' 04.22 " U.Pha. 2 Vi Cp DK

Venus 15 Sc 27' 48.25 " Anuradha 4 Sc Sc MK

Saturn 10 Cp 40' 50.26 " Sravanam 1 Cp Ar GK

Rahu 18 Aq 11' 27.64 " Satabhisham 4 Aq Pi PK

Ketu 18 Le 11' 27.64 " Poo.Pha. 2 Le Vi -

Bhava Lagna 5 Sg 33' 46.78 " Moola 2 Sg Ta -

Hora Lagna 28 Sc 55' 08.53 " Jyeshtha 4 Sc Pi -

Ghati Lagna 8 Sc 59' 13.79 " Anuradha 2 Sc Vi -

Vighati Lagna 29 Cn 19' 40.08 " Aasresha 4 Cn Pi -

Sree Lagna 11 Cn 46' 16.49 " Pushyami 3 Cn Li -

Dhooma 26 Ar 32' 27.72 " Bharani 4 Ar Sc -

Vyatipata 3 Pi 27' 32.28 " U.Bhaa. 1 Pi Le -

Parivesha 3 Vi 27' 32.28 " U.Pha. 3 Vi Aq -

Indra Chapa 26 Li 32' 27.72 " Visakha 2 Li Ta -

Upaketu 13 Sc 12' 27.72 " Anuradha 3 Sc Li -

Kaala 8 Le 37' 06.33 " Makha 3 Le Ge -

Mrityu 24 Vi 34' 19.83 " Chitra 1 Vi Le -

Artha Prahara 17 Li 09' 43.75 " Swathi 4 Li Pi -

Yama Ghantaka 9 Sc 07' 31.80 " Anuradha 2 Sc Vi -

Maandi 24 Ge 31' 40.33 " Punarvasu 2 Ge Ta -

Gulika 13 Ge 30' 28.53 " Aardra 3 Ge Aq -

Varnada Lagna 5 Le 02' 59.20 " Makha 2 Le Ta -

V2 5 Li 02' 59.20 " Chitra 4 Li Sc -

V3 5 Sg 02' 59.20 " Moola 2 Sg Ta -

V4 5 Aq 02' 59.20 " Dhanishtha 4 Aq Sc -

V5 5 Ar 02' 59.20 " Aswini 2 Ar Ta -

V6 5 Ge 02' 59.20 " Mrigasira 4 Ge Sc -

V7 5 Le 02' 59.20 " Makha 2 Le Ta -

V8 5 Li 02' 59.20 " Chitra 4 Li Sc -

V9 5 Sg 02' 59.20 " Moola 2 Sg Ta -

V10 5 Aq 02' 59.20 " Dhanishtha 4 Aq Sc -

V11 5 Ar 02' 59.20 " Aswini 2 Ar Ta -



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|-----------| Rasi |-----------|

|Sat | |Mar Ket |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


|Asc Sun |Mer Ven | |Jup |

|Moo |HL GL | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |




|Rah HL |Sat |Asc Mnd | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Glk AL | |Sun |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|-----------| Navamsa |-----------|

|Mer Jup | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


| |Mar Ven |Moo |Ket GL |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |



Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):


Ven Ven 1921-01-04 Sun 1924-05-06 Moo 1925-05-06

Mar 1927-01-05 Rah 1928-03-06 Jup 1931-03-06

Sat 1933-11-04 Mer 1937-01-04 Ket 1939-11-05

Sun Sun 1941-01-04 Moo 1941-04-24 Mar 1941-10-23

Rah 1942-02-28 Jup 1943-01-23 Sat 1943-11-11

Mer 1944-10-23 Ket 1945-08-29 Ven 1946-01-04

Moo Moo 1947-01-04 Mar 1947-11-05 Rah 1948-06-05

Jup 1949-12-05 Sat 1951-04-06 Mer 1952-11-04

Ket 1954-04-05 Ven 1954-11-05 Sun 1956-07-05

Mar Mar 1957-01-04 Rah 1957-06-02 Jup 1958-06-21

Sat 1959-05-27 Mer 1960-07-05 Ket 1961-07-02

Ven 1961-11-29 Sun 1963-01-29 Moo 1963-06-06

Rah Rah 1964-01-05 Jup 1966-09-17 Sat 1969-02-09

Mer 1971-12-17 Ket 1974-07-06 Ven 1975-07-24

Sun 1978-07-24 Moo 1979-06-18 Mar 1980-12-16

Jup Jup 1982-01-04 Sat 1984-02-22 Mer 1986-09-04

Ket 1988-12-10 Ven 1989-11-16 Sun 1992-07-17

Moo 1993-05-05 Mar 1994-09-04 Rah 1995-08-11

Sat Sat 1998-01-04 Mer 2001-01-07 Ket 2003-09-17

Ven 2004-10-26 Sun 2007-12-26 Moo 2008-12-07

Mar 2010-07-08 Rah 2011-08-17 Jup 2014-06-23

Mer Mer 2017-01-03 Ket 2019-06-02 Ven 2020-05-29

Sun 2023-03-30 Moo 2024-02-04 Mar 2025-07-05

Rah 2026-07-02 Jup 2029-01-19 Sat 2031-04-26

Ket Ket 2034-01-04 Ven 2034-06-02 Sun 2035-08-02

Moo 2035-12-08 Mar 2036-07-08 Rah 2036-12-04

Jup 2037-12-22 Sat 2038-11-28 Mer 2040-01-07





varahamihira , Bpfeeley@A... wrote:

> In a message dated 5/28/2003 9:59:34 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> ramadasrao writes:


> Jaya Jagannatha

> Dear Sarbani, Ramdas Rao, etc


> Where do we get that Mercury is the karaka for nerves? Mercury

rules the skin

> as he is the karaka for rasa dhatu and Mars is the karaka for

nerves as he

> karaka for majja dhatu. Yes, there is some confusion in the texts

about Mars and

> Saturn. Parasara is clear on the grahas and the corresponding

dhatus and I am

> using the significations given to us by Parasara. Other sources,

such as

> Sarvartha Chintamani, say Mars rules muscles and Saturn rules

nerves and

> practically every writer in Jyotish uses these rulerships. It does

not agree with

> Parasara. There is no doubt that a strong and fearless person has

to have strong

> muscles and nerves and in astrology we know that Mars and Saturn

have a lot to

> do with strength of nerves and muscles.


> Disease should be seen in the tissue/dhatu related to the

corresponding graha

> and affliction to the graha assures the disease. Planets in say the

8th house

> may well cause death or chronic disease due to problems in that



> In this chart, Mars rules majja dhatu and thus the nerves. The

event happened

> in Sun/Rahu/Mars. In D-30, the Sun rules the 8th house, the karya

bhava, and

> Mars disposits Gulika and rules the 8th from the Sun and it is

conjoined Rahu &

> Ketu in the 11th from the lagna and 3rd from the Sun. It is very



> The Paraaya dasa of Sagittarius was running in D-30 and is aspected

by 8th

> lord Sun. Sagittarius indicates danger from accidents and injuries

and aspect of

> the 8th lord assures this. Scorpio antara is the 12th house to the

dasa rasi

> and has Mars and the nodes in there, thus majja dathu suffers


> affliction.


> What animal does Sag rule?


> Regards,

> Brendan




> > Dear Sarbaniji and other Gurus,

> > I had gone through the chart of Christopher Reeve and the

conjunction of

> > Mercury and Saturn with Sun has caused this paralysis.The reason

may be he might

> > have fell down from horse.Budha is karaka for nerves and Shani

for muscles

> > and Surya for strength,bones etc.In Makara ,Rahu is posited and

this indicates

> > the problem due to fall from a animal.Please note that all these

4 planets

> > are in earthy signs.In the Navamsha also Budha is debilitated

with Surya and

> > is in trine with Shani and Shukra.All of these planets are in

watery signs.Any

> > disease will increase if the concerned planets are in Jala Tattwa


> > we check the Drekkana Kundali also the same result follows.Here

in Kanya Rasi

> > Budha is with Surya and Rahu who are in trine with Shani in


> > Rasi.But Guru ® is also there in Dhanu in his Moolatrikona

Stana giving his Rasi

> > Drishti to Kanya,.Mandi with Guru indicates some troubles in the


> > methods.

> > Now what shastras tell about this disease ? It says in the

previous Janma

> > the person who has beaten lavishly a horse and had a ride on it

and when the

> > horse became old he did not looked after that horse and left it

out of his

> > house will get what is called Parshva Vayu or Paralysis.It also

tells the

> > remedy.It says perform Shani Japa for 23000 counts followed by

Shani Shanti

> > Homam,peform Chandrayana Homam,then offer Pooja to Vishnu

followed by Maha Narayana

> > Homam.Also it tells make a idol of silver horse and perform Pooja

with Ashwa

> > Shanti Mantras followed by Surya Namakara under the Ashwattha

Tree and

> > finally give that silver horse as a donation.

> > I am sure above remedies will work.All the above rituals have to


> > performed by a competent Purohit.

> > I hope this helps a lot .

> > With best regards,

> > Ramadas Rao

> >

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|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear Brendan, Namaste.

Sagittarius is depicted as a being with a human torso and a horses body. Hence the first half of Sagittarius is considered Human and the 2nd half of it is considered horse/quadrupeed.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org





Thursday, May 29, 2003 6:36 AM

Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses

In a message dated 5/28/2003 9:59:34 AM Eastern Daylight Time, ramadasrao writes:Jaya JagannathaDear Sarbani, Ramdas Rao, etcWhere do we get that Mercury is the karaka for nerves? Mercury rules the skin as he is the karaka for rasa dhatu and Mars is the karaka for nerves as he karaka for majja dhatu. Yes, there is some confusion in the texts about Mars and Saturn. Parasara is clear on the grahas and the corresponding dhatus and I am using the significations given to us by Parasara. Other sources, such as Sarvartha Chintamani, say Mars rules muscles and Saturn rules nerves and practically every writer in Jyotish uses these rulerships. It does not agree with Parasara. There is no doubt that a strong and fearless person has to have strong muscles and nerves and in astrology we know that Mars and Saturn have a lot to do with strength of nerves and muscles.Disease should be seen in the tissue/dhatu related to the corresponding graha and affliction to the graha assures the disease. Planets in say the 8th house may well cause death or chronic disease due to problems in that dhatu.In this chart, Mars rules majja dhatu and thus the nerves. The event happened in Sun/Rahu/Mars. In D-30, the Sun rules the 8th house, the karya bhava, and Mars disposits Gulika and rules the 8th from the Sun and it is conjoined Rahu & Ketu in the 11th from the lagna and 3rd from the Sun. It is very afflicted.The Paraaya dasa of Sagittarius was running in D-30 and is aspected by 8th lord Sun. Sagittarius indicates danger from accidents and injuries and aspect of the 8th lord assures this. Scorpio antara is the 12th house to the dasa rasi and has Mars and the nodes in there, thus majja dathu suffers severe affliction.What animal does Sag rule?Regards,Brendan

SRI RAGHAVENDRAYA NAMAH OM KLIM KRISHNAAYA NAMAHDear Sarbaniji and other Gurus,I had gone through the chart of Christopher Reeve and the conjunction of Mercury and Saturn with Sun has caused this paralysis.The reason may be he might have fell down from horse.Budha is karaka for nerves and Shani for muscles and Surya for strength,bones etc.In Makara ,Rahu is posited and this indicates the problem due to fall from a animal.Please note that all these 4 planets are in earthy signs.In the Navamsha also Budha is debilitated with Surya and is in trine with Shani and Shukra.All of these planets are in watery signs.Any disease will increase if the concerned planets are in Jala Tattwa Rasis.If we check the Drekkana Kundali also the same result follows.Here in Kanya Rasi Budha is with Surya and Rahu who are in trine with Shani in Vrishabha Rasi.But Guru ® is also there in Dhanu in his Moolatrikona Stana giving his Rasi Drishti to Kanya,.Mandi with Guru indicates some troubles in the proptiation methods.Now what shastras tell about this disease ? It says in the previous Janma the person who has beaten lavishly a horse and had a ride on it and when the horse became old he did not looked after that horse and left it out of his house will get what is called Parshva Vayu or Paralysis.It also tells the remedy.It says perform Shani Japa for 23000 counts followed by Shani Shanti Homam,peform Chandrayana Homam,then offer Pooja to Vishnu followed by Maha Narayana Homam.Also it tells make a idol of silver horse and perform Pooja with Ashwa Shanti Mantras followed by Surya Namakara under the Ashwattha Tree and finally give that silver horse as a donation.I am sure above remedies will work.All the above rituals have to be performed by a competent Purohit.I hope this helps a lot .With best regards,Ramadas Rao|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Brendenji,

Of course I have written that Budha is karaka for nerves.I have a reason for this also.BPHS says Budha is a karaka for skin.Now as we know Budha is Buddhi Karaka and this Buddhi comes from our brain's central nervous system.Lord Narayana sits on our central nervous system controlling our every activity .Budha is also Karaka for memory power and for this also brian's nervous system is resposible.So if in a chart Budha is afflicted or weak,then one's memory power and nervous energy have been reduced.Budha is also a Stree Graha and its deity is also Sri Saraswati,Godess of Learning.So in ourSouth India,when a child starts speaking stammers or its memory is weak,we give what is called as Saaraswatarishta a Ayurvedic medicine which in mainly made up of Brahmi ,a single leaf plant which enhances brain power and this plant is also assigned to Budha.On the other hand Mars represents bone marrow and it can not be nerves and saturn ,muscles.So if Budha is afflicted by Saturn and Rahu,the person suffers from Paralysis

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In a message dated 5/29/2003 1:21:32 AM Eastern Daylight Time, partvinu5 writes:


Hare Rama Krishna


Dear Partha,


Saturn rules Vata dosha and the primary mental characteristic of Vata is fear, anxiety, nervousness and restlessness or hyperactivity. Vata has the characteristic of rajo guna when out of balance.


But mental nervousness is different from nerve tissue or majja dhatu. Majja dhatu has a much deeper function and it is too much to present here. It coordinates many other functions in the body including the coordination of the muscles. Vata is composed of Akasha and Vayu tattwa but Akasha is a stable element whereas the Air element is unstable and changeable and hence the fear anxiety when Vata is out of balance.


For the physical destruction to the nerve tissue, there must be affliction to Mars. When Vata dosha enters majja dhatu, it dries out the tissue and causes neurological problems.


Here we have Mars on the Rahu-Ketu axis and he is aspected by Saturn as well. With Ketu conjoined Mars, in the pitta rasi of Leo, excess Pitta can damage majja dhatu and lead to Vata derangement. If one dosha is disturbed, then another dosha(s) has to compensate. Saturn is in the 6th from Mars in this chart too and he is Rudra as well. Yes, he is a powerful maraka and is in the nakshatra of the Moon, the lord of the 8th house, as well as aspecting the 8th house. So the nakshatra dispositor of Saturn as well as the rasi dispositor of the Mars/Ketu are both in the lagna... damaging the health.


You say the time is in question, so I'm not using the vargas.


In any paralysis, both the nerves and the muscles are involved and both are signified by Mars and Saturn.


Mercury rules the Buddhi, the intelligence, but this does not mean he rules nerve tissue. Disturbance to intelligence/thinking can lead to all sorts of disorders and that depends on the grahas influencing Mercury. If they are primarily Vata dosha influences, the nervousness, anxiety and phobias arise.


Clearly according to Parasara Mercury rules rasa dhatu, the juice of life, the plasma (serum, white blood cells, and the lymphatic system). Rasa actually means "mercury," (the metal) the semen of Lord Shiva.


It is never just one planet and we have to look at the entire system to understand what is actually taking place in the mind/body. According to Ayurveda, the process of disease is known as Samprapti. All the doshas, the tattwas, interact with each other and the interaction of the doshas and the dhatus is where it all happens. Destruction to the tissues occurs and this produces symptoms. The dhatu agni becomes disturbed, either too high or too low and symptoms appear accordingly.


Currently our understanding of medical astrology (a misnomer if ever there was one) is based on the western model of medicine. I believe we have to get back to basics and first understand the nature and cause of disease and this in my view is only to be found in the science of Ayurveda. With this model we go back to the fundamental building blocks of creation, of the human body, which is beautifully expressed in terms of the tattwas, doshas and dhatus. We then need to understand the pathogenesis and then we can apply our astrological principles and develop a cosmology of what we call "disease." It is simply a lack of ease in our relationship to the Universe, to Creation, expressed through the doshas and tattwas.


Parasara gives us a starting point by telling us the correspondences between the grahas and dhatus. Why should we doubt him? Why should we not consider his input?


There is a great deal of confusion on the topic of "medical" astrology in my opinion.






Om Namah Shivaya


Dear Brandan


Saturn rules nerves and is amply demonstrated by many cases of

paralytic patients. The biggest Business man of india the late

Dhirubhai ambani had paralysis, and it was in his saturn dasa when he

got his first attack. It is not a sheer coincidence that he expired

in mercury-saturn.


Saturn and mercury are killers for dhanur lagna, here in his chart

(given below), we have saturn in 2nd and mercury in 12th.



om tat sat

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Dear Ramadas, Brendan, Visti, Sanjay, and dear Sarajit,


Thank you all for these posts. From Ramadas humanistic, pragmatic post, to Brendan's well elaborated reasons for planets' lordship, to Sanjay' so effective "million-words-worth" metaphor, To Visti's interests and to Sarajit who will help me understand which way is the right one, unless you kindly compile the list, for benefit of all: which areas /body-parts, disease, strength../ are governed by which planets. Brendan and Sanjay very effectively argued on role and order of influence planets have- I believe that expanding on this is crucial, as are accepted, established concepts /references/ in this important area.


I've seen on KP List that lordship over amazingly big health issue List, has been dealt with. I am just an observer at the moment, focused on THIS integrative approach, but I noticed that on health-quizzes, common on KP-List, some very knowledgeable and devotional jyotishi/my assessment/ fare poorly. List, or something alike to that effect, would be very helpful and much appreciated.






Visti Larsen


Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:01 AM

Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses


|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear Brendan, Namaste.

Sagittarius is depicted as a being with a human torso and a horses body. Hence the first half of Sagittarius is considered Human and the 2nd half of it is considered horse/quadrupeed.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org





Thursday, May 29, 2003 6:36 AM

Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses

In a message dated 5/28/2003 9:59:34 AM Eastern Daylight Time, ramadasrao writes:Jaya JagannathaDear Sarbani, Ramdas Rao, etcWhere do we get that Mercury is the karaka for nerves? Mercury rules the skin as he is the karaka for rasa dhatu and Mars is the karaka for nerves as he karaka for majja dhatu. Yes, there is some confusion in the texts about Mars and Saturn. Parasara is clear on the grahas and the corresponding dhatus and I am using the significations given to us by Parasara. Other sources, such as Sarvartha Chintamani, say Mars rules muscles and Saturn rules nerves and practically every writer in Jyotish uses these rulerships. It does not agree with Parasara. There is no doubt that a strong and fearless person has to have strong muscles and nerves and in astrology we know that Mars and Saturn have a lot to do with strength of nerves and muscles.Disease should be seen in the tissue/dhatu related to the corresponding graha and affliction to the graha assures the disease. Planets in say the 8th house may well cause death or chronic disease due to problems in that dhatu.In this chart, Mars rules majja dhatu and thus the nerves. The event happened in Sun/Rahu/Mars. In D-30, the Sun rules the 8th house, the karya bhava, and Mars disposits Gulika and rules the 8th from the Sun and it is conjoined Rahu & Ketu in the 11th from the lagna and 3rd from the Sun. It is very afflicted.The Paraaya dasa of Sagittarius was running in D-30 and is aspected by 8th lord Sun. Sagittarius indicates danger from accidents and injuries and aspect of the 8th lord assures this. Scorpio antara is the 12th house to the dasa rasi and has Mars and the nodes in there, thus majja dathu suffers severe affliction.What animal does Sag rule?Regards,Brendan

SRI RAGHAVENDRAYA NAMAH OM KLIM KRISHNAAYA NAMAHDear Sarbaniji and other Gurus,I had gone through the chart of Christopher Reeve and the conjunction of Mercury and Saturn with Sun has caused this paralysis.The reason may be he might have fell down from horse.Budha is karaka for nerves and Shani for muscles and Surya for strength,bones etc.In Makara ,Rahu is posited and this indicates the problem due to fall from a animal.Please note that all these 4 planets are in earthy signs.In the Navamsha also Budha is debilitated with Surya and is in trine with Shani and Shukra.All of these planets are in watery signs.Any disease will increase if the concerned planets are in Jala Tattwa Rasis.If we check the Drekkana Kundali also the same result follows.Here in Kanya Rasi Budha is with Surya and Rahu who are in trine with Shani in Vrishabha Rasi.But Guru ® is also there in Dhanu in his Moolatrikona Stana giving his Rasi Drishti to Kanya,.Mandi with Guru indicates some troubles in the proptiation methods.Now what shastras tell about this disease ? It says in the previous Janma the person who has beaten lavishly a horse and had a ride on it and when the horse became old he did not looked after that horse and left it out of his house will get what is called Parshva Vayu or Paralysis.It also tells the remedy.It says perform Shani Japa for 23000 counts followed by Shani Shanti Homam,peform Chandrayana Homam,then offer Pooja to Vishnu followed by Maha Narayana Homam.Also it tells make a idol of silver horse and perform Pooja with Ashwa Shanti Mantras followed by Surya Namakara under the Ashwattha Tree and finally give that silver horse as a donation.I am sure above remedies will work.All the above rituals have to be performed by a competent Purohit.I hope this helps a lot .With best regards,Ramadas Rao|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Anna,

Thank you for the comments.

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao."N.Anna" <anmar wrote:


Dear Ramadas, Brendan, Visti, Sanjay, and dear Sarajit,


Thank you all for these posts. From Ramadas humanistic, pragmatic post, to Brendan's well elaborated reasons for planets' lordship, to Sanjay' so effective "million-words-worth" metaphor, To Visti's interests and to Sarajit who will help me understand which way is the right one, unless you kindly compile the list, for benefit of all: which areas /body-parts, disease, strength../ are governed by which planets. Brendan and Sanjay very effectively argued on role and order of influence planets have- I believe that expanding on this is crucial, as are accepted, established concepts /references/ in this important area.


I've seen on KP List that lordship over amazingly big health issue List, has been dealt with. I am just an observer at the moment, focused on THIS integrative approach, but I noticed that on health-quizzes, common on KP-List, some very knowledgeable and devotional jyotishi/my assessment/ fare poorly. List, or something alike to that effect, would be very helpful and much appreciated.






Visti Larsen


Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:01 AM

Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses


|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear Brendan, Namaste.

Sagittarius is depicted as a being with a human torso and a horses body. Hence the first half of Sagittarius is considered Human and the 2nd half of it is considered horse/quadrupeed.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org





Thursday, May 29, 2003 6:36 AM

Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses

In a message dated 5/28/2003 9:59:34 AM Eastern Daylight Time, ramadasrao writes:Jaya JagannathaDear Sarbani, Ramdas Rao, etcWhere do we get that Mercury is the karaka for nerves? Mercury rules the skin as he is the karaka for rasa dhatu and Mars is the karaka for nerves as he karaka for majja dhatu. Yes, there is some confusion in the texts about Mars and Saturn. Parasara is clear on the grahas and the corresponding dhatus and I am using the significations given to us by Parasara. Other sources, such as Sarvartha Chintamani, say Mars rules muscles and Saturn rules nerves and practically every writer in Jyotish uses these rulerships. It does not agree with Parasara. There is no doubt that a strong and fearless person has to have strong muscles and nerves and in astrology we know that Mars and Saturn have a lot to do with strength of nerves and muscles.Disease should be seen in the tissue/dhatu related to the corresponding graha and affliction to the graha assures the disease. Planets in say the 8th house may well cause death or chronic disease due to problems in that dhatu.In this chart, Mars rules majja dhatu and thus the nerves. The event happened in Sun/Rahu/Mars. In D-30, the Sun rules the 8th house, the karya bhava, and Mars disposits Gulika and rules the 8th from the Sun and it is conjoined Rahu & Ketu in the 11th from the lagna and 3rd from the Sun. It is very afflicted.The Paraaya dasa of Sagittarius was running in D-30 and is aspected by 8th lord Sun. Sagittarius indicates danger from accidents and injuries and aspect of the 8th lord assures this. Scorpio antara is the 12th house to the dasa rasi and has Mars and the nodes in there, thus majja dathu suffers severe affliction.What animal does Sag rule?Regards,Brendan

SRI RAGHAVENDRAYA NAMAH OM KLIM KRISHNAAYA NAMAHDear Sarbaniji and other Gurus,I had gone through the chart of Christopher Reeve and the conjunction of Mercury and Saturn with Sun has caused this paralysis.The reason may be he might have fell down from horse.Budha is karaka for nerves and Shani for muscles and Surya for strength,bones etc.In Makara ,Rahu is posited and this indicates the problem due to fall from a animal.Please note that all these 4 planets are in earthy signs.In the Navamsha also Budha is debilitated with Surya and is in trine with Shani and Shukra.All of these planets are in watery signs.Any disease will increase if the concerned planets are in Jala Tattwa Rasis.If we check the Drekkana Kundali also the same result follows.Here in Kanya Rasi Budha is with Surya and Rahu who are in trine with Shani in Vrishabha Rasi.But Guru ® is also there in Dhanu in his Moolatrikona Stana giving his Rasi Drishti to Kanya,.Mandi with Guru indicates some troubles in the proptiation methods.Now what shastras tell about this disease ? It says in the previous Janma the person who has beaten lavishly a horse and had a ride on it and when the horse became old he did not looked after that horse and left it out of his house will get what is called Parshva Vayu or Paralysis.It also tells the remedy.It says perform Shani Japa for 23000 counts followed by Shani Shanti Homam,peform Chandrayana Homam,then offer Pooja to Vishnu followed by Maha Narayana Homam.Also it tells make a idol of silver horse and perform Pooja with Ashwa Shanti Mantras followed by Surya Namakara under the Ashwattha Tree and finally give that silver horse as a donation.I am sure above remedies will work.All the above rituals have to be performed by a competent Purohit.I hope this helps a lot .With best regards,Ramadas Rao|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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