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Moola dasaSJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses

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Hare Krishna

Dear Ramadas,

This was explained by Sanjay and the group during the west coast USA

annual conference last year- there are Cds for sale on the sjc web

site titled " moola series " which discusses this chart of Christopher

reeves and others .If you arent in usa soon you will beable to order

the Mp3s from shailesh of that discussion if you are intersted.

With best wishes,


P.S. the moola handout is located in the files section of this group

if you want to downlaod it.

varahamihira , Ramadas Rao <ramadasrao>



Sarbaniji,Can you explain me about how to analyse Moola Dasa taking

Christopher's case?With best regards,Ramadas Rao.


> Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani@s...> wrote:Dear Ramdasji and

Chandrashekharji, Thank you very much for your inputs. We are

talking of Moola Dasa here. Sanjayji had given us class notes on how

to study curses and to study Moola Dasa along with it. It was a very

specific exercise. We were following the steps as outlined by him.

He had also given us pointers as to what else to look into charts

when seeing curses, like the devatas, for example. So we were merely

following the guideline, and hence did not look into vimshottari and

Narayana dasas. Christopher Reeve, was paralysed from his neck

downwards. So apart from his head, his whole body was in paralysis.

Our notes explained, that Rahu cut off the head and Mercury

signified nervous systems which resulted in paralysis from neck

downwards. The event occurred in Saturn Moola Dasha, while Saturn

was transiting the 8th house, Aquarius, causing Kantaka from Lagna

and Ardha Kantaka from tha Moon. The Navamsa lagna is also in

nidhanamsa. Saturn was the triggering planet as it was involved in

both curses, but here we took the 2nd curse, that is involving

Mercury, (as one primary curse operates) as that was the stronger

curse. Best regards, Sarbani

> Chandrashekhar [boxdel]

> Sunday, May 25, 2003 2:14 AM

> varahamihira

> Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses


> Dear Sarbani,So Mars is still connected. Since the injuries would

obviously lead to loss of profession and Mars afflicting Moon plus

owning the 5tn and the 10th, I thought that Mars would be

appropriate. Again Lord of the 6th Jupiter is placed in 10th

indicating the connection of his decease with 10th house.Another

reason was that in navamsha too Moon make a Gajakesari Yoga. Moon is

also Lord of the Ascendant,whereas Mercury is in debilitation in

Navamsha. In Natal Chart he is lord of the 12th in 3rd causing a VRY

of sorts. I did not know exact nature of his injuries. I do not

know, but in the chart attached by you, the Saturn Mahadasha starts

in 2050. So I suppose you mean Saturn Mahadasha, what was the

Mahadasha at the time of occurence of the accident and the Transit

position of Mercury, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter then please?

Chandrashekhar.- Sarbani Sarkar To:

varahamihira Saturday, May 24, 2003 7:57

PMRE: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses

> Dear Chandrashekharji, Reeve became paralysed from a spinal cord

injury following a fall from a horse. Paralysis implies the nervous

system, hence the choice for Mercury. If you see his chart, there

are two curses, one in the 3rd and the other in the 5th house. In

the 5th house, Mars and Saturn are afflicting Moon. In the third,

Saturn and Rahu are afflicting Mercury, who is also lord of two

dusthanas. The 3rd house curse is stronger. Saturn being the common

factor in both curses, the fall occurred in Saturn dasha as I

mentioned in the earlier post. Mercury caused the nervous system

problem. Apparently he is now better. Here's what I found on the

web: Since his injury six years ago, Reeve has regained the ability

to move his right wrist, the fingers of his left hand, and his feet.

He can now feel a pin prick on the majority of his body and can move

some of his joints voluntarily. Best regards, Sarbani -----

Original Message-----

> Chandrashekhar [boxdel]

> Saturday, May 24, 2003 12:29 AM

> varahamihira

> Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses


> Dear Sarbani,Would not Mars be appropriate? Saturn lord of the 8th

is in 6/8 from 8th which is aspected by Mars the yogakaraka. Mars

rules morrow(Majja) and if I am not mistaken Christopher has become

paraplegic. Chandrashekhar.-

Sarbani Sarkar SJC: Achyuta Gurukulam ; Varahamihira Sent:

Friday, May 23, 2003 2:37 PM|Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts

regarding curses

> Dear Sanjayji and other Gurus, (For those of you who may wonder

why we don't put up our discussions on the list: we have class every

Sunday as Shiv Pujan takes our classes. Prior to that Sanjayji used

to take them. So our doubts get cleared in class itself. Once in a

while when our teachers are absent, we are send notes and

assignments by Sanjayji, in lieu of his absence. We then put up our

questions on the list.) In last Sundays class we were given an

assignment on curses and how to read evil yogas in a chart. The two

examples that we had to work on was Christopher Reeve's and Sri

Rama's charts. Those present were Rohini Purang, Uma Purang, Saroj

Tomar, Gaurav Varma, Deepika Sanghi, Suneet Kumar, Prashant Narang,

Eric and myself. We had a doubt regarding Rama's chart. Our class

notes clearly stated that the graha drishti of at least two malefics

were essential for a curse. Secondly, benefics which were being

cursed, represented the person cursing. In Rama's chart Jupiter and

Moon are being affected. Jupiter represents the curse of a Brahmin,

in this case Maharshi Narada. Since Moon is conjoined Jupiter, it

shows that the curse will be actualised through mother, that is

Kaikeyai. But will Moon by itself also represent a second curse, a

matri shaap, or Moon is only acting as a medium? Ideally Moon should

also show a second curse, apart from executing Jupiter's curse. If

so, then whose? Will there be a pitri shaap as well? Sun is

aspected by Saturn, Rahu and Mars. If not, why? (For those who do

not have Rama's chart: Lagna: Cancer with Jupiter and Moon, Saturn

in 4th in Libra, Rahu in 6th in Sagittarius, Mars in 7th in

Capricorn, Venus in 9th in Pisces, Sun in 10th in Aries, Mercury in

11th in Taurus and Ketu in 12th in Gemini. AL and UL are in

Sagittarius.) Christopher Reeve's chart has two curses. Since Saturn

is linked to both of them, his fall of the horse and subsequent

paralysis occurred in Saturn dasha. We were assigned to seek

remedies for him. We were unanimous in feeling that a ugra rupa of

Devi, like Kali, was the only remedy for him. His ishta is Venus,

placed in Scorpio, and aspected only by Saturn (rashi drishti) from

Cancer. Venus would imply Lakshmi. This is strengthened by the fact

that Venus is in Libra in the 4th in Rashi. But some students felt

that since Venus was in Scorpio it should be Chamunda. We need a

clarification on that. His palana karta is Saturn in Cancer. Palana

devata is usually Devi, so we opted for Kali. His BK is also Saturn.

Saturn is thus linked to his ishta, palana devata and his BK. Saturn

is the planet causing the fructification of both the curses in its

dasha, while it was transiting his 8th house, forming kantaka from

lagna and ardha-kantaka from Moon. (The Navamsa lagna is also in

nidhanamsa with a pishacha badhak). Given all these indications

everyone opted for Kali as the remedy. The question also arises,

will propitiation of Mercury, in the form of worship of Vishnu,

help? The second curse is the worst, with Mercury being the lord of

dusthanas, and the cause of his paralysis. With best regards,

Sarbani Best regards, Sarbani


> |Om Tat Sat|

> http://www.varahamihira



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