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No job long time, cant see why

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Hare Krishna

Dear Narayana or anyone else good at job subjects.-

I have several questions about this chart attached that i cant understand.

The person whose chart is attached -(Sept 2, 1955 00:05:00 5:20East of GMC, 16N31, 80E37), 26' with taurus rising

had very good jobs for a long time.However as he entered Sat Maha Dasa Rahu bhukti, he lost his high paying job while in USA and since then hasnt been able to work at all , using alot of his savings,and or the work he got recently is only min wage.

He now has to return to India.

1)This mans occupation is primarally business admin,accounting, finance type work.How is this obvious from his chart?

I wouldnt have been able to predict this if I hadnt known.Please explain.

2) Why was Rahu so bad financially?Rahu is the 7th house and is the co-lord of 10th house.Only thing is sat,10th lord is in the 12th from rahu.And Sat was transiting on his lagna for awhile(kantaka shani)and Rahu is not good in Navamsa.

Please show me how someone wouldve predicted that this period would've been so so bad for working/income.

3) Jup bhukti is coming, but it is 12th from the AL, is the 6th from 10th house,owns the 5/8th house,what can we say about jup bhukti what advice to give , he is very discouraged at this point.Jupiter bhukti looks better than at present, but he is trying to decide whether to take some big gambles with investments that are left. What to advise?Please help me with this>

I cant see anything good to say for few more years.

4)Merc Maha dasa starts feb 2006 merc is ex in the 5th house,and owns the 2nd hosue,is in the 2nd from AL,and is the A2,A5,A10

and is receiving argala from sat 9/10 lord and yogakaraka planet.What can he expect it looks pretty good.

When will the effects of Merc start to manifest?


With Narayana Dasa he will be in Scorpio/sag soon.This looks bad also.He plans to get his daughter married soon but I dont see that happening, do you? More likely when Jup transits5th, is that correct.? But, about the time Merc Maha dasa starts he will enter Aires.

Aires is in the 12th, (will he return to Usa?) it is aspected by Moon,Venus,Sun,Mars and rahu.It seems this will be a good time and that he might in fact return to usa although he claims he will never return.

Please comment. I get discouraged when i cant see whats happening or Im not sure the results, so please reply.Thank-you

With Best wishes



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