Guest guest Posted May 26, 2003 Report Share Posted May 26, 2003 |brihaspatim varenyam|Dear Rohini jiNamaste.You wrote:I am sorry but certain things are still not clear tome:Rath: what is there to be sorry? We should have doubts as this is the only indication that we are learning. Only those who have fully learnt or those who will never learn will never have doubts.You wrote:1. Why did Lord Rama pray to the pratyadhidev of theSun since it was Jup which was the most afflicted?Rath: A curse is a burden on the Atma - be it the jivatma as in all cases or the Paramatma Himself as in the case of Rama. Whenever the Sun is the indicator of the curse, then the remedy comes from Jupiter as taught in the Dakshinamoorti stotra (Rahu grasta divaakaro the reference is to the Aditya chandala combination where the worship of Dakshinamurti Shiva (Jupiter form) needs to be done. So when Jupiter is afflicted like being in a curse or in chandala yoga etc, it is the Sun we have to see for support. In general, the sins of past incarnations that have caused birth can be removed by worshipping the Sun, Agni or Shiva.You wrote:2. It seems that the most affected area of His lifewas the 7th house, tho He did suffer greatly inmatters of the 10th, 4th and 5th also as can be seenby the affliction by graha aspect of malefics. Rath: Having determined that the cirse is of a Brahmin, then look at the houses ruled by the Saturn to determine the 'sin or paapa'. It is the sin which is the cause of the curse. without sin there cannot be curse. Here the sin (apparant as seen by Narada muni) was that Bhagavan Vishnu obstructed his sexual desires and marriage. So naturally these very houses will be indicated and Rama had to come to this eath in Cancer Lagna. Whichever Lagna a person is born in, the paapa is always seen from the bhavas ruled by Saturn. This is the definition and meaning of the 'paapa-purusha'. That is why, in general Cancer lagna people have difficult marriages. Consequences of a paapa are separate from the sin itself. Narada did not marry, so he did not have children - in an exact similar manner, Sri Rama was separated from His children Luv and Kush and did not even know of their existance (material interpretation, actually Bhagavan knows everything) for many years till the asvamedha was performed. This covers the fifth house. You wrote: why was the 7th house most afflicted? Because it was owned bySat?Rath:Yes Makara is the seat of the Dridha Karma i.e. this has to be suffered. Further, of the afflicting planets, Saturn is the most evil, and of the houses he owns, Capricorn is stronger than Aquarius. You wrote: Then should the affected house in any other chartbe also owned by Sat? Or was this bec Sat causes thefall of Jup? Rath: Dridha Karma cannot be removed by mantra nor can this be fully removed by the various remedical measures. This is where Jupiter FAILS, and hence his debility. Jupiter is the giver of the fruits of all mantras that we do. Without his permission, the good karma becomes fruitless, but he too has limitations and cannot transgress the laws of karma. So although he is the fittest representative of Bhagavan, he is not Bhagavan. You wrote:Then would the affected houses in othercharts be those which cause the debilitation of themost afflicted planet?Rath: No, look at the planets that are causing the curse. Just as we see the most natural beneficial planet (Subha graha) to determine the source of the curse, we also have to see the most natural malefic planet (paapa graha) to determine the cause of the curse. In the case of Chirtopher Reeve, the planets afflicting Mercury are Rahu and Saturn of whom, Rahu is more malefic and owns the 8th house which means disease. The curse will afflict the 8th house and that is why he was paralysed. Further, the houses owned by Mercury will show the source from where the curse will come. In the case of Sri Rama, this was the ninth house (Father had made some promise to step mother and the curse came through this) and also Jupiter is 6th lord (a brahmin king named Ravana). In the case of Christopher Reeve, Mercury is Lord of the 12th and 3rd houses. !2th house shows charity etc. He was doing a charity related work when this came. In this manner we have to see the 'visible source' of the curse and the Dridha karma.You wrote:3. It seems to me that there are 2 ways in which tosee curses. One is by the affliction to/from planets.Rath: Parasara has dealt with Argala in one chapter and such things in small chapters and for curses, he has devoted many chapters. So, you can see which is more difficult. I am trying to make this easy by giving some simple rules, else everyone would be otally lost. Before I started this, nobody even knew whether to look at such things and were wasting time in many things. This is the begining and ultimately you have to read and remember all the combinations in BPHS. You wrote:(Either a ben is afflicted by the graha drishti ofmalefics in which case the curse is from the karaka ofthe ben, eg Jup-Brahmin, or malefic planets afflict ahouse in which case the affliction is from the karakaof the mal, eg Mars-brother.) The other is when thehouse, its lord and karaka are afflicted by mals.Rath: Curses are of many types depending on the nature of the person who cursed. (1) The worst scenario is if a benefic curses (indicated by the aspect of malefics on it), then this will prove to be a Dridha Karma and you cannot escape it. It is this that should be searched carefully. (2) Then see whether the malefics also afflict the concerned bhava of which this planet is karaka or the bhavas owned by it.(3) If malefics afflict all three of Bhava Karaka and Lord, then this is Dridha and cannot be escaped under any circumstances.(4) The Jyotirlinga indicated by the sign occupied by the Sun (Prasna Marga..the sun in all signs represents Shiva) is a fine remedy like Sri Rama worshipped Rameswara Jyotirlinga (Sun in Aries).You wrote:How do we relate the two ways? For eg, in Reeve'schart how do we tell that his body will be afflicted -lagna is asp by Rah, lagna lord is with Mars andkaraka Sun is with Sat and asp by Rah. Why do we seeMerc? Bec is it not no longer ben being with Sat andSun?Rath: There are 3 curses or maybe more if we look carefully. Of these the predominant is Mercury in exaltation in Virgo afflicted by many including Rahu. So Rahu maharaj leads the Dridha paapa karma and is the lord of Aquarius, the 8th house. Other parts explained above. What about Moons curse, how will this work?Thanks and regardsRohiniAnytime Rohini ji, just ask~ om tat sat ~Yours truly,Sanjay Rath---------------------------H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India+91-674-2436871 --------------------------- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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