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guru+ketu, sun+ketu

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Respected Sanjayji,


Does ketu have any such particular indications in other vargas? I am not clear.


I have another doubt regarding ketu's head. To my understanding and as i could gather from various lessons and mails,


1. Ketu becomes gaja-rupa in all signs when with or aspected by Jup

2. Ketu becomes go-rupa in water signs when with or aspected by Ven


3. Ketu becomes aja-rupa in airy signs when with or aspected by Sat

4. Ketu becomes haya-rupa in earth signs when with or aspected by Mercury

5. Ketu becomes markata-rupa in fire signs when with or aspected by Mars



Is my understanding is correct?


Best regards







"Sanjay Rath" <daivagyna

<vedic astrology >

Monday, May 26, 2003 11:25 PM

RE: [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu

> > > |brihaspatim varenyam|> Dear Partha> Difference lies in the Vargas. At the level of the Rasi chart (Physical> body), any planet conjoining Ketu indicates destruction of the body> indicated as Ketu is always Rudra.> At the level of the navamsa Ketu has the role of indicating the path for> fortune and the deities associated with the philosophies related to Moksha> as it is moksha karaka. That is why Sun+ Ketu means acceptance of a> philosophy related to Moksha associated with Shiva (Sun). Or Moon + Ketu> means acceptance of a philosophy related to Moksha associated with Gouri> (Moon) and so on. If there are none associating then the philosophy relates> to Ganesha himself. The basic philosophy or the thread is that of Moksha> karaka Ketu as the spiritual theme in the chart.> Naturally this will not apply to any philoshy or religion that does not> believe in Moksha and rebirth. Thats why Ketu is the root for Hinduism.> ~ om tat sat ~> Yours truly,> Sanjay Rath> ---------------------------> H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India> +91-674-2436871 http://srath.com <http://srath.com>> ---------------------------> > > > V.partha sarathy [partvinu5]> Monday, May 26, 2003 1:37 PM> vedic astrology > [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu> > > Om Namah Shivaya> > Dear Sanjayji> > Once you had explained that planets associated with ketu are> destroyed due to the infra red heat. I have a logic that the rajasic> planets get destroyed easily than satwic planets, as satwic planets> are more in control of themselves and are powerful enough to stop the> heat affecting them,> > You have also said that sun+ketu is shiva yoga. can i infer that> since sun is very hot himself, he cannot be destroyed by the heat of> ketu. and what exactly is shiva yoga. kindly explain.> > Jupiter being lagna lord with ketu can cause abberrations to> intelligence. You have said that sanyasis are born(rare). Now what> are the requirements for this rare yoga to occur. I have a feeling> that some other grahas should intervene to give jupiter life, else he> is destroyed by the heat of ketu.> > You have said in the varga conference that jupiter +ketu in 8th for a> sagi lagna native has given her mental derangements. why 8th??, is> there some traditional secret here.> i have another silly doubt, sun+ketu is shiva yoga, is moon+ketu> gouri yoga.> regards> partha> om tat sat> > > > > > > Archives: vedic astrology> > Group info: vedic astrology/info.html> > > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > > >

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Om Namah Shivaya


Dear Jk Da


Are the aspects graha drishti or rasi,



om tat sat



varahamihira , " j.k. dasgupta "

<dgassociates@s...> wrote:

> Respected Sanjayji,


> Does ketu have any such particular indications in other vargas? I

am not clear.


> I have another doubt regarding ketu's head. To my understanding and

as i could gather from various lessons and mails,


> 1. Ketu becomes gaja-rupa in all signs when with or aspected by Jup

> 2. Ketu becomes go-rupa in water signs when with or aspected by Ven

> 3. Ketu becomes aja-rupa in airy signs when with or aspected by Sat

> 4. Ketu becomes haya-rupa in earth signs when with or aspected by


> 5. Ketu becomes markata-rupa in fire signs when with or aspected by



> Is my understanding is correct?


> Best regards


> jk




> -

> " Sanjay Rath " <daivagyna@s...>

> <vedic astrology >

> Monday, May 26, 2003 11:25 PM

> RE: [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu



> >

> >

> > |brihaspatim varenyam|

> > Dear Partha

> > Difference lies in the Vargas. At the level of the Rasi chart


> > body), any planet conjoining Ketu indicates destruction of the


> > indicated as Ketu is always Rudra.

> > At the level of the navamsa Ketu has the role of indicating the

path for

> > fortune and the deities associated with the philosophies related

to Moksha

> > as it is moksha karaka. That is why Sun+ Ketu means acceptance of


> > philosophy related to Moksha associated with Shiva (Sun). Or Moon

+ Ketu

> > means acceptance of a philosophy related to Moksha associated

with Gouri

> > (Moon) and so on. If there are none associating then the

philosophy relates

> > to Ganesha himself. The basic philosophy or the thread is that of


> > karaka Ketu as the spiritual theme in the chart.

> > Naturally this will not apply to any philoshy or religion that

does not

> > believe in Moksha and rebirth. Thats why Ketu is the root for


> > ~ om tat sat ~

> > Yours truly,

> > Sanjay Rath

> > ---------------------------

> > H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

> > +91-674-2436871 http://srath.com <http://srath.com>

> > ---------------------------

> >

> >

> >

> > V.partha sarathy [partvinu5]

> > Monday, May 26, 2003 1:37 PM

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu

> >

> >

> > Om Namah Shivaya

> >

> > Dear Sanjayji

> >

> > Once you had explained that planets associated with ketu are

> > destroyed due to the infra red heat. I have a logic that the


> > planets get destroyed easily than satwic planets, as satwic


> > are more in control of themselves and are powerful enough to stop


> > heat affecting them,

> >

> > You have also said that sun+ketu is shiva yoga. can i infer that

> > since sun is very hot himself, he cannot be destroyed by the heat


> > ketu. and what exactly is shiva yoga. kindly explain.

> >

> > Jupiter being lagna lord with ketu can cause abberrations to

> > intelligence. You have said that sanyasis are born(rare). Now what

> > are the requirements for this rare yoga to occur. I have a feeling

> > that some other grahas should intervene to give jupiter life,

else he

> > is destroyed by the heat of ketu.

> >

> > You have said in the varga conference that jupiter +ketu in 8th

for a

> > sagi lagna native has given her mental derangements. why 8th??, is

> > there some traditional secret here.

> > i have another silly doubt, sun+ketu is shiva yoga, is moon+ketu

> > gouri yoga.

> > regards

> > partha

> > om tat sat

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-


> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> >

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