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about curses again

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Dear Sanjayji




In Reeve's chart, Mo is afflicted by Sa and Ma in the

5th house.


Mo shows the cause of the curse. Thus it could be a

mother's curse. Here Mo is lagna

lord as well as mind. Thus the instrument for the

curse to be effected will be the

person himself or his way of thinking - in this case

probably his desire to do charity and

his body.


Ma is stronger than Sa bec it is in a trikona and

swagrahi. Therefore the area of

affliction will be the 5th and 10th houses.


Now Ma may not let 5th house be affected as it is its

own house. Also 5th karaka Ju is

not afflicted. So the 10th house is the one which will

show the area of problem. But

tho 10th house itself is not afflicted the lord Ma

and karakas Su, Sa and Me are. So

the work area has 2 afflicted factors out of 3. Thus

tho he did work for a while, later

there was a problem.


But I am not sure about the 5th house. Did he have

kids? What were they like? Also

there is an exchange betw 1st and 5th houses or make

it worse since mals are

involved. Would that mitigate the curse on this house?


You said that it is the houses of Sa which determine

the sin which was committed in

the last birth and is the basic reason for the curse.

If one sees the sin in this chart one

should look at Cap and Aqu which lie in the 7th and

8th houses. Cap is stronger as it

has a planet in it. So the sin committed was connected

to the 7th house. (In case all

this is correct, can one determine what he had done?

Maybe something connecting

mother and 7th house?)


Alternatively, since Mo is involved and it is the 5th

house, it could be curse of mother

causing childlessness.


Also does the house in which the afflicted ben falls

also show the problem area?










The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.


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