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|Sri Varaha| guru+ketu, sun+ketu

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Dear Partha,


All should be rashi dristi - as per my understanding





V.partha sarathy


Tuesday, May 27, 2003 4:21 PM

|Sri Varaha| Re: [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu

Om Namah ShivayaDear Jk DaAre the aspects graha drishti or rasi,regardsparthaom tat satvarahamihira , "j.k. dasgupta" <dgassociates@s...> wrote:> Respected Sanjayji,> > Does ketu have any such particular indications in other vargas? I am not clear.> > I have another doubt regarding ketu's head. To my understanding and as i could gather from various lessons and mails,> > 1. Ketu becomes gaja-rupa in all signs when with or aspected by Jup> 2. Ketu becomes go-rupa in water signs when with or aspected by Ven> 3. Ketu becomes aja-rupa in airy signs when with or aspected by Sat> 4. Ketu becomes haya-rupa in earth signs when with or aspected by Mercury> 5. Ketu becomes markata-rupa in fire signs when with or aspected by Mars> > Is my understanding is correct?> > Best regards> > jk> > > > - > "Sanjay Rath" <daivagyna@s...>> <vedic astrology >> Monday, May 26, 2003 11:25 PM> RE: [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu> > > > > > > > |brihaspatim varenyam|> > Dear Partha> > Difference lies in the Vargas. At the level of the Rasi chart (Physical> > body), any planet conjoining Ketu indicates destruction of the body> > indicated as Ketu is always Rudra.> > At the level of the navamsa Ketu has the role of indicating the path for> > fortune and the deities associated with the philosophies related to Moksha> > as it is moksha karaka. That is why Sun+ Ketu means acceptance of a> > philosophy related to Moksha associated with Shiva (Sun). Or Moon + Ketu> > means acceptance of a philosophy related to Moksha associated with Gouri> > (Moon) and so on. If there are none associating then the philosophy relates> > to Ganesha himself. The basic philosophy or the thread is that of Moksha> > karaka Ketu as the spiritual theme in the chart.> > Naturally this will not apply to any philoshy or religion that does not> > believe in Moksha and rebirth. Thats why Ketu is the root for Hinduism.> > ~ om tat sat ~> > Yours truly,> > Sanjay Rath> > ---------------------------> > H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India> > +91-674-2436871 http://srath.com <http://srath.com>> > ---------------------------> > > > > > > > V.partha sarathy [partvinu5]> > Monday, May 26, 2003 1:37 PM> > vedic astrology > > [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu> > > > > > Om Namah Shivaya> > > > Dear Sanjayji> > > > Once you had explained that planets associated with ketu are> > destroyed due to the infra red heat. I have a logic that the rajasic> > planets get destroyed easily than satwic planets, as satwic planets> > are more in control of themselves and are powerful enough to stop the> > heat affecting them,> > > > You have also said that sun+ketu is shiva yoga. can i infer that> > since sun is very hot himself, he cannot be destroyed by the heat of> > ketu. and what exactly is shiva yoga. kindly explain.> > > > Jupiter being lagna lord with ketu can cause abberrations to> > intelligence. You have said that sanyasis are born(rare). Now what> > are the requirements for this rare yoga to occur. I have a feeling> > that some other grahas should intervene to give jupiter life, else he> > is destroyed by the heat of ketu.> > > > You have said in the varga conference that jupiter +ketu in 8th for a> > sagi lagna native has given her mental derangements. why 8th??, is> > there some traditional secret here.> > i have another silly doubt, sun+ketu is shiva yoga, is moon+ketu> > gouri yoga.> > regards> > partha> > om tat sat> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Archives: vedic astrology> > > > Group info: vedic astrology/info.html> > > > > > > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > > > > > > >

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|brihaspatim varenyam|Dear JK da,Your understanding is perfect. Just check whether it should be Rasi or nakshatra for conjunction. see some charts and you will know the difference. Krithi can give his chart, he worships Hayagriva (Haya rupa)~ om tat sat ~Yours truly,Sanjay Rath---------------------------H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India+91-674-2436871 http://srath.com--------------------------------Original Message-----j.k. dasgupta [dgassociates]Tuesday, May 27, 2003 10:25 AMvarahamihira Subject: |Sri Varaha| Re: [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketuRespected Sanjayji, Does ketu have any such particular indications in other vargas? I am not clear. I have another doubt regarding ketu's head. To my understanding and as i could gather from various lessons and mails, 1. Ketu becomes gaja-rupa in all signs when with or aspected by Jup2. Ketu becomes go-rupa in water signs when with or aspected by Ven3. Ketu becomes aja-rupa in airy signs when with or aspected by Sat4. Ketu becomes haya-rupa in earth signs when with or aspected by Mercury5. Ketu becomes markata-rupa in fire signs when with or aspected by Mars Is my understanding is correct? Best regards jk - "Sanjay Rath" <daivagyna<vedic astrology >Monday, May 26, 2003 11:25 PMRE: [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu> > > |brihaspatim varenyam|> Dear Partha> Difference lies in the Vargas. At the level of the Rasi chart (Physical> body), any planet conjoining Ketu indicates destruction of the body> indicated as Ketu is always Rudra.> At the level of the navamsa Ketu has the role of indicating the path for> fortune and the deities associated with the philosophies related to Moksha> as it is moksha karaka. That is why Sun+ Ketu means acceptance of a> philosophy related to Moksha associated with Shiva (Sun). Or Moon + Ketu> means acceptance of a philosophy related to Moksha associated with Gouri> (Moon) and so on. If there are none associating then the philosophy relates> to Ganesha himself. The basic philosophy or the thread is that of Moksha> karaka Ketu as the spiritual theme in the chart.> Naturally this will not apply to any philoshy or religion that does not> believe in Moksha and rebirth. Thats why Ketu is the root for Hinduism.> ~ om tat sat ~> Yours truly,> Sanjay Rath> ---------------------------> H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India> +91-674-2436871 http://srath.com <http://srath.com>> ---------------------------> > > > V.partha sarathy [partvinu5]> Monday, May 26, 2003 1:37 PM> vedic astrology > [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu> > > Om Namah Shivaya> > Dear Sanjayji> > Once you had explained that planets associated with ketu are> destroyed due to the infra red heat. I have a logic that the rajasic> planets get destroyed easily than satwic planets, as satwic planets> are more in control of themselves and are powerful enough to stop the> heat affecting them,> > You have also said that sun+ketu is shiva yoga. can i infer that> since sun is very hot himself, he cannot be destroyed by the heat of> ketu. and what exactly is shiva yoga. kindly explain.> > Jupiter being lagna lord with ketu can cause abberrations to> intelligence. You have said that sanyasis are born(rare). Now what> are the requirements for this rare yoga to occur. I have a feeling> that some other grahas should intervene to give jupiter life, else he> is destroyed by the heat of ketu.> > You have said in the varga conference that jupiter +ketu in 8th for a> sagi lagna native has given her mental derangements. why 8th??, is> there some traditional secret here.> i have another silly doubt, sun+ketu is shiva yoga, is moon+ketu> gouri yoga.> regards> partha> om tat sat> > > > > > > Archives: vedic astrology> > Group info: vedic astrology/info.html> > > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > > >

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Om Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva Parabrehmane Namaha !


Dear Gurudev and JK ji,


Pls see the attachment for my chart.






Krithigaivasan (Krithi)


varahamihira , " Sanjay Rath "

<daivagyna@s...> wrote:



> |brihaspatim varenyam|

> Dear JK da,

> Your understanding is perfect. Just check whether it

should be Rasi or nakshatra for conjunction. see some

charts and you will know the difference. Krithi can

give his chart, he worships Hayagriva (Haya rupa)

> ~ om tat sat ~

> Yours truly,

> Sanjay Rath



> H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

> +91-674-2436871 http://srath.com




> j.k. dasgupta [dgassociates@s...]

> Tuesday, May 27, 2003 10:25 AM

> varahamihira

> |Sri Varaha| Re: [vedic astrology]

guru+ketu, sun+ketu



> Respected Sanjayji,


> Does ketu have any such particular indications in

other vargas? I am not clear.


> I have another doubt regarding ketu's head. To my

understanding and as i could gather from various

lessons and mails,


> 1. Ketu becomes gaja-rupa in all signs when with or

aspected by Jup

> 2. Ketu becomes go-rupa in water signs when with or

aspected by Ven

> 3. Ketu becomes aja-rupa in airy signs when with or

aspected by Sat

> 4. Ketu becomes haya-rupa in earth signs when with

or aspected by Mercury

> 5. Ketu becomes markata-rupa in fire signs when with

or aspected by Mars


> Is my understanding is correct?


> Best regards


> jk




> -

> " Sanjay Rath " <daivagyna@s...>

> <vedic astrology >

> Monday, May 26, 2003 11:25 PM

> RE: [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu



> >

> >

> > |brihaspatim varenyam|

> > Dear Partha

> > Difference lies in the Vargas. At the level of the

Rasi chart (Physical

> > body), any planet conjoining Ketu indicates

destruction of the body

> > indicated as Ketu is always Rudra.

> > At the level of the navamsa Ketu has the role of

indicating the path for

> > fortune and the deities associated with the

philosophies related to Moksha

> > as it is moksha karaka. That is why Sun+ Ketu

means acceptance of a

> > philosophy related to Moksha associated with Shiva

(Sun). Or Moon + Ketu

> > means acceptance of a philosophy related to Moksha

associated with Gouri

> > (Moon) and so on. If there are none associating

then the philosophy relates

> > to Ganesha himself. The basic philosophy or the

thread is that of Moksha

> > karaka Ketu as the spiritual theme in the chart.

> > Naturally this will not apply to any philoshy or

religion that does not

> > believe in Moksha and rebirth. Thats why Ketu is

the root for Hinduism.

> > ~ om tat sat ~

> > Yours truly,

> > Sanjay Rath

> >


> > H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

> > +91-674-2436871 http://srath.com


> >


> >

> >

> >

> > V.partha sarathy [partvinu5]

> > Monday, May 26, 2003 1:37 PM

> > vedic astrology

> > [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu

> >

> >

> > Om Namah Shivaya

> >

> > Dear Sanjayji

> >

> > Once you had explained that planets associated

with ketu are

> > destroyed due to the infra red heat. I have a

logic that the rajasic

> > planets get destroyed easily than satwic planets,

as satwic planets

> > are more in control of themselves and are powerful

enough to stop the

> > heat affecting them,

> >

> > You have also said that sun+ketu is shiva yoga.

can i infer that

> > since sun is very hot himself, he cannot be

destroyed by the heat of

> > ketu. and what exactly is shiva yoga. kindly


> >

> > Jupiter being lagna lord with ketu can cause

abberrations to

> > intelligence. You have said that sanyasis are

born(rare). Now what

> > are the requirements for this rare yoga to occur.

I have a feeling

> > that some other grahas should intervene to give

jupiter life, else he

> > is destroyed by the heat of ketu.

> >

> > You have said in the varga conference that jupiter

+ketu in 8th for a

> > sagi lagna native has given her mental

derangements. why 8th??, is

> > there some traditional secret here.

> > i have another silly doubt, sun+ketu is shiva

yoga, is moon+ketu

> > gouri yoga.

> > regards

> > partha

> > om tat sat

> >




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Respected Sanjayji,


Thanks very much for clearing the doubt.


Best Regards





Sanjay Rath


Tuesday, May 27, 2003 10:58 PM

RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu




|brihaspatim varenyam|

Dear JK da,

Your understanding is perfect. Just check whether it should be Rasi or nakshatra for conjunction. see some charts and you will know the difference. Krithi can give his chart, he worships Hayagriva (Haya rupa)

~ om tat sat ~

Yours truly,

Sanjay Rath


H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

+91-674-2436871 http://srath.com


j.k. dasgupta [dgassociates]Tuesday, May 27, 2003 10:25 AMvarahamihira Subject: |Sri Varaha| Re: [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu

Respected Sanjayji,


Does ketu have any such particular indications in other vargas? I am not clear.


I have another doubt regarding ketu's head. To my understanding and as i could gather from various lessons and mails,


1. Ketu becomes gaja-rupa in all signs when with or aspected by Jup

2. Ketu becomes go-rupa in water signs when with or aspected by Ven


3. Ketu becomes aja-rupa in airy signs when with or aspected by Sat

4. Ketu becomes haya-rupa in earth signs when with or aspected by Mercury

5. Ketu becomes markata-rupa in fire signs when with or aspected by Mars



Is my understanding is correct?


Best regards







"Sanjay Rath" <daivagyna

<vedic astrology >

Monday, May 26, 2003 11:25 PM

RE: [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu

> > > |brihaspatim varenyam|> Dear Partha> Difference lies in the Vargas. At the level of the Rasi chart (Physical> body), any planet conjoining Ketu indicates destruction of the body> indicated as Ketu is always Rudra.> At the level of the navamsa Ketu has the role of indicating the path for> fortune and the deities associated with the philosophies related to Moksha> as it is moksha karaka. That is why Sun+ Ketu means acceptance of a> philosophy related to Moksha associated with Shiva (Sun). Or Moon + Ketu> means acceptance of a philosophy related to Moksha associated with Gouri> (Moon) and so on. If there are none associating then the philosophy relates> to Ganesha himself. The basic philosophy or the thread is that of Moksha> karaka Ketu as the spiritual theme in the chart.> Naturally this will not apply to any philoshy or religion that does not> believe in Moksha and rebirth. Thats why Ketu is the root for Hinduism.> ~ om tat sat ~> Yours truly,> Sanjay Rath> ---------------------------> H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India> +91-674-2436871 http://srath.com <http://srath.com>> ---------------------------> > > > V.partha sarathy [partvinu5]> Monday, May 26, 2003 1:37 PM> vedic astrology > [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu> > > Om Namah Shivaya> > Dear Sanjayji> > Once you had explained that planets associated with ketu are> destroyed due to the infra red heat. I have a logic that the rajasic> planets get destroyed easily than satwic planets, as satwic planets> are more in control of themselves and are powerful enough to stop the> heat affecting them,> > You have also said that sun+ketu is shiva yoga. can i infer that> since sun is very hot himself, he cannot be destroyed by the heat of> ketu. and what exactly is shiva yoga. kindly explain.> > Jupiter being lagna lord with ketu can cause abberrations to> intelligence. You have said that sanyasis are born(rare). Now what> are the requirements for this rare yoga to occur. I have a feeling> that some other grahas should intervene to give jupiter life, else he> is destroyed by the heat of ketu.> > You have said in the varga conference that jupiter +ketu in 8th for a> sagi lagna native has given her mental derangements. why 8th??, is> there some traditional secret here.> i have another silly doubt, sun+ketu is shiva yoga, is moon+ketu> gouri yoga.> regards> partha> om tat sat> > > > > > > Archives: vedic astrology> > Group info: vedic astrology/info.html> > > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > > >

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dear krithi,


no graha dristi here on ketu from neither mercury nor ven. Ke is in watery sign. to become haya-rupa it should be in a earthy sign first. does it mean that if there is no dristi..nakhsatra placement to be considered? can you please elaborate further on this please?









Wednesday, May 28, 2003 9:58 AM

RE: |Sri Varaha| Re: [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu

Om Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva Parabrehmane Namaha !Dear Gurudev and JK ji, Pls see the attachment for my chart.HARE RAMA KRISHNA !Regards,Krithigaivasan (Krithi)varahamihira , "Sanjay Rath"<daivagyna@s...> wrote:> > > |brihaspatim varenyam|> Dear JK da,> Your understanding is perfect. Just check whether itshould be Rasi or nakshatra for conjunction. see somecharts and you will know the difference. Krithi cangive his chart, he worships Hayagriva (Haya rupa)> ~ om tat sat ~> Yours truly,> Sanjay Rath>---------------------------> H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India> +91-674-2436871 http://srath.com>---------------------------> > j.k. dasgupta [dgassociates@s...]> Tuesday, May 27, 2003 10:25 AM> varahamihira > |Sri Varaha| Re: [vedic astrology]guru+ketu, sun+ketu> > > Respected Sanjayji,> > Does ketu have any such particular indications inother vargas? I am not clear.> > I have another doubt regarding ketu's head. To myunderstanding and as i could gather from variouslessons and mails,> > 1. Ketu becomes gaja-rupa in all signs when with oraspected by Jup> 2. Ketu becomes go-rupa in water signs when with oraspected by Ven> 3. Ketu becomes aja-rupa in airy signs when with oraspected by Sat> 4. Ketu becomes haya-rupa in earth signs when withor aspected by Mercury> 5. Ketu becomes markata-rupa in fire signs when withor aspected by Mars> > Is my understanding is correct?> > Best regards> > jk> > > > - > "Sanjay Rath" <daivagyna@s...>> <vedic astrology >> Monday, May 26, 2003 11:25 PM> RE: [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu> > > > > > > > |brihaspatim varenyam|> > Dear Partha> > Difference lies in the Vargas. At the level of theRasi chart (Physical> > body), any planet conjoining Ketu indicatesdestruction of the body> > indicated as Ketu is always Rudra.> > At the level of the navamsa Ketu has the role ofindicating the path for> > fortune and the deities associated with thephilosophies related to Moksha> > as it is moksha karaka. That is why Sun+ Ketumeans acceptance of a> > philosophy related to Moksha associated with Shiva(Sun). Or Moon + Ketu> > means acceptance of a philosophy related to Mokshaassociated with Gouri> > (Moon) and so on. If there are none associatingthen the philosophy relates> > to Ganesha himself. The basic philosophy or thethread is that of Moksha> > karaka Ketu as the spiritual theme in the chart.> > Naturally this will not apply to any philoshy orreligion that does not> > believe in Moksha and rebirth. Thats why Ketu isthe root for Hinduism.> > ~ om tat sat ~> > Yours truly,> > Sanjay Rath> >---------------------------> > H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India> > +91-674-2436871 http://srath.com<http://srath.com>> >---------------------------> > > > > > > > V.partha sarathy [partvinu5]> > Monday, May 26, 2003 1:37 PM> > vedic astrology > > [vedic astrology] guru+ketu, sun+ketu> > > > > > Om Namah Shivaya> > > > Dear Sanjayji> > > > Once you had explained that planets associatedwith ketu are> > destroyed due to the infra red heat. I have alogic that the rajasic> > planets get destroyed easily than satwic planets,as satwic planets> > are more in control of themselves and are powerfulenough to stop the> > heat affecting them,> > > > You have also said that sun+ketu is shiva yoga.can i infer that> > since sun is very hot himself, he cannot bedestroyed by the heat of> > ketu. and what exactly is shiva yoga. kindlyexplain.> > > > Jupiter being lagna lord with ketu can causeabberrations to> > intelligence. You have said that sanyasis areborn(rare). Now what> > are the requirements for this rare yoga to occur.I have a feeling> > that some other grahas should intervene to givejupiter life, else he> > is destroyed by the heat of ketu.> > > > You have said in the varga conference that jupiter+ketu in 8th for a> > sagi lagna native has given her mentalderangements. why 8th??, is> > there some traditional secret here.> > i have another silly doubt, sun+ketu is shivayoga, is moon+ketu> > gouri yoga.> > regards> > partha> > om tat sat> > ______________________Missed your favourite TV serial last night? Try the new, TV. visit http://in.tv. |Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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