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SJC Hyderabad - Case Study : Rectification

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Om Gam Glaum Ganapathaye Vighnavinaashine Svaaha ||


Dear Shailesh,


Sorry for not replying earlier, was a bit tied down.


Here's my take on it. I am restricting it to Rasi as requested by

Gurudeva. I am going for Capricorn Lagna for the sake of argument.


Capricorn rises with 7th Lord in Lagna thereby making the native an

extrovert and a favorite with the opposite sex, this could be one of

the reason for a love marriage. 7th lord in Lagna could also give

fickle-mindedness. 8th lord in 7th house along with the above

indications can give multiple marriage.


AL in Pisces aspected by Jupiter and in 4th house from AL will give a

very learned and image and one famous for charity!


2nd Lord Saturn in 2nd House gives probems pertaining to progeny, as

given in COVA, as the 2nd Lord is the sustainer and acts like Lord

Vishnu. As a result, the 4th house from it ... acts like the Nadir

(where sustainance is the least and afflicted), thus affecting 5th

house. Further, 5L Venus is in 8th and can cause progeny related

problems. Further Putra Karaka is also in 8th house!


2nd Lord in 2nd House but Retrograde will give results of 8th house.

This is kind of Duryoga and in addition to Saturn in 2nd house will

make income a herculean task.


The 10H has argala from Ketu and aspect from Saturn, which can

indicate a routine and menial job. 10th Lord in 8th house can give

career problems.


4th Lord in 10th is not good as mother becomes career oriented

thereby neglecting the child.


With Capricorn Lagna ... theres Dharma-Karmadhipati Yoga in the 8th

house. Which means he will work very hard and ensure that the

principles are followed meticulously. This could be in the area of

occult. This combination occurs in 6th house from AL, with both these

planets being benefics indicate a high level of spirituality.

Further, Venus is also the Chara AK!


Given all the details of the native, we can safely rule out Capricorn

Lagna as most of these do not match ... please confirm.





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Om Gam Glaum Ganapathaye Vighnavinaashine Svaaha ||


Deat Shailesh & Partha,


Yes I agree with Shailesh. Lets take it one at a time. Use simple

and basic concepts and stick to Rasi. Then we can move on to other

vargas. No need to hurry! Hopefully Gurudeva throws more light on it.


Warm Regards




varahamihira , " Shailesh Chadha " <scc@s...>


> || Om Gurave Namah :: Om Namo Naaraayanaaya ||


> Dear Partha,


> Something wrong here (a. marriage).


> You said " Rahu gives primary argala to the pisces ascendant "


> For PI lagna, RA will be in 3H whereas " the primary argalas are

from 2nd, 4th & 11th and are obstructed by the 12th, 10th and 3rd

respectively. "


> For AQ lagna, RA is in 4H and DOES GIVE Sukh Argala - perhaps you

meant AQ Lagna.


> Also, Gurudev wants us to first analyse the Rasi chart thoroughly

and to CONVINCE HIM THAT LAGNA IS AQ, with reasons - of course,

before taking up Vargas.


> Narayana had done that, we should add to that and present a

complete study.


> Regards & best wishes,


> Shailesh

> -

> partha sarathy

> Shailesh Chadha

> Thursday, May 29, 2003 3:38 PM

> Re: SJC Hyderabad - Case Study : Rectification



> Om Namah Shivaya


> Dear Sailesh


> I have done some study on the chart.


> a) marriage, ; the dasa of the planet giving argala to the

ascendant should give marriage. Rahu gives primary argala to the

pisces ascendant, antardasa should have connection to the 7th house,

here the antardasa is mercury who is the 7th lord himself, venus the

paryantra should be in trines to 7th lord or venus.

> Libra maha dasa in navamsa is running, libra lord is venus with

ketu, and is opposite to gemini which houses UL. There is opposition

to marriage due to planets in 7th from Ul.

> b) Saptamsa: the lagna rising is gemini, fifht lord is venus

with rahu, showing female child, and 7th lord is jupiter with sun

showing male child. sun exchanges with ketu, showing end of lineage,

> c) dasamsa, : cancer is the lagna, with mercury-letters, and

ketu routine job in artha trikonas showins his job as small job.

both rahu and guru are in 12th from dasmsa lagna showing little rise

in their dasas.

> the tob is 19 55 pm

> regards

> partha



> -



> Free online calendar with sync to Outlook.



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Om Namah SHivaya


Dear Sailesh and narayan


I have made it clear earlier also, that rahu gives primary argala

to " navamsa lagna " which is pisces.



om tat sat



varahamihira , " naaraayana_iyer " <narayan@s...>


> Om Gam Glaum Ganapathaye Vighnavinaashine Svaaha ||


> Deat Shailesh & Partha,


> Yes I agree with Shailesh. Lets take it one at a time. Use simple

> and basic concepts and stick to Rasi. Then we can move on to other

> vargas. No need to hurry! Hopefully Gurudeva throws more light on



> Warm Regards

> Narayan



> varahamihira , " Shailesh Chadha " <scc@s...>

> wrote:

> > || Om Gurave Namah :: Om Namo Naaraayanaaya ||

> >

> > Dear Partha,

> >

> > Something wrong here (a. marriage).

> >

> > You said " Rahu gives primary argala to the pisces ascendant "

> >

> > For PI lagna, RA will be in 3H whereas " the primary argalas are

> from 2nd, 4th & 11th and are obstructed by the 12th, 10th and 3rd

> respectively. "

> >

> > For AQ lagna, RA is in 4H and DOES GIVE Sukh Argala - perhaps you

> meant AQ Lagna.

> >

> > Also, Gurudev wants us to first analyse the Rasi chart thoroughly

> and to CONVINCE HIM THAT LAGNA IS AQ, with reasons - of course,

> before taking up Vargas.

> >

> > Narayana had done that, we should add to that and present a

> complete study.

> >

> > Regards & best wishes,

> >

> > Shailesh

> > -

> > partha sarathy

> > Shailesh Chadha

> > Thursday, May 29, 2003 3:38 PM

> > Re: SJC Hyderabad - Case Study : Rectification

> >

> >

> > Om Namah Shivaya

> >

> > Dear Sailesh

> >

> > I have done some study on the chart.

> >

> > a) marriage, ; the dasa of the planet giving argala to the

> ascendant should give marriage. Rahu gives primary argala to the

> pisces ascendant, antardasa should have connection to the 7th


> here the antardasa is mercury who is the 7th lord himself, venus


> paryantra should be in trines to 7th lord or venus.

> > Libra maha dasa in navamsa is running, libra lord is venus with

> ketu, and is opposite to gemini which houses UL. There is


> to marriage due to planets in 7th from Ul.

> > b) Saptamsa: the lagna rising is gemini, fifht lord is venus

> with rahu, showing female child, and 7th lord is jupiter with sun

> showing male child. sun exchanges with ketu, showing end of lineage,

> > c) dasamsa, : cancer is the lagna, with mercury-letters, and

> ketu routine job in artha trikonas showins his job as small job.

> both rahu and guru are in 12th from dasmsa lagna showing little


> in their dasas.

> > the tob is 19 55 pm

> > regards

> > partha

> >

> >

> >


> -----------

> >

> > Free online calendar with sync to Outlook.

> >

> >

> > ---

> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

> > Version: 6.0.478 / Virus Database: 275 - Release 5/6/2003

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|| Om Gurave Namah :: Om Namo Naaraayanaaya ||

Dear Partha,

Thanks for clarifying - honestly, I was confused.

But, yes, when you analysed marriage, I should have made the connection with D9.

How about analysing Rasi *THOROUGHLY*, as Gurudev suggested.

Maybe he has noticed something in the chart that we all are missing

Regards & best wishes,




partha sarathy

Shailesh Chadha

Friday, May 30, 2003 9:17 AM

Re: SJC Hyderabad - Case Study : Rectification


dear sailesh


rahu gives primary argala to pisces navamsa lagna.



Shailesh Chadha <scc wrote:



|| Om Gurave Namah :: Om Namo Naaraayanaaya ||

Dear Partha,

Something wrong here (a. marriage).

You said "Rahu gives primary argala to the pisces ascendant"

For PI lagna, RA will be in 3H whereas "the primary argalas are from 2nd, 4th & 11th and are obstructed by the 12th, 10th and 3rd respectively."

For AQ lagna, RA is in 4H and DOES GIVE Sukh Argala - perhaps you meant AQ Lagna.

Also, Gurudev wants us to first analyse the Rasi chart thoroughly and to CONVINCE HIM THAT LAGNA IS AQ, with reasons - of course, before taking up Vargas.

Narayana had done that, we should add to that and present a complete study.

Regards & best wishes,




partha sarathy

Shailesh Chadha

Thursday, May 29, 2003 3:38 PM

Re: SJC Hyderabad - Case Study : Rectification


Om Namah Shivaya


Dear Sailesh


I have done some study on the chart.


a) marriage, ; the dasa of the planet giving argala to the ascendant should give marriage. Rahu gives primary argala to the pisces ascendant, antardasa should have connection to the 7th house, here the antardasa is mercury who is the 7th lord himself, venus the paryantra should be in trines to 7th lord or venus.Libra maha dasa in navamsa is running, libra lord is venus with ketu, and is opposite to gemini which houses UL. There is opposition to marriage due to planets in 7th from Ul.

b) Saptamsa: the lagna rising is gemini, fifht lord is venus with rahu, showing female child, and 7th lord is jupiter with sun showing male child. sun exchanges with ketu, showing end of lineage,

c) dasamsa, : cancer is the lagna, with mercury-letters, and ketu routine job in artha trikonas showins his job as small job. both rahu and guru are in 12th from dasmsa lagna showing little rise in their dasas.

the tob is 19 55 pm




---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).Version: 6.0.478 / Virus Database: 275 - Release 5/6/2003

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