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quater part of vishnu

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Dear Sanjayji


I started reading the first chapter of the BPHS-1 and

could not understand some parts.


Shlokas 9-12, as I understand them (reading the Sagar

Publications' version, trans Girish Chand

Sharma), say that Lord Vishnu is the material and

efficient cause of the universe. Now 3/4 parts of

Him are imperceptible to most of us. The remaining

quarter is of two parts - one with dual powers and

one with triple powers.


This remaining quarter is also called the 'Principle

Evolver'. Why is this term used? Bec everything

evolves from Him as also He causes everything to

evolve? Does this means that this is the active

quarter and the other three are inactive?


Now acc to shlokas 13-15, half of this Principle

Evolver, ie 1/8 of Lord Vishnu, has dual powers and is


still imperceptible. The other 1/8 has triple powers

and is perceptible. This last part (only) is also


the Almighty. Can you tell me the Sanskrit term for

the Almighty? Does this mean that the

triple-powered Lord evolves from the dual-powered Lord

since the latter is still imperceptile whilst the

former can be perceived?


This Almighty is endowed with Shri shakti (the shakti

which is of sattwa guna), with Bhoo shakti (the

shakti which is of rajas guna) and Neela shakti (the

shakti which is of tamas guna). The other 1/8 part

which has dual powers ''is moved or inspired by Shri

Shakti and Bhoo Shakti (and) assumes the form

of 'Shankarshana' with Tamoguna, of Pradyumna with

rajoguna and of Aniruddha with Sattvaguna. "


My query is - Since this dual-powered Almighty is not

moved or inspired by Neela shakti, how is

Shankarshana, which is of tamoguna, formed?


Shlokas 16-17 say that Mahatattva comes from

Sankarshan, Ahankar comes from Pradyumna and

Ahankar Murti Brahma comes from Aniruddha. Who is

Ahankar Murti Brahma?


Shlokas 18-19 say that " Ahankar is of three kinds,

that is with Sattwika, Rajsika and Tamsika

dispositions and it pervades them all. " What is this

'it' and what 'all' does it pervade?


Also, the three gunas of Ahankar gives rise to the

divine class, the sensory organs and the 5 bhutas.

Where is the role of the Creator Brahma in all this?


Shloka 20 says that Lord Vishnu coupled with Shri

shakti sustains the universe, with Bhoo shakti Lord

Vishnu is Brahma and causes the creation of the

universe and with Neela shakti He is Shiva and

destroys the universe. What is the difference between

this Brahma and the Ahankar Murti Brahma

mentioned earlier?









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