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|Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi -2 Ul's-Sarajit

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Om Namah Shivaya


Dear Sarajit


I raised this doubt due to a peculiar incident in my life.


One UL is in leo for me with no planets, and other is in Virgo with



I have a failed relationship with a girl who is leo rising, though

the relation was only for 6 months. I never had relation earlier, or

after that so far,.



om tat sat


varahamihira , " Sarajit Poddar " <sarajit@s...>


> Jaya Jagannath

> Dear Partha,


> We both share the same Lagna, Dhanu. So me too.. have two ULs one

in Aq and another one in Le. However we must know that at any point

of time only one UL can be strong. Even though the UL in Leo is

definitely stronger than that in Aq, I can't say that Le UL shall

decide my spouse and her characteristics. It can be Aq too.. It does

not show two spouse, but it can change your perception and

relationship with the spouse, based on which UL is stronger at what

point of time.


> Best Wishes

> Sarajit



> -

> " V.partha sarathy " <partvinu5>

> <varahamihira >

> Wednesday, May 28, 2003 4:41 PM

> |Sri Varaha| Re: SJC Delhi -2 Ul's-sarbani



> > Dear Sarbani and list

> >

> > You had mentioned about 2 Uls for sanjayji's chart. I assume this


> > due to pisces lagna.

> > Even sagi lagna has 2 lords for 12th house.

> >

> > What is the significance of 2 Uls, is it two marriages, or two

> > relations,

> > regards

> > partha

> > om tat sat

> >

> >

> >

> > |Om Tat Sat|

> > http://www.varahamihira

> >

> >

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