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|Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses-Brendan

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Om Namah SHivaya


Dear Brandan sir


Beautifully explained, i got the following from Parasara


31. Primary ingredients (or Sapth Dhatus). Bones, blood, marrow,

skin, fat, semen and muscles are, respectively, denoted by the

Grahas: Sûrya, Candr, Man & #772;gal, Budh, Guru, Úukr and Úani.


So we can follow parasara. regarding dhatus, but my doubt is where it

is mentioned about nerves. You are an ayurvedic expert, so years of

experience can help you to decipher some of the codes.


But if we see from astrological point of view, where exactly is it

mentioned about nerves and the afflctions thereof. And can you please

elaborate a little about paralysis. Is it afflcition to nerves, or is

it afflcition to muscles.



om tat sat


varahamihira , Bpfeeley@A... wrote:

> In a message dated 5/29/2003 1:21:32 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> partvinu5 writes:


> Hare Rama Krishna


> Dear Partha,


> Saturn rules Vata dosha and the primary mental characteristic of

Vata is

> fear, anxiety, nervousness and restlessness or hyperactivity. Vata

has the

> characteristic of rajo guna when out of balance.


> But mental nervousness is different from nerve tissue or majja

dhatu. Majja

> dhatu has a much deeper function and it is too much to present

here. It

> coordinates many other functions in the body including the

coordination of the

> muscles. Vata is composed of Akasha and Vayu tattwa but Akasha is a

stable element

> whereas the Air element is unstable and changeable and hence the

fear anxiety

> when Vata is out of balance.


> For the physical destruction to the nerve tissue, there must be

affliction to

> Mars. When Vata dosha enters majja dhatu, it dries out the tissue

and causes

> neurological problems.


> Here we have Mars on the Rahu-Ketu axis and he is aspected by

Saturn as well.

> With Ketu conjoined Mars, in the pitta rasi of Leo, excess Pitta

can damage

> majja dhatu and lead to Vata derangement. If one dosha is

disturbed, then

> another dosha(s) has to compensate. Saturn is in the 6th from Mars

in this chart

> too and he is Rudra as well. Yes, he is a powerful maraka and is in


> nakshatra of the Moon, the lord of the 8th house, as well as

aspecting the 8th house.

> So the nakshatra dispositor of Saturn as well as the rasi

dispositor of the

> Mars/Ketu are both in the lagna... damaging the health.


> You say the time is in question, so I'm not using the vargas.


> In any paralysis, both the nerves and the muscles are involved and

both are

> signified by Mars and Saturn.


> Mercury rules the Buddhi, the intelligence, but this does not mean

he rules

> nerve tissue. Disturbance to intelligence/thinking can lead to all

sorts of

> disorders and that depends on the grahas influencing Mercury. If

they are

> primarily Vata dosha influences, the nervousness, anxiety and

phobias arise.


> Clearly according to Parasara Mercury rules rasa dhatu, the juice

of life,

> the plasma (serum, white blood cells, and the lymphatic system).

Rasa actually

> means " mercury, " (the metal) the semen of Lord Shiva.


> It is never just one planet and we have to look at the entire

system to

> understand what is actually taking place in the mind/body.

According to Ayurveda,

> the process of disease is known as Samprapti. All the doshas, the


> interact with each other and the interaction of the doshas and the

dhatus is where

> it all happens. Destruction to the tissues occurs and this produces


> The dhatu agni becomes disturbed, either too high or too low and


> appear accordingly.


> Currently our understanding of medical astrology (a misnomer if

ever there

> was one) is based on the western model of medicine. I believe we

have to get

> back to basics and first understand the nature and cause of disease

and this in

> my view is only to be found in the science of Ayurveda. With this

model we go

> back to the fundamental building blocks of creation, of the human

body, which

> is beautifully expressed in terms of the tattwas, doshas and

dhatus. We then

> need to understand the pathogenesis and then we can apply our


> principles and develop a cosmology of what we call " disease. " It is

simply a lack

> of ease in our relationship to the Universe, to Creation, expressed

through the

> doshas and tattwas.


> Parasara gives us a starting point by telling us the

correspondences between

> the grahas and dhatus. Why should we doubt him? Why should we not

consider his

> input?


> There is a great deal of confusion on the topic of " medical "

astrology in my

> opinion.


> Regards,

> Brendan



> > Om Namah Shivaya

> >

> > Dear Brandan

> >

> > Saturn rules nerves and is amply demonstrated by many cases of

> > paralytic patients. The biggest Business man of india the late

> > Dhirubhai ambani had paralysis, and it was in his saturn dasa

when he

> > got his first attack. It is not a sheer coincidence that he


> > in mercury-saturn.

> >

> > Saturn and mercury are killers for dhanur lagna, here in his chart

> > (given below), we have saturn in 2nd and mercury in 12th.

> > regards

> > partha

> > om tat sat

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Dear Brendan, Partha and others,


Partha, you are right in the sense that none of the classical texts specifically mention nerves. But Brendan raised a crucial point in the sense that we tend to overlook the fact that the nerves are actually tissues. In so far it is a tissue Mars will have something to do with it. I want to raise a point here. Will a planet adversely affect that which it is karaka of? Sun is the karaka for bones, but the one who breaks the bones is its enemy, Saturn. Similarly Mars will not destroy the tissues, but his enemies will, and Mercury is its enemy. Mercury in Reeve's chart is malefic and is the curse causing planet (benefics afflicted represent the curse causer). Aspect of Rahu, shows the severing of the neck, hence he was paralysed from neck downwards. Saturn is the pivotal planet involved in both the curses in Reeve's charts. Saturn aspects Mars and Moon and is conjoined Sun and Mercury. The 8th house connections have been discussed in earlier mails along with Saturn's transits.


Brendan, I fully agree with you that the 'system' of medicine is vital here. I had a brief brush with Ayurveda way back in 1995 and what I know from that is, pathogenesis occurs when there is an imbalance caused in the three doshas or tridoshas. Mercury incidentally is the only planet which represents all the three doshas and causes imbalances in all three. So it causes diseases representative of all the doshas. (Interestingly, Mercury rules the sixth house of the natural zodiac). Diseases are also related to a state of happiness and misery. When the doshas are vitiated, diseases occur and a state of misery enshrouds the native. Also the notion of the body in the ayurveda is vastly different than that of western medicine. Ayurveda perceives the body as a triptych of body, mind and soul. However pathogenesis occurs only in the body and mind, and not in the soul as the soul is eternal. But you can tell us better.


Best regards,





V.Partha sarathy [partvinu5]Friday, May 30, 2003 12:02 PMvarahamihira Subject: Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses-BrendanOm Namah SHivayaDear Brandan sirBeautifully explained, i got the following from Parasara31. Primary ingredients (or Sapth Dhatus). Bones, blood, marrow, skin, fat, semen and muscles are, respectively, denoted by the Grahas: Sûrya, Candr, Man & #772;gal, Budh, Guru, Úukr and Úani.So we can follow parasara. regarding dhatus, but my doubt is where it is mentioned about nerves. You are an ayurvedic expert, so years of experience can help you to decipher some of the codes.But if we see from astrological point of view, where exactly is it mentioned about nerves and the afflctions thereof. And can you please elaborate a little about paralysis. Is it afflcition to nerves, or is it afflcition to muscles.regardsparthaom tat satvarahamihira , Bpfeeley@A... wrote:> In a message dated 5/29/2003 1:21:32 AM Eastern Daylight Time, > partvinu5 writes:> > Hare Rama Krishna> > Dear Partha,> > Saturn rules Vata dosha and the primary mental characteristic of Vata is > fear, anxiety, nervousness and restlessness or hyperactivity. Vata has the > characteristic of rajo guna when out of balance. > > But mental nervousness is different from nerve tissue or majja dhatu. Majja > dhatu has a much deeper function and it is too much to present here. It > coordinates many other functions in the body including the coordination of the > muscles. Vata is composed of Akasha and Vayu tattwa but Akasha is a stable element > whereas the Air element is unstable and changeable and hence the fear anxiety > when Vata is out of balance. > > For the physical destruction to the nerve tissue, there must be affliction to > Mars. When Vata dosha enters majja dhatu, it dries out the tissue and causes > neurological problems. > > Here we have Mars on the Rahu-Ketu axis and he is aspected by Saturn as well. > With Ketu conjoined Mars, in the pitta rasi of Leo, excess Pitta can damage > majja dhatu and lead to Vata derangement. If one dosha is disturbed, then > another dosha(s) has to compensate. Saturn is in the 6th from Mars in this chart > too and he is Rudra as well. Yes, he is a powerful maraka and is in the > nakshatra of the Moon, the lord of the 8th house, as well as aspecting the 8th house. > So the nakshatra dispositor of Saturn as well as the rasi dispositor of the > Mars/Ketu are both in the lagna... damaging the health.> > You say the time is in question, so I'm not using the vargas.> > In any paralysis, both the nerves and the muscles are involved and both are > signified by Mars and Saturn.> > Mercury rules the Buddhi, the intelligence, but this does not mean he rules > nerve tissue. Disturbance to intelligence/thinking can lead to all sorts of > disorders and that depends on the grahas influencing Mercury. If they are > primarily Vata dosha influences, the nervousness, anxiety and phobias arise. > > Clearly according to Parasara Mercury rules rasa dhatu, the juice of life, > the plasma (serum, white blood cells, and the lymphatic system). Rasa actually > means "mercury," (the metal) the semen of Lord Shiva.> > It is never just one planet and we have to look at the entire system to > understand what is actually taking place in the mind/body. According to Ayurveda, > the process of disease is known as Samprapti. All the doshas, the tattwas, > interact with each other and the interaction of the doshas and the dhatus is where > it all happens. Destruction to the tissues occurs and this produces symptoms. > The dhatu agni becomes disturbed, either too high or too low and symptoms > appear accordingly.> > Currently our understanding of medical astrology (a misnomer if ever there > was one) is based on the western model of medicine. I believe we have to get > back to basics and first understand the nature and cause of disease and this in > my view is only to be found in the science of Ayurveda. With this model we go > back to the fundamental building blocks of creation, of the human body, which > is beautifully expressed in terms of the tattwas, doshas and dhatus. We then > need to understand the pathogenesis and then we can apply our astrological > principles and develop a cosmology of what we call "disease." It is simply a lack > of ease in our relationship to the Universe, to Creation, expressed through the > doshas and tattwas.> > Parasara gives us a starting point by telling us the correspondences between > the grahas and dhatus. Why should we doubt him? Why should we not consider his > input? > > There is a great deal of confusion on the topic of "medical" astrology in my > opinion.> > Regards,> Brendan> > > > Om Namah Shivaya> > > > Dear Brandan> > > > Saturn rules nerves and is amply demonstrated by many cases of > > paralytic patients. The biggest Business man of india the late > > Dhirubhai ambani had paralysis, and it was in his saturn dasa when he > > got his first attack. It is not a sheer coincidence that he expired > > in mercury-saturn.> > > > Saturn and mercury are killers for dhanur lagna, here in his chart> > (given below), we have saturn in 2nd and mercury in 12th.> > regards> > partha> > om tat sat|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Jaya JagannathDear Bendan,


Thank you very much for this mail, which suggests the knowledge of ayurveda and the basic elements of nature for understanding medical astrology. I am eager to learn more on the subject and shall bother you more often with my questions. My present knowledge of medical astrology is only till undertanding the organs ruled by the signs and house, the planets and judging the horoscope, based on these principles. However, while I read this mail, I can appreciate, how deep is the knowledge and how much more work need to be done.


Thanks for people like you are knowledgeable in Ayurveda to be there in Jyotish, contributing amply to this field.


Please ignore my mail, which I wrote before reading this mail.


Best Wishes






Saturday, May 31, 2003 5:33 AM

Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses-Brendan

In a message dated 5/30/2003 2:33:19 AM Eastern Daylight Time, partvinu5 writes:Om Krishna GuruDear Partha,The entire body is like a symphony and all the energies play in perfect synchrony and therefore, just like all the grahas are related and intereact with each other and manifest in terms of specific mundane experiences, so too the tissues and organs of the body are all related and cannot be seen as isolated events. Thus, in systems of healing (and I intentionally leave out the word medicine as it has come to mean something entirely different in our modern world) that really address the Prakruti/Vikruti of the individual, we are working with energies and consciousness that extends far beyond ourselves... but yet there is interconnection.A human being is not an organ or a tissue. A human being is far greater than that. In olden times, even in the western world, the medical doctors were fond of asking three important questions!(i) what is disease?(ii) what is medicine?(iii) what is a human being?Can you imagine? Today such questions are completely ignored and when the patient complains of Hepatitis, the liver is treated. When I was about 12-13 years old I become very yellow and the "disease" was diagnosed as jaundice. A very old woman lived nearby and from mother to daughter in her family, through the generations, there was this knowledge that was passed down on the treatment of jaundice using herbs from the field. We begged her 3 times for the herbs and finally she yielded. She was afraid of the church and the doctors and this of course is how knowledge gets lost. In any case, she went into the fields and picked the herb and it was foul and bitter tasting but I was well in 7 days, just as she said I would be. Jaundice is a condition of excess Pitta dosha in the liver and the bitter taste is excellent for pitta and excess fire. So it has to be a disease related to Mars. He is a tamasic graha while the Sun is also related to Pitta but is sattvic. In addition, Mars is related to the liver and Mars rules the bitter taste. See the elegance in this! It is beautiful.This is cosmology at work. This woman was practicing Ayurveda but she had no idea, bless her soul. From my experience, Ayurveda is the most elegant model of health and disease, of healing, because it describes what we're missing in Jyotish. As I said we have adopted the western model of organ and tissue based anatomy and physiology to describe our sicknesses, but the three questions have never been asked and thus we have the "health industry" today... for the first time in the history of humanity.Now back to your question! Majja dhatu is both nerve tissue and bone marrow. Majja dhatu is presnt in the brain, the hypothalmus, the spinal cord... as well as all the nerves in the body. Each dhatu is a sequential development and each dhatu has its own agni. The food stuff, the product of digestion, ahara rasa, first enters Rasa dhatu, then to Rakta dhatu, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja, Shukra/Arthva. The last dhatu to receive the benefit of the food that enters the body is Shukra dhatu and this takes some days for this to happen.So you can see, nothing is isolated. It all connected. For instance, Ojas is the by product of Shukra dhatu and this Ojas goes to the heart and provides a deeper nourishment of para ojas.This is why the Rishis and Gurus control of our instinctual urges is necessary. My Guru says, give your heart ot Radha Rani, the Supreme Divine Beauty, and all the bad habits will eventually subside.We have a lot to learn about Jyotish and Ayurveda and Sanjay can help us with this. It is new territory and we must be open minded and go beyond the model that says Saturn is nerves. Saturn is Vata and because he is primarily Vata, he represents the function of Vata in the body. Vata is responsible for 80 different diseases while Pitta and Kapha are much less responsible. To understand Saturn, then surely we need to understand Vata dosha and all its manifestations. Same for Mars, etc.These subjects when conjoined are very deep and bring us to a level where an entire view of the body/mind becomes awesome... totally awesome. We cannot know Purusha until we have experienced Prakruti. Prakruti is the mirror, the manifest reality. We must experience our Prakruti.Warm Regards,Brendan

Dear Brandan sirBeautifully explained, i got the following from Parasara31. Primary ingredients (or Sapth Dhatus). Bones, blood, marrow, skin, fat, semen and muscles are, respectively, denoted by the Grahas: Sûrya, Candr, Man & #772;gal, Budh, Guru, Úukr and Úani.So we can follow parasara. regarding dhatus, but my doubt is where it is mentioned about nerves. You are an ayurvedic expert, so years of experience can help you to decipher some of the codes.But if we see from astrological point of view, where exactly is it mentioned about nerves and the afflctions thereof. And can you please elaborate a little about paralysis. Is it afflcition to nerves, or is it afflcition to muscles.regardspartha|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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In a message dated 5/31/2003 10:05:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time, sarajit writes:


Dear Sarjit,


The joing of these two subjects has great potential and I think that this group is the only meeting where that can take place.


I'm always surprized that little has come out of India on the integration of these two subjects or am I wrong?






Jaya Jagannath

Dear Bendan,


Thank you very much for this mail, which suggests the knowledge of ayurveda and the basic elements of nature for understanding medical astrology. I am eager to learn more on the subject and shall bother you more often with my questions. My present knowledge of medical astrology is only till undertanding the organs ruled by the signs and house, the planets and judging the horoscope, based on these principles. However, while I read this mail, I can appreciate, how deep is the knowledge and how much more work need to be done.


Thanks for people like you are knowledgeable in Ayurveda to be there in Jyotish, contributing amply to this field.


Please ignore my mail, which I wrote before reading this mail.


Best Wishes


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Jaya Jagannath

Dear Brendan,


I also gave the references from BPHS, which clearly mentions the term

Snayu, rather than Mamsa, as you say to be ruled by Saturn. I have

given the translation of the sloka to show that.


The terms used by Parasara are:

Asthi- Bones- Sun

Rakta- Blood- Moon

Majja- Marrow- Mars

Tvag- Skin- Mercury

Vasa- Fat- Jupiter

Virya- Semen- Venus

Snayu- Nerves- Saturn


BTW my native tongue, which has most words common with Sanskrit, still

used Snayu as nerves than as translated by some as muscles.


Best Wishes



Best Wishes




> In a message dated 5/31/2003 9:54:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> sarajit writes:


> Dear Sarajit,


> The references that I have in BPHS is as follows:


> Chapter 3, Sloka 3: Primary ingredients (or Sapth dhatus): Bones,


> marrow, skin, fat, semen and muscles are respectively denoted by the

planets: the

> Sun, the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.


> Here Parasara tells us that Saturn rules mamsa dhatu = muscle tissue.


> Regards,

> Brendan


> > Jaya Jagannath

> > Dear Jyotisha,

> >

> > Here is what Parasara says in BPHS

> >

> > AiSw r´Stwa m¾a Tvg! vsa vIyRmev c,

> >

> > õayure;amxIzaí ³mat! sUyaRdyae iÖj. 31.

> >

> >

> > asthi- Bones; raktastathä- Raktah+tatha- Blood and; majjä- Marrow;


> > Skin; vasä- Fat; véryameva- Viryam+eva- and Semen; ca-also |

> >

> > snäyureñämadhéçäçca- Snayu+esam+dhishah+cha- and nerves, lorded by;


> > sequentially; süryädayo- from surya; dvija- twice born- brahmin ||


> >

> > Thus the planets governing the elements of body are:

> >

> > Sun- Bone

> >

> > Moon- Blood

> >

> > Mars- Marrow

> >

> > Mercury- Skin

> >

> > Jupiter- Fat

> >

> > Venus- Semen

> >

> > Saturn- Nerves

> >

> > Thus it is clearly mentioned by Parasara that the Nerves are ruled


> > Saturn. But in terms of Muscles, should Saturn be given the

rulership, Mars should

> > rule it. This is again can be resolved by knowing the karkatva of


> > planets. Mars rules valour, courage, strength and such things and

is the right

> > significator of Muscles.

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Dear Brendenji,

Thank you for your informations.It seems that you are a good Ayurvedic expert also.I respect you in this regard.

Now you asked me what is the difference between Arthritis and Paralysis.With my limited knowledge,I will give here some informations which I studied before.

PARALYSIS : The central and peripheral nervous system consists of three parts :the brain,and the spinal chord-sometimes these together spoken as the central nervous system; the nerves which proceed from the brain and spinal chord named as cerebrospinal or peripheral nerves and the third part consisting of ganglia- consisting of nerve cells which are connected plexuses of nerve fibres,and are situated in the neck,thorax and abdomen.This part is known as the autonomic nervous system.

The nerve cells originate or receive impulses and impressions of vigorous sorts,which are conveyed by them to the muscles,blood vessels and so on,by efferent nerves coming from the skin,organs of the sense,joints and other parts of the body.The autonomic nervous system is concerned mainly with the movement and other functions of the internal organs,secreting glands and blood vessels,the activities of which proceed independently of the will.In a sense,the autonomoc nervous system is the controller of all bodily functions.

Now in Paralysis or PAKSHAVAT,there is loss of muscular power due to interference with the nervous system.When muscular power is weakened as the result of some affliction of the nervous system,the term applied is Paralysis.The most nervous ( And Mental ) disorders are due to the vitiations of the three Dosha namely VATA,PITTA and KAPHA ( Phlegm ).Due to the three doshas are vitiated the person will have a weak will power and is with bad habits of eating and drinking.

Paralysis is considered as the loss of muscle functions due to damage to the nerves that control the muscles.This may be minor or extreme ,temporary and permanent.Here the main planets to be considered are Budha who contro nerves and Shani who control muscles and Rahu is also involved as he gives stroke.The related houses can be 1,3,6,8,10 or 12th.

ARTHRITIS : This is caused through the inflammation of the joints with severe pain.It is a metabolic disease in which the body fails to gwt rid of uric acid.The excess uric acid may crystallize in deposits in various parts of the body especailly in the cartilages inside the joints.This is also called as Sandhi Vata.This can be arrested by reducing the body weight,by taking les protein foods,and by doing hard work.Application of heat by means of hot water bags is the best treatment for this disease.In Ayurveda ,we normally use Maha Narayana Taila or Pinda Taila.Apply this Taila and after half an hour either put hot water on the affected part or by hot water bag.Nowdays it is cured by Accupuncture also.Astrologically ,The planet Shani is the chief malefic planet in the development of Arthritis.Especially when he is placed in 6th house ill aspected by Kuja.The 10th house of Zodiac .,Makara rules over knee joints and Rahu or Shani here causes deformities and cramps in knees and Arthritis.The 9th house of Zodiac ie.,Dhanu govers the hips and thighs.Shani or Rahu here causes rheumatism,gout etc.

I hope I explained with the available knowledge I have.

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.Bpfeeley wrote:

In a message dated 6/1/2003 3:28:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time, ramadasrao writes:Dear Ramdas Rao,These labels do not describe paralysis. They may show the portion of the body that will be afflicted by paralysis but a more important issue is why will paralysis occur in the first place? Why not arthiritis? Can we distinguish between the two in a chart? No we cannot with our present knowledge.Paralysis is due to tattwa and dosha. This has to be understood and if we can understand this we can heal the "disease" long before it manifests using herbs, lifestyle and diet.Regards,Brendan

Dear Sarajit,I also told the same thing for the paralysis case which was discussed previously.The affliction to the central nervous system gives Paralysis and 3rd house of Natural zodiac ie.,Mithuna Rasi rules nervous system and So Budha also rules nervous system.This is also given in Krishneeyam,Dr.B.V.Raman's How to judge a Horoscope,Vol.No.1 .With best regards,Ramadas Rao.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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In a message dated 6/2/2003 3:31:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time, ramadasrao writes:


Om Dhanvantri Namah


Dear Ramadas Rao,


Thanks for the good explanation of these two "diseases." I come from a place where the true disease is unseeable or unknowable. What we see are the symptoms but the symptom is not the disease. As astrologers we are more capable of seeing the true cause of disease and invariably it is related to our capacity to become conscious.


My study of Ayurveda explained everything in terms of cosmic forces, Purusha and Prakruti, and all the foods, herbs, thoughts and feelings are all related and an expression of those forces. Healing then has to do with introducing first of all self-understanding, reflection, meditation as well as exercise, proper diet, and herbs that bring balance to those forces.


The use of Maha Narayana Taila or Pinda Taila simply brings relief and does not address the doshic imbalance. All disease originates in the digestive tract and this for me includes the digestion of thoughs and feelings as well as food stuff. What is the difference between Vata, Pitta or Kapha depression? They are very different and the same applies to a V, P and K arthiritis. We can cure a K depression by simply introducing the right spices in the diet so the individual can digest his food and digest the tamasic AMA that is clogging his senses and his mind. By increasing Agni we can change the individuals perception of his reality!!!!! Vitiated K is like tamas. We have to introduce Rajo guna to chage the inert Tamo guna, to wake it up so to speak to digest it. The tamasic K type will sit in from of the TV for hours, for days, for weeks, for years, while eating all the Kaphogenic foods, mindlessly watching the images with no motivation, full of dullness and depression.


In the same way we can address depression for V and P. Pitta depression is full of anger and rage and on it goes.


There is the Jathar Agni in the digestive tract but Agni also resides in the brain and all the tissues in the body and it relates to our capacity to perceive and to digest that which we see. We are destined to become seers.


Disease then is an existential problem, a problem of consciousness, and the events in our lives are pregnant with profound meaning. Why do the obstacles manifest, in marriage, career, etc? They manifest because they are attempting to heal us, to make us well, to help us grow but we are full of rajas and tamas and refuse to see. Instead we pray to God, sit and do mantras to help our spouse overcome her "problem" or the boss to over come his "problem" while all the time God is present in the experience doing His utmost, effortlessly doing everything to help us become conscious but we turn our mind outwards and blame the world.


Kapha resides in the stomach, Pitta in the small intestines and Vata in the colon and when in balance, this is where they reside. When out of balance they move away from home, from their primary locations or residence, and move into the tissues of the body and cause damage. So when the V person cannot deal with his fear and anxiety, the Pitta person his anger and frustration, and the K person his grief and loss, the flow of these cosmic energies become obstructed and build-up in the tissues of the body and mind and manifest as symptoms in the areas of weakness. This can see in astrology.


What happens when P moves into the large intestines or the stomach where he doesn't belong?


The entire body is a manifestation of V, P and K. Awesome!


Why is the sixth house the place of disease? This in where the digestion takes place and when digestion is incomplete, the enemies appear as undigested cosmic forces to make sure we face our faulty perceptions of reality. They will remain in our lives until we get it and so they should. Our enemies are our blessing. They serve us well and we should bow down to them and then they will smile.


Arthiritis is a lot more than the pain in the joint. It is an existential pain manifesting in the joints making it difficult to walk through life.


Would you put hot water bags on a Pitta type arthiritis? No! It would aggravate the pain and increase the very problem you are attempting to cure. The person would scream and true to the P nature be very angry with you and may even hit you.


Ayurveda is a great science. Jyotish is a great science. We human beings are great Souls but we have ignored our true nature, the true science of life, and we have to suffer accordingly and thus we become diseased.







Dear Brendenji,

Thank you for your informations.It seems that you are a good Ayurvedic expert also.I respect you in this regard.

Now you asked me what is the difference between Arthritis and Paralysis.With my limited knowledge,I will give here some informations which I studied before.

PARALYSIS : The central and peripheral nervous system consists of three parts :the brain,and the spinal chord-sometimes these together spoken as the central nervous system; the nerves which proceed from the brain and spinal chord named as cerebrospinal or peripheral nerves and the third part consisting of ganglia- consisting of nerve cells which are connected plexuses of nerve fibres,and are situated in the neck,thorax and abdomen.This part is known as the autonomic nervous system.

The nerve cells originate or receive impulses and impressions of vigorous sorts,which are conveyed by them to the muscles,blood vessels and so on,by efferent nerves coming from the skin,organs of the sense,joints and other parts of the body.The autonomic nervous system is concerned mainly with the movement and other functions of the internal organs,secreting glands and blood vessels,the activities of which proceed independently of the will.In a sense,the autonomoc nervous system is the controller of all bodily functions.

Now in Paralysis or PAKSHAVAT,there is loss of muscular power due to interference with the nervous system.When muscular power is weakened as the result of some affliction of the nervous system,the term applied is Paralysis.The most nervous ( And Mental ) disorders are due to the vitiations of the three Dosha namely VATA,PITTA and KAPHA ( Phlegm ).Due to the three doshas are vitiated the person will have a weak will power and is with bad habits of eating and drinking.

Paralysis is considered as the loss of muscle functions due to damage to the nerves that control the muscles.This may be minor or extreme ,temporary and permanent.Here the main planets to be considered are Budha who contro nerves and Shani who control muscles and Rahu is also involved as he gives stroke.The related houses can be 1,3,6,8,10 or 12th.

ARTHRITIS : This is caused through the inflammation of the joints with severe pain.It is a metabolic disease in which the body fails to gwt rid of uric acid.The excess uric acid may crystallize in deposits in various parts of the body especailly in the cartilages inside the joints.This is also called as Sandhi Vata.This can be arrested by reducing the body weight,by taking les protein foods,and by doing hard work.Application of heat by means of hot water bags is the best treatment for this disease.In Ayurveda ,we normally use Maha Narayana Taila or Pinda Taila.Apply this Taila and after half an hour either put hot water on the affected part or by hot water bag.Nowdays it is cured by Accupuncture also.Astrologically ,The planet Shani is the chief malefic planet in the development of Arthritis.Especially when he is placed in 6th house ill aspected by Kuja.The 10th house of Zodiac .,Makara rules over knee joints and Rahu or Shani here causes deformities and cramps in knees and Arthritis.The 9th house of Zodiac ie.,Dhanu govers the hips and thighs.Shani or Rahu here causes rheumatism,gout etc.

I hope I explained with the available knowledge I have.

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.

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In a message dated 6/2/2003 12:16:42 AM Eastern Daylight Time, sarajit writes:


Hare Krishna


Dear Sarajit,


Thanks for the input and we have to get this straight. Before I followed Parasara on this topic of dhatus and grahas, I always used Mars as the significator of mamsa dhatu (muscles) and Saturn as majja dhatu (nerves). About two years ago, Narasimha convinced me to follow Parasara and so I did. I have many charts with neurological disorders and Mars is indeed very afflicted in one way or another.


So I have no problem with interchange of Mars and Saturn but what you have written throws the scheme way off balance. It ignores muscle!


Marrow is the source of nerve tissue in Ayurveda and here you have Mars ruling marrow and Saturn ruling nerve tissue. What about muscle? he is left out in your order of things?


Please say more on this.





Jaya Jagannath

Dear Brendan,


I also gave the references from BPHS, which clearly mentions the term

Snayu, rather than Mamsa, as you say to be ruled by Saturn. I have

given the translation of the sloka to show that.


The terms used by Parasara are:

Asthi- Bones- Sun

Rakta- Blood- Moon

Majja- Marrow- Mars

Tvag- Skin- Mercury

Vasa- Fat- Jupiter

Virya- Semen- Venus

Snayu- Nerves- Saturn


BTW my native tongue, which has most words common with Sanskrit, still

used Snayu as nerves than as translated by some as muscles.


Best Wishes



Best Wishes


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Dear Ramadas, dear Brendan,


Thanks to both of you for information- Ramadas, you did an excellent job in collecting info and clarifying difference btw. paralysis and arthritis. On the other hand, Brendan explained very well distinction of PKV illnesses usually, by common people, called the same name. /I guess simplification has been made for the sake of argument-for the sake of truth, classic 'medicine' , doctors, health-workers are not really that low in understanding nature of disease, as it may appear, but they definitively lack 'holistic' view/

You brought valuable information, unfortunately, not very related to each other- they can still stand apart, as two different sets of info, now, as it was the case at the beginning.

The point which Ramadas brought is that arthritis is/can be distinguishable /Indeed!/ from paralysis, and it can stand for itself. It has little connection with Brrendan's info- which is true,


but seems not to be related to /seemingly /the same topic both posts have. It's valid point /Brendan/: arthritis is a TOTAL illness and not just bone-d. /and is not Always the case? and is it not always the case with immune -system-related illnesses, as most are? Just more dramatic in arthritis? It's total disease, true, but not necessarily neurological, as paralysis always is.


Ideally, we could have gotten closer to the common ground, but even without that, it's encouraging direction in our 'worldwide-jyotish' circle.


Thanks for sharing.





varahamihira ; parasari_jyotish

Monday, June 02, 2003 12:36 PM

Subject:a Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses-Brendan

In a message dated 6/2/2003 3:31:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time, ramadasrao writes:Om Dhanvantri NamahDear Ramadas Rao,Thanks for the good explanation of these two "diseases." I come from a place where the true disease is unseeable or unknowable. What we see are the symptoms but the symptom is not the disease. As astrologers we are more capable of seeing the true cause of disease and invariably it is related to our capacity to become conscious.My study of Ayurveda explained everything in terms of cosmic forces, Purusha and Prakruti, and all the foods, herbs, thoughts and feelings are all related and an expression of those forces. Healing then has to do with introducing first of all self-understanding, reflection, meditation as well as exercise, proper diet, and herbs that bring balance to those forces.The use of Maha Narayana Taila or Pinda Taila simply brings relief and does not address the doshic imbalance. All disease originates in the digestive tract and this for me includes the digestion of thoughs and feelings as well as food stuff. What is the difference between Vata, Pitta or Kapha depression? They are very different and the same applies to a V, P and K arthiritis. We can cure a K depression by simply introducing the right spices in the diet so the individual can digest his food and digest the tamasic AMA that is clogging his senses and his mind. By increasing Agni we can change the individuals perception of his reality!!!!! Vitiated K is like tamas. We have to introduce Rajo guna to chage the inert Tamo guna, to wake it up so to speak to digest it. The tamasic K type will sit in from of the TV for hours, for days, for weeks, for years, while eating all the Kaphogenic foods, mindlessly watching the images with no motivation, full of dullness and depression.In the same way we can address depression for V and P. Pitta depression is full of anger and rage and on it goes.There is the Jathar Agni in the digestive tract but Agni also resides in the brain and all the tissues in the body and it relates to our capacity to perceive and to digest that which we see. We are destined to become seers.Disease then is an existential problem, a problem of consciousness, and the events in our lives are pregnant with profound meaning. Why do the obstacles manifest, in marriage, career, etc? They manifest because they are attempting to heal us, to make us well, to help us grow but we are full of rajas and tamas and refuse to see. Instead we pray to God, sit and do mantras to help our spouse overcome her "problem" or the boss to over come his "problem" while all the time God is present in the experience doing His utmost, effortlessly doing everything to help us become conscious but we turn our mind outwards and blame the world.Kapha resides in the stomach, Pitta in the small intestines and Vata in the colon and when in balance, this is where they reside. When out of balance they move away from home, from their primary locations or residence, and move into the tissues of the body and cause damage. So when the V person cannot deal with his fear and anxiety, the Pitta person his anger and frustration, and the K person his grief and loss, the flow of these cosmic energies become obstructed and build-up in the tissues of the body and mind and manifest as symptoms in the areas of weakness. This can see in astrology.What happens when P moves into the large intestines or the stomach where he doesn't belong?The entire body is a manifestation of V, P and K. Awesome!Why is the sixth house the place of disease? This in where the digestion takes place and when digestion is incomplete, the enemies appear as undigested cosmic forces to make sure we face our faulty perceptions of reality. They will remain in our lives until we get it and so they should. Our enemies are our blessing. They serve us well and we should bow down to them and then they will smile.Arthiritis is a lot more than the pain in the joint. It is an existential pain manifesting in the joints making it difficult to walk through life. Would you put hot water bags on a Pitta type arthiritis? No! It would aggravate the pain and increase the very problem you are attempting to cure. The person would scream and true to the P nature be very angry with you and may even hit you.Ayurveda is a great science. Jyotish is a great science. We human beings are great Souls but we have ignored our true nature, the true science of life, and we have to suffer accordingly and thus we become diseased.Regards,Brendan

SRI RAGHAVENDRAYA NAMAH OM PARAMATMANE NAMAHDear Brendenji,Thank you for your informations.It seems that you are a good Ayurvedic expert also.I respect you in this regard.Now you asked me what is the difference between Arthritis and Paralysis.With my limited knowledge,I will give here some informations which I studied before.PARALYSIS : The central and peripheral nervous system consists of three parts :the brain,and the spinal chord-sometimes these together spoken as the central nervous system; the nerves which proceed from the brain and spinal chord named as cerebrospinal or peripheral nerves and the third part consisting of ganglia- consisting of nerve cells which are connected plexuses of nerve fibres,and are situated in the neck,thorax and abdomen.This part is known as the autonomic nervous system.The nerve cells originate or receive impulses and impressions of vigorous sorts,which are conveyed by them to the muscles,blood vessels and so on,by efferent nerves coming from the skin,organs of the sense,joints and other parts of the body.The autonomic nervous system is concerned mainly with the movement and other functions of the internal organs,secreting glands and blood vessels,the activities of which proceed independently of the will.In a sense,the autonomoc nervous system is the controller of all bodily functions.Now in Paralysis or PAKSHAVAT,there is loss of muscular power due to interference with the nervous system.When muscular power is weakened as the result of some affliction of the nervous system,the term applied is Paralysis.The most nervous ( And Mental ) disorders are due to the vitiations of the three Dosha namely VATA,PITTA and KAPHA ( Phlegm ).Due to the three doshas are vitiated the person will have a weak will power and is with bad habits of eating and drinking.Paralysis is considered as the loss of muscle functions due to damage to the nerves that control the muscles.This may be minor or extreme ,temporary and permanent.Here the main planets to be considered are Budha who contro nerves and Shani who control muscles and Rahu is also involved as he gives stroke.The related houses can be 1,3,6,8,10 or 12th.ARTHRITIS : This is caused through the inflammation of the joints with severe pain.It is a metabolic disease in which the body fails to gwt rid of uric acid.The excess uric acid may crystallize in deposits in various parts of the body especailly in the cartilages inside the joints.This is also called as Sandhi Vata.This can be arrested by reducing the body weight,by taking les protein foods,and by doing hard work.Application of heat by means of hot water bags is the best treatment for this disease.In Ayurveda ,we normally use Maha Narayana Taila or Pinda Taila.Apply this Taila and after half an hour either put hot water on the affected part or by hot water bag.Nowdays it is cured by Accupuncture also.Astrologically ,The planet Shani is the chief malefic planet in the development of Arthritis.Especially when he is placed in 6th house ill aspected by Kuja.The 10th house of Zodiac .,Makara rules over knee joints and Rahu or Shani here causes deformities and cramps in knee s and Arthritis.The 9th house of Zodiac ie.,Dhanu govers the hips and thighs.Shani or Rahu here causes rheumatism,gout etc.I hope I explained with the available knowledge I have.With best regards,Ramadas Rao.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Hello Brendan,

Thanks for your message- I am not that familiar with medical astrology, nor their terminology, that you mentioned. So far I've read Lad, Frowley, Svoboda, , /Hart deF.naturally/, and have been an /amazed/ observer of KP health/illness quizzes that I've spoken about. Far from their knowledge, let alone accuracy- that's high proficiency level that I am eager to achieve- as fast as possible, at least my

memory is on 'alert'.









Monday, June 02, 2003 12:02 AM

Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses-Brendan

In a message dated 6/1/2003 12:37:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time, anmar writes:Hare Rama KrishnaAnna,Thanks for your e-mail. We have to do a lot of work on this subject. I don't like all the labels that are used in medical astrology with little understanding of process - cosmogenesis and pathogenesis. The building blocks are there but much has to be understood and researched.Regards,Brendan

Dear Sarajit, dear Brendan,Thank you for the insight which came to me tonight, after reading both Sarajit's and Brendan's posts.. Initial impetus for studying Jyotish came through Ayurveda, for me. I grew up in a 'primitive' country /in a best sense of the word/, and strong conviction about self-healing,tradition much stronger in my family than any medical spectacular achievement of a cynism /Brendon's point/ called 'health industry". Years spent inside that industry, made me definitively convinced that there is no room for 'health' under that umbrella. Anti-Psychiatry approach was just another name for the same 'establishment'. Why is health, mental health in particular, so late in returning health to people, to their roots, when physics with Mr.Einstein gave up 'machine-like' cause-effect' system long time ago. I guess that's in the nature of 'industry', expensive health business, to grow itself out of proportion.I was initially aware of the fact that only whole person can heal himself- also aware of the place of astrology in complex cosmos of life. I was fascinated by work of a German experienced health-practitioner, Ilona, who now co-ordinates KP list on the net, who's been amazingly proficient in both astrology and ayurveda. It was my /wrong/ understanding that I should digest and muster Jyotish astrology, before I come back to all, set aside, ayrvedic knowledge, Svoboda's, Frowley's etc..books. Now I see that Brendan message seems to be an eye-opener to jyotishi more experienced than myself, and that it's not just a 'List' that I missed to catch up with, but, as I kind of, knew from/on the beginning!!! -an integral part of the SAME study. I knew that at the beginning, and as my knowledge of astrology grew that important facet has faded away!Is that how 'natural healing' doctrine of our predecessors has been forgotten? Most likely.I am very grateful for this insight, and this eclipse, which I greet with 'Hari' as per Sanjay's suggestion. My curiosity has been intrigued by the fact that Brendan IS ayurvedic health practitioner and belongs somehow to this 'Free- Jyotish- Academy'!!!Health is a complex issue, not less than life itself, which we also try to understand. Planet won't 'attack' own 'karaka' but that of the enemy, of course: Saturn will attack Mars' domain, BUT affliction is mutual, so Mars will attack Saturn , and likely its connection as well..Which of the two is stronger will decide the outcome of the 'battle'.Who can be more helpful in deciphering this enigma than Ayrvedic practitioner, and Brendan is just that. I join my voice with Sarajit's to ask Brendan to share more, more often and tolerate our questions which will be numerous, now that 'secret' has been revealed.Thank you Sarajit, thank you BrendanAnna |Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Brendan and Group,


I agree

that we are talking about two different, but compatible subjects here. One is involved with the mental nature,

while the other is purely physical, so the elements of astrology and the mind do not necessarily refer directly to

the ayurvedic make-up of the physical body.


Years ago

in the early 90’s I took an astrology course offered by Dr. David Frawley, an

astrologer and an Ayurvedic practitioner. The course was divided into 3

sections, of which the second was concerned with the practice of Ayurveda and

Astrology. I am no expert in the field, and quickly realized that the

integration of the two compatible systems is tricky at best, simply because the

physical and mental nature can often times be quite different. Ayurveda is the

holistic physical system, while astrology provides the map for the integration

of the mental constitution, so what is astrologically an air problem may

manifest ayurvedically or physically through a different element. In other

words, the planets that indicate disease may indicate the type of disease or they may indicate the site

of disease. There is so much to consider…the strength of the planets needs to

be examined, as well as and the nature of the signs and houses from Rasi,

Navamsa, and the Moon. I can certainly admire you Brendan for your expertise in

taking on both systems, and doing so with such proficiency. I would also think

that the practice of yoga and meditation could be of tremendous value in

successfully integrating these two ancient systems of knowledge - as we develop

the ability to silence our minds to allow the direct perception of reality and self-knowledge to unfold.



from what I remember of the course, in his Ayurvedic practice Frawley used

Saturn and Rahu as the planets responsible for nervous disorders such as

paralysis and diseases such as arthritis, Mars for impure blood disorders, and

Mercury for skin diseases and mental

nervous disorders. I don’t remember what area specifically covered muscles, but

aren’t muscles made up of tissue organs primarily used for moving body parts,

such as the legs, and therefore would muscles not be physically in Ayurveda associated

with Saturn when referencing concerns in medical astrology? Astrologically, I have

always associated Mars with physical strength, but not paralysis, as that is

not necessarily the opposite of physical strength. Anyway, I’m no doctor…these

are just a few of my thoughts.




Sandy Crowther







Tuesday, June 03, 2003 12:57



Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC

Delhi - doubts regarding curses-Brendan


In a

message dated 6/2/2003 9:02:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

sarajit writes:


Hare Krishna

Dear Sarajit,


There are two different topics here. One is the rulership of dhatus, the

physical constitutents of the body, and the other the state of the mind (fear,

anxiety, nervousness, etc).


We talked about the rulership of the dhatus and we are still having some

dispute. Narasimha uses Saturn for mamsa (muscle) and Mars for majja (nerve) in

his book. Maybe he can comment on this for us. He has a good knowledge of

sanskrit and my BPHS also uses Saturn for mamsa.


There are many contradictions in the signification between jyotish and

ayurveda. Many are unable to reconcile the issue and drop the subject



According to Parasara, the signs and the doshas are as follows:


Fire signs: Pitta dosha

Earth signs: Vata dosha

Air signs: Tridoshic

Water signs: Kapha dosha


Sun - Pitta

Moon - Kapha/Vata, depending on whether the Moon is full (K) or new (more V)

Mars - Pitta (agni tattwa)

Mercury - Tridoshic (prithvi tattwa)

Jupiter - Kapha (akasha tattwa)

Venus - Kapha/Vata

Saturn - Vata (vayu tattwa)

Rahu & Ketu are like Saturn and Mars


According to Ayurveda, fear, anxiety, nervousness and phobia are all

manifestations of excess Vata. This means that the Moon and/or lagna would have

to be heavily influenced by Saturn, especially in a Vata rasi.


We should not confuse this with majja dhatu. Just because a native has a

neurological disorder does not mean he has a Vata constitution or is fearful

and nervous. V, P or K can enter majja dhatu and each will produce very

different symptoms. Vata however, is the dosha that causes tremors and physical

nervous disorders.


Saturn, even if we accept that it rules mamsa dhatu, is a Vata planet and

causes Vata disorders due to excess Vayu (fear, nervousness, anxiety and

insomnia). According to the Ayurvedic texts, Vata is responsible for 80

different diseases, while P is responsible for 40 and K for 20. This of course

aligns well with the fact that Saturn is a Vata planet. Vata tends towards

disease and decay.


You see Mercury rules prithvi tattwa (hence the bones) and Rasa dhatu (primary

organ is the skin but also the plasma and lymphatic system). The earthy Mercury

is excellent in the world of business and practical organization!


So I have a difficult time with Mercury ruling the nervous system. Yes, he may

cause nervousness and distorted thinking due to the influence of Vata due to

placement, dristhi, etc.












Dear Brendan,


Yes, even

I am thinking on this, actually my understanding always was Mercury rules

Nerves and Mars rules Muscles. Affliction to these planets shows troubles to

the system ruled by them. However, the recent debate, made me rethink and I

checked up BPHS, from which I quoted. Actually I am still in the process of

reconciling as I have practically seen horoscopes with Mercury's affliction and

nervous disorders and it is difficult for me to accept Saturn as the karaka for



I have

seen that Muscles is left out from the list and it would belong to either Mars

or Saturn, whose dhatus are somewhat near to muscles. I checked up Brhat Jataka

also to see what Varahamihira has to say on this and found he also says exaclty

the same thing. However, I am more inclined to take Saturn, now for muscles, as

Muscles are almost dependent on nerves to function, otherwise they just can't

function. However, this is not a strong arguement as other systems are also

interdependent as Mucles cannot live without blood too!


I pointed

out the parasara didn't explicitly mention muscles for Saturn, but nerves for

him, just point out that there should be more justification behind rulership of

Muscles as Parasara has not mentioned it explicitly. The function of muscles

and nerves, however vary a lot. Muscles helps in body movement, helps us in

action etc, but nerves are the coordinating agents, which transfer the

information from one place to another and the primary communicator. Only

because the function of muscles matches with Mars and that of Nerves matches

with Mercury, I took them as the karaka. There are many things which are left

un-reconciled. Please help me in reconciling.











|Om Tat Sat|



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Dear Anna,

Thanks for the comments and this is the only way to make the informations perfect and exact.Eventhough Head is controlled by Mehs Rasi the brain and its central nervous system is controlled by Budha as 3rd house of zodiac ruled ear,nose,throat,arms,shoulders and nervous system also.Here Budha represents Lord Narayana who controls our brain and its central nervous system giving signal to every part and every action of our life.If any of the nerves are diffective due to our past karma,the controlling function halts there till that part or nerve is repaired medically and through remedial measures.

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao."N.Anna" <anmar wrote:


Dear Ramadas, dear Brendan,


Thanks to both of you for information- Ramadas, you did an excellent job in collecting info and clarifying difference btw. paralysis and arthritis. On the other hand, Brendan explained very well distinction of PKV illnesses usually, by common people, called the same name. /I guess simplification has been made for the sake of argument-for the sake of truth, classic 'medicine' , doctors, health-workers are not really that low in understanding nature of disease, as it may appear, but they definitively lack 'holistic' view/

You brought valuable information, unfortunately, not very related to each other- they can still stand apart, as two different sets of info, now, as it was the case at the beginning.

The point which Ramadas brought is that arthritis is/can be distinguishable /Indeed!/ from paralysis, and it can stand for itself. It has little connection with Brrendan's info- which is true,


but seems not to be related to /seemingly /the same topic both posts have. It's valid point /Brendan/: arthritis is a TOTAL illness and not just bone-d. /and is not Always the case? and is it not always the case with immune -system-related illnesses, as most are? Just more dramatic in arthritis? It's total disease, true, but not necessarily neurological, as paralysis always is.


Ideally, we could have gotten closer to the common ground, but even without that, it's encouraging direction in our 'worldwide-jyotish' circle.


Thanks for sharing.





varahamihira ; parasari_jyotish

Monday, June 02, 2003 12:36 PM

Subject:a Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses-Brendan

In a message dated 6/2/2003 3:31:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time, ramadasrao writes:Om Dhanvantri NamahDear Ramadas Rao,Thanks for the good explanation of these two "diseases." I come from a place where the true disease is unseeable or unknowable. What we see are the symptoms but the symptom is not the disease. As astrologers we are more capable of seeing the true cause of disease and invariably it is related to our capacity to become conscious.My study of Ayurveda explained everything in terms of cosmic forces, Purusha and Prakruti, and all the foods, herbs, thoughts and feelings are all related and an expression of those forces. Healing then has to do with introducing first of all self-understanding, reflection, meditation as well as exercise, proper diet, and herbs that bring balance to those forces.The use of Maha Narayana Taila or Pinda Taila simply brings relief and does not address the doshic imbalance. All disease originates in the digestive tract and this for me includes the digestion of thoughs and feelings as well as food stuff. What is the difference between Vata, Pitta or Kapha depression? They are very different and the same applies to a V, P and K arthiritis. We can cure a K depression by simply introducing the right spices in the diet so the individual can digest his food and digest the tamasic AMA that is clogging his senses and his mind. By increasing Agni we can change the individuals perception of his reality!!!!! Vitiated K is like tamas. We have to introduce Rajo guna to chage the inert Tamo guna, to wake it up so to speak to digest it. The tamasic K type will sit in from of the TV for hours, for days, for weeks, for years, while eating all the Kaphogenic foods, mindlessly watching the images with no motivation, full of dullness and depression.In the same way we can address depression for V and P. Pitta depression is full of anger and rage and on it goes.There is the Jathar Agni in the digestive tract but Agni also resides in the brain and all the tissues in the body and it relates to our capacity to perceive and to digest that which we see. We are destined to become seers.Disease then is an existential problem, a problem of consciousness, and the events in our lives are pregnant with profound meaning. Why do the obstacles manifest, in marriage, career, etc? They manifest because they are attempting to heal us, to make us well, to help us grow but we are full of rajas and tamas and refuse to see. Instead we pray to God, sit and do mantras to help our spouse overcome her "problem" or the boss to over come his "problem" while all the time God is present in the experience doing His utmost, effortlessly doing everything to help us become conscious but we turn our mind outwards and blame the world.Kapha resides in the stomach, Pitta in the small intestines and Vata in the colon and when in balance, this is where they reside. When out of balance they move away from home, from their primary locations or residence, and move into the tissues of the body and cause damage. So when the V person cannot deal with his fear and anxiety, the Pitta person his anger and frustration, and the K person his grief and loss, the flow of these cosmic energies become obstructed and build-up in the tissues of the body and mind and manifest as symptoms in the areas of weakness. This can see in astrology.What happens when P moves into the large intestines or the stomach where he doesn't belong?The entire body is a manifestation of V, P and K. Awesome!Why is the sixth house the place of disease? This in where the digestion takes place and when digestion is incomplete, the enemies appear as undigested cosmic forces to make sure we face our faulty perceptions of reality. They will remain in our lives until we get it and so they should. Our enemies are our blessing. They serve us well and we should bow down to them and then they will smile.Arthiritis is a lot more than the pain in the joint. It is an existential pain manifesting in the joints making it difficult to walk through life. Would you put hot water bags on a Pitta type arthiritis? No! It would aggravate the pain and increase the very problem you are attempting to cure. The person would scream and true to the P nature be very angry with you and may even hit you.Ayurveda is a great science. Jyotish is a great science. We human beings are great Souls but we have ignored our true nature, the true science of life, and we have to suffer accordingly and thus we become diseased.Regards,Brendan

SRI RAGHAVENDRAYA NAMAH OM PARAMATMANE NAMAHDear Brendenji,Thank you for your informations.It seems that you are a good Ayurvedic expert also.I respect you in this regard.Now you asked me what is the difference between Arthritis and Paralysis.With my limited knowledge,I will give here some informations which I studied before.PARALYSIS : The central and peripheral nervous system consists of three parts :the brain,and the spinal chord-sometimes these together spoken as the central nervous system; the nerves which proceed from the brain and spinal chord named as cerebrospinal or peripheral nerves and the third part consisting of ganglia- consisting of nerve cells which are connected plexuses of nerve fibres,and are situated in the neck,thorax and abdomen.This part is known as the autonomic nervous system.The nerve cells originate or receive impulses and impressions of vigorous sorts,which are conveyed by them to the muscles,blood vessels and so on,by efferent nerves coming from the skin,organs of the sense,joints and other parts of the body.The autonomic nervous system is concerned mainly with the movement and other functions of the internal organs,secreting glands and blood vessels,the activities of which proceed independently of the will.In a sense,the autonomoc nervous system is the controller of all bodily functions.Now in Paralysis or PAKSHAVAT,there is loss of muscular power due to interference with the nervous system.When muscular power is weakened as the result of some affliction of the nervous system,the term applied is Paralysis.The most nervous ( And Mental ) disorders are due to the vitiations of the three Dosha namely VATA,PITTA and KAPHA ( Phlegm ).Due to the three doshas are vitiated the person will have a weak will power and is with bad habits of eating and drinking.Paralysis is considered as the loss of muscle functions due to damage to the nerves that control the muscles.This may be minor or extreme ,temporary and permanent.Here the main planets to be considered are Budha who contro nerves and Shani who control muscles and Rahu is also involved as he gives stroke.The related houses can be 1,3,6,8,10 or 12th.ARTHRITIS : This is caused through the inflammation of the joints with severe pain.It is a metabolic disease in which the body fails to gwt rid of uric acid.The excess uric acid may crystallize in deposits in various parts of the body especailly in the cartilages inside the joints.This is also called as Sandhi Vata.This can be arrested by reducing the body weight,by taking les protein foods,and by doing hard work.Application of heat by means of hot water bags is the best treatment for this disease.In Ayurveda ,we normally use Maha Narayana Taila or Pinda Taila.Apply this Taila and after half an hour either put hot water on the affected part or by hot water bag.Nowdays it is cured by Accupuncture also.Astrologically ,The planet Shani is the chief malefic planet in the development of Arthritis.Especially when he is placed in 6th house ill aspected by Kuja.The 10th house of Zodiac .,Makara rules over knee joints and Rahu or Shani here causes deformities and cramps in knee s and Arthritis.The 9th house of Zodiac ie.,Dhanu govers the hips and thighs.Shani or Rahu here causes rheumatism,gout etc.I hope I explained with the available knowledge I have.With best regards,Ramadas Rao.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Dear Anna,

Thanks for the comments and this is the only way to make the informations perfect and exact.Eventhough Head is controlled by Mesha Rasi the brain and its central nervous system is controlled by Budha as 3rd house of zodiac ruled ear,nose,throat,arms,shoulders and nervous system also.Here Budha represents Lord Narayana who controls our brain and its central nervous system giving signal to every part and every action of our life.If any of the nerves are diffective due to our past karma,the controlling function halts there till that part or nerve is repaired medically and through remedial measures.

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao."N.Anna" <anmar wrote:


Dear Ramadas, dear Brendan,


Thanks to both of you for information- Ramadas, you did an excellent job in collecting info and clarifying difference btw. paralysis and arthritis. On the other hand, Brendan explained very well distinction of PKV illnesses usually, by common people, called the same name. /I guess simplification has been made for the sake of argument-for the sake of truth, classic 'medicine' , doctors, health-workers are not really that low in understanding nature of disease, as it may appear, but they definitively lack 'holistic' view/

You brought valuable information, unfortunately, not very related to each other- they can still stand apart, as two different sets of info, now, as it was the case at the beginning.

The point which Ramadas brought is that arthritis is/can be distinguishable /Indeed!/ from paralysis, and it can stand for itself. It has little connection with Brrendan's info- which is true,


but seems not to be related to /seemingly /the same topic both posts have. It's valid point /Brendan/: arthritis is a TOTAL illness and not just bone-d. /and is not Always the case? and is it not always the case with immune -system-related illnesses, as most are? Just more dramatic in arthritis? It's total disease, true, but not necessarily neurological, as paralysis always is.


Ideally, we could have gotten closer to the common ground, but even without that, it's encouraging direction in our 'worldwide-jyotish' circle.


Thanks for sharing.





varahamihira ; parasari_jyotish

Monday, June 02, 2003 12:36 PM

Subject:a Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses-Brendan

In a message dated 6/2/2003 3:31:22 AM Eastern Daylight Time, ramadasrao writes:Om Dhanvantri NamahDear Ramadas Rao,Thanks for the good explanation of these two "diseases." I come from a place where the true disease is unseeable or unknowable. What we see are the symptoms but the symptom is not the disease. As astrologers we are more capable of seeing the true cause of disease and invariably it is related to our capacity to become conscious.My study of Ayurveda explained everything in terms of cosmic forces, Purusha and Prakruti, and all the foods, herbs, thoughts and feelings are all related and an expression of those forces. Healing then has to do with introducing first of all self-understanding, reflection, meditation as well as exercise, proper diet, and herbs that bring balance to those forces.The use of Maha Narayana Taila or Pinda Taila simply brings relief and does not address the doshic imbalance. All disease originates in the digestive tract and this for me includes the digestion of thoughs and feelings as well as food stuff. What is the difference between Vata, Pitta or Kapha depression? They are very different and the same applies to a V, P and K arthiritis. We can cure a K depression by simply introducing the right spices in the diet so the individual can digest his food and digest the tamasic AMA that is clogging his senses and his mind. By increasing Agni we can change the individuals perception of his reality!!!!! Vitiated K is like tamas. We have to introduce Rajo guna to chage the inert Tamo guna, to wake it up so to speak to digest it. The tamasic K type will sit in from of the TV for hours, for days, for weeks, for years, while eating all the Kaphogenic foods, mindlessly watching the images with no motivation, full of dullness and depression.In the same way we can address depression for V and P. Pitta depression is full of anger and rage and on it goes.There is the Jathar Agni in the digestive tract but Agni also resides in the brain and all the tissues in the body and it relates to our capacity to perceive and to digest that which we see. We are destined to become seers.Disease then is an existential problem, a problem of consciousness, and the events in our lives are pregnant with profound meaning. Why do the obstacles manifest, in marriage, career, etc? They manifest because they are attempting to heal us, to make us well, to help us grow but we are full of rajas and tamas and refuse to see. Instead we pray to God, sit and do mantras to help our spouse overcome her "problem" or the boss to over come his "problem" while all the time God is present in the experience doing His utmost, effortlessly doing everything to help us become conscious but we turn our mind outwards and blame the world.Kapha resides in the stomach, Pitta in the small intestines and Vata in the colon and when in balance, this is where they reside. When out of balance they move away from home, from their primary locations or residence, and move into the tissues of the body and cause damage. So when the V person cannot deal with his fear and anxiety, the Pitta person his anger and frustration, and the K person his grief and loss, the flow of these cosmic energies become obstructed and build-up in the tissues of the body and mind and manifest as symptoms in the areas of weakness. This can see in astrology.What happens when P moves into the large intestines or the stomach where he doesn't belong?The entire body is a manifestation of V, P and K. Awesome!Why is the sixth house the place of disease? This in where the digestion takes place and when digestion is incomplete, the enemies appear as undigested cosmic forces to make sure we face our faulty perceptions of reality. They will remain in our lives until we get it and so they should. Our enemies are our blessing. They serve us well and we should bow down to them and then they will smile.Arthiritis is a lot more than the pain in the joint. It is an existential pain manifesting in the joints making it difficult to walk through life. Would you put hot water bags on a Pitta type arthiritis? No! It would aggravate the pain and increase the very problem you are attempting to cure. The person would scream and true to the P nature be very angry with you and may even hit you.Ayurveda is a great science. Jyotish is a great science. We human beings are great Souls but we have ignored our true nature, the true science of life, and we have to suffer accordingly and thus we become diseased.Regards,Brendan

SRI RAGHAVENDRAYA NAMAH OM PARAMATMANE NAMAHDear Brendenji,Thank you for your informations.It seems that you are a good Ayurvedic expert also.I respect you in this regard.Now you asked me what is the difference between Arthritis and Paralysis.With my limited knowledge,I will give here some informations which I studied before.PARALYSIS : The central and peripheral nervous system consists of three parts :the brain,and the spinal chord-sometimes these together spoken as the central nervous system; the nerves which proceed from the brain and spinal chord named as cerebrospinal or peripheral nerves and the third part consisting of ganglia- consisting of nerve cells which are connected plexuses of nerve fibres,and are situated in the neck,thorax and abdomen.This part is known as the autonomic nervous system.The nerve cells originate or receive impulses and impressions of vigorous sorts,which are conveyed by them to the muscles,blood vessels and so on,by efferent nerves coming from the skin,organs of the sense,joints and other parts of the body.The autonomic nervous system is concerned mainly with the movement and other functions of the internal organs,secreting glands and blood vessels,the activities of which proceed independently of the will.In a sense,the autonomoc nervous system is the controller of all bodily functions.Now in Paralysis or PAKSHAVAT,there is loss of muscular power due to interference with the nervous system.When muscular power is weakened as the result of some affliction of the nervous system,the term applied is Paralysis.The most nervous ( And Mental ) disorders are due to the vitiations of the three Dosha namely VATA,PITTA and KAPHA ( Phlegm ).Due to the three doshas are vitiated the person will have a weak will power and is with bad habits of eating and drinking.Paralysis is considered as the loss of muscle functions due to damage to the nerves that control the muscles.This may be minor or extreme ,temporary and permanent.Here the main planets to be considered are Budha who contro nerves and Shani who control muscles and Rahu is also involved as he gives stroke.The related houses can be 1,3,6,8,10 or 12th.ARTHRITIS : This is caused through the inflammation of the joints with severe pain.It is a metabolic disease in which the body fails to gwt rid of uric acid.The excess uric acid may crystallize in deposits in various parts of the body especailly in the cartilages inside the joints.This is also called as Sandhi Vata.This can be arrested by reducing the body weight,by taking les protein foods,and by doing hard work.Application of heat by means of hot water bags is the best treatment for this disease.In Ayurveda ,we normally use Maha Narayana Taila or Pinda Taila.Apply this Taila and after half an hour either put hot water on the affected part or by hot water bag.Nowdays it is cured by Accupuncture also.Astrologically ,The planet Shani is the chief malefic planet in the development of Arthritis.Especially when he is placed in 6th house ill aspected by Kuja.The 10th house of Zodiac .,Makara rules over knee joints and Rahu or Shani here causes deformities and cramps in knee s and Arthritis.The 9th house of Zodiac ie.,Dhanu govers the hips and thighs.Shani or Rahu here causes rheumatism,gout etc.I hope I explained with the available knowledge I have.With best regards,Ramadas Rao.|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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In a message dated 6/3/2003 1:51:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time, ramadasrao writes:


Hare Krishna

Dear Ramdas Rao


I have no problem with Mercury and nervous mental disorders but do not agree with Mercury and the nerve tissue and physiological disorders such as MS, parkinsons, paralysis, etc. There is a big difference. It is the affliction to Mercury that causes the mental disorders and Rasa dhatu will also suffer and hence the skin diseases.








Dear Brendenji,

I think Budha rules not only earthy Tattwa but also Vayu Tattwa which is Mithuna Rasi.Also In Satya Jataka -English translation page no.36 ,under Mercury ,it is mentioned about the diseases caused by it and it says mental diseases,skin diseases,leucoderma,indigestion,piles,leprosy,nervous disorders,impediments of speech,diseases of stomach and and those arising from the curses of Vishnu and wise men.

So now I have qoted about 3 books giving the information about Mercury's affliction gives nervous disorders.

I hope this helps.

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.

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In a message dated 6/3/2003 8:11:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time, boxdel writes:


Hare Krishna

Dear Chandrasekar,


We are wrestling with many basic issues but this makes it all the more worth while.

I have understood Snayu to mean ligaments.


But let me pose an additional problem on this subject.


Rasa dhatu which is composed primarily of jala tattwa and kapha dosha is ruled by Mercury (prithvi) and provides nourishment to all the dhatus of the body.


Rakta dhatu is composed primarily of fire and water and is said to be ruled by the Moon (jala).


Mamsa is composed primarily of earth and secondary fire and water and is ruled by Saturn (vayu).


Meda dhatu is primarily jala tattwa and is ruled by Jupiter which is (akasha).


Asthi dhatu is composed of earth and ruled by the Sun (agni).


Majja dhatu is composed of jala tattwa and ruled by Mars (agni).


Shukra is composed of jala tattwa and ruled by Venus (jala).


Can we try to explain it!







Dear Sarajit/Brendan and learned astrologers,


If I may, does Parashar not indicate "Snayureshas" ( as against snayu which would mean Mucles)being ruled by Saturn? This could indicate ligaments or nerves, though most of the translations call this as muscles. Again nervous system is activated by brain top of the skull which is open in a child and later gets closed is known as Bramha Randrha(if I am not wrong). Bramha is the Adhidevata of Saturn. His description is Lame, emaciated which is what nerve related disorders lead to. Again his command over Vaayu and the fact that nerve stimulation is through electrical activities of brains involving multiple electrical receptors would suggest Saturn's ability to rule nerves (as against being nervous which relates to state of mind and would surely be ruled by Mercury/Moon).

If I may further point out Masa means flesh and not muscles, if I know my language well. Muscles indicates strength and could in fact be ruled over by Mars( representing strength) as is marrow from which sustenance is drawn by the bone.


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Dear Brendan,

I failed to mention that Snayu-resha might also mean tendons. I shall try to delve more in ayurveda and attempt to answer soon. However I think trying to associate Dhatus(as in ayurveda) and Tatvas might create confusion. The reason is that Mars also rules over blood when looking at profession, and that is the reason why Medical Practioner and Armed forces come under its domain. Besides agni he is also Bhumiputra. So trying to relate Prithvi, jala,Agni and Aakasha tatwas to Dhatus might not really help. I think we should go to the primary nature of the planets, and deceases ruled over by them, to arrive at correct conclusions.

Of course, I am not as knowledgeable as you and could be wrong.







Wednesday, June 04, 2003 10:12 AM

Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses-Brendan

In a message dated 6/3/2003 8:11:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time, boxdel writes:Hare KrishnaDear Chandrasekar,We are wrestling with many basic issues but this makes it all the more worth while.I have understood Snayu to mean ligaments.But let me pose an additional problem on this subject. Rasa dhatu which is composed primarily of jala tattwa and kapha dosha is ruled by Mercury (prithvi) and provides nourishment to all the dhatus of the body. Rakta dhatu is composed primarily of fire and water and is said to be ruled by the Moon (jala). Mamsa is composed primarily of earth and secondary fire and water and is ruled by Saturn (vayu). Meda dhatu is primarily jala tattwa and is ruled by Jupiter which is (akasha).Asthi dhatu is composed of earth and ruled by the Sun (agni).Majja dhatu is composed of jala tattwa and ruled by Mars (agni).Shukra is composed of jala tattwa and ruled by Venus (jala).Can we try to explain it!Regards,Brendan

Dear Sarajit/Brendan and learned astrologers,If I may, does Parashar not indicate "Snayureshas" ( as against snayu which would mean Mucles)being ruled by Saturn? This could indicate ligaments or nerves, though most of the translations call this as muscles. Again nervous system is activated by brain top of the skull which is open in a child and later gets closed is known as Bramha Randrha(if I am not wrong). Bramha is the Adhidevata of Saturn. His description is Lame, emaciated which is what nerve related disorders lead to. Again his command over Vaayu and the fact that nerve stimulation is through electrical activities of brains involving multiple electrical receptors would suggest Saturn's ability to rule nerves (as against being nervous which relates to state of mind and would surely be ruled by Mercury/Moon).If I may further point out Masa means flesh and not muscles, if I know my language well. Muscles indicates strength and could in fact be ruled over by Mars( representing strength) as is marrow from which sustenance is drawn by the bone.Chandrashekhar.

|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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In a message dated 6/5/2003 7:38:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time, ahimsa writes:


Hare Krishna

Dear Zoran,


Thanks for this fine thinking that you did.


I believe that we can take any dhatu and have different rulerships for different functions of the dhatu... just as you explained for Rakta dhatu. The primary ruler is the Moon but Mars is also involved as he rules the red blood cells. Same with majja dhatu. Assume that mars rules majja dhatu for the moment but Mercury may also play a part here because majja dhatu is responsible for the communication network that takes place in that dhatu... to the organs and other tissues in the body.


Your explanation of the neecha and uccha places of planets and the dhatus makes so much good and intelligent sense.







Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Chandrakeshar,


I cannot agree.. There is perfect order. When you say that Mangal rules blood it is not so. Chandra rules blood accoring to Parashar (saptha dhatu). It is true that Mangal is related to blood, but how? Mangal rules neech sign of Chandra so when is in bad position he would create Rakta- Dosha or blood related disease. Also, mangal rules bone marrow which is responsible for creation of red particles in blood. Anyway, below is my attempt:


Rasa dhatu which is composed primarily of jala tattwa and kapha dosha is ruled by Mercury (prithvi) and provides nourishment to all the dhatus of the body.


ZORAN: Mercury or Budha is neecha in Meen so Guru can deviate or aggriviate Rasa dhatu and is known for Kapha disorders

He is exalted in prithivi sign Kanya so jala tatwa can be well balanced by prithivi.


Mamsa is composed primarily of earth and secondary fire and water and is ruled by Saturn (vayu).


ZORAN:Shani is neecha in mesh, so when Mangal is afflicted, there will be terrible weakness in muscles and emaciation.

Further, Shani is exalted in thula, so Vayu tatwa of tula can balance the mamsa to its best. Thus when shukra is well

placed it will give nice and well formed body and muscles


Meda dhatu is primarily jala tattwa and is ruled by Jupiter which is (akasha).


ZORAN:Guru is exalted in karka (jala) so Jala Tatwa can balance Akash tatwa while Vayu Tatwa of Shani can aggriviate it..


Asthi dhatu is composed of earth and ruled by the Sun (agni).


ZORAN:Surya ruler of Asthi is weakend by Shukra (thula), so when shukra is weak, bones will be weak or erosive. Shukra is further weakened in

Kanya , so Budh strength will give bony structure, due to its prithivi tatwa



Majja dhatu is composed of jala tattwa and ruled by Mars (agni).


ZORAN:Mangal or agni Tatwa is neecha in Kark ruled by Chandra (Jala), so weakness in chandra will aggriviate Majja dhatu


Shukra is composed of jala tattwa and ruled by Venus (jala).


ZORAN: Shukra is neech in kanya ruled by budh, so budh is resposnible for weakness of Jala, while Exaltation ruler Guru (meen-jala) is responsible (children)

for Shukra dhatu..


Can we try to explain it!






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Dear Brendan,

As promised, I am back again. Let me first express my appreciation of the work being done by you in promotion of Aurveda to benefit humanbeings, and your efforts to understand its relation to other Vedic practices and sciences.

If you remember I had said it might create confusion if Dhatus and Tatvas if we try to link them directly. This I had said. as many of the words are used in different context to mean different things , in Sanskrita language. Your mail made me do some research (at a very preliminary level), and it confirms what I was trying to convey when I gave an example of both Mars and Moon having Adhikar over blood in different context. Here is what I found.


Though it is true that Aurveda finds its basis in the Tridoshas viz. Kapha, Vata , Pitta, these three doshas are linked to Dhatus. Now if we consider the subdivisions within the dhatus and then apply the concept of Tatwas of Astrology, We can come close to that which you seek.

An example would be Agni(digestive fire) in Ayurveda and Tatwa in Jyotish. There are various rupas(forms) of Agni. These are Agni related to Pachaka Pitta, Rasa dhatu, Rakta Dhatu, Asthi Dhatu, Majja Dhatu, Shukra Dhatu and Ojasa. This means direct linking of Tatwas of Astrology to Doshas or Dhatus of Ayurveda without finding out their further subdivision might lead one astray. It again, is similar to how a herbal medicine has become Siddha(Processed). Guggula , if not processed in cow's Ghee(butter oil) is sometimes poisonous (if I remember right).

If you apply the Agni in ayurveda to tatwas in astrology and then link it to Astrology Dhatus and graha swaroopas, you will find the reason why both Moon and Mars have adhikar over Blood in different context and why majja is ruled by Mars in astrology Astrology.

I am not an expert in either Aurveda or astrology, so if I have erred, I am certain you will point it out to me. This would help me increase my own knowledge.








Friday, June 06, 2003 9:39 AM

Re: |Sri Varaha| SJC Delhi - doubts regarding curses-Brendan

In a message dated 6/5/2003 6:38:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time, boxdel writes:Namaste Chandrashekhar,Thanks for your comments. The correspondences between the dhatus and tattwas come from the classical Ayurvedic works by the Rishis. I wanted to present them here so that we can see the challenge we have.I do not make up any of this myself and will only accept that which comes from the Rishis.My interest is in understanding the laws of manifestation when it comes to the human body and its relationship to the universe and the forces of Maya. Jyotish has not done a good job of this in my estimation. Yes, it is wonderful in describing our karmas and timing disease but not the function of the bodily tissues and organs and the mechanism of disease. I just cannot accept a bunch of labels (grahas and disease categories) without a clear understanding of the cosmological forces in terms of tattwas and doshas that bring about our mental and physical suffering. In addition, if we know that jala tattwa is a problem, then we know how to treat the problem. I use Ayurvedic herbalism daily in my practice and have done this for some time, so I have a specific interest here.We already have a wonderful list of diseases and planets and I've used those for years but I am not satisfied. Yes, jyotish can show the weak link in the body, the weak organs or dhatus, and the doshas accumulate in such critical weak spots and destroy form and function. That's why we are able to say, "Oh, you have problems with your knees," and the person will go away saying, "oh, he's a great astrologer." But the problem with the knees has to be related to some other fundamental function in the body that is expressing itself through the knees. For this we must know something of Ayurveda.Ayurveda give a truly wonderful understanding of disease and according to this science prajnaparada (a failure of intelligence) is the cause of all physical and mental suffering. We have to start from this point but we have to see where the failure of intelligence is going to manifest. We, as eternal souls, are after all the creators of the body and I cannot accept that anybody in the universe if trying to punish us. In fact, in my opinion, all the grahas are trying to help us overcome our false understanding, our nonsense, our devicivness and cunning, the shad ripu, all expressed towards our fellow creatures, and the suffering is very effective tool to get us human being to look at out plight.Ayurveda does a great job of integrating the six systems of Indian philosophy, and particularly Sankhya and Vaishesika, to describe the organization of human consciousness - body, mind and soul, the tripod of life (lagna, Moon and Sun) - in terms of the gunas and the tattwas. Everything in creation is structured in this way and Sanjay has written a wonderful paper on this too. The properties of all the herbs and minerals are described in terms of the gunas (attributes) and doshas and we know too that the planets have rulership over the plants and other substances, including food stuff.It is worth our time to look into it and if we get lost, we will surely be rescued at the end of a long journey. Hero's always find their way home and hopefully fools do too. I'm prepared to make a fool out of myself.Thanks for your nice comments.Regards,Brendan

Dear Brendan,I failed to mention that Snayu-resha might also mean tendons. I shall try to delve more in ayurveda and attempt to answer soon. However I think trying to associate Dhatus(as in ayurveda) and Tatvas might create confusion. The reason is that Mars also rules over blood when looking at profession, and that is the reason why Medical Practioner and Armed forces come under its domain. Besides agni he is also Bhumiputra. So trying to relate Prithvi, jala,Agni and Aakasha tatwas to Dhatus might not really help. I think we should go to the primary nature of the planets, and deceases ruled over by them, to arrive at correct conclusions.Of course, I am not as knowledgeable as you and could be wrong.Regards,Chandrashekhar.

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