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RE: |Sri Varaha| Fw: SJC-Hyd. Meeting on May 11, 2003

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|brihaspatim varenyam|Dear Saileshcomments on the notes are given below.I have purposely pointed out some mistakes and have purposely made certain comments so that you all learn to "ARGUE" and discuss the various points and counter points. This is necessary if you have to become masters in Jyotish. Learn to look as widely as possible.~ om tat sat ~Yours truly,Sanjay Rath---------------------------H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India+91-674-2436871 http://srath.com---------------------------Respected Gurus & dear friends,In the May 11, 2003, meeting of SJC-Hyderabad, we tried to apply the TOB rectification techniques, know to us, on a chart (jhd file attached).This was a special meeting as 6 new members joined our study group.The known facts about the native, M Narsing Rao, are:Male: DOB - Aug. 11, 1965, 7-00pm (as reported), at HyderabadPhysique: Avg. height, now bulky, honest, well-mannered and dignified looks, leadership qualities; slightly hot-tempered; bad digestion - severe acidity;Parents: Both parents deceased: Mother - Jan 11, 1993, in a road accident; Father - Oct. 26, 2001Siblings: One younger brotherMarriage: love marriage, different sub-caste, initially opposed by both parentsChildren: Girl - July 31, 1986; Boy - July 3, 1986; followed by a conception - twins, boy & girl, lost due to an abortion following a small accident.Education: passed 10thCareer: average, working in menial jobs, last - and present - one as a peon/ messenger .Shanmukha has compiled the discussion and made the following note.We request your comments and corrections and suggestions.We propose to continue this analysis with some other factors on this chart – and then to take up members charts in our next meeting, due on May 25, 2003.Regards & best wishes,ShaileshAnalysis: RASI CHART (D-1): If we take 7:00 pm birth time, lagna comes to Aq, housing Saturn ® in its moola trikona. So, he is strong though he is debilitated in D-9 (He attains neecha bhanga, if we take Sc as D-9 Lagna). [Rath:] How can you say this. A planet placed in neecha navamsa is basically in 'Rajbhanga yoga' as far as the Rasi chart i.e. the person is himself concerned. Its good placement in the Rasi chart shows that Sri Narsing Rao has many ideals and high principles and is very hard working with all the positive qualities of Saturn, yet he will not get much benefit from saturn in the sence of a difficult childhood, struggles for everything etc. Neechabhanga of saturn occuring in navamsa will happen only due to the concerned people like spouse or after marriage but till marriage it would have been difficult if we take saturn independant of all dasas etc. This is not a good position per se. Now, you should look into the retrogression of saturn and realise that this person is very determined and will never give up. That is how the neechabhanga will occur i.e. through sheer determination and hard work he will rise in life. From where does this determination come? Saturn is Bhratrikaraka and indicates that this is his blind faith on Guru's sadhu's and elders..the tradition in general. Yes, blessings of these elders matter a lot in his life. The co-lord Rahu placed in Ta, functionally exalted. [Rath:] Functional exaltaion!! what function i.e. of giving longevity and protecting mother? Please check and get back on this. These two planets Sat, Rahu may give dark complexion and curly hair. [Rath:] No, look at navamsa lagna. Saturn will give a bulky body in Aquarius and slight curls but thick hair in general. Tula amsa is generally dark complexion and with Guru and buddha very learned person is seen. Rahu in 9 is bad but Moon is good out there. I wonder if the navamsa lagna is correct. work more on all details of this...perhaps you have.let me see. Sat® in his moola trikona indicates his traditional behaviour. Jupiter as malefic lord of 2nd, and 11th, also the natural karaka for elder coborns, is in Papa-kartari yoga and he is in inimical mercury's sign Gemini. [Rath:] Panchama Guru is bad?? In fact in this chart, Rahu dasa would have been very bad and Guru dasa going on after 1995 seems to be a good period. You say Papakartari yoga - has he had any mishaps of fire etc relating to elder co-born or cousin etc...how does the yoga work in life? Spell this out clearly. Dictums must apply to real life is astrology has to have meaning. whenever a dictum is quoted,. spell out the real life effect. In fact if you see from AL in taurus (even sign count reverse) - 3rd house is Pisces and its lord Jupiter is alone in Gemini and is unaspected by any planet indicating that he has one younger brother whose horoscope will have a powerful Guru influencing lagna. Get the younger brothers horoscope and check for yourself. Further Jupiter is in 5th from lagna showing that he likes his brother very much, although the reverse may not be as true. Now, the 11th house from AL is Cancer. Lord of Cancer is moon placed in Capricorn in the 12th from Lagna. Also Jupiter, the karaka for elder brothers is placed in the 12th from AL counted in reverse with rahu in it. He is eldest born....like that give some reasons for why he is eldest and what you see about younger brother etc. Karaka for younger coborns Mars, is in 7th from his own sign Aries and is also lord of 3rd, aspected by rasi drishti of its dispositor Venus, Mer®, Rahu and Saturn indicate living coborns.[Rath:] ?? There are no malefic planets in 3rd house and 3rd house is aspected by its lord. Mars is vargottama indicating one co-born. The aspects on Mars will indicate other aspects on 3rd house matters. 10H in Rasi chart is Sc housing Ketu, its lord Mars in Li ( 12 th from Sc) and Sat® powerful 10th aspect on Sc indicates only a menial job . The native is working as peon. [Rath:] Ketu gives a routine type of job and it is the debility of saturn that has made him a peon doing routine jobs and not of very high status. But his ideals are very high. Lord of 10th Mars in a airy sign aspected by its lord Venus and Mercury( Rasi Drishti) 5th & 8th lord. Mercury is a intellectual planet in a fiery sign indicate his communication skills.Jupiter, natural Karaka for Children is in fifth, cuasing Karako Bhava naasa, and 5H itself is under Papa kartari yoga indicates problems in children, which was really happened. So, Lagna in Rasi chart can be fixed as Aquarius.[Rath:] OK but karaka bhava nasa limits it to three children. It is the papakartari that causes problems.Why is there no discussionon Upapada and AL to confirm the lagna? Is the AL Taurus or Scorpio? What are the arguments for each and what if BOTH AL are working and he may have changed a new leaf. 4th House: Rahu is placed in 4H, indicating problems in education. In D-24, if we take Sc as lagna, then Karaka for education Mercury is placed in 12H,with 4H in Papa Kartari Yoga, again confirms indications from Rasi chart.Karaka for mother, Moon, placed in 12H also indicates problems to mother. [Rath:] Why should Rahu give problems in education. It should show fantastic education in english medium!!! Why should Moon in 12 give problems with mother?? According to bhavartha ratnakara, a person is fortunate w.r.t. that bhava whose karaka is in the 12th house. So with the Moon in 12 the native is blessed with a good heart which he has inherited from mother in all likelihood. Mother was suffering around the time of his birth and may have suffered a heavy loss or some sorrow. Rahu in 4 and Moon in 12..he maybe cheated a few times but thats life. 4th lord in 7th is not good for education as it does not promote growth in the competitive exams that has become the culture of modern days. In D-1 Moon is aspected by Rahu- Ketu axis rasi drishti indicate death of mother in Rahu dasa. [Rath:] In my own chart this is there and my mother is long lived, and God keep her well. What is the meaning of this argument? In fact if rahu is in 4th hosue, mother is long lived and may become a widow at old age. This argument is not accepted. See the lords of 1st, 8th & 10th from 4th house and see the sthira matrikaraka...do this more in depth please.Further points: Raja Yoga formed in 7th by Venus lord of 4th and 9th and Mercury, lord of 5th and 8th will fructify later stage in life as yoga formed in 7th house. As Jup, lord of UL placed in A7 Gemini, indicate Love marriage or marriage to a known person (COVA) . Moon is badly placed in most of the Varga Chakras.[Rath:] Divisional charts are to be studied after the Rasi chart is fully understood ..People tend to jump to divisions without getting the solid foundation of the Rasi chart. Lets do that later.So, convince me that the lagna is correct. [smile]

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