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janma vighati graha -- for partha

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Om Namo Gurubrihaspathaye


Namaskar Gurudeva Sanjay,



Yes, Vighati planet indicate the physical body. But as Sarajit mentioned, it indicate more than that. For example when Saturn is the Vighati Graha, the native can be sorrowfull. When such a person naturaly like to charnt some thing like "Om Namo Narayanaya". Also, Vighati Graha activate in his natural period to give his promised results. For example,Bill Clinton had Sun in Leo (royalty and leading), create a raja yoga in younger age.

Best Wishes

Karu[Rath:] Why should that be so? This vighatika graha has only to do with the physical being as male or female and complexion etc. why should it cause happiness and sorrow? Unless of course the person is happy or sad about looks, yet then this will not be due to the planet being the janma Vighatika graha. It tells us why God gave you the kind of body you have and nothing more.


I again listen "Bava Cassets" and found followings.


".......Physicas body is created by one planet which is called lord of the Janma Vighatika. This is very important planet in the chart...... (and explaining about natural years Mars, Mercury, Venus etc ).......It also indicate the age at which this horoscope is shine..If somebody's Janma Vighat, let's say is Rahu, we can say (if any) at old age he will enjoy rajayoga.. he will be very happy in old age..like that the Janma Vighati is very important planet..."


Perhaps, I may have gone too much. But another mail, you have explained about Manthra of vighati grhaha.

Could you please clear this for us ?

Thanks in advance

Your Sishya






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