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Agni Nakshatra

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|brihaspatim varenyam|

Dear Kasturi

1. Krittika is Agni nakshatra.

2. There is no fire like anger of Rudra.

3. An erudite Brahmana can invoke a Brahma Rakshasa to do his bidding -

'krittika avahanam'

4. An erudite Brahmana can grant moksha with the Gayatri and the devata

whose bijakshara is appended to the gayatri has to come to earth to receive

the mantras and fulfill the PROMISE of the gayatri. This is the word of

Krishna in the Gita - 'of the mantras, I am the gayatri'.

5. Finally, " don't play with fire - hand can get burnt " is the advise of



Does this answer all questions?

~ om tat sat ~

Yours truly,

Sanjay Rath


H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

+91-674-2436871 http://srath.com <http://srath.com>





rkrangan [rkrangan]

Thursday, May 22, 2003 2:16 PM


|Sri Varaha| Agni Nakshatra



Om Gurave Namah

Om Namo Narayanaya



Dear List


What is Agni nakshatra? Why is it during this period the Sun's heat

is felt more on earth? Astrologically, what does this indicate? Why

is it during Agni nakshatra period, good and auspicious matters are

generally avoided?


Does this mean that in a chart, bhava/significations associated with

Sun are likely to be impacted during this period?



R. Kasthuri Rangan





|Om Tat Sat|




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Om Gurave Namah

Om Namo Narayanaya



Dear Sanjayji


That was more than enlightening. Thank you very much.


An elderly scholar recently told me that recitation of Surya kavacham

would lessen the impact of Sun during this period. This is one reason

why I want to understand how the bhava/significations associated with

Sun are likely to be impacted during this period?


It would be also interesting to see if and how it impacts natives

with Krittika nakshatra.


Thank you once again.



R. Kasthuri Rangan






varahamihira , " Sanjay Rath " <daivagyna@s...>




> |brihaspatim varenyam|

> Dear Kasturi

> 1. Krittika is Agni nakshatra.

> 2. There is no fire like anger of Rudra.

> 3. An erudite Brahmana can invoke a Brahma Rakshasa to do his

bidding -

> 'krittika avahanam'

> 4. An erudite Brahmana can grant moksha with the Gayatri and the


> whose bijakshara is appended to the gayatri has to come to earth to


> the mantras and fulfill the PROMISE of the gayatri. This is the

word of

> Krishna in the Gita - 'of the mantras, I am the gayatri'.

> 5. Finally, " don't play with fire - hand can get burnt " is the

advise of

> elders.


> Does this answer all questions?

> ~ om tat sat ~

> Yours truly,

> Sanjay Rath

> ---------------------------

> H-5, B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

> +91-674-2436871 http://srath.com <http://srath.com>

> ---------------------------


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