Guest guest Posted June 20, 2003 Report Share Posted June 20, 2003 Dear Mohan, I used Ashtakavarga and I use signs as well as Multrikon, Exaltation, Debilitaion, own house etc. I used navamsa depositers, samdharmis along with all the divisional charts i.e. AV in them. I do not know from where you made that assumption that these are not use. Ashtakavarga is as a tool given by the sages to be used with Vedic Astrology. Just as you can make accurate predictions using krakas, Arudhas, Narayan dasa etc and principles that Jaimini has elucidated based on what Parasara has laid out as a system similarly you can use Ashtakavarga as a tool for predictions. I use a system called Krushnas Ashtakavarg system of prediction. The name is to give respect to the person who has brought this system forward. He has shows a way to use Ashtakavarga along with upchaya houses and vedic astrology to accurately predict. In that system all principles of Vedic astrology are used. So can you clarify where you got the idea that houses, sign placements, degrees etc are not used. Even degrees (status of planet and karaks) are used as each degree places a planet or a graha in a divisional chart in a particular house. By changing the degree what you are doing in inherently changing the position in divisional charts or other way round.. if a degree changes causes a Nadi to change then you have inherently changed the position of a graha or a lagna in divisional chart. Ashtakavarga is uses in Divisional charts and Divisional charts are given by the sages so AV makes use of principles given by the sages. I would suggest that you please study the system deeper and you will be facinated. No tool given by Maharishi can be just a by the by comment and the problem lies in our understanding. Rather than saying that this is not used or that is not used lets try to understand how these things are used. Thanking you for listening, Cheers !!! Ash varahamihira , " Ankur " <mohac24> wrote: > JAI GURUDEV. > > Pujya Gurudeva Pranamas. > > I was trying to understand the system of Astaka Varga. In BPHS it is > mentioned that for laymen, Astaka Varga can be a tool for arriving > at quick but approximation delineations. > > I was wondering what could be the effectiveness if we try to arrive > at predictions purely based on Astaka Varga system. > > In astaka varga system, nature of signs and its impact on the planets > are not taken into consideration. In absence of any importance being > given to signs, is it not more plausible to consider Bhava chart for > all placement of planets instead of reckoning each sign as house? > > It is evident again then that in Astaka varga, placement like > Exaltation, Moolatrikona, etc. more reasonably omitted as these are > exclusively pertains to signs and not houses. Having said this, I > feel directional strength can be rendered much importance along with > AV points. > > Would it be wise to consider then, the angular distance between house > cusp and the planets? > > Above are just my thoughts and could be wrong. > Request to enlighten. > > Namra shishya, > > Mohan Hegde. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 21, 2003 Report Share Posted June 21, 2003 Dear Ash, Thanks for your post. I am do aware of your extensive study in the field of Astaka Varga and knowledge you have garnered in the matter. It would highly beneficial for me to discuss the subject at thread bare length as in the process I can clear off cobweb in my mind. Before dwelling on the modern day scholars theory and method they have evolved to interpret the chart rather I would request to start with the classical approach as detailed in the olden treatises. I do wonder whether there is any explicit statement by any authors and authorities of yesteryears indicating that the tool of Astaka varga can be applied in isolation for arriving at results. How ever the boks I have gone through eminent astrologers like Dr. B.V.Raman and Sri C.S.Patel does give an impression that the theory is quite exhaustive and self sufficient to delineate prediction of approximation in nature. I do admit there are a lot opinions prevailing in difference with it as well. Translation of BPHS, which I have studied, also connotes that as alternate system Astaka varga can be utilized for predictive purposes in Kaliyuga, where astrologers would not be able to differentiate subtleties of planetary indications and find it difficult to integrate all for giving correct prediction. Dr. B.V.Raman has stated in preface on his book titled " ASTAKA VARGA SYSTEM OF PREDICTION " that whether the Astaka varga is to be reckoned on the basis of rasis or bhavas has been point of contention and debate even amongst ancient writers. But furthers he continues that, Astaka varga reckoning has to be done on the basis of rasis and he felt he has got supports of classical writers. BTW: Honestly, you made me to feel that I am only the person who has got the doubt! Both Dr.Raman and Shri Patel, quoting classics writes that, whether planet in exaltation, debilitation etc., weighs down in comparision to their AV points while applying astaka varga principles. When you would going thru the chapters on Astaka varga in BPHS, Saravali et.all you could read results and effects of planets based only on how much BAV and SAV points those gets associated with and which house it finds its placement. There are mention at some instances about effects of aspects by other planets even. How ever I could not find any specific references like ……..Jupiter with 7 BAV points in Aries would give ……..results, and with same BAV points in Taurus would fetch some other results. Invariably there are very less details given in combination with signs compare to houses. Under such circumstances, being clouded with doubts, I requested Guruji Pt. Sanjay Rath to enlighten me. I had got opportunities to study the write-ups provided by Sri Krushna on his forum. I have observed you are applying it very effectively and getting success. You have stated that, theory enumerated by Krushna is very within the gamut of vedic astrology principles. How ever I have few aspects which needs clarifications. 1. In all olden classics on Hindu astrology, Saturn has been termed as manda and also signifies dullness. In Krushna's theory, divisions of ascendnat, Moon and Sun falling and accompanied by Saturn' house/Saturn makes the native more intelligent. I feel it is contradictory to my otherwise understanding. 2. varahamihira , " ashsam73 " <ashsam73@h...> wrote: > Dear Mohan, > Ashtakavarga = seven planets and lagna. > Ashtakvarga is based on relative positioning of planets. > Its a part of Vedic astrolgoy so signs etc are all used. > Ashtakvarga is a tool given by Sages. > If you study Bhina-Ashtakvarga and how planets distribute points you > will realise a lot of things. > Guru for example has hightest bindus to distribute in its BAV and we > all know that Guru is a natural benefic. Similarly if you notice > Mars and Shani have only 39 bindus to distribute and they are > malefics. > > From Bhina-Ashtakavarga you cast the Sarva-ashtakavarga. This gives > the SARVA or total strengths contributed by each planet for each > house. What have we done here ? We have gauged how benefic or > malefic a graha is for a house. We then total the contribution and > we get the SAV points. Till here by doing so we have already > considered a lot of yogas given in standard texts and you do not > have to remember them. Maybe that is why the Maharishi gave or used > this term for quickly gauging the strength. Keeping in mind these > yogs and all their contras are all considered. > Using Ashtakavarga as a tool and as system for prediction you make > use of all these things. > Ashtakavarga gives you the strength of a significator and its use > with Vimshottari dasa is uncanny and very accurate. If you use it > in a system then you use all of Vedic Astrology *as Ashtakavarga is > a part of Vedic Astrology " and maybe forgotten part due to its > calculations being more cumbersome. > Once you know the actual strength of each and every planet for each > and every house, and along with Vimshottari dasa you can very > accurately predict. > Ashtakavarga is based on relative positioning of planets and hence > its use with Transits is again leads to very accurate results. > Ashtakavarga is a very detailed topic and math based. > Just by looking at BAV and for example seeing Venus's points > distrubution you will see that if there is any planet in the 7th > house from Venus it will not give its favourable bindu to it.. > rather than that it will weaken it... > mostly all planets give points to 11th hosue from itself. > > Also there is a controversey w.r.t which BAV scheme to use, > Parasara's or Varharamiras. Using Varharamira is advised. > > As far as your doubt regarding planet signs not being used, it is > not so. Ashtakavarga can be a great tool for timing of events, the > feel and the quality of events can be gauged w.r.t. the sign it is > in. Let me explain. > If Mars is a strong significator for a event and is placed in cancer > and Guru is placed in cancer then Mars will furnish the timing but > the quality that will be felt will be again based on a > multiplication factor w.r.t its actual strength. Its quite involved > and not just a by the by solution given by the Maharishi. > > There is a lot more to Ashtakavarga. There are some schools that > give very accurate predictions only using Ashtakavarga as the tool, > just like principles of Jaimini are used. Both are based on > principles of Vedic astrology. > > There is a lot more to Ashtakavarga that whats available in books > out there. Its a part of science thats been ignored. Even Jaiminis > principles or technique were ignored till Guru Sanjay Rath brought > it to forefront and explained a lot. Now you can see softwares with > Narayana dasa, Su-Dasa etc all dasas given by Jaimini. > > Once Ashtakavarga's proper use is understood in detail there will be > a revolution.. that what I feel > > Hope that helps, > Thanking you, > Cheers !!! > Ash > > > varahamihira , " Ankur " <mohac24> wrote: > > JAI GURUDEV. > > > > Pujya Gurudeva Pranamas. > > > > I was trying to understand the system of Astaka Varga. In BPHS it > is > > mentioned that for laymen, Astaka Varga can be a tool for > arriving > > at quick but approximation delineations. > > > > I was wondering what could be the effectiveness if we try to > arrive > > at predictions purely based on Astaka Varga system. > > > > In astaka varga system, nature of signs and its impact on the > planets > > are not taken into consideration. In absence of any importance > being > > given to signs, is it not more plausible to consider Bhava chart > for > > all placement of planets instead of reckoning each sign as house? > > > > It is evident again then that in Astaka varga, placement like > > Exaltation, Moolatrikona, etc. more reasonably omitted as these > are > > exclusively pertains to signs and not houses. Having said this, I > > feel directional strength can be rendered much importance along > with > > AV points. > > > > Would it be wise to consider then, the angular distance between > house > > cusp and the planets? > > > > Above are just my thoughts and could be wrong. > > Request to enlighten. > > > > Namra shishya, > > > > Mohan Hegde. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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