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|Sri Varaha| Connection of breaths to Ayur calculations

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|Hare Rama Krishna|

Dear Dhira Krsna, Namaste.

You have Jupiter in Leo, with the Pranapada, this would make a difference, and hence the results will be like having Pranapada in Jupiters signs, and the breathe will also change. This is as far as i know.

Best wishesVisti---Sri Jagannath Center: http://.orgBhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgiTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org



Dhira Krsna BCS


Friday, June 27, 2003 10:07 PM

|Sri Varaha| Connection of breaths to Ayur calculations

Dear Sanjay Rath,I have been reading something here which has caused me some worry. I'mseeking your clarification. You wrote:>Breathing has a lot to do with the control of anger and mind. Ever>wondered as to why longevity is low with the Pranapada in Cancer. Since>longevity is all about sustenance (Moon), perhaps we have a clue there.I have the Pranapada in Cancer, in lagna. Will this show short life forme? When we look at Moon in 9th with AK Saturn, on the basis of AK in 9ththe results of longevity get reversed, thus long life will still be there?This is also a good test for checking the accuracy of taking either centerof Sun or edge of Sun for sunrise. The first gives me Pranapada in Cancer,the 2nd in Leo. And as you mentioned, the native with Pranapada in Leobreathes like a Lion, well, I have to say here that I am not at all likethat, even when angry (which is very rare for me) or in anxiety, I willnot breathe heavily, but rather hold in my breath - hence, Pranapadashould be in Cancer, and center of Sun counts for sunrise... unless Vistidid my chart rectification wrong, which I doubt, since it looks veryaccurate in dasha to me.Yours sincerely,Dhira Krsna dasa|Om Tat Sat|http://www.varahamihira

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Hare Rama Krsna.


Om gurave namah


Dear Visti,


Thanks for your reply.

>The heart beats quickly, quick mentality-thinking process and also the

>person gets quickly exhausted.


That's exactly me, especially when emotional or nervous, my heart beats

quickly and heavily, quick thinking process and quickly exhausted when

doing some physical endeavour, that's also correct. Actually, I don't like

to work with the body, but prefer mental work. So I'm sure my Pranapada is

in Cancer now. Being conjoined Jupiter it would rather give a very

equipoised and peaceful breath and heartbeat, and solemn thinking, no?


Also I remember a statement from JUSutra if Pranapada is in 2nd house, the

native has a repulsive outlook. Which isn't the case for me. Rather,

Pranapada in 1st house gives a bad health.


Yours sincerely,

Dhira Krsna dasa

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Om Sri Ram Jai Jai Ram


Thank you Sanjayji and Visti for the respsonse on breadth.

Where can I read more? I do not recall this in Jaimini Sutras

but it could be there?


Also, as we an discuss pranapada then altered by Pranayama

as one pours one breadth into the other and brings even-ness

to the system...perhaps pacifying Sani here ( in Vayu)

and taking care of the Mind ( when Pranapada is in Cancer).






varahamihira , " Visti Larsen " <vishnu@l...>



> |Hare Rama Krishna|

> Dear Dhira Krsna, Namaste.

> The heart beats quickly, quick mentality-thinking process and also

the person gets quickly exhausted.

> Best wishes

> Visti

> ---

> Sri Jagannath Center: http://.org

> Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org

> iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org

> -

> Dhira Krsna BCS

> varahamihira

> Sunday, June 29, 2003 6:33 PM

> |Sri Varaha| Connection of breaths to Ayur calculations



> Dear Visti,


> Hare Rama Krsna!


> >You have Jupiter in Leo, with the Pranapada, this would make a

> >difference, and hence the results will be like having Pranapada


> >Jupiters signs, and the breathe will also change. This is as

far as i

> >know.


> And suppose the Pranapada would be in Cancer, what would be the


> then? It would not be conjoined any planets.


> Yours sincerely,

> Dhira Krsna dasa



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